Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do comes right–  terjemahan - Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do comes right–  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Some men are born to good luck: all

Some men are born to good luck: all they do or try to do comes right– all that falls to them is so much gain–all their geese are swans–all their cards are trumps–toss them which way you will, they will always, like poor puss, alight upon their legs, and only move on so much the faster. The world may very likely not always think of them as they think of themselves, but what care they for the world? what can it know about the matter?
One of these lucky beings was neighbour Hans. Seven long years he had worked hard for his master. At last he said, ’Master, my time is up; I must go home and see my poor mother once more: so pray pay me my wages and let me go.’ And the master said, ’You have been a faithful and good servant, Hans, so your pay shall be handsome.’ Then he gave him a lump of silver as big as his head.
Hans took out his pocket-handkerchief, put the piece of silver into it, threw it over his shoulder, and jogged off on his road homewards. As he went lazily on, dragging one foot after another, a man came in sight, trotting gaily along on a capital horse. ’Ah!’ said Hans aloud, ’what a fine thing it is to ride on horseback! There he sits as easy and happy as if he was at home, in the chair by his fireside; he trips against no stones, saves shoe-leather, and gets on he hardly knows how.’ Hans did not speak so softly but the horseman heard it all, and said, ’Well, friend, why do you go on foot then?’ ’Ah!’ said he, ’I have this load to carry: to be sure it is silver, but it is so heavy that I can’t hold up my head, and you must know it hurts my shoulder sadly.’ ’What do you say of making an exchange?’ said the horseman. ’I will give you my horse, and you shall give me the silver; which will save you a great deal of trouble in carrying such a heavy load about with you.’ ’With all my heart,’ said Hans: ’but as you are so kind to me, I must tell you one thing–you will have a weary task to draw that silver about with you.’ However, the horseman got off, took the silver, helped Hans up, gave him the bridle into one hand and the whip into the other, and said, ’When you want to go very fast, smack your lips loudly together, and cry “Jip!"’
Hans was delighted as he sat on the horse, drew himself up, squared his elbows, turned out his toes, cracked his whip, and rode merrily off, one minute whistling a merry tune, and another singing,
’No care and no sorrow,
A fig for the morrow!
We’ll laugh and be merry,
Sing neigh down derry!’
After a time he thought he should like to go a little faster, so he smacked his lips and cried ’Jip!’ Away went the horse full gallop; and before Hans knew what he was about, he was thrown off, and lay on his back by the road-side. His horse would have ran off, if a shepherd who was coming by, driving a cow, had not stopped it. Hans soon came to himself, and got upon his legs again, sadly vexed, and said to the shepherd, ’This riding is no joke, when a man has the luck to get upon a beast like this that stumbles and flings him off as if it would break his neck. However, I’m off now once for all: I like your cow now a great deal better than this smart beast that played me this trick, and has spoiled my best coat, you see, in this puddle; which, by the by, smells not very like a nosegay. One can walk along at one’s leisure behind that cow–keep good company, and have milk, butter, and cheese, every day, into the bargain. What would I give to have such a prize!’ ’Well,’ said the shepherd, ’if you are so fond of her, I will change my cow for your horse; I like to do good to my neighbours, even though I lose by it myself.’ ’Done!’ said Hans, merrily. ’What a noble heart that good man Chas!’ thought he. Then the shepherd jumped upon the horse, wished Hans and the cow good morning, and away he rode.
Hans brushed his coat, wiped his face and hands, rested a while, and then drove off his cow quietly, and thought his bargain a very lucky one. ’If I have only a piece of bread (and I certainly shall always be able to get that), I can, whenever I like, eat my butter and cheese with it; and when I am thirsty I can milk my cow and drink the milk: and what can I wish for more?’ When he came to an inn, he halted, ate up all his bread, and gave away his last penny for a glass of beer. When he had rested himself he set off again, driving his cow towards his mother’s village. But the heat grew greater as soon as noon came on, till at last, as he found himself on a wide heath that would take him more than an hour to cross, he began to be so hot and parched that his tongue clave to the roof of his mouth. ’I can find a cure for this,’ thought he; ’now I will milk my cow and quench my thirst’: so he tied her to the stump of a tree, and held his leathern cap to milk into; but not a drop was to be had. Who would have thought that this cow, which was to bring him milk and butter and cheese, was all that time utterly dry? Hans had not thought of looking to that.
