Nah, it wasn't all him. Lee helped too.

Nah, it wasn't all him. Lee helped

Nah, it wasn't all him. Lee helped too." He flashed her a foxy grin, then winced.

Hinata pouted and a soft whimper of concern left her lips and his face softened. He hated when she beat herself up over the silly thing between Neji and himself. It was no big deal, he didn't really mind that Neji came after him with chakra flaring. At least it showed he cared for his cousin now, where once he wanted to kill her.

" 'Nata, it's fine. I'm getting better and better at avoiding those Jyuuken attacks. And then, one day, I'll be able to avoid yours. And when I can do that, nothing can stop me! Nothing!" He gave a maniacal laugh and waved his arms around theatrically, before he winced and groaned.

She threaded her fingers through his hair for a moment, looking at him forlornly. "Why isn't the Kyuubi healing you?"

He smiled wryly. "Because he's an evil, sadistic bastard." He waved a hand dismissively. "It'll kick in soon, he can't not heal me for much longer." He frowned and looked at her. "Did that make sense?"

She smiled fondly. "Hai Naruto, perfect sense."

He grinned. "I love that you can understand me. I love you."

"I love you too Naruto," She got up. "Now wait here for a minute, I'll get the first-aid kit."

She instantly disappeared from his view and he pouted at the loss of the thing he loved most in the world. He childishly counted the seconds till she returned. One minute and forty seconds.

Much to his delight, she was still clad in her towel. Could he perform a substitution jutsu with that towel? Wrap her in something else, like…him.

She knelt down beside him and he turned his head to watch her as she opened the first-aid kit. The pain in his body was dulled quickly because of her careful application of her medicinal knowledge…and because he was otherwise distracted from the pain by the near-naked form of his lover. He watched her face closely as she activated her Byakugan to inspect the tenketsu that her older cousin had closed. She swiftly and gently re-opened said tenketsu and helped him sit up when she finished.

"Feeling better?" He nodded in thanks. "How about you go and have a shower, and I'll cook you some dinner."

He got to his feet and kissed her soundly on the lips, his hands curling around her waist, drawing her towards him. She responded for a moment, then pulled away wrinkling her nose.

"Naruto…you smell."

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "I think I did step in something when I was fighting Lee…and then fell in it."

Hinata giggled as she pulled away from his, heading towards the bedroom. He followed her, heading for the bathroom.

"Care to join me in the shower?"

Hinata blushed. "Naruto-kun," He smirked at the nickname that was reserved for when she was aroused or sleepy. "I've already had my shower. I have to get changed so I can make you dinner."

He kissed her tenderly on the neck. "You don't really have to get changed to do that…"

Her blush intensified and looked at him with wide eyes. "N-Naruto-kun!"

"Ah, bless that stutter." He thought as he watched her disappear into the bedroom. "Ah, bless the bathroom!" He said aloud, looking forward to a hot shower to knead his sore muscles.

An hour later Naruto lay in bed completely exhausted. Now showered and fed, all he wanted to do was sleep and when Hinata entered the room, he lifted his head tiredly and smiled. Crawling onto the bed, she snuggled up to his side.

"Sleep time I think Naruto."

He hummed. "You're a genius Hinata."

With that, he rolled to his side slightly and kissed her on the cheek, before shifting around lethargically until he was resting comfortably under the doona. Hinata followed suit and delicately rested a hand on his chest, hoping that she wouldn't hurt him.

"I'm hardly sore at all 'Nata, just tired, you don't have to be careful around me."

"Okay Naruto-kun…" She whispered sleepily, trailing off with a yawn.

"You know Hinata," He yawned. "I think it's worth being beaten up by Neji if I get to come home to you."

She kissed his neck lightly. "Arigato Naruto-kun, now get some sleep, you deserve it."

A surge of chakra woke the sleeping couple the next morning, and the first thing they saw as they opened their eyes was Neji and Kiba standing at the end of their bed. Naruto, out of fear of repercussions, fell out of bed with a surprised yelp, and Hinata sat up slowly, judging the expressions of her cousin and best friend.

