„What sensation no matter you felt and consciousness, but also asked y terjemahan - „What sensation no matter you felt and consciousness, but also asked y Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„What sensation no matter you felt

„What sensation no matter you felt and consciousness, but also asked you to keep firmly in mind, true body cultivated the behavior, you did not annoy me, I did not annoy you, please do not want self by mistake” Meng Hao cold words to open mouth.
His words, other people did not have what response, but gold robe youth there heart, actually sneers, he wants to ask Meng Hao very much, initially when return, is in whose sad situation, annoyed itself on own initiative.
But the Bai Wuchen immortal at this moment, looks in this gold robe youth that the opposite party should be the same to oneself, feels the will from boundless Patriarch dark, making them strike to kill Meng Hao.
The Headmaster old man frowned, when will explain, Meng Hao here does not bear, his body fierce going out, the Bai Wuchen immortal sneers forward, right hand waves hand, within the body Cultivation erupts immediately loudly, forms the storm to prevent Meng Hao.
„Boiling” Meng Hao takes a step the big sleeve to fling, immediately his all around ghost makes the incisive sound, roars runs out, has formed sea of the piece of ghost, attacks the Bai Wuchen storm, the bang is dreadful, the collapse, these ghosts whoosh run out, making Bai Wuchen there facial color change, the body cannot help but withdraw.
Along with her withdrawing, the Meng Hao direct shuttle goes, speeds away toward the front.
„Headmaster, Fellow Daoist, tertiary mainland to us whether to endure the catastrophe, important, this person goes alone, must have the clue, if not examine 12, the this place did not feel relieved.” Bai Wuchen immortal light to open mouth, has not paid attention to the people, the body directly soars the Meng Hao pursuit to go in a flash.
Her two eyes flashes slightly, reveals the strange glow, in fact the gold robe youth also guessed mistakenly, she has not felt boundless Patriarch dark here Divine Sense, reason that in fact this time the agreement arrived at this place, its goal, for some type of goods in third mainland.
This goods are very essential to her, even she can realize at this moment, intermittent fluctuation that goods that in own bag of holding, has disperse.
In fact, this time, even if Headmaster does not look for her, she will also join, after all through the mouths of other people, she knew, oneself do not have participation the tour of previous deep palace, the harvest of people, is different to the beforehand several times.
To her, this obtain that goods the probability to be enormous, even for this reason, she also on own initiative said that region of tertiary mainland to make the people endure the catastrophe, may after arriving at the deep palace, she suddenly discovered that Meng Hao there did not suit.
Has an intuition and judgment faintly, as if the opposite party goal, is very similar to here.
Then had beforehand act, when this moment pursuit, Headmaster old man two eyes dodges, he seems like is similar anything not to realize, may in fact, the manner of this Bai Wuchen immortal from beforehand desolately changes somewhat positive, although this matter some Transcendence sacrificial altars explained that but he always thought that some are not right.
At this moment looking pensive, body in a flash, along with it departure, as for the gold robe youth as well as Shajiu Dong, two people looked, thought that this matter does not suit, same endures the impulsion of sacrificial altar, flew.
As for other nine source Paragon, including second Paragon, they also judges in the tertiary mainland to have the strangeness, but the strongest five nine source peak passed now, perhaps they will go not to have anything to harvest again, the people looked, will directly soar the center of double mainland as if by prior agreement, the second Transcendence sacrificial altar.
Thanks everybody's bill, starting today morning, ~ last night has had a nightmare awake with a start very early in the morning to be continued..
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Sensasi apa pun Anda merasa dan kesadaran, tetapi juga meminta Anda untuk tetap kuat dalam pikiran, tubuh benar dibudidayakan perilaku, Anda tidak mengganggu saya, saya tidak mengganggu Anda, silakan tidak ingin diri oleh kesalahan" Meng Hao kata-kata yang dingin untuk membuka mulut.Kata-katanya, orang lain tidak memiliki tanggapan apa, tapi jubah emas pemuda ada hati, benar-benar menyeringai, ia ingin meminta Meng Hao sangat banyak, pada awalnya ketika kembali, itu dalam situasi yang menyedihkan, kesal sendiri inisiatif sendiri.Tapi Bai Wuchen abadi saat ini terlihat di pemuda emas jubah ini bahwa partai yang berlawanan harus sama untuk diri sendiri, merasa akan dari tak terbatas patriak gelap, membuat mereka menyerang untuk membunuh Meng Hao.Orang tua kepala sekolah disukai, ketika akan menjelaskan, Meng Hao di sini tidak menanggung, tubuhnya sengit keluar, Bai Wuchen abadi sneers maju, tangan ombak kanan, dalam tubuh budidaya meletus segera keras, membentuk badai untuk mencegah Meng Hao."Mendidih" Meng Hao mengambil langkah lengan besar untuk melemparkan, segera kepada semua di sekitar hantu membuat suara tajam, mengaum habis, telah membentuk laut sepotong hantu, serangan badai Bai Wuchen, bang mengerikan, runtuhnya, deru hantu ini