While he was trying his luck in milking, and mana
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Beberapa orang dilahirkan untuk keberuntungan: semua mereka atau mencoba untuk melakukan datang tepat-semua yang jatuh kepada mereka adalah sehingga banyak keuntungan-semua angsa mereka adalah angsa-semua kartu mereka mengalahkan – melemparkan mereka arah mana Anda akan, mereka akan selalu, seperti kucing miskin, turun pada kaki mereka, dan hanya bergerak pada begitu banyak semakin cepat. Dunia mungkin sangat mungkin tidak selalu menganggap mereka sebagai mereka berpikir tentang diri mereka sendiri, tetapi perawatan apa yang mereka untuk dunia? apa yang bisa itu tahu tentang masalah?Salah satu makhluk-makhluk ini beruntung adalah tetangga Hans. Selama tujuh tahun ia telah bekerja keras untuk tuannya. Akhirnya dia berkata, ' Master, waktu saya adalah; Saya harus pulang dan melihat ibu saya sekali lagi: Jadi berdoa membayar upahku dan biarkan aku pergi.' Dan master berkata, 'Anda telah hamba yang setia dan baik, Hans, sehingga membayar Anda harus tampan.' Kemudian dia memberinya benjolan perak sebagai besar sebagai kepalanya.Hans took out his pocket-handkerchief, put the piece of silver into it, threw it over his shoulder, and jogged off on his road homewards. As he went lazily on, dragging one foot after another, a man came in sight, trotting gaily along on a capital horse. ’Ah!’ said Hans aloud, ’what a fine thing it is to ride on horseback! There he sits as easy and happy as if he was at home, in the chair by his fireside; he trips against no stones, saves shoe-leather, and gets on he hardly knows how.’ Hans did not speak so softly but the horseman heard it all, and said, ’Well, friend, why do you go on foot then?’ ’Ah!’ said he, ’I have this load to carry: to be sure it is silver, but it is so heavy that I can’t hold up my head, and you must know it hurts my shoulder sadly.’ ’What do you say of making an exchange?’ said the horseman. ’I will give you my horse, and you shall give me the silver; which will save you a great deal of trouble in carrying such a heavy load about with you.’ ’With all my heart,’ said Hans: ’but as you are so kind to me, I must tell you one thing–you will have a weary task to draw that silver about with you.’ However, the horseman got off, took the silver, helped Hans up, gave him the bridle into one hand and the whip into the other, and said, ’When you want to go very fast, smack your lips loudly together, and cry “Jip!"’Hans was delighted as he sat on the horse, drew himself up, squared his elbows, turned out his toes, cracked his whip, and rode merrily off, one minute whistling a merry tune, and another singing, ' Tidak peduli dan ada kesedihan, Ara untuk keesokan harinya! Kita akan tertawa dan bergembira, Sing lingkungan turun derry!'Setelah waktu dia pikir dia ingin pergi sedikit lebih cepat, jadi dia berbau bibirnya dan menangis 'Jip!' Pergi pergi gallop kuda penuh; dan sebelum Hans tahu apa yang dia adalah tentang, ia adalah terlempar, dan berbaring telentang dengan pinggir jalan. Kuda akan melarikan diri, jika seorang gembala yang datang oleh, mengemudi sapi, tidak berhenti itu. Hans segera datang untuk dirinya sendiri, dan mendapat atas kakinya lagi, sayangnya jengkel dan berkata kepada gembala, ' Berkuda ini adalah lelucon, ketika seorang pria memiliki keberuntungan untuk mendapatkan atas binatang seperti ini yang tersandung dan flings dia seolah-olah itu akan mematahkan lehernya. Namun, aku pergi sekarang sekali untuk semua: Saya suka sapi Anda sekarang banyak lebih baik daripada binatang ini cerdas yang bermain saya trik ini, dan telah dimanjakan saya mantel yang terbaik, Anda lihat, dalam genangan ini; yang, oleh oleh, bau tidak terlalu seperti nosegay. Satu dapat berjalan di sepanjang di waktu luang seseorang di balik itu sapi-mengikuti perusahaan yang baik, dan memiliki susu, mentega dan keju, setiap hari, ke dalam tawar-menawar. Apa yang akan saya berikan untuk memiliki seperti hadiah!' 'Yah,' kata gembala, ' jika Anda sangat menyukai dia, aku akan mengubah sapi untuk kuda Anda; Saya ingin berbuat baik kepada tetangga saya, meskipun aku kehilangan oleh diriku sendiri.' 'Selesai!' sahut Hans, riang. ' Apa mulia hati orang baik Chas!' berpikir dia. Kemudian gembala melompat atas kuda, berharap Hans dan sapi Selamat pagi, dan dari dia naik.Hans disikat nya mantel, mengusap wajah dan tangan, beristirahat sementara, dan kemudian pergi sapi Nya diam-diam, dan berpikir nya yang sangat beruntung. ' Jika saya memiliki hanya sepotong roti (dan aku pasti selalu akan mampu mendapatkan itu), saya dapat, setiap kali saya seperti, makan saya mentega dan keju dengan itu; dan ketika aku Haus saya bisa susu sapi dan minum susu: dan apa yang dapat saya berharap untuk lebih?' Ketika ia datang ke penginapan, ia dihentikan, makan semua roti, dan menyerahkan Nya penny terakhir untuk segelas bir. Ketika ia telah berhenti sendiri dia berangkat lagi, mengemudi nya sapi menuju desa ibunya. Tapi panas tumbuh lebih besar ketika siang datang, sampai akhirnya, ketika dia menemukan dirinya di heath lebar yang akan membawanya lebih dari satu jam untuk menyeberang, ia mulai menjadi begitu panas dan bertih yang ada lidah nya ke atap mulut-Nya. 'Saya dapat menemukan obat untuk ini,' berpikir dia; 'Sekarang aku akan susu sapi dan memuaskan kehausan saya': sehingga ia terikat tunggul pohon, dan dipercayai topi nya leathern susu ke dalam; Namun tak setetes yang bisa didapat. Siapa yang akan berpikir bahwa sapi ini, yang untuk membawanya susu dan mentega dan keju, adalah semua waktu itu benar-benar kering? Hans tidak memikirkan mencari itu.Sementara ia mencoba keberuntungan di memerah susu, dan mana
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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