Naruto jumped to his feet. "I swear, one of these days I'm going to put one of those restriction seals on my walls so no one can 'poof' in here whenever they please! What do you two want?"

He wasn't the happiest people in the morning.

"Emergency mission," Neji said calmly, obviously comforted in the fact that the couple was clothed. "Bandits are attacking a caravan south of Konoha. Naruto, you have to come with us, and Hinata-sama, you are to stand by at the hospital."

The couple moved into action immediately, and Naruto was dressed in under ten seconds. He sent a small salute to Hinata before disappearing with Neji and Kiba in clouds of smoke. Hinata paused in her morning ritual when she looked at the bed.

Blood. She mentally scolded herself. Only she could have such bad timing. Looks like Sakura, Ino, and Tenten's teasing, and Kiba's worries were going to be wrong. Naruto would be 'getting some' on his birthday.

She went to the bathroom, then came out and quickly changed the sheets before she too left the house in a cloud of smoke, though she headed for the hospital, awaiting the possible fluctuation in incoming patients.

Hours later the bandits had been arrested and those injured had been transported and treated at Konoha Hospital. As such, Naruto and his male friends that had accompanied him on the emergency mission went to lunch at Ichiraku to celebrate their success. They'd arrived at the scene of the distress before anyone had been killed, and as their skills far outranked those of the bandits, the situation had been quickly brought under control.

As Naruto sat slurping his ramen, Kiba felt it necessary to bring up his 'favourite' topic. "Looking forward to tomorrow Naruto?"

"Sure am, its not every day I turn 19. Besides," He slunk down into his chair. "Next year's going to be a bit of trouble. It'll be two decades since the Kyuubi attacked; they'll be having a memorial service. I always seem to be abused more when they have them. I was away for the one on the 15th anniversary. Them one when I was ten was a shocker."
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nah, it wasn't all him. Lee helped too." He flashed her a foxy grin, then winced.

Hinata pouted and a soft whimper of concern left her lips and his face softened. He hated when she beat herself up over the silly thing between Neji and himself. It was no big deal, he didn't really mind that Neji came after him with chakra flaring. At least it showed he cared for his cousin now, where once he wanted to kill her.

" 'Nata, it's fine. I'm getting better and better at avoiding those Jyuuken attacks. And then, one day, I'll be able to avoid yours. And when I can do that, nothing can stop me! Nothing!" He gave a maniacal laugh and waved his arms around theatrically, before he winced and groaned.

She threaded her fingers through his hair for a moment, looking at him forlornly. "Why isn't the Kyuubi healing you?"

He smiled wryly. "Because he's an evil, sadistic bastard." He waved a hand dismissively. "It'll kick in soon, he can't not heal me for much longer." He frowned and looked at her. "Did that make sense?"

She smiled fondly. "Hai Naruto, perfect sense."

He grinned. "I love that you can understand me. I love you."

"I love you too Naruto," She got up. "Now wait here for a minute, I'll get the first-aid kit."

She instantly disappeared from his view and he pouted at the loss of the thing he loved most in the world. He childishly counted the seconds till she returned. One minute and forty seconds.

Much to his delight, she was still clad in her towel. Could he perform a substitution jutsu with that towel? Wrap her in something else, like…him.

She knelt down beside him and he turned his head to watch her as she opened the first-aid kit. The pain in his body was dulled quickly because of her careful application of her medicinal knowledge…and because he was otherwise distracted from the pain by the near-naked form of his lover. He watched her face closely as she activated her Byakugan to inspect the tenketsu that her older cousin had closed. She swiftly and gently re-opened said tenketsu and helped him sit up when she finished.

"Feeling better?" He nodded in thanks. "How about you go and have a shower, and I'll cook you some dinner."

He got to his feet and kissed her soundly on the lips, his hands curling around her waist, drawing her towards him. She responded for a moment, then pulled away wrinkling her nose.

"Naruto…you smell."

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "I think I did step in something when I was fighting Lee…and then fell in it."

Hinata giggled as she pulled away from his, heading towards the bedroom. He followed her, heading for the bathroom.

