The weapons on our these 1000 + war­ships are Tian Ling Em­pire are mo terjemahan - The weapons on our these 1000 + war­ships are Tian Ling Em­pire are mo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The weapons on our these 1000 + war

The weapons on our these 1000 + war­ships are Tian Ling Em­pire are most ad­vanced, is in this main­land is most ad­vanced, but in spread­ing out hand is on the chain is­lands the self-made earth ar­tillery, the fir­ing dis­tance and might are not in a mag­ni­tude, this prob­a­bly hits for dozens years ago the Chi­nese fourth gen­er­a­tion J-20 fighter air­craft US sec­ond gen­er­a­tion the feel­ing of F-4 is the same, that is steadily wins.
„Sur­round­ing!” I open being gen­er­ous sound order.
War­ships form bat­tle­line slowly, dis­tant is con­fronting with on army of Dragon's Tail is­land, even we have been able to see the army on is­land, is under the Norbu hand pri­vate armed forces, they have also pro­moted an all trades pitch-dark heavy ar­tillery, but the fire­power can only be equal to with the hot crag ar­tillery, was more in­fe­rior than Long Jing ar­tillery, does not need to raise the in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery.
„Im­me­di­ately launches the at­tack?” The South Ko­rean deep pool asked.
I shake the head: „Sends out the boat, asks that they are will­ing to sur­ren­der.”
A boat ris­ing ty­phoon goes, but has only ar­rived at half, thun­ders, the sol­dier on boat and ship changes into pile of flame to scat­ter in the water, this is their replies.
My moral na­ture anger, nu­mer­ous fist bang on broad side: „Bas­tard!”
Q Sword said: „Opens fire di­rectly, did not need to worry any­thing again.”
I nod: „Trans­mit­ted or­ders, all main­tains with shore dis­tance 1000 me­ters away, non- dif­fer­ence bomb­ing, we do not need their har­bors, bombs for one hour to me, de­stroys their com­plete edges to de­ploy troops for de­fense, after one hour, the dragon knight as the sec­ond at­tack in ech­e­lon, all war­ships ap­proach shores to cover to kill!”
After sev­eral min­utes, the fire sound bang re­sound­ing, Long Jing ar­tillery fir­ing dis­tance could be 1000 me­ters away, the in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery is the ter­ri­fy­ing 3000 me­ters, with bomb­ing of in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery, in­ter­mit­tent rip­ples surges in the sea level, war­ship also in drag­ging, but shore „rum­bling” bunch of roar­ing flame shoot up to the sky, the army and heavy ar­tillery of spread­ing out duke turned into one pile of ruins in the gun­smoke to­gether, in an in­stant the har­bor de­gen­er­ated into one piece in con­fu­sion.
Prob­a­bly the spread­ing out duke has not thought that our fire­power will be per­haps in this sit­u­a­tion, soon , the pe­riph­eral zone of Dragon's Tail is­land com­pletely be­came the sea of fire, but our bomb­ing have not stopped im­me­di­ately, has con­tin­ued fully the most hour.
The blue radish raises Long Jian, said loudly: „Dra­goon, at­tacks!”
Al­to­gether 31 dragon knights hov­ered to fly to­gether to the Dragon's Tail is­land, but our war­ships also from shore, only then less than sev­eral hun­dred me­ters, I have turned head to smile to the peo­ple: „Dis­em­barked.”
Say­ing, my sin­gle-handed one, was start­ing to sum­mon rasp­berry!
The mag­nif­i­cent six glow stars bloom in sea level, rasp­berry ap­pears in the dragon shape di­rectly, the dragon god's daugh­ter's pow­er­ful image is stir­ring, when I, as soon as leaps treads, in the dragon car­ries on the back, saw that the eye of Q Sword and in short spear trick passed over gen­tly and swiftly sur­prised: „My good­ness, this goods had the big dragon sad­dle horse!”
Ac­tu­ally, I and cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den am on good terms, all play­ers know that I def­i­nitely will be­come the dragon knight, but has not thought that I have the big dragon sad­dle horse to the pre­sent, will be a blood re­la­tion­ship pure dragon god level sa­cred big dragon!
