budgeting process and keep regular tab on our expenditure and revenues terjemahan - budgeting process and keep regular tab on our expenditure and revenues Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

budgeting process and keep regular

budgeting process and keep regular tab on our expenditure and revenues.
Owing to this best practice we have been able to invest in and initiate new educational initiatives devoted to our youngest members. We are now proud to boast that the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) awarded the I&M Society the 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award “for offering comprehensive educational initiatives in the field of instrumentation and measurement to meet the life-long learning needs of its members”. This award was given in recognition of the I&M Society’s exceptional achievements in professional development activities and is given to Societies or Councils whose contributions to continuing education and professional development are outstanding as evidenced by their quality, comprehensiveness, innovation or impact.
We certainly have come a long way, but we still have a lot to travel, and we need your help in achieving even more. The AdCom is here to help you and facilitate processes that bring tangible, useful and high-quality services to our members. Please keep in touch; you are the Society and we need to hear from you as to how we are doing and what we can do more and better. I look forward to working with the AdCom, all of our members and the IEEE to continue bringing quality to all aspects of our Society.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
proses Penganggaran dan menjaga tab reguler pada pengeluaran dan pendapatan.
karena praktek terbaik kami telah dapat berinvestasi di dan memulai baru inisiatif pendidikan ditujukan untuk anggota kami termuda. Kami sekarang bangga untuk membual bahwa IEEE pendidikan kegiatan Dewan (arah EAB) penghargaan masyarakat I&M 2013 IEEE pendidikan kegiatan Dewan masyarakat Dewan profesional pembangunan Award "untuk menawarkan inisiatif pendidikan komprehensif dalam bidang instrumentasi dan pengukuran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para anggotanya belajar seumur hidup". Penghargaan ini diberikan atas prestasi luar biasa I&M masyarakat dalam kegiatan pengembangan profesional dan diberikan kepada masyarakat atau sidang yang kontribusi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dan pengembangan profesional luar biasa seperti yang dibuktikan oleh kualitas, kelengkapan, inovasi atau dampak.
kita pasti telah datang jauh, tapi kami masih punya banyak melakukan perjalanan, dan kami memerlukan bantuan Anda dalam mencapai bahkan lebih. AdCom adalah di sini untuk membantu Anda dan memfasilitasi proses yang membawa nyata, berguna dan layanan berkualitas tinggi kepada anggota kami. Harap tetap berhubungan; Anda masyarakat dan kita perlu mendengar dari Anda tentang bagaimana kita lakukan dan apa yang kita dapat berbuat lebih banyak dan lebih baik. Saya berharap untuk bekerja dengan AdCom, Semua anggota kami dan IEEE terus membawa kualitas untuk semua aspek dari masyarakat kita.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
budgeting process and keep regular tab on our expenditure and revenues.
Owing to this best practice we have been able to invest in and initiate new educational initiatives devoted to our youngest members. We are now proud to boast that the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) awarded the I&M Society the 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award “for offering comprehensive educational initiatives in the field of instrumentation and measurement to meet the life-long learning needs of its members”. This award was given in recognition of the I&M Society’s exceptional achievements in professional development activities and is given to Societies or Councils whose contributions to continuing education and professional development are outstanding as evidenced by their quality, comprehensiveness, innovation or impact.
We certainly have come a long way, but we still have a lot to travel, and we need your help in achieving even more. The AdCom is here to help you and facilitate processes that bring tangible, useful and high-quality services to our members. Please keep in touch; you are the Society and we need to hear from you as to how we are doing and what we can do more and better. I look forward to working with the AdCom, all of our members and the IEEE to continue bringing quality to all aspects of our Society.
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