"Care to join me in the shower?"

Hinata blushed. "Naruto-kun," He smirked at the nickname that was reserved for when she was aroused or sleepy. "I've already had my shower. I have to get changed so I can make you dinner."

He kissed her tenderly on the neck. "You don't really have to get changed to do that…"

Her blush intensified and looked at him with wide eyes. "N-Naruto-kun!"

"Ah, bless that stutter." He thought as he watched her disappear into the bedroom. "Ah, bless the bathroom!" He said aloud, looking forward to a hot shower to knead his sore muscles.

An hour later Naruto lay in bed completely exhausted. Now showered and fed, all he wanted to do was sleep and when Hinata entered the room, he lifted his head tiredly and smiled. Crawling onto the bed, she snuggled up to his side.

"Sleep time I think Naruto."

He hummed. "You're a genius Hinata."

With that, he rolled to his side slightly and kissed her on the cheek, before shifting around lethargically until he was resting comfortably under the doona. Hinata followed suit and delicately rested a hand on his chest, hoping that she wouldn't hurt him.

"I'm hardly sore at all 'Nata, just tired, you don't have to be careful around me."

"Okay Naruto-kun…" She whispered sleepily, trailing off with a yawn.

"You know Hinata," He yawned. "I think it's worth being beaten up by Neji if I get to come home to you."

She kissed his neck lightly. "Arigato Naruto-kun, now get some sleep, you deserve it."

A surge of chakra woke the sleeping couple the next morning, and the first thing they saw as they opened their eyes was Neji and Kiba standing at the end of their bed. Naruto, out of fear of repercussions, fell out of bed with a surprised yelp, and Hinata sat up slowly, judging the expressions of her cousin and best friend.

Naruto jumped to his feet. "I swear, one of these days I'm going to put one of those restriction seals on my walls so no one can 'poof' in here whenever they please! What do you two want?"

He wasn't the happiest people in the morning.

"Emergency mission," Neji said calmly, obviously comforted in the fact that the couple was clothed. "Bandits are attacking a caravan south of Konoha. Naruto, you have to come with us, and Hinata-sama, you are to stand by at the hospital."

The couple moved into action immediately, and Naruto was dressed in under ten seconds. He sent a small salute to Hinata before disappearing with Neji and Kiba in clouds of smoke. Hinata paused in her morning ritual when she looked at the bed.

Blood. She mentally scolded herself. Only she could have such bad timing. Looks like Sakura, Ino, and Tenten's teasing, and Kiba's worries were going to be wrong. Naruto would be 'getting some' on his birthday.

She went to the bathroom, then came out and quickly changed the sheets before she too left the house in a cloud of smoke, though she headed for the hospital, awaiting the possible fluctuation in incoming patients.

Hours later the bandits had been arrested and those injured had been transported and treated at Konoha Hospital. As such, Naruto and his male friends that had accompanied him on the emergency mission went to lunch at Ichiraku to celebrate their success. They'd arrived at the scene of the distress before anyone had been killed, and as their skills far outranked those of the bandits, the situation had been quickly brought under control.

As Naruto sat slurping his ramen, Kiba felt it necessary to bring up his 'favourite' topic. "Looking forward to tomorrow Naruto?"