Rasp­berry howls, lat­ter sends first , a dragon rest emits in the shore crowd, on Norbu pri­vate army horse of one crowd of flee­ing pell-mell is mis­er­ably howl­ing is be­com­ing bunch of roar­ing flame, this strik­ing power re­ally did not have the words to say.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The weapons on our these 1000 + war­ships are Tian Ling Em­pire are most ad­vanced, is in this main­land is most ad­vanced, but in spread­ing out hand is on the chain is­lands the self-made earth ar­tillery, the fir­ing dis­tance and might are not in a mag­ni­tude, this prob­a­bly hits for dozens years ago the Chi­nese fourth gen­er­a­tion J-20 fighter air­craft US sec­ond gen­er­a­tion the feel­ing of F-4 is the same, that is steadily wins.„Sur­round­ing!” I open being gen­er­ous sound order.War­ships form bat­tle­line slowly, dis­tant is con­fronting with on army of Dragon's Tail is­land, even we have been able to see the army on is­land, is under the Norbu hand pri­vate armed forces, they have also pro­moted an all trades pitch-dark heavy ar­tillery, but the fire­power can only be equal to with the hot crag ar­tillery, was more in­fe­rior than Long Jing ar­tillery, does not need to raise the in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery.„Im­me­di­ately launches the at­tack?” The South Ko­rean deep pool asked.I shake the head: „Sends out the boat, asks that they are will­ing to sur­ren­der.”„Yes!”A boat ris­ing ty­phoon goes, but has only ar­rived at half, thun­ders, the sol­dier on boat and ship changes into pile of flame to scat­ter in the water, this is their replies.My moral na­ture anger, nu­mer­ous fist bang on broad side: „Bas­tard!”Q Sword said: „Opens fire di­rectly, did not need to worry any­thing again.”I nod: „Trans­mit­ted or­ders, all main­tains with shore dis­tance 1000 me­ters away, non- dif­fer­ence bomb­ing, we do not need their har­bors, bombs for one hour to me, de­stroys their com­plete edges to de­ploy troops for de­fense, after one hour, the dragon knight as the sec­ond at­tack in ech­e­lon, all war­ships ap­proach shores to cover to kill!”„Yes!”After sev­eral min­utes, the fire sound bang re­sound­ing, Long Jing ar­tillery fir­ing dis­tance could be 1000 me­ters away, the in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery is the ter­ri­fy­ing 3000 me­ters, with bomb­ing of in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery, in­ter­mit­tent rip­ples surges in the sea level, war­ship also in drag­ging, but shore „rum­bling” bunch of roar­ing flame shoot up to the sky, the army and heavy ar­tillery of spread­ing out duke turned into one pile of ruins in the gun­smoke to­gether, in an in­stant the har­bor de­gen­er­ated into one piece in con­fu­sion.Prob­a­bly the spread­ing out duke has not thought that our fire­power will be per­haps in this sit­u­a­tion, soon , the pe­riph­eral zone of Dragon's Tail is­land com­pletely be­came the sea of fire, but our bomb­ing have not stopped im­me­di­ately, has con­tin­ued fully the most hour.The blue radish raises Long Jian, said loudly: „Dra­goon, at­tacks!”Al­to­gether 31 dragon knights hov­ered to fly to­gether to the Dragon's Tail is­land, but our war­ships also from shore, only then less than sev­eral hun­dred me­ters, I have turned head to smile to the peo­ple: „Dis­em­barked.”Say­ing, my sin­gle-handed one, was start­ing to sum­mon rasp­berry!„Brushes!”The mag­nif­i­cent six glow stars bloom in sea level, rasp­berry ap­pears in the dragon shape di­rectly, the dragon god's daugh­ter's pow­er­ful image is stir­ring, when I, as soon as leaps treads, in the dragon car­ries on the back, saw that the eye of Q Sword and in short spear trick passed over gen­tly and swiftly sur­prised: „My good­ness, this goods had the big dragon sad­dle horse!”Ac­tu­ally, I and cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den am on good terms, all play­ers know that I def­i­nitely will be­come the dragon knight, but has not thought that I have the big dragon sad­dle horse to the pre­sent, will be a blood re­la­tion­ship pure dragon god level sa­cred big dragon!Rasp­berry howls, lat­ter sends first , a dragon rest emits in the shore crowd, on Norbu pri­vate army horse of one crowd of flee­ing pell-mell is mis­er­ably howl­ing is be­com­ing bunch of roar­ing flame, this strik­ing power re­ally did not have the words to say.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Senjata pada kami 1000 + kapal perang ini Tian Ling Empire yang paling maju, adalah di daratan ini paling maju, tetapi dalam menyebarkan tangan adalah di pulau-pulau rantai artileri bumi buatan sendiri, penembakan jarak dan kekuatan tidak dalam besarnya, ini mungkin memukul selama puluhan tahun yang lalu generasi keempat Cina J-20 pesawat tempur US generasi kedua perasaan F-4 adalah sama, yaitu terus menang.
