These five pillars, Meng Hao is not first time sees, he initially in t terjemahan - These five pillars, Meng Hao is not first time sees, he initially in t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

These five pillars, Meng Hao is not

These five pillars, Meng Hao is not first time sees, he initially in the underground walk of deep palace single layer, same had seen, but at that time, was his consciousness, but now, was he personally arrived here.
Moreover, was a little different he to see on the mural at that time, was these five pillars is raises up, but now, actually three, already collapsed!
Has two to support the starry sky as before.
Silent was very long, in the Meng Hao eye the fine glow dodges, regarding the Heaven's Crown bloodline, regarding own Demonic Qi, regarding Mountains and Seas Plane all, already guessed at this moment most probably.
„Before for a long time is very very long, bureau that lays down.”
„The Heaven's Crown bloodline, perhaps, this this is this Heaven's Crown will, bloodline that for oneself creates!”
„However the monster came from the immortal, I am not the first monster, perhaps also has before me, is changed when Immortal Ascension, but the monster is Heaven's Crown desired.”
„Perhaps, I think some one-sided places, perhaps, in this starry sky, in the endless years, did not have the true monster to appear, in the final moment, were prevented by Heaven's Crown.” Meng Hao has thought of itself, has thought of the loose line.
Meng Hao hesitates, looks at all around giant pillar, after his silent moment, the body departs in a flash, directly soars the first pillar of collapse, launches full speed speeds away to go.
The time passes, does not know how long flew, that pillar is getting more and more near, until this day, Meng Hao appeared by the pillar of this collapse finally, stood there, Meng Hao felt on this pillar, shakes the heavens that sent out moved the place the aura, that aura was not the immortal, was not the monster, but was the demon!
The aura of this demon, making Meng Hao think immediately demon mainland, he hesitated, the right hand lifted, toward front huge incomparable pillar, pressed down gently.
In his hand, with instant, the Meng Hao mind that this pillar moves thunders, he saw a form, on lends the aura that dies deeply, face upwards form that whooshes.
This form, is born in cloudy deep vortex, the body and soul separate, years later, will go out from that cloudy deep vortex, he raises one to sweep across the entire world the storm, finally he will tread above nine world butterflies, will open both hands, making the starry sky shiver, his body will have the intermittent strange aura, will spread over the entire starry sky, making Meng Hao here mind thunder.
That imposing manner, making the world change colors, lets stars die, making the starry sky lower the head.
He saw that form final incarnation became a mainland, had sacrificed itself, has helped all people.
May, not know how long, in this mainland, the person in this incarnation mainland, walked, left that mainland, arrived boundlessly outside, his look is bringing sadly, in this boundless outside, the instance that he presents, the entire boundless outside starry sky, changed to big, grasps loudly toward him.
The ray sparkle, this youth has cut off the finger of this hand, takes a step, went out boundlessly outside, steps into remotely.
That finger, is Meng Hao at present the pillar of this collapse.
„When Transcendence, this certainly is Transcendence” Meng Hao breath shortness, the right hand lifts, in his eyes reveals the strange glow, his eyes judge, existence in this pillar, is in the demon mainland, once that Transcendence.
He does not know that the name of opposite party, may merely be the aura that in this pillar has, lets Meng Hao regarding Transcendence, had a more profound understanding.
For a long time, the Meng Hao body in a flash, directly soars the next collapse the pillar to fly, the time passes, passed was very long, Meng Hao arrived at outside the second pillar finally, his breathes deeply, the right hand lifted suddenly according to the pillar.
In instant, his mind that this and pillar of this collapse moves thunders once again, he saw a youth of white hair, this youth was born in a small mountain village, the stars that was, moved heedlessly Vault of Heaven, killed stone broken shakes the heavens, killed in Paragon!
Is then rugged, for resurrect his wife, until killing to the peak, the thundering starry sky, has stepped into Transcendence.
Is seeing this form the instance, Meng Hao mind reacted, he has thought of uniting, has thought that teaches oneself time step the form.
They, are the same . Moreover the form in this pillar, and Immortal God Continent statue, exactly the same
His look is solemn, is gaining ground, looks at the starry sky indifferently, the right hand lifts wields, the change of the seasons, the starry sky extinguishes broken, same treads boundlessly outside, same has cut off a finger, the walking distant place.
