Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
14100:07:04,747 --> 00:07:06,246and he doesn't wantto hurt you,14200:07:06,248 --> 00:07:08,165but he doesn't knowif he can help himself.14300:07:18,260 --> 00:07:21,678[ Skitters chittering ]14400:07:21,730 --> 00:07:23,096You hear that?14500:07:23,148 --> 00:07:25,015I heard itwhen I was on patrol.14600:07:25,067 --> 00:07:26,683Came up hereto check it out.14700:07:31,690 --> 00:07:33,357Tom:It's a bottomless pit.14800:07:33,409 --> 00:07:35,442Weaver: They're streaming inthrough that choke point.14900:07:35,494 --> 00:07:38,028What are they waiting for?15000:07:38,080 --> 00:07:40,163Must have an overlord.15100:07:40,199 --> 00:07:42,666Question is,where is he?15200:07:42,701 --> 00:07:45,118Where's he gettingall the skitters?15300:07:48,044 --> 00:07:50,379We are wastingtoo much time on this.15400:07:50,431 --> 00:07:51,880We can't even get outof the starting gate.15500:07:51,932 --> 00:07:53,849I gave an orderto the other militias15600:07:53,884 --> 00:07:55,217that I can'teven follow myself.15700:07:55,219 --> 00:07:57,019Maybe that's the point --the Espheni stall us15800:07:57,054 --> 00:07:58,770with skitters and hornetstill they can get15900:07:58,806 --> 00:08:01,023their remaining tech weaponsback online.16000:08:01,058 --> 00:08:03,058Why don't we justcrop-dust them again?16100:08:03,060 --> 00:08:05,143We could, but I only have enoughfertilizer for one more batch.16200:08:05,195 --> 00:08:06,862Doesn't matter, anyway.16300:08:06,897 --> 00:08:08,981The Espheni are replacing themas fast as we can kill them.16400:08:09,033 --> 00:08:10,816But how are theyreplacing them?16500:08:10,868 --> 00:08:13,902They were pouring into thatvalley like starving children.16600:08:13,904 --> 00:08:16,822I'm just wondering if they'rereproducing them somehow.16700:08:16,874 --> 00:08:18,790Reproducing?They're making them?16800:08:18,826 --> 00:08:19,958Yes -- biologically.16900:08:19,994 --> 00:08:21,326I mean, we know17000:08:21,378 --> 00:08:23,128that their mechanical weaponsare down, right?17100:08:23,163 --> 00:08:24,796They have no Beamers,no mechs,17200:08:24,832 --> 00:08:26,832so all that's leftare biological weapons.17300:08:26,884 --> 00:08:28,467Hornets and skitters --they don't need power.17400:08:28,502 --> 00:08:29,885They just need to eat.17500:08:29,920 --> 00:08:31,503So the Espheniare growing them?17600:08:31,555 --> 00:08:33,255Maybe -- I mean,we know they're obsessed17700:08:33,307 --> 00:08:34,423with DNA,genetic mutations.17800:08:34,475 --> 00:08:35,841Like Brian.17900:08:35,893 --> 00:08:37,509Right. And that insectthat we caught.18000:08:37,561 --> 00:08:38,561[ Clank ]18100:08:38,562 --> 00:08:40,595Now what?18200:08:46,520 --> 00:08:48,403Anthony, what happened?!18300:08:48,439 --> 00:08:50,405I heard a noise,and I came in to check.18400:08:50,441 --> 00:08:52,441Anne![ Grunts ]18500:08:52,443 --> 00:08:54,359Weaver:What happened, Anthony?18600:08:54,411 --> 00:08:55,411[ Groans ]18700:08:55,412 --> 00:08:57,112Soon as I got in here,18800:08:57,164 --> 00:08:59,581that...thingextended its freakin' arm,18900:08:59,616 --> 00:09:02,367shot his claw out like one ofthose telescoping Billy clubs19000:09:02,419 --> 00:09:04,453I used to carryas a cop.19100:09:04,505 --> 00:09:06,338I was -- I wasall the way over here,19200:09:06,373 --> 00:09:09,007and it just grabbed me andslammed my head into the wall.19300:09:09,043 --> 00:09:11,426All right, that's it! We huntthis thing down, and we kill it.19400:09:11,462 --> 00:09:13,428No. We don't have timeto go hunting right now.19500:09:13,464 --> 00:09:15,213You're saying we're notgonna go looking for this?19600:09:15,265 --> 00:09:16,882Yeah, that's exactly whatI'm saying. We leave it alone.19700:09:16,934 --> 00:09:18,300If it comes back,you all have my permission19800:09:18,302 --> 00:09:19,434to shoot it on sight.19900:09:19,470 --> 00:09:20,552Weaver:Wait a minute, Tom.20000:09:20,604 --> 00:09:23,472He ran.He didn't hurt anybody.20100:09:23,524 --> 00:09:25,974He could have come afterany of us. He didn't.20200:09:27,911 --> 00:09:29,311What about Caitlin?20300:09:29,363 --> 00:09:31,113D-dragged her away.20400:09:32,116 --> 00:09:33,982Maggie.20500:09:33,984 --> 00:09:35,534I put them in this position.I need to take responsibility.20600:09:35,569 --> 00:09:36,535I need youwith the 2nd Mass.20700:09:36,570 --> 00:09:38,070I'm going.Damn it! Maggie!20800:09:41,208 --> 00:09:43,158You can't go alone.20900:09:43,210 --> 00:09:45,494Your dad's right --you guys should all be focused21000:09:45,546 --> 00:09:47,462on finding the sourceof those skitters.21100:09:47,498 --> 00:09:50,632Yeah, and you need somebodyto watch your back.21200:09:50,667 --> 00:09:53,001Who knowswhat that thing is --21300:09:53,003 --> 00:09:54,419He's a person.21400:09:54,471 --> 00:09:56,555Okay, person --...is capable of.21500:09:56,590 --> 00:09:58,640I don't want to put youin that position with your dad.21600:09:58,675 --> 00:10:00,509My dad, my problem.21700:10:01,929 --> 00:10:03,228Then let's gear up.21800:10:06,600 --> 00:10:08,567I thought you weren'tsupposed to be on duty.21900:10:08,602 --> 00:10:10,318Couldn't sleep.22000:10:10,354 --> 00:10:12,521Kept wanting to seethat damn mutant for myself,22100:10:12,523 --> 00:10:15,607see how they triedto make a human more like them.22200:10:16,944 --> 00:10:18,944That mutant has a name,you know?22300:10:18,996 --> 00:10:21,363Yeah, used to have a name.Now it's a goddamn Espheni.22400:10:21,415 --> 00:10:23,532All right. Relax.22500:10:29,123 --> 00:10:30,372You finished?22600:10:34,711 --> 00:10:36,511You're welcome.22700:10:37,297 --> 00:10:39,714Column of skitters flows intothe valley here -- 10 o'clock.22800:10:39,716 --> 00:10:41,183We need to send scouts22900:10:41,218 --> 00:10:43,218to follow that columnback to its source --23000:10:43,270 --> 00:10:45,971hopefully, where they'remanufacturing these damn things.23100:10:46,023 --> 00:10:47,055Send Hal.23200:10:47,107 --> 00:10:49,057With, um...Pope and Sara.23300:10:49,059 --> 00:10:50,642I thinkHal went with Maggie.23400:10:50,694 --> 00:10:53,945He should have brought her back.I said "all hands on deck."23500:10:53,981 --> 00:10:55,981How aboutjust Pope and Sara?23600:10:56,033 --> 00:10:58,650We don't need anotherMason family babysitter.23700:10:58,702 --> 00:11:00,235Fine.Take Sara and move out.23800:11:00,287 --> 00:11:01,486We needto plug that spigot23900:11:01,538 --> 00:11:03,071before something elsecomes out of it.24000:11:03,073 --> 00:11:04,239You want meto go with him?
00:11:04,291 --> 00:11:06,575
Yeah. No.
Uh, I want to talk to you.
00:11:06,577 --> 00:11:08,326
I don't suppose
you've had any of those
00:11:08,378 --> 00:11:10,212
Woodrow Wilson hunches lately,
have you?
00:11:10,247 --> 00:11:12,130
That's what I want
to talk to you about.
00:11:17,087 --> 00:11:19,671
So, why do you care this much
about two people you just met?
00:11:19,723 --> 00:11:21,473
It's hard to explain.
00:11:21,508 --> 00:11:23,508
Well, my brother understands,
00:11:23,560 --> 00:11:25,143
Hal, please.
00:11:25,179 --> 00:11:26,645
It's --
it's the spikes.
00:11:26,680 --> 00:11:29,014
It's like trying
to explain color
00:11:29,066 --> 00:11:31,016
to someone who's been blind
their whole life.
00:11:31,068 --> 00:11:32,601
Help me understand.
00:11:35,772 --> 00:11:37,606
When you connect
to someone --
00:11:37,608 --> 00:11:40,275
like, right into their mind,
into their soul --
00:11:40,327 --> 00:11:42,994
it's emotional,
you know?
00:11:43,030 --> 00:11:44,613
You feel
what they feel.
00:11:44,615 --> 00:11:46,281
What'd you feel?
00:11:47,751 --> 00:11:49,784
That's something
you might understand
00:11:49,786 --> 00:11:53,004
more than me,
00:11:53,040 --> 00:11:55,090
Brian was
in so much pain,
00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:57,626
and all he cared about
was not hurting his big sister.
00:11:57,628 --> 00:12:00,679
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
00:12:00,714 --> 00:12:03,465
So what do you mean I would understand
better than you would?
00:12:03,517 --> 00:12:05,800
Because you grew up
with a family. Okay?
00:12:05,802 --> 00:12:07,435
I didn't have that.
00:12:07,471 --> 00:12:10,639
So I've never experienced
that kind of connection,
00:12:10,641 --> 00:12:12,641
that kind of love.
00:12:14,228 --> 00:12:17,145
Until now,
in a really weird way.
00:12:21,735 --> 00:12:23,818
[ Spikes crackle ]
00:12:23,820 --> 00:12:25,320
They're close.
00:12:28,325 --> 00:12:33,128
Yeah, except the eyes were just
a little bit closer together.
00:12:35,215 --> 00:12:37,666
I understand
you wanted to see me, Tom Mason.
00:12:37,718 --> 00:12:39,251
Yes, I did.
00:12:39,303 --> 00:12:42,087
Um, and the leg
was a bit more tapered.
00:12:43,307 --> 00:12:45,307
I was hoping
that you could help me.
00:12:45,342 --> 00:12:46,841
00:12:46,843 --> 00:12:49,344
I've been having these,
00:12:49,396 --> 00:12:51,179
Visions or memories.
00:12:51,231 --> 00:12:52,681
I don't know
exactly what they are,
00:12:52,733 --> 00:12:55,183
but there's so
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