I have alot to say about this short movie. I really like the way this  terjemahan - I have alot to say about this short movie. I really like the way this  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I have alot to say about this short

I have alot to say about this short movie. I really like the way this story created to make the viewers at first will  think like: this is main stream, just like the other story would end, the boy will regret for kept on being shy and never confess his feeling, so did the girl. Them both were stubborn. Typical common love story.   And the director succsessfully make me believed it with scene after scene showed how the girl got married with another men, having children even he became an old man lived in guilt and regret for his unsaid love until the girl he loved dead. No, I mean the girl that used to loves him too. But what happened in the end was unexpected. After a long story-telling session infront of his classmate the boy ended his story by  sentences that made me stuck in awe " but it's not how the story really end, because I'm not shy anymore."  While staring at his beloved girl who he kept on hiding his feelings from. The girl sat in the corner and speechless. She appeared and alive. There's no old-man, a husband or a dead sixty years old woman.  So basiclly the boy only made the story up about what will happen in the future if he keep on being shy. In the end he confessed his love indirectly and the girl caught the sign given by the boy.

But there was a part which I unsatified of. The fact that they have been best friend ever since they were 9 years old. Come on, they spent a few years together without a confidence about their feeling for each other? Or at least noticed that they want more than just a friend. Of course they realised it but They could not make it just because of  their friendship's sake and also their endless shyness.  But in a real life actually true love doesn't need to express by whispered words but instead by patience even words unsaid.

If I were the director I will change the opening of this film by make them not as a best friend. It will be better if this unspoken love  story happened between two people who dont know each other at first. Maybe the boy can be a secret admirer of the girl. The one who stares at the girl secretly, slips a piece of paper with poem on it to her locker. He said 'I'm just too shy, too shy and I don't know why'  this line repeatedly said here and it shows how unreasonable the boy is. He did not sure about what is make him feel shy and he know it makes them broke apart.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aku punya banyak mengatakan tentang ini film pendek. Saya sangat menyukai cara cerita ini dibuat untuk pemirsa pada awalnya akan berpikir seperti: ini adalah arus utama, seperti cerita lain akan berakhir, anak laki-laki akan menyesal untuk terus menjadi pemalu dan tidak pernah mengakui perasaan, begitu juga gadis. Mereka berdua adalah keras kepala. Kisah cinta umum khas. Dan Direktur succsessfully membuat saya percaya dengan adegan setelah adegan menunjukkan bagaimana gadis menikah dengan laki-laki lain, memiliki anak-anak bahkan ia menjadi tua laki-laki tinggal di rasa bersalah dan penyesalan untuk kasih-Nya yang tak terkatakan sampai gadis itu ia mengasihi mati. Tidak, maksud saya gadis yang digunakan untuk mencintai dia juga. Tapi apa yang terjadi di akhir tak terduga. Setelah sesi panjang bercerita infront sekelasnya anak laki-laki berakhir ceritanya oleh kalimat yang membuat saya terjebak dalam kekaguman "tetapi tidak bagaimana cerita benar-benar berakhir, karena saya tidak malu lagi." Sambil menatap gadis tercinta nya yang dia terus di menyembunyikan perasaannya dari. Gadis itu duduk di sudut dan berkata-kata. Dia muncul dan hidup. Ada tidak ada orang tua, suami atau wanita tua mati enam puluh tahun. Jadi basiclly anak laki-laki hanya dibuat cerita tentang apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan jika ia tetap di menjadi malu. Pada akhirnya ia mengakui kasihNya tidak langsung dan gadis menangkap tanda yang diberikan oleh anak laki-laki. But there was a part which I unsatified of. The fact that they have been best friend ever since they were 9 years old. Come on, they spent a few years together without a confidence about their feeling for each other? Or at least noticed that they want more than just a friend. Of course they realised it but They could not make it just because of their friendship's sake and also their endless shyness. But in a real life actually true love doesn't need to express by whispered words but instead by patience even words unsaid. If I were the director I will change the opening of this film by make them not as a best friend. It will be better if this unspoken love story happened between two people who dont know each other at first. Maybe the boy can be a secret admirer of the girl. The one who stares at the girl secretly, slips a piece of paper with poem on it to her locker. He said 'I'm just too shy, too shy and I don't know why' this line repeatedly said here and it shows how unreasonable the boy is. He did not sure about what is make him feel shy and he know it makes them broke apart.
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