Ratio ScalesRatio scales incorporate all of the powers of the previous terjemahan - Ratio ScalesRatio scales incorporate all of the powers of the previous Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ratio ScalesRatio scales incorporat

Ratio Scales
Ratio scales incorporate all of the powers of the previous scales plus the provision for absolute zero or origin. Ratio data represent the actual amounts of a variable. Measures of physical dimensions such as weight, height, distance, and area are examples. In the behavioral sciences, few situations satisfy the requirements of the ratio scale—the area of psychophysics offering some exceptions. In business research, we find ratio scales in many areas. There are money values, population counts, distances, return rates, productivity rates, and amounts of time (e.g., elapsed time in seconds before a customer service representative answers a phone inquiry).
Swatch’s Beat Time —a proposed standard global time introduced at the 2000 Olympics that may gain favor as more of us participate in cross-time-zone chats (Internet or otherwise)—is a ratio scale. It offers a standard time with its origin at 0 beats (12 midnight in Biel, Switzerland, at the new Biel Meridian timeline).
A day is composed of 1,000 beats, with a “beat” worth 1 minute, 26.4 seconds. 9
With the Glacier project, Jason could measure a customer’s age, the number of years he or she has attended, and the number of times a selection has been performed in the Glacier summer festival. These measures all generate ratio data. For practical purposes, however, the analyst would use the same statistical techniques as with interval data.
All statistical techniques mentioned up to this point are usable with ratio scales. Other manipulations carried out with real numbers may be done with ratio-scale values. Thus, multiplication and division can be used with this scale but not with the others mentioned. Geometric and harmonic means are measures of central tendency, and coefficients of variation may also be calculated for describing variability.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ratio ScalesRatio scales incorporate all of the powers of the previous scales plus the provision for absolute zero or origin. Ratio data represent the actual amounts of a variable. Measures of physical dimensions such as weight, height, distance, and area are examples. In the behavioral sciences, few situations satisfy the requirements of the ratio scale—the area of psychophysics offering some exceptions. In business research, we find ratio scales in many areas. There are money values, population counts, distances, return rates, productivity rates, and amounts of time (e.g., elapsed time in seconds before a customer service representative answers a phone inquiry).Swatch’s Beat Time —a proposed standard global time introduced at the 2000 Olympics that may gain favor as more of us participate in cross-time-zone chats (Internet or otherwise)—is a ratio scale. It offers a standard time with its origin at 0 beats (12 midnight in Biel, Switzerland, at the new Biel Meridian timeline).A day is composed of 1,000 beats, with a “beat” worth 1 minute, 26.4 seconds. 9With the Glacier project, Jason could measure a customer’s age, the number of years he or she has attended, and the number of times a selection has been performed in the Glacier summer festival. These measures all generate ratio data. For practical purposes, however, the analyst would use the same statistical techniques as with interval data.All statistical techniques mentioned up to this point are usable with ratio scales. Other manipulations carried out with real numbers may be done with ratio-scale values. Thus, multiplication and division can be used with this scale but not with the others mentioned. Geometric and harmonic means are measures of central tendency, and coefficients of variation may also be calculated for describing variability.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rasio Timbangan
timbangan rasio menggabungkan semua kekuatan dari skala sebelumnya ditambah ketentuan untuk nol mutlak atau asal. Data rasio mewakili jumlah sebenarnya dari variabel. Ukuran dimensi fisik seperti berat badan, tinggi badan, jarak, dan daerah adalah contoh. Dalam ilmu perilaku, beberapa situasi memenuhi persyaratan rasio skala-daerah psychophysics menawarkan beberapa pengecualian. Dalam penelitian bisnis, kita menemukan skala rasio di banyak daerah. Ada nilai-nilai uang, jumlah penduduk, jarak, kembali tarif, tingkat produktivitas, dan jumlah waktu (misalnya, waktu berlalu dalam detik sebelum perwakilan layanan pelanggan menjawab penyelidikan telepon).
Swatch ini Mengalahkan Waktu -a diusulkan waktu global standar diperkenalkan di Olimpiade 2000 yang mungkin mendapatkan bantuan sebagai lebih dari kita berpartisipasi dalam obrolan lintas zona waktu (Internet atau sebaliknya) -adalah skala rasio. Ini menawarkan waktu standar dengan asal-usulnya pada 0 ketukan (12 tengah malam di Biel, Swiss, di Biel Meridian waktu baru).
Sehari terdiri dari 1.000 ketukan, dengan "mengalahkan" senilai 1 menit, 26,4 detik. 9
Dengan proyek Glacier, Jason bisa mengukur usia pelanggan, jumlah tahun ia telah menghadiri, dan jumlah kali seleksi telah dilakukan di festival musim panas Glacier. Langkah-langkah ini semua menghasilkan data rasio. Untuk tujuan praktis, bagaimanapun, analis akan menggunakan teknik statistik sama dengan data interval.
Semua teknik statistik disebutkan sampai saat ini dapat digunakan dengan skala rasio. Manipulasi lainnya dilakukan dengan bilangan real dapat dilakukan dengan nilai rasio-besaran. Dengan demikian, perkalian dan pembagian dapat digunakan dengan skala ini tapi tidak dengan yang lain disebutkan. Geometrik dan harmonis adalah ukuran tendensi sentral, dan koefisien variasi juga dapat dihitung untuk menggambarkan variabilitas.
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