Sources of Sustainable CompetitiveAdvantage In Service Industries:Prop terjemahan - Sources of Sustainable CompetitiveAdvantage In Service Industries:Prop Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sources of Sustainable CompetitiveA

Sources of Sustainable Competitive
Advantage In Service Industries:
This section provides an overview of the skills and re-sources underlying a business's competitive positional ad-vantages and a number of propositions delineating the mod¬erating effects of the characteristics of services, service in¬dustries, and firms within industries on these sonrces. How¬ever, we present no formal discussion in reference to cer¬tain potential sources of competitive advantage listed in Fig¬ure 1 (superior skills in various functional areas and those re¬lating to innovation, quality, customer service, and implem¬entation) because their importance as determinants of supe¬rior performance are widely recognized, transcend goods and service industry boundaries, and have been extensively discussed in business literature.
Scale Effects
Given the decentralization of the service production process to a local level in many service industries, the potential for achieving a competitive cost advantage by exploiting econ¬omies of scale has traditionally been viewed as modest. Nev¬ertheless, opportunities for exploiting scale economies are significantly greater in equipment-based service industries than in people-based service industries. Service firms can also achieve economies of scale by centralizing service production facilities while decentralizing customer-contact facilities (Upah 1980) or centralizing certain critical (and/or equipment-intensive) activities and localizing less critical (and/or people-intensive) activities, as exemplified by clini¬cal laboratories performing some tests in dispersed local units and others involving expensive equipment and/or skilled personnel in regional centers (see Porter 1990). Op¬erating economies can also be realized through reconfigura¬tions such as replacing stand-alone with multi-unit motion picture theaters sharing a centralized projection room, ticket selling booth, and refreshment stand (see Thomas 1978). Also, as Quinn and Gagnon (1986) note, in a number of ser¬vice industries, the application of new technologies has al¬lowed firms to realize significant scale economies.
P : The greater the equipment intensity of a service industry, the greater the importance of economies of scale as a source of competitive cost advantage.
The inseparability of production and consumption of ser¬vices and the resultant inability to efficiently mass produce services at a central location often necessitates service busi¬nesses to make the service available at multiple sites. This in turn necessitates examining the implications of size on cost and differentiation advantages at the operating unit and firm level. Heskett (1987) notes that for service firms oper¬ating under a common identity over a wide area, scale econ¬omies often are more important at the firm than operating unit level. A manifestation of the relative size (of firms com¬peting in an industry) at the company level is the number of dispersed local units (either company owned or franchised) operating under a common corporate identity. All else equal, economies of scale associated with selection and train¬ing of employees, purchased goods and services, invest¬ments in specialized technology and R&D to systematize the service delivery process, and shared marketing (e.g., na-
88 / Journal of Marketing, October 1993

tional or large-scale local advertising and sales promotion), billing and logistics-related activities enable a multi-unit ser-vice firm to achieve a cost advantage vis-a-vis single-unit and multi-unit service firms with fewer units.
In many service industries, multi-unit firms are better equipped to achieve a competitive differentiation advantage over single-unit firms through systematization and standard¬ization of the process of delivering services (Porter 1990). For example, a multi-unit firm that replicates its services at many locations by creating standardized facilities, proce¬dures to guide the behavior of employees, and automating in¬dividual service delivery tasks (Levitt 1976) can achieve a differentiation advantage vis-a-vis single-unit service firms.
P : The larger the number of local units of a service firm op¬erating under a common corporate identity within an indus-try (either company owned or franchised), the greater the potential to exploit scale economies to achieve competi¬tive cost advantage and institute systematization, standard¬ization, and other differentiation features to achieve a dif¬ferentiation advantage.
When a service product is a multi-attribute benefit bun-dle characterized by the delivery of certain attributes of the total service from dispersed site locations (e.g., purchase of travelers' checks) and other attributes from a central loca-tion (e.g., arranging for replacement of lost travelers' checks), firm size relative to competitors (e.g., market share/ customer base) can be a major determinant of the economic viability of investing in certain differentiation features that might endow the firm with a competitive differentiation ad¬vantage. Case in point:
An important attribute or key buying criterion in the con¬text of purchasing travelers' checks is the assurance that they will be replaced promptly should they be lost or sto¬len. A state-of-the-art satellite communication system that allows customers who have lost their travelers' checks to communicate with the firm from any part of the world, an office that is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a team of well-trained employees, a supporting information system that allows the staff handling the phone lines to ver¬ify the veracity of customers' claims regarding lost travel¬ers' checks on the basis of their responses to a few ques¬tions, and a distribution system that is the most intensive and extensive (a worldwide network of branch offices and agents) could conceivably be some of the basic building blocks (firm-specific resources and skills) that allows only one firm in the industry to guarantee that if lost or sto¬len, its travelers' checks will be replaced within eight hours or less. For a firm with a sizeable share of the mar¬ket, making substantial investments in satellite communi¬cation systems, earth stations, and a state-of-the art infor¬mation system to achieve such a differentiation advantage may be an economically viable proposition; for competi¬tors with smaller shares of the market, however, this may not be the case.
