Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
YEAR2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 TotalIS JournalsEJIS 0ISJ 1 1ISR 0JMIS 0MISQ 0OR JournalsJOM 1 1 6* 8MS 1 2 1 1 1 6MSOM 1 1OR 0POM 9* 7* 1 1 1 19Total 1 11 1 9 3 1 2 7 35Note: Empty cells indicate zero studies. *Special issue or focus on environmental sustainability.published in operations research journals, led by POM with19. Only one article was published in an IS journal (ISJ).Analysis of a larger set of economics, business, and managementarticles indicates a five-fold increase in the percentageof sustainability-themed articles from 1990 through 2005(Linton et al. 2007).Examination of the content of the articles reveals threeprincipal topics: antecedents, performance, and supply chains(Appendix A). Studies in the first research topic examinefactors that promote or inhibit the adoption of sustainablebusiness practices, such as how the presence of ISO 9000(quality management standards) explains the adoption of ISO14000 (environmental management standards) (Corbett andKirsch 2001; Vastag 2004). Studies in the second researchtopic examine the association between sustainability practicesand organizational and environmental performance outcomes(Montabon et al. 2007; Zhu and Sarkis 2004). The thirdresearch topic focuses on supply chains and is distinctive forits interorganizational focus (Mazhar et al. 2005; Quak andKoster 2007). Other research streams examine green productPengembangan (Chen 2001; Noori dan Chen 2003), bersandar manufaktur(Rothenberg et al. 2001), dan peraturan (Barrieudan 2006 Sinclair-Desgagne; Subramanian et al. 2007). Theinformasi sistem perspektif diteliti di tetapi satustudi penelitian, pengembangan sistem pelaporan kolaboratifuntuk berkomunikasi pemangku kepentingan posisi di genetikmakanan yang dimodifikasi (Heng dan de Moor 2003). Singkatnya, ISperspektif dalam penelitian pada kelestarian lingkunganbaru lahir, meskipun peranan penting dari sistem informasi dimeningkatkan lingkungan alam dan menyikapi iklimmengubah (Boudreau et al. 2007; Iklim kelompok 2008; Erdmannet al. 2004; Farrell dan Oppenheim 2008; Richards et al.2001).
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