Chapter 16RECAP:Jodha; Shenshan, can you give me your few minutes, Jal terjemahan - Chapter 16RECAP:Jodha; Shenshan, can you give me your few minutes, Jal Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 16RECAP:Jodha; Shenshan, ca

Chapter 16


Jodha; Shenshan, can you give me your few minutes, Jalal felt relived with that and sit next to her... Jodha; Shenshah, I want to you know that... you have a very important space in my life... I want you to know; I have lot of respect for you... I know you have a golden heart... and one day you will find it... but promise me that you will not hate me ever for any of my decision and will remember me forever... She looked at him with so much love without a blink with tears in her eyes... Jalal; Jodha with fear and confusion, please tell me why are you talking to me like this? Before he says a word, blood came out of her mouth... Jalal with shock... and screem... Jodha what have you done? And he saw poison bottle in her hand... Jalal; Screamed... koi hai... any one... Abdul came running in the tent. Bring hakim... do something quickly... everyone is running around to help Jalal... Jodha he is Jalal arms... Jodha; Shenshah, It's no use...I have taken poison 3 hours ago and you will not find medicine for it... Jalal with tears; Why Jodha...why... Jodha with tears; Shenshah please forgive me... I had no option left. I can't humiliate my parents and can't accept you without my hearts permission. Jalal cried out loud... Jodha I will never forgive you for this...He was completely shattered and broken...

Abdul; Shenshah we don't have hakim in our group but there is an Ashram in Fifteen minute distant. I am sure we can get some help their... Jalal; Abdul we don't have time to bring anyone here... it will be too late... we need to take her their immediately... Jodha was still conscious; Please Shenshah... leave it... "Ab kuch nahi ho sakta" Jalal with anger and tears... shut up... I will never forgive you for this... He grabbed her and put her on horse with him... Abdul and Jalal went to the Asharam... by that time Jodha was completely unconscious...

Chapter - 16

They arrive at the Pandit Ragvendra's aashram...Jalal is carrying Jodha in his arms, her pulses were dropping precariously... she was breathing hard... Jalal could tell she was struggling in breathing ... he was losing his patience and sense by second...

Jalal impatiently yelled at the top his voice "Open the door..." He waited for a few seconds... He couldn't wait any longer for response so he kicked the door in an alarmed rage since there was no other wisdom left... It was middle of the night; everyone in the Ashram was sleeping in peaceful silent.

Jalal shouted loudly again "Can someone help me." With his roar... almost everyone in the ashram wake with sudden horror and shock. Main Pandit of the Asharam almost ran towards Jalal with little anger, but as soon he realize the situation and saw Jodha in his hand he understood his panicky attitude. Fortunately, Jodha was one of his shishya (student). He recognized her immediately.

Jalal with worried but pleading tone said "I have no time to explain panditji, I need your help... Do you have any hakim in your Asharm...? My wife has drunk poison ... she doesn't have much time left. Please help me, I will give anything you want, you can take my life but cure my begum. Pandit looked at Jalal with puzzled look. His tears and vulnerable condition was painful."

Pandit patiently requested Jalal "Please calm down child, put Jodha on the bed, I will try my best to save her." Jalal was surprise to hear her name but had no interest in any other conversation...

"Do you know how many hours ago, she took poison and when she lost her conscious?"

Jalal replied with anxiety, his entire body was shivering out of fear.

Pandit checked her pulse and eyes to see the impact of poison...his face expression turned in to fearful.

Jalal could see clearly Jodha was sinking, her breathing was short, she was struggling to gulp... she looked in terrible pain... he never felt this scared before in his life, he felt like everything has vanished ... he never imagine in his dream even that Jodha can take this drastic step. He was feeling so much suffocated and terrified, every minute he was asking Pandit impatiently about her condition... thirty minute passed... Jalal started to sweat in extreme stress... he recall his words... Talak... He recalled her last words... Jalal's was losing his patience by every second pass... Pandit, without answer quietly was treating her... Jodha's condition was getting worst and worst by every minute... her breathing suddenly slow down to extreme... her pulse were almost nil...

Pandit with frightened and troubled expression said in low tone "I don't think I will be able to do anything...I have given her anti poison medication to reverse the effect of poison... I don't see any effect yet... Seems like she has given up to struggle... her inner desire to fight has died... She doesn't have much time left... unfortunately; it is not in my hand to save her..."