When the Meng Hao breath shortness, the right hand suddenly lifts, his complex looks at this collapse the pillar, after being silent, his body in a flash, fires into next.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ini lima tiang, Meng Hao bukanlah pertama kali melihat, ia awalnya di jalan bawah tanah lapisan tunggal dalam istana, sama telah melihat, tetapi pada waktu itu, adalah kesadaran, tetapi sekarang, dia secara pribadi tiba di sini.Selain itu, yang sedikit berbeda untuk melihat pada mural pada waktu itu, Dialah lima pilar adalah menimbulkan, tetapi sekarang, sebenarnya tiga, sudah roboh!Memiliki dua untuk mendukung langit berbintang sebagai sebelum.Diam adalah sangat panjang, di mata Meng Hao cahaya halus dodges, mengenai pemikiran mahkota dalam surga, mengenai sendiri setan Qi, mengenai pegunungan dan laut pesawat semua, sudah menebak saat ini paling mungkin."Sebelum untuk waktu yang lama sangat sangat lama, Biro yang meletakkan.""Surga Crown Keluarga, mungkin, ini adalah surga ini Crown akan, pemikiran yang menciptakan untuk diri sendiri!""Namun rakasa berasal dari yang abadi, aku tidak rakasa pertama, mungkin juga memiliki sebelum aku, berubah ketika kenaikan abadi, tapi rakasa adalah mahkota surga yang diinginkan.""Mungkin, saya pikir beberapa tempat satu sisi, mungkin, di langit berbintang ini, tahun tanpa henti, tidak memiliki rakasa benar muncul, di saat akhir, dicegah oleh Crown surga." Meng Hao telah memikirkan itu sendiri, telah memikirkan garis longgar.Meng Hao pun yang canggung, tampak sekali sekitar pilar raksasa, setelah saat diam, tubuh berangkat dalam sekejap, langsung menjulang tiang pertama runtuhnya, meluncurkan kecepatan kecepatan penuh jauh untuk pergi.Waktu berlalu, tidak tahu berapa lama terbang, bahwa tiang semakin lebih dan lebih dekat, sampai hari ini, Meng Hao muncul oleh tiang keruntuhan akhirnya, berdiri di sana, Meng Hao merasa pada tiang ini, getar langit yang dikirim keluar pindah tempat aura, yang aura tidak abadi, tidak rakasa, tapi setan!Aura setan ini, membuat Meng Hao berpikir segera daratan setan, dia ragu-ragu, tangan kanan mengangkat, ke arah depan pilar tak tertandingi raksasa, ditekan dengan lembut.Di tangan-Nya, dengan instan, Meng Hao pikiran bahwa tiang ini bergerak guruh, ia melihat bentuk, pada meminjamkan aura yang meninggal dalam-dalam, wajah atas bentuk yang whooshes.Formulir ini, lahir di berawan dalam pusaran, tubuh dan jiwa terpisah, tahun kemudian, akan keluar dari pusaran mendalam bahwa berawan, dia mengangkat satu untuk menyapu di seluruh dunia badai, akhirnya ia akan melangkah di atas sembilan dunia kupu-kupu, akan terbuka kedua tangan, membuat langit berbintang getaran, tubuhnya akan memiliki aura aneh intermiten, akan tersebar di seluruh langit berbintang , membuat Meng Hao di sini pikiran Guntur.Bahwa memaksakan cara, membuat dunia berubah warna, memungkinkan bintang mati, membuat langit berbintang menurunkan kepala.Ia melihat bahwa bentuk akhir inkarnasi menjadi daratan, telah mengorbankan dirinya sendiri, telah membantu semua orang.May, not know how long, in this mainland, the person in this incarnation mainland, walked, left that mainland, arrived boundlessly outside, his look is bringing sadly, in this boundless outside, the instance that he presents, the entire boundless outside starry sky, changed to big, grasps loudly toward him.The ray sparkle, this youth has cut off the finger of this hand, takes a step, went out boundlessly outside, steps into remotely.That finger, is Meng Hao at present the pillar of this collapse.„When Transcendence, this certainly is Transcendence” Meng Hao breath shortness, the right hand lifts, in his eyes reveals the strange glow, his eyes judge, existence in this pillar, is in the demon mainland, once that Transcendence.He does not know that the name of opposite party, may merely be the aura that in this pillar has, lets Meng Hao regarding Transcendence, had a more profound understanding.For a long time, the Meng Hao body in a flash, directly soars the next collapse the pillar to fly, the time passes, passed was very long, Meng Hao arrived at outside the second pillar finally, his breathes deeply, the right hand lifted suddenly according to the pillar.In instant, his mind that this and pillar of this collapse moves thunders once again, he saw a youth of white hair, this youth was born in a small mountain village, the stars that was, moved heedlessly Vault of Heaven, killed stone broken shakes the heavens, killed in Paragon!Ini kemudian kasar, untuk membangkitkan istrinya, sampai pembunuhan ke puncak, starry langit gemuruh, telah melangkah ke transendensi.Adalah melihat formulir ini misalnya, Meng Hao pikiran bereaksi, pikirnya menyatukan, telah berpikir bahwa mengajar diri sendiri waktu langkah bentuk.Mereka, adalah sama. Selain itu bentuk di tiang ini, dan patung Abadi Tuhan benua, persis samaMelihat khidmat, adalah mendapatkan tanah, memandang langit berbintang acuh tak acuh, Lift kanan wields, perubahan musim, langit berbintang memadamkan tapak rusak, sama boundlessly di luar, sama telah memotong jari, berjalan tempat yang jauh.Ketika Meng Hao sesak napas, tangan kanan tiba-tiba mengangkat, penampilannya yang kompleks di keruntuhan tiang, setelah menjadi diam, tubuhnya dengan flash, kebakaran ke berikutnya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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