Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
.Pada tanggal 9 Maret 2001, Indonesia Menteri Pertahanan dan panglima angkatan bersenjata yang mengumumkan baru operasi militer melawan GAM. Pada hari yang sama, Exxon Mobil, investor asing terbesar di wilayah ini, ditutup tiga nya ladang gas di Aceh Utara, mengutip serangan terhadap karyawannya. Hampir segera, lebih banyak pasukan dikirim ke Aceh Utara. Pemerintah mengklaim pasukan tambahan penting untuk perlindungan Exxon Mobil dan pembukaan kembali operasi, seperti Indonesia kontrak dengan Jepang dan Korea Selatan untuk penjualan gas alam bergantung pada pembukaan kembali bidang. (Pada awal Agustus, dua bidang telah dibuka kembali tetapi dengan banyak mengurangi produksi.) Banyak di Aceh percaya tentara menggunakan penutupan gasfield sebagai alasan untuk memulai serangan lama direncanakan.Instruksi Presiden No.4For the first four months of 2001, President Wahid resisted requests from Indonesia's military leaders to mount a major military operation against the rebels or to declare a civil emergency in Aceh. Under pressure, however, he issued Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No.4 of April 11, 2001.13The instruction stated that efforts at resolving the conflict through dialogue with "armed separatists" had produced no results and that violence on the part of the latter were increasing. The government had therefore decided to adopt a more comprehensive approach, and to address the political, economic, social, law and order, security, and information and communication aspects of the problem. To do so it set up an unwieldy structure headed by the vice-president and involving fifteen cabinet members, the commanders of both TNI and Polri, the head of the national intelligence agency, the governor of Aceh and all Indonesian-appointed district heads in Aceh.In practice, however, the main result of Inpres No.4 was the restructuring of the security apparatus responsible for Aceh. A new "Operation for the Restoration of Security and Upholding the Law"(Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan dan Penegakan Hukumor OKPH) was formed under the overall supervision of the national mobile police brigade (Brimob) commander, Yusuf Manggabarani. Under Manggabarani, who arrived in Aceh in early May 2001, Aceh's then chief of police, Brig.Gen.(Pol) Chairul Rasjid, and army commander Brig.Gen. Zamroni, were given equal responsibility for command of the operations, which were envisioned as being under police authority, but with full army back-up. Rasjid was replaced in June by Brig.Gen (Pol) Ramli Darwis. Zamroni, a former deputy commander of the army special forces (Kopassus), was to command TNI troops, including eleven companies reportedly given special training by Kopassus in West Java.14The new troops embarked on a systematic effort to target suspected GAM strongholds and headquarters, with many claims by local organizations of civilians killed in the process. In June, Central Aceh was the site of a particularly violent eruption with the army claiming that GAM had massacred more than forty Javanese migrants on June 5-6 in the areas of Bandar and Timang Gajah, and GAM claiming that the TNI, together with a Javanese militia called Puja Kusuma, had massacred even more ethnic Acehnese and Gayo people in retaliation in the weeks that followed. (Both claims appear to be well-founded, but Human Rights Watch has not been able to independently confirm them.) Between the first week of June and mid-July, some 150 people had been confirmed dead by the Indonesian Red Cross, and 800 homes had been burned to the ground.15When one of Indonesia's most respected human rights organizations, Kontras, tried to conduct a fact-finding mission in Central from July 7-19, 2001 its members were stopped by Indonesian security forces and two of them detained and tortured. Both individuals were eventually released.10Tim Kell, The Roots of Acehnese Rebellion 1989-92,Cornell Modern Indonesia Project (Ithaca: 1995) pp. 62-63.11Al-Chaidar, Sayed Mudhahar Ahmad and Yarmen Dinamika, Aceh Bersim
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