Jalal couldn't believe what he heard and saw... his heart stated to pump so fast... his blood boiled up in worry, his anxiety was at extreme... he felt suffocating breathing himself. All of a sudden, he was losing his balance...his vision started to fad... he was not able to see Jodha clearly, in a next minute he collapses next to her bed...

He saw in his dream, he was running panicky in very dark cave, there was no one around, he was screaming madly "JODHA" his eyes were shedding unstoppable tears...deep down he saw little brightness... with his teary faded vision he saw Jodha was standing close to the light waiting for him to catch up...he ran fastest he could towards bright radiance... he could see she didn't cross toward light she was waiting for him between dark and light... he knew she was going away from him to unseen world... He sought out loudest at Jodha wait... He could feel some she was struggling to wait for him ...some unknown force was pulling her to crossover... She heard his loudest sound... she turned back with teary eyes and stopped for a second and shouted loudly so Jalal could hear her "Jalal, I don't want to go."

Jalal reached by her he tried to grab her hands but she was out of his reach... they were able to see each other clearly, Jalal in a pleading tone said "Jodha, Please don't leave me alone here, Please don't go..."

Jodha with enormous tears said in painful tone "Jalal, I am trying but I can't comeback from here, I have no strength left to come back but I will be right here waiting for you forever... till you come, you have to go back... you have so many responsibility to fulfill but before you go back I want to tell you something... after a brief pause she continued... Jalal, I love you, I love you more than my life and my heart and my soul is only your and I will wait for you till eternity...

Jalal with anger shouted "Jodha, you can't leave me in middle, you have to come back for me, what we share is love for each other...profound intimacy...what I feel for you is nothing can be deeper than this...I cannot live without you... If this is love than yes I love you... I love you more anything in world...Your powerful love has transform me, I will leave everything to be with you... nothing matters compare to your love... I have a heart and that belongs to you only... Jodha please come back...come back for your Jalal... Or I will crossover with you... Please give me your hand, I will pull you back and if I can't than you have to take me with you.

His words suddenly gave immense energy in Jodha, she forward her hands towards him with and Jalal swiftly grab her hand to pull her...

Jalal felt water on his face and heard Abdul yell; "Shenshah" Jalal came back to sense and saw Abdul worried face... He realizes he lost his conscious and he recalled what happened in his dream... immediately Jalal with anxious expression and with his all strength got up to see Jodha.

Pandit with cheerful and surprising tone said "Shenshah, this is a miracle...Jodha came back from other world... Suddenly medicine has started to work on her... She stopped breathing and her pulse was nil for about more than two minutes and all of a sudden she started to breathe again. With God's blessing she has survived and she should be awake in few minutes."

Jalal stress relived and with content feeling... with his hand folded he said "You have saved my life Panditji... Please, tell me what do you want? You will get anything you ask for it."