"Sure am, its not every day I turn 19. Besides," He slunk down into his chair. "Next year's going to be a bit of trouble. It'll be two decades since the Kyuubi attacked; they'll be having a memorial service. I always seem to be abused more when they have them. I was away for the one on the 15th anniversary. Them one when I was ten was a shocker."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nah, itu tidak semua dia. Lee membantu juga. "Dia berkelebat dia senyum licik, kemudian meringis. Hinata cemberut dan rengekan lembut perhatian meninggalkan bibirnya dan wajahnya melunak. Dia benci ketika ia mengalahkan dirinya atas hal konyol antara Neji dan dirinya sendiri. Itu tidak ada masalah besar, dia tidak benar-benar keberatan bahwa Neji datang setelah dia dengan chakra pembakaran. Setidaknya itu menunjukkan ia dirawat sepupunya sekarang, di mana setelah ia ingin membunuhnya. " "Nata, tidak apa-apa. Saya menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik untuk menghindari serangan-serangan Jyuuken. Dan kemudian, suatu hari, aku akan bisa menghindari Anda. Dan ketika saya bisa melakukan itu, tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan saya! Tidak ada! "Dia tertawa gila dan melambaikan lengannya di teatrikal, sebelum ia meringis dan mengerang. Dia berulir jari-jarinya melalui rambutnya sejenak, menatapnya sedih. "Mengapa tidak Kyuubi penyembuhan Anda?" Dia tersenyum kecut. "Karena dia seorang yang jahat, bajingan sadis." Dia melambaikan tangan acuh. "Ini akan menendang segera, dia tidak bisa tidak menyembuhkan saya untuk lebih lama lagi." Dia mengerutkan kening dan menatapnya. "Apakah itu masuk akal ? " Dia tersenyum sayang. "Hai Naruto, akal." Dia menyeringai. "Saya suka bahwa Anda dapat memahami saya. Aku mencintaimu. " "Aku juga mencintaimu Naruto," Dia bangkit. "Sekarang tunggu di sini sebentar, saya akan mendapatkan pertolongan pertama." Dia langsung menghilang dari pandangannya dan dia cemberut pada hilangnya hal yang paling dicintainya di dunia. Dia kekanak-kanakan menghitung detik sampai ia kembali. Satu menit empat puluh detik. Banyak kegembiraannya, dia masih dibalut handuk nya. Bisakah dia melakukan jutsu substitusi dengan handuk itu? Bungkus dia dalam sesuatu yang lain, seperti ... dia. Dia berlutut di sampingnya dan ia menoleh untuk menonton saat ia membuka kit pertolongan pertama. Rasa sakit di tubuhnya tumpul dengan cepat karena aplikasi-hati nya pengetahuan obat nya ... dan karena dia jika tidak terganggu dari rasa sakit dengan bentuk yang hampir telanjang kekasihnya. Dia melihat wajahnya sedekat dia diaktifkan byakugan untuk memeriksa tenketsu bahwa sepupunya yang lebih tua telah ditutup. Dia cepat dan lembut dibuka kembali mengatakan tenketsu dan membantunya duduk ketika dia selesai. "Merasa lebih baik?" Dia mengangguk terima kasih. "Bagaimana Anda pergi dan mandi, dan aku akan memasak makan malam." Ia bangkit berdiri dan menciumnya nyenyak di bibir, tangan keriting nya di pinggang, menarik ke arahnya. Dia menjawab sejenak, kemudian menarik diri mengernyitkan hidungnya. "Naruto ... kau bau." Naruto tersenyum malu-malu. "Saya pikir saya melakukan langkah sesuatu ketika saya berjuang Lee ... dan kemudian jatuh di dalamnya." Hinata tertawa saat ia menarik diri dari-Nya, menuju kamar tidur. Dia mengikutinya, menuju kamar mandi. "Perawatan untuk bergabung dengan saya di kamar mandi?" Hinata tersipu. "Naruto-kun," Dia menyeringai julukan yang disediakan ketika ia terangsang atau mengantuk. "Aku sudah punya mandi saya. Saya harus bisa berubah sehingga saya bisa membuat Anda makan malam." Dia menciumnya dengan lembut pada leher. "Anda tidak benar-benar harus bisa berubah untuk melakukan itu ..." memerah nya diintensifkan dan menatapnya dengan mata