"Sekitar!" aku membuka menjadi urutan suara hati.
Kapal perang membentuk battleline perlahan, jauh adalah menghadapi dengan pada tentara pulau Tail Dragon, bahkan kita telah mampu melihat tentara di pulau, yang di bawah tangan Norbu angkatan bersenjata pribadi, mereka juga telah dipromosikan artileri berat semua perdagangan ter-gelap, tapi daya tembak . hanya bisa sama dengan dengan karang artileri panas, lebih rendah dari Long Jing artileri, tidak perlu menaikkan kekuatan artileri tak terkalahkan
. "? Segera meluncurkan serangan" The kolam yang dalam Korea Selatan meminta
saya menggelengkan kepala: "Mengirim keluar perahu, meminta bahwa mereka bersedia untuk menyerah. "
" Ya! "
Sebuah perahu naik topan pergi, tapi hanya tiba di setengah, guruh, prajurit di perahu dan kapal berubah menjadi tumpukan api untuk menyebarkan di dalam air, ini adalah balasan mereka.
moral yang bersifat kemarahan saya, banyak tinju bang pada sisi lebar: "Bajingan!"
Q Pedang mengatakan: "Membuka api langsung, tidak perlu khawatir apa-apa lagi."
saya mengangguk: "perintah Menular, semua mempertahankan dengan jarak pantai 1000 meter, non perbedaan bom, kita tidak perlu pelabuhan mereka, bom selama satu jam untuk saya, menghancurkan tepi lengkap mereka untuk mengerahkan pasukan untuk pertahanan, setelah satu jam, naga ksatria sebagai serangan kedua di eselon, semua kapal perang mendekati pantai untuk menutupi untuk membunuh! "
" Ya! "
Setelah beberapa menit, suara tembakan Bang gemilang, Long Jing artileri tembak jarak bisa menjadi 1.000 meter, keperkasaan artileri tak terkalahkan adalah menakutkan 3000 meter, dengan pemboman tak terkalahkan kekuatan artileri, intermiten riak gelombang di permukaan laut, kapal perang juga menyeret, tapi pantai "gemuruh" sekelompok menderu api menembak ke langit, tentara dan artileri berat menyebar duke berubah menjadi satu tumpukan reruntuhan di Gunsmoke bersama-sama, dalam sekejap pelabuhan merosot menjadi satu bagian dalam kebingungan.
mungkin menyebar duke belum berpikir bahwa senjata kita akan mungkin dalam situasi ini, segera, zona perifer pulau Tail Dragon benar-benar menjadi lautan api, tapi pemboman kami belum berhenti segera , terus sepenuhnya paling jam.
lobak biru menimbulkan panjang Jian, mengatakan keras: "! Dragoon, serangan"
sama sekali 31 ksatria naga melayang terbang bersama-sama ke pulau Tail dragon, namun kapal-kapal perang kita juga dari pantai, hanya kemudian kurang dari beberapa ratus meter, saya menoleh tersenyum kepada orang-orang: ". turun"
! Mengatakan, saya satu satu tangan, mulai memanggil raspberry
"! brushes"
The megah enam bintang bersinar mekar di permukaan laut, raspberry muncul di naga bentuk langsung, gambar putri naga dewa yang kuat mengaduk, ketika saya, segera setelah lompatan tapak, di naga tersebut menjalankan belakang, melihat bahwa mata Q Pedang dan trik tombak pendek melewati lembut dan cepat terkejut: "My kebaikan, barang ini memiliki besar naga pelana kuda! "
Sebenarnya, aku dan dingin tanah yang tidak digarap dragon den am hubungan baik, semua pemain tahu bahwa saya pasti akan menjadi ksatria naga, namun belum berpikir bahwa saya memiliki besar naga pelana kuda hingga saat ini, akan menjadi hubungan darah naga murni tingkat dewa naga besar suci!
Raspberry lolongan, yang terakhir mengirimkan pertama, istirahat naga memancarkan dalam kerumunan pantai, di Norbu kuda tentara pribadi dari salah satu kerumunan melarikan diri pontang-panting adalah total melolong adalah menjadi sekelompok menderu api, listrik mencolok ini benar-benar tidak memiliki kata-kata untuk mengatakan.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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