Pandit with smile said "Shenshah, thank you for this honor, but I really don't want anything. I have very limited needs and it's already fulfilled and I can't take anything from you since Jodha was my student. It's my duty to save her life." then Pandit put his hand on Jalal's shoulder with smile and walks out of the room with Abdul to arrange for medicine and their stay for the night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bab 16REKAP:Jodha; SHENSHAN, dapat kau memberiku beberapa menit Anda, Jalal merasa mengenang kembali dengan itu dan duduk berikutnya untuk dia... Jodha; Shenshah, saya ingin Anda tahu bahwa... Anda memiliki ruang sangat penting dalam hidup saya... Aku ingin kau tahu; Aku punya banyak rasa hormat untuk Anda... Saya tahu Anda memiliki emas hati... dan suatu hari Anda akan menemukan itu... tapi berjanji padaku bahwa Anda tidak akan membenci Aku pernah untuk salah satu keputusan saya dan akan ingat saya selamanya... Dia memandangnya dengan begitu banyak cinta tanpa sekejap dengan air mata di matanya... Jalal; Jodha dengan rasa takut dan kebingungan, tolong katakan padaku mengapa Anda berbicara kepada saya seperti ini? Sebelum dia mengatakan word, darah yang keluar dari mulutnya... Jalal dengan shock... dan screem... Jodha apa yang telah Anda lakukan? Dan ia melihat botol racun di tangannya... Jalal; Berteriak... koi hai... salah satu... Abdul datang berlari di tenda. Membawa hakim... melakukan sesuatu dengan cepat... semua orang berlarian untuk membantu Jalal... Jodha Dialah Jalal lengan... Jodha; Shenshah, hal ini tidak ada gunanya...Saya telah mengambil racun 3 jam yang lalu dan Anda tidak akan menemukan obat untuk itu... Jalal dengan air mata; Mengapa Jodha... mengapa... Jodha dengan air mata; Shenshah tolong Maafkan aku... Aku tidak pilihan yang tersisa. Aku tidak bisa mempermalukan orang tua saya dan tidak dapat menerima Anda tanpa izin hati saya. Jalal menangis keras... Jodha saya akan pernah memaafkan Anda untuk ini...Dia benar-benar hancur dan rusak...Abdul; Shenshah kita tidak memiliki hakim di kelompok kami tetapi ada adalah Ashram dalam lima belas menit jauh. Saya yakin kita bisa mendapatkan bantuan mereka... Jalal; Abdul kita tidak punya waktu untuk membawa siapa pun di sini... itu akan terlambat... kita perlu mengambil dia mereka segera... Jodha adalah masih sadar; Silahkan Shenshah... meninggalkannya... "Ab kuch nahi ho sakta" Jalal dengan kemarahan dan air mata... tutup mulut... Aku tidak pernah akan mengampuni Anda untuk ini... Dia menyambar dan meletakkan kuda dengan dia... Abdul dan Jalal pergi ke Asharam... saat itu Jodha adalah sepenuhnya sadar...Bab - 16Mereka tiba di Pandit Ragvendra aashram...Jalal membawa Jodha dalam pelukannya, kacang-kacangan dia menjatuhkan huyung... dia adalah bernapas keras... Jalal bisa memberitahu dia berjuang dalam bernapas... ia kehilangan kesabaran dan pengertian-nya oleh kedua...Jalal sabar berteriak di atas suara-Nya "Membuka pintu..." Dia menunggu selama beberapa detik... Dia tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi untuk respon sehingga dia menendang pintu dalam kemarahan khawatir karena tidak ada kebijaksanaan lain kiri... Itu tengah malam; Semua orang di Ashram sedang tidur dalam damai.Jalal berteriak keras lagi "Dapat seseorang membantu saya." Dengan mengaum... hampir semua orang di ashram bangun dengan tiba-tiba horor dan shock. Pandit utama dari Asharam hampir berlari menuju Jalal dengan sedikit kemarahan, tetapi segera ia menyadari situasi dan melihat Jodha di tangannya dia mengerti sikap panik. Untungnya, Jodha adalah salah satu shishya nya (mahasiswa). Dia segera mengenalinya.Jalal dengan nada khawatir tetapi memohon berkata "saya tidak punya waktu untuk menjelaskan panditji, aku butuh bantuan Anda... Apakah Anda memiliki setiap hakim di Asharm Anda...? Istri saya telah meminum racun... dia tidak punya banyak waktu yang tersisa. Tolong bantu saya, saya akan memberikan apa yang Anda inginkan, Anda dapat membawa hidup saya tapi menyembuhkan begum saya. Pandit memandang Jalal dengan bingung. Air mata dan kondisi rentan-nya adalah menyakitkan.Pandit sabar diminta Jalal "silakan tenang turun anak, mengenakan Jodha tempat tidur, saya akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk menyelamatkannya." Jalal terkejut mendengar namanya tetapi tidak tertarik dalam percakapan apa pun yang lain..."Apakah Anda tahu berapa banyak jam yang lalu, dia mengambil racun dan ketika ia kehilangan dia sadar?"Jalal menjawab dengan kecemasan, tubuhnya seluruh gemetar karena takut.Pandit memeriksa nya denyut nadi dan mata untuk melihat dampak dari racun... ekspresi wajah menoleh dalam untuk takut.Jalal bisa melihat dengan jelas Jodha tenggelam, napasnya pendek, ia berjuang untuk menelan... ia tampak kesakitan yang mengerikan... dia tidak pernah merasa takut ini sebelum dalam hidupnya, ia merasa seperti segala sesuatu telah lenyap... dia tidak pernah di dalam mimpinya bahkan membayangkan bahwa Jodha dapat mengambil langkah ini drastis. Dia merasa begitu banyak tercekik dan ketakutan, setiap menit ia meminta Pandit sabar tentang kondisi nya... tiga puluh menit berlalu... Jalal mulai berkeringat di stres yang ekstrim... ia ingat kata-kata... Talak... Ia teringat kata-kata terakhirnya... Jalal's kehilangan kesabarannya