lebar. "N-Naruto-kun!" "Ah, memberkati gagap itu." Pikirnya sambil mengawasinya menghilang ke kamar tidur. "Ah, memberkati kamar mandi!" Dia mengatakan dengan keras, melihat ke depan untuk mandi air panas untuk uleni nyeri otot nya. Satu jam kemudian Naruto berbaring di tempat tidur benar-benar habis. Sekarang mandi dan makan, semua yang dia ingin lakukan adalah tidur dan ketika Hinata memasuki ruangan, ia mengangkat kepalanya dan tersenyum letih. Merangkak ke tempat tidur, ia meringkuk di sisinya. "Waktu tidur saya pikir Naruto." Dia bersenandung. "Kau jenius Hinata." Dengan itu, ia berguling ke samping sedikit dan mencium pipinya, sebelum pergeseran sekitar lamban sampai ia beristirahat dengan nyaman di bawah doona. Hinata mengikuti dan hati-hati beristirahat tangan di dadanya, berharap bahwa dia tidak akan menyakitinya. "Aku tidak sakit sama sekali 'Nata, hanya lelah, Anda tidak harus berhati-hati di sekitar saya." "Oke Naruto kun ... "Dia berbisik mengantuk, suaranya melemah dengan menguap. "Kau tahu Hinata," Dia menguap. "Saya pikir pantas dipukuli oleh Neji jika saya bisa pulang kepada Anda." Dia mencium lehernya ringan. "Arigato Naruto-kun, sekarang tidur, Anda layak mendapatkannya." Gelombang chakra terbangun pasangan tidur keesokan harinya, dan hal pertama yang mereka lihat ketika mereka membuka mata mereka adalah Neji dan Kiba berdiri di ujung tempat tidur mereka . Naruto, karena takut dampak, jatuh dari tempat tidur dengan jeritan kaget, dan Hinata duduk perlahan-lahan, menilai ekspresi sepupunya dan sahabat. Naruto melompat berdiri. "Aku bersumpah, suatu hari aku akan menempatkan salah satu segel pembatasan dinding saya sehingga tidak ada yang bisa 'poof' di sini setiap kali mereka silakan! Apa yang kalian berdua inginkan?" Dia bukan orang yang paling bahagia di pagi. "Misi Darurat," kata Neji tenang, jelas terhibur dalam kenyataan bahwa pasangan itu berpakaian. "Bandit menyerang kafilah selatan dari Konoha. Naruto, Anda harus datang dengan kami, dan Hinata-sama, Anda harus stand by di rumah sakit." Pasangan itu pindah ke tindakan segera, dan Naruto mengenakan bawah sepuluh detik. Dia mengirim salut kecil untuk Hinata sebelum menghilang dengan Neji dan Kiba di awan asap. Hinata berhenti di ritual pagi ketika dia melihat tempat tidur. Darah. Dia mental memarahi dirinya. Hanya dia bisa memiliki waktu yang buruk seperti itu. Sepertinya Sakura, Ino, dan menggoda Tenten, dan kekhawatiran Kiba akan menjadi salah. Naruto akan 'mendapatkan beberapa' pada hari ulang tahunnya. Dia pergi ke kamar mandi, lalu keluar dan dengan cepat mengubah lembaran sebelum dia juga meninggalkan rumah dalam awan asap, meskipun ia menuju rumah sakit, menunggu kemungkinan fluktuasi masuk pasien. Beberapa jam kemudian bandit telah ditangkap dan mereka yang terluka telah diangkut dan dirawat di Rumah Sakit Konoha. Dengan demikian, Naruto dan teman-teman laki-lakinya yang telah menemaninya pada misi darurat pergi ke makan siang di Ichiraku untuk merayakan keberhasilan mereka. Mereka akan tiba di tempat kejadian distress sebelum orang tewas, dan keterampilan mereka jauh outranked orang-orang dari bandit, situasi telah dengan cepat dikendalikan. Seperti Naruto duduk menyeruput ramen nya, Kiba merasa perlu untuk memunculkan 'favorit' nya topik. "Looking forward untuk besok Naruto?" "Tentu saya, yang tidak setiap hari saya berbalik 19. Selain itu," Dia menyelinap ke dalam kursinya. "Tahun depan itu akan menjadi sedikit kesulitan Ini akan dua dekade sejak Kyuubi menyerang;... Mereka akan memiliki upacara peringatan saya selalu tampaknya disalahgunakan lebih ketika mereka memiliki mereka aku pergi untuk satu pada ulang tahun ke-15 Mereka. satu ketika aku berusia sepuluh adalah jijik. "

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