Cost and Demand Synergies
Economies of scope are realized when a firm is able to mar¬ket entirely new services with little added costs through net¬works or systems previously established for current ser-vices. Communications and information-handling technolo¬gies often facilitate distribution of a broader set of services to a more diffused customer base, as well as lower the mar-

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sources of Sustainable CompetitiveAdvantage In Service Industries:PropositionsThis section provides an overview of the skills and re-sources underlying a business's competitive positional ad-vantages and a number of propositions delineating the mod¬erating effects of the characteristics of services, service in¬dustries, and firms within industries on these sonrces. How¬ever, we present no formal discussion in reference to cer¬tain potential sources of competitive advantage listed in Fig¬ure 1 (superior skills in various functional areas and those re¬lating to innovation, quality, customer service, and implem¬entation) because their importance as determinants of supe¬rior performance are widely recognized, transcend goods and service industry boundaries, and have been extensively discussed in business literature.Scale EffectsGiven the decentralization of the service production process to a local level in many service industries, the potential for achieving a competitive cost advantage by exploiting econ¬omies of scale has traditionally been viewed as modest. Nev¬ertheless, opportunities for exploiting scale economies are significantly greater in equipment-based service industries than in people-based service industries. Service firms can also achieve economies of scale by centralizing service production facilities while decentralizing customer-contact facilities (Upah 1980) or centralizing certain critical (and/or equipment-intensive) activities and localizing less critical (and/or people-intensive) activities, as exemplified by clini¬cal laboratories performing some tests in dispersed local units and others involving expensive equipment and/or skilled personnel in regional centers (see Porter 1990). Op¬erating economies can also be realized through reconfigura¬tions such as replacing stand-alone with multi-unit motion picture theaters sharing a centralized projection room, ticket selling booth, and refreshment stand (see Thomas 1978). Also, as Quinn and Gagnon (1986) note, in a number of ser¬vice industries, the application of new technologies has al¬lowed firms to realize significant scale economies.P : The greater the equipment intensity of a service industry, the greater the importance of economies of scale as a source of competitive cost advantage.The inseparability of production and consumption of ser¬vices and the resultant inability to efficiently mass produce services at a central location often necessitates service busi¬nesses to make the service available at multiple sites. This in turn necessitates examining the implications of size on cost and differentiation advantages at the operating unit and firm level. Heskett (1987) notes that for service firms oper¬ating under a common identity over a wide area, scale econ¬omies often are more important at the firm than operating unit level. A manifestation of the relative size (of firms com¬peting in an industry) at the company level is the number of dispersed local units (either company owned or franchised) operating under a common corporate identity. All else equal, economies of scale associated with selection and train¬ing of employees, purchased goods and services, invest¬ments in specialized technology and R&D to systematize the service delivery process, and shared marketing (e.g., na-88 / Journal of Marketing, October 1993 tional or large-scale local advertising and sales promotion), billing and logistics-related activities enable a multi-unit ser-vice firm to achieve a cost advantage vis-a-vis single-unit and multi-unit service firms with fewer units.In many service industries, multi-unit firms are better equipped to achieve a competitive differentiation advantage over single-unit firms through systematization and standard¬ization of the process of delivering services (Porter 1990). For example, a multi-unit firm that replicates its services at many locations by creating standardized facilities, proce¬dures to guide the behavior of employees, and automating in¬dividual service delivery tasks (Levitt 1976) can achieve a differentiation advantage vis-a-vis single-unit service firms.P : The larger the number of local units of a service firm op¬erating under a common corporate identity within an indus-try (either company owned or franchised), the greater the potential to exploit scale economies to achieve competi¬tive cost advantage and institute systematization, standard¬ization, and other differentiation features to achieve a dif¬ferentiation advantage.
When a service product is a multi-attribute benefit bun-dle characterized by the delivery of certain attributes of the total service from dispersed site locations (e.g., purchase of travelers' checks) and other attributes from a central loca-tion (e.g., arranging for replacement of lost travelers' checks), firm size relative to competitors (e.g., market share/ customer base) can be a major determinant of the economic viability of investing in certain differentiation features that might endow the firm with a competitive differentiation ad¬vantage. Case in point:
An important attribute or key buying criterion in the con¬text of purchasing travelers' checks is the assurance that they will be replaced promptly should they be lost or sto¬len. A state-of-the-art satellite communication system that allows customers who have lost their travelers' checks to communicate with the firm from any part of the world, an office that is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a team of well-trained employees, a supporting information system that allows the staff handling the phone lines to ver¬ify the veracity of customers' claims regarding lost travel¬ers' checks on the basis of their responses to a few ques¬tions, and a distribution system that is the most intensive and extensive (a worldwide network of branch offices and agents) could conceivably be some of the basic building blocks (firm-specific resources and skills) that allows only one firm in the industry to guarantee that if lost or sto¬len, its travelers' checks will be replaced within eight hours or less. For a firm with a sizeable share of the mar¬ket, making substantial investments in satellite communi¬cation systems, earth stations, and a state-of-the art infor¬mation system to achieve such a differentiation advantage may be an economically viable proposition; for competi¬tors with smaller shares of the market, however, this may not be the case.
Cost and Demand Synergies
Economies of scope are realized when a firm is able to mar¬ket entirely new services with little added costs through net¬works or systems previously established for current ser-vices. Communications and information-handling technolo¬gies often facilitate distribution of a broader set of services to a more diffused customer base, as well as lower the mar-

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sumber Kompetitif Berkelanjutan
Keunggulan Dalam Industri Jasa:
Bagian ini memberikan gambaran tentang keterampilan dan re-sumber yang mendasari kompetitif posisi iklan-vantages bisnis dan sejumlah proposisi menggambarkan efek mod¬erating dari karakteristik layanan, layanan in¬ dustries, dan perusahaan dalam industri di sonrces ini. How¬ever, kami menyajikan tidak ada diskusi formal mengacu pada cer¬tain potensi sumber keunggulan kompetitif yang tercantum dalam Fig¬ure 1 (keterampilan unggul dalam berbagai area fungsional dan mereka re¬lating untuk inovasi, kualitas, layanan pelanggan, dan implem¬entation ) karena pentingnya mereka sebagai penentu kinerja supe¬rior diakui secara luas, melampaui batas-batas barang dan industri jasa, dan secara luas telah dibahas dalam literatur bisnis.
Skala Efek
Mengingat desentralisasi proses produksi pelayanan kepada tingkat lokal di banyak industri jasa, potensi untuk mencapai keunggulan biaya kompetitif dengan memanfaatkan econ¬omies dari skala secara tradisional dipandang sebagai sederhana. Nev¬ertheless, peluang untuk memanfaatkan skala ekonomi yang signifikan lebih besar dalam industri jasa berbasis peralatan daripada di industri jasa berbasis rakyat. Perusahaan jasa juga dapat mencapai skala ekonomi dengan memusatkan fasilitas produksi pelayanan sementara desentralisasi fasilitas pelanggan-kontak (Upah 1980) atau sentralisasi kritis (dan / atau peralatan-intensif) kegiatan tertentu dan lokalisasi kurang kritis (dan / atau orang-intensif) kegiatan, seperti yang dicontohkan oleh laboratorium clini¬cal melakukan beberapa tes di unit lokal tersebar dan lain-lain yang melibatkan peralatan mahal dan / atau tenaga terampil di pusat-pusat regional (lihat Porter 1990). Ekonomi Op¬erating juga dapat diwujudkan melalui reconfigura¬tions seperti mengganti berdiri sendiri dengan multi-unit teater film berbagi kamar proyeksi terpusat, penjualan tiket booth, dan penyegaran berdiri (lihat Thomas 1978). Juga, sebagai Quinn dan Gagnon (1986) catatan, di sejumlah industri ser¬vice, penerapan teknologi baru telah al¬lowed perusahaan untuk mewujudkan skala ekonomi yang signifikan.
P: Semakin besar intensitas peralatan dari industri jasa, semakin besar pentingnya skala ekonomi sebagai sumber keunggulan biaya kompetitif.