by Pass Ngurah Rai kedua setiap... Pandit, tanpa jawaban diam-diam memperlakukan dia... Kondisi Jodha's mendapatkan terburuk dan terburuk oleh setiap menit... dia pernapasan tiba-tiba lambat ke ekstrim... denyut nadi adalah hampir nol...Pandit dengan ekspresi ketakutan dan bermasalah berkata dalam nada rendah "saya tidak berpikir saya akan mampu melakukan apa-apa...Aku telah memberikan dia anti racun obat untuk membalikkan efek dari racun... Saya tidak melihat efek... Tampaknya seperti dia telah menyerah untuk berjuang... keinginan batin untuk melawan telah meninggal... Dia tidak memiliki banyak waktu yang tersisa... Sayangnya; Hal ini tidak di tangan saya untuk menyelamatkannya... "Jalal tidak percaya apa yang dia mendengar dan melihatnya... hatinya menyatakan pompa begitu cepat... darahnya direbus di khawatir, kecemasan nya pada ekstrim... dia merasa mencekik bernapas sendiri. Semua tiba-tiba, ia kehilangan keseimbangan... visinya mulai mode... ia telah tidak mampu melihat Jodha jelas, dalam satu menit berikutnya ia runtuh di samping tempat tidurnya...Dia melihat di dalam mimpinya, ia berlari panik di gua sangat gelap, tidak ada di sekitar, ia berteriak-teriak tergila-gila "JODHA" matanya yang mencurahkan tak terbendung air mata... dalam hati ia melihat sedikit kecerahan... dengan visinya pudar berkaca-kaca yang dilihatnya Jodha berdiri dekat dengan terang yang menunggu dia untuk menangkap up...he berlari tercepat dia bisa menuju cahaya terang... dia bisa melihat dia tidak menyeberang ke arah cahaya dia menunggu dia antara terang dan gelap... Ia tahu ia akan meninggalkan Dia dunia gaib... Ia mencari keluar paling nyaring di Jodha menunggu... Dia bisa merasakan beberapa dia berjuang untuk menunggu dia.. .some tidak diketahui kekuatan menarik dia crossover... Dia mendengar suara-Nya yang paling keras... dia berbalik kembali dengan mata berkaca-kaca dan berhenti untuk kedua dan berteriak keras sehingga Jalal dapat mendengarnya "Jalal, saya tidak ingin pergi."Jalal dicapai dengan nya dia mencoba untuk mengambil tangannya tapi dia dari jangkauan nya... mereka mampu melihat satu sama lain dengan jelas, Jalal nada memohon berkata "Jodha, tolong jangan tinggalkan aku sendirian di sini, tolong jangan pergi..."Jodha dengan air mata besar berkata dalam nada menyakitkan "Jalal, aku mencoba tapi aku tidak bisa cerdas dari sini, aku tak punya kekuatan kiri kembali tapi aku akan segera di sini menunggu untuk Anda selamanya... sampai Anda datang, Anda harus kembali... Anda memiliki begitu banyak tanggung jawab untuk memenuhi tapi sebelum Anda kembali saya ingin memberitahu Anda sesuatu... setelah dia tetap... Jalal, aku cinta padamu, aku mencintaimu lebih dari hidup saya dan hatiku, dan jiwa saya hanya Anda dan saya akan menunggu untuk Anda sampai selama-lamanya...Jalal dengan marah berteriak "Jodha, Anda tidak bisa meninggalkan saya di tengah, Anda harus datang kembali untuk saya, apa yang kita berbagi adalah cinta untuk satu sama lain... mendalam keintiman... apa yang saya merasa untuk Anda adalah tidak ada yang bisa lebih dari ini...Aku tidak bisa hidup tanpa Anda... Jika hal ini cinta daripada ya aku mencintaimu... Aku mencintaimu lebih apa pun di dunia...Anda cinta yang kuat telah mengubah saya, aku akan meninggalkan segalanya untuk menjadi dengan Anda... tidak ada hal-hal yang dibandingkan dengan cinta Anda... Aku punya hati dan yang milik Anda hanya... Jodha silakan datang kembali... datang kembali untuk Jalal Anda... Atau aku akan crossover dengan Anda... Tolong beri saya tangan Anda, aku akan menarik Anda kembali dan jika aku tidak bisa daripada Anda harus Bawa saya dengan Anda.Kata-katanya tiba-tiba memberi energi luar biasa dalam Jodha, dia meneruskan tangannya dia dengan dan Jalal cepat ambil tangannya untuk menarik dia...Jalal merasa air di wajahnya dan mendengar Abdul berteriak; "Shenshah" Jalal kembali untuk merasakan dan melihat Abdul khawatir wajah... Ia menyadari dia kehilangan kesadaran nya dan dia ingat apa yang terjadi di dalam mimpinya... segera Jalal dengan ekspresi yang cemas dan dengan kekuatannya semua bangun untuk melihat Jodha.Pandit dengan warna ceria dan mengejutkan berkata "Shenshah, ini adalah sebuah keajaiban...Jodha kembali dari dunia lain... Tiba-tiba obat telah mulai bekerja pada dirinya... Dia berhenti bernapas dan denyut nadi adalah nol untuk tentang lebih daripada dua menit dan tiba dia mulai bernapas kembali. Dengan berkat Tuhan, dia telah bertahan dan dia harus terjaga dalam beberapa menit."Jalal stres mengenang kembali dan dengan konten perasaan... dengan tangan terlipat dia berkata "Anda telah menyelamatkan hidup saya Panditji... Tolong, katakan padaku apa yang Anda inginkan? Anda akan mendapatkan apa-apa yang Anda meminta untuk itu."Pandit dengan senyum berkata "Shenshah, terima kasih atas kehormatan ini, tapi aku benar-benar tidak ingin apa-apa. Aku punya sangat terbatas kebutuhan dan sudah dipenuhi dan aku tidak bisa mengambil sesuatu dari Anda karena Jodha mahasiswa saya. Ini adalah tugas saya untuk menyimpan nya kehidupan."kemudian Pandit meletakkan tangannya di Jalal di bahu dengan senyum dan berjalan keluar dari ruangan dengan Abdul untuk mengatur Kedokteran dan mereka menginap untuk malam.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Chapter 16


