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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Modul 1Kasus 1. IBM-A terdepan dalam keberlanjutanSelama tahun 1970an, IBM diproduksi komputer mainframe, menambahkan mesin, mesin tik, dan teleponrouting sistem — banyak informasi lanjutan teknologi waktu. Perusahaan adalah salah satuperusahaan terbesar di dunia dan peringkat ketujuh dalam daftar Fortune 500 1976 terbesar US corporations.45Namun, proses manufaktur komponen IBM menghasilkan sejumlah besar berbasis benzena bahan-bahan yangkarsinogenik. Dalam upaya untuk memimpin dalam tanggung jawab, IBM didirikan yang pertamaprogram lingkungan dari jenisnya pada tahun 1971.Perusahaan menerapkan program tiga protes yang berusaha untuk melacak limbah dari penciptaan sampaipembuangan, untuk mengurangi ketergantungan IBM pada bahan kimia beracun, dan untuk mengurangi jumlah limbah beracun dilepaskan selamaproses manufaktur. IBM secara bertahap mengurangi limbah beracun oleh 220,500 ton dari 1987 hingga 2011, secara dramatisprestasi. IBM telah mampu mencapai hal ini, sebagian, dengan daur ulang 44 persen bahan kimia berbahayadigunakan dalam proses manufaktur. Perusahaan juga telah berubah proses untuk menghilangkan manufaktur ataumengurangi penggunaan bahan berbahaya.Sepanjang akhir abad kedua puluh, IBM adalah pemimpin industri dalam upaya untuk mengatasi berbagaiisu-isu lingkungan. Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 1980an, para ilmuwan melihat sebuah lubang di lapisan ozon stratosferover Antarctica that protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. In response, IBM worked to reduce itsuse of ozone-depleting chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons, and in 1989, IBM led the IT world in its reductionof such chemicals.Today, the company has expanded its initiative beyond toxic waste management. Its programs now seek toreduce energy use, conserve water resources, create energy efficient products, spearhead safety in the use ofnanotechnology, and combat climate change. IBM has also focused on the use of environmentally preferablesubstances and materials, and it continues to work to reduce or eliminate its reliance on heavy metals andcarcinogens. The company reduced greenhouse gas emissions in 2011 by 3.2 percent.IBM works with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to create international standardsfor toxic and nontoxic waste reduction, water purification, efficient energy utilization, and waste emissions. Inmany cases, IBM helped ISO to develop a specific standard and then became the first company to demonstratecompliance with that standard. In 2011, IBM became the first corporation to meet ISO standards on energymanagement systems. The practice of meeting sustainability standards helps IBM maintain market share becausethe European Union, the United States, and other countries often give preference in awarding contracts tocompanies that have ISO certification. Maintaining market share is more challenging for IBM than it was in thecompany’s early days because many companies now compete with IBM. Samsung, Hewlett- Packard, NipponTelephone and Telegraph, Apple, Dell, and other companies have crowded the market. By 2012, IBM haddropped to 19 on the Fortune 500 list.Leveraging ISO certification helps IBM in its efforts to maintain market share and increase its revenue. Infact, the company has found that corporate responsibility has given it a better bottom line. During 2011, IBMspent $114.5 million on its environmental initiatives. During thesame period, savings from environmental policies totaled at least $139 million.Company reports indicate that ineach of the past 20 years, the savings from its sustainability and environmental stewardship programs haveexceeded the costs.IBM also has an expansive community and corporate citizenship program. For instance, the company has aprogram to match employees with community service needs. Over 220,000 IBM employees and retirees haveparticipated in this volunteer program in areas such as education, economic development, health care, disasterrelief, and environmental programs. IBM also provides employees to serve as teachers for inner city schoolsthroughout the world. The company continues to pay its employees as they work in the schools. Finally, thecompany utilizes its technology in cities worldwide to help struggling governments find solutions to problemswith traffic, emergency services, and infrastructure.As a company, IBM has set up a steering committee and working group to draft goals and implement CSRstrategies. IBM built an electronic meeting platform called Jams, which facilitates online brainstorming andengages a wide range of stakeholders. Since 2001, this platform has not only facilitated the collaboration of300,000 IBM employees from all over the world, but it has also brought thousands of people from governmentagencies, nonprofits, corporations, and educational institutions together to identify and address the world’sgreatest challenges. IBM has been a front-runner in environmental stewardship, and the IT giant has setchallenging goals for itself in other areas of CSR.
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