The ketidakterpisahan produksi dan konsumsi ser¬vices dan ketidakmampuan dihasilkan untuk efisien layanan memproduksi massal di lokasi pusat sering memerlukan busi¬nesses layanan untuk membuat layanan yang tersedia di beberapa situs. Hal ini pada gilirannya memerlukan memeriksa implikasi dari ukuran keunggulan biaya dan diferensiasi di unit operasi dan tingkat perusahaan. Heskett (1987) mencatat bahwa untuk perusahaan jasa oper¬ating bawah identitas bersama di wilayah yang luas, econ¬omies skala sering lebih penting di perusahaan dari operasi tingkat unit. Sebuah manifestasi dari ukuran relatif (perusahaan com¬peting dalam suatu industri) di tingkat perusahaan adalah jumlah unit lokal tersebar (baik perusahaan yang dimiliki atau waralaba) beroperasi di bawah identitas perusahaan umum. Semua hal lain tetap sama, skala ekonomi yang terkait dengan seleksi dan train¬ing karyawan, membeli barang dan jasa, invest¬ments dalam teknologi khusus dan R & D untuk sistematisasi proses pelayanan, dan berbagi pemasaran (misalnya, na-
88 / Journal of Marketing , Oktober 1993 nasional atau skala besar lokal iklan dan promosi penjualan), penagihan dan kegiatan logistik terkait memungkinkan multi-unit ser-wakil perusahaan untuk mencapai keuntungan biaya vis-a-vis-unit dan layanan multi-unit perusahaan dengan unit lebih sedikit. Dalam banyak industri jasa, perusahaan multi-unit yang lebih siap untuk mencapai keunggulan diferensiasi kompetitif atas perusahaan tunggal unit melalui sistematisasi dan standard¬ization dari proses penyampaian jasa (Porter 1990). Sebagai contoh, sebuah perusahaan multi-unit yang mereplikasi layanan di banyak lokasi dengan menciptakan fasilitas standar, proce¬dures untuk memandu perilaku karyawan, dan mengotomatisasi tugas-tugas pelayanan in¬dividual (Levitt 1976) dapat mencapai keunggulan diferensiasi vis-a vis perusahaan jasa tunggal-unit. P: Semakin besar jumlah unit lokal dari op¬erating perusahaan jasa di bawah identitas perusahaan umum dalam suatu indus-coba (baik perusahaan yang dimiliki atau waralaba), semakin besar potensi untuk mengeksploitasi ekonomi skala untuk mencapai keuntungan biaya competi¬tive dan lembaga sistematisasi, standard¬ization, dan fitur diferensiasi lain untuk mencapai keunggulan dif¬ferentiation. Ketika produk layanan manfaat multi-atribut bun-dle ditandai dengan pengiriman atribut tertentu dari total layanan dari lokasi situs tersebar (misalnya, pembelian wisatawan 'cek) dan atribut lainnya dari loca-tion sentral (misalnya, mengatur penggantian wisatawan hilang' cek), ukuran perusahaan relatif terhadap pesaing (misalnya, pangsa pasar / basis pelanggan) dapat menjadi penentu utama kelangsungan hidup ekonomi dari investasi dalam fitur diferensiasi tertentu yang mungkin memberkati perusahaan dengan diferensiasi ad¬vantage kompetitif. Contoh kasus: Sebuah atribut penting atau kriteria pembelian kunci dalam con¬text pembelian cek perjalanan adalah jaminan bahwa mereka akan diganti segera harus mereka hilang atau sto¬len. Sebuah negara-of-the-art sistem komunikasi satelit yang memungkinkan pelanggan yang telah kehilangan cek perjalanan mereka untuk berkomunikasi dengan perusahaan dari setiap bagian dari dunia, kantor yang dikelola 24 jam sehari, 365 hari setahun dengan tim karyawan terlatih, sistem informasi pendukung yang memungkinkan staf menangani saluran telepon untuk ver¬ify kebenaran klaim mengenai travel¬ers hilang 'pelanggan pemeriksaan atas dasar tanggapan mereka untuk beberapa ques¬tions, dan sistem distribusi yang adalah (jaringan di seluruh dunia kantor cabang dan agen) yang paling intensif dan ekstensif dibayangkan bisa menjadi beberapa blok bangunan dasar (sumber-spesifik perusahaan dan keterampilan) yang memungkinkan hanya satu perusahaan dalam industri untuk menjamin bahwa jika hilang atau sto¬len, cek perjalanan yang 'akan diganti dalam waktu delapan jam atau kurang. Untuk sebuah perusahaan dengan pangsa yang cukup besar dari mar¬ket, membuat investasi besar dalam sistem communi¬cation satelit, stasiun bumi, dan negara-of-the art infor¬mation sistem untuk mencapai seperti keunggulan diferensiasi mungkin menjadi proposisi ekonomis ; untuk competi¬tors dengan saham yang lebih kecil dari pasar, bagaimanapun, ini tidak mungkin terjadi. Biaya dan Sinergi Permintaan Economies of scope direalisasi pada saat perusahaan mampu untuk mar¬ket layanan yang sama sekali baru dengan biaya tambahan sedikit melalui net¬works atau sistem sebelumnya didirikan untuk ser-keburukan saat ini. Komunikasi dan informasi-penanganan technolo¬gies sering memfasilitasi distribusi satu set yang lebih luas dari layanan untuk basis pelanggan lebih tersebar, serta menurunkan mar- Reproduksi dengan izin dari pemilik hak cipta. Reproduksi lanjut dilarang tanpa izin.

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