Jodha; Shenshan, can you give me your few minutes, Jalal felt relived with that and sit next to her... Jodha; Shenshah, I want to you know that... you have a very important space in my life... I want you to know; I have lot of respect for you... I know you have a golden heart... and one day you will find it... but promise me that you will not hate me ever for any of my decision and will remember me forever... She looked at him with so much love without a blink with tears in her eyes... Jalal; Jodha with fear and confusion, please tell me why are you talking to me like this? Before he says a word, blood came out of her mouth... Jalal with shock... and screem... Jodha what have you done? And he saw poison bottle in her hand... Jalal; Screamed... koi hai... any one... Abdul came running in the tent. Bring hakim... do something quickly... everyone is running around to help Jalal... Jodha he is Jalal arms... Jodha; Shenshah, It's no use...I have taken poison 3 hours ago and you will not find medicine for it... Jalal with tears; Why Jodha...why... Jodha with tears; Shenshah please forgive me... I had no option left. I can't humiliate my parents and can't accept you without my hearts permission. Jalal cried out loud... Jodha I will never forgive you for this...He was completely shattered and broken...

Abdul; Shenshah we don't have hakim in our group but there is an Ashram in Fifteen minute distant. I am sure we can get some help their... Jalal; Abdul we don't have time to bring anyone here... it will be too late... we need to take her their immediately... Jodha was still conscious; Please Shenshah... leave it... "Ab kuch nahi ho sakta" Jalal with anger and tears... shut up... I will never forgive you for this... He grabbed her and put her on horse with him... Abdul and Jalal went to the Asharam... by that time Jodha was completely unconscious...

Chapter - 16

They arrive at the Pandit Ragvendra's aashram...Jalal is carrying Jodha in his arms, her pulses were dropping precariously... she was breathing hard... Jalal could tell she was struggling in breathing ... he was losing his patience and sense by second...

Jalal impatiently yelled at the top his voice "Open the door..." He waited for a few seconds... He couldn't wait any longer for response so he kicked the door in an alarmed rage since there was no other wisdom left... It was middle of the night; everyone in the Ashram was sleeping in peaceful silent.

Jalal shouted loudly again "Can someone help me." With his roar... almost everyone in the ashram wake with sudden horror and shock. Main Pandit of the Asharam almost ran towards Jalal with little anger, but as soon he realize the situation and saw Jodha in his hand he understood his panicky attitude. Fortunately, Jodha was one of his shishya (student). He recognized her immediately.

Jalal with worried but pleading tone said "I have no time to explain panditji, I need your help... Do you have any hakim in your Asharm...? My wife has drunk poison ... she doesn't have much time left. Please help me, I will give anything you want, you can take my life but cure my begum. Pandit looked at Jalal with puzzled look. His tears and vulnerable condition was painful."

Pandit patiently requested Jalal "Please calm down child, put Jodha on the bed, I will try my best to save her." Jalal was surprise to hear her name but had no interest in any other conversation...

"Do you know how many hours ago, she took poison and when she lost her conscious?"

Jalal replied with anxiety, his entire body was shivering out of fear.

Pandit checked her pulse and eyes to see the impact of poison...his face expression turned in to fearful.

Jalal could see clearly Jodha was sinking, her breathing was short, she was struggling to gulp... she looked in terrible pain... he never felt this scared before in his life, he felt like everything has vanished ... he never imagine in his dream even that Jodha can take this drastic step. He was feeling so much suffocated and terrified, every minute he was asking Pandit impatiently about her condition... thirty minute passed... Jalal started to sweat in extreme stress... he recall his words... Talak... He recalled her last words... Jalal's was losing his patience by every second pass... Pandit, without answer quietly was treating her... Jodha's condition was getting worst and worst by every minute... her breathing suddenly slow down to extreme... her pulse were almost nil...

Pandit with frightened and troubled expression said in low tone "I don't think I will be able to do anything...I have given her anti poison medication to reverse the effect of poison... I don't see any effect yet... Seems like she has given up to struggle... her inner desire to fight has died... She doesn't have much time left... unfortunately; it is not in my hand to save her..."

Jalal couldn't believe what he heard and saw... his heart stated to pump so fast... his blood boiled up in worry, his anxiety was at extreme... he felt suffocating breathing himself. All of a sudden, he was losing his balance...his vision started to fad... he was not able to see Jodha clearly, in a next minute he collapses next to her bed...

He saw in his dream, he was running panicky in very dark cave, there was no one around, he was screaming madly "JODHA" his eyes were shedding unstoppable tears...deep down he saw little brightness... with his teary faded vision he saw Jodha was standing close to the light waiting for him to catch up...he ran fastest he could towards bright radiance... he could see she didn't cross toward light she was waiting for him between dark and light... he knew she was going away from him to unseen world... He sought out loudest at Jodha wait... He could feel some she was struggling to wait for him ...some unknown force was pulling her to crossover... She heard his loudest sound... she turned back with teary eyes and stopped for a second and shouted loudly so Jalal could hear her "Jalal, I don't want to go."

Jalal reached by her he tried to grab her hands but she was out of his reach... they were able to see each other clearly, Jalal in a pleading tone said "Jodha, Please don't leave me alone here, Please don't go..."

Jodha with enormous tears said in painful tone "Jalal, I am trying but I can't comeback from here, I have no strength left to come back but I will be right here waiting for you forever... till you come, you have to go back... you have so many responsibility to fulfill but before you go back I want to tell you something... after a brief pause she continued... Jalal, I love you, I love you more than my life and my heart and my soul is only your and I will wait for you till eternity...

Jalal with anger shouted "Jodha, you can't leave me in middle, you have to come back for me, what we share is love for each other...profound intimacy...what I feel for you is nothing can be deeper than this...I cannot live without you... If this is love than yes I love you... I love you more anything in world...Your powerful love has transform me, I will leave everything to be with you... nothing matters compare to your love... I have a heart and that belongs to you only... Jodha please come back...come back for your Jalal... Or I will crossover with you... Please give me your hand, I will pull you back and if I can't than you have to take me with you.

His words suddenly gave immense energy in Jodha, she forward her hands towards him with and Jalal swiftly grab her hand to pull her...

Jalal felt water on his face and heard Abdul yell; "Shenshah" Jalal came back to sense and saw Abdul worried face... He realizes he lost his conscious and he recalled what happened in his dream... immediately Jalal with anxious expression and with his all strength got up to see Jodha.

Pandit with cheerful and surprising tone said "Shenshah, this is a miracle...Jodha came back from other world... Suddenly medicine has started to work on her... She stopped breathing and her pulse was nil for about more than two minutes and all of a sudden she started to breathe again. With God's blessing she has survived and she should be awake in few minutes."

Jalal stress relived and with content feeling... with his hand folded he said "You have saved my life Panditji... Please, tell me what do you want? You will get anything you ask for it."

Pandit with smile said "Shenshah, thank you for this honor, but I really don't want anything. I have very limited needs and it's already fulfilled and I can't take anything from you since Jodha was my student. It's my duty to save her life." then Pandit put his hand on Jalal's shoulder with smile and walks out of the room with Abdul to arrange for medicine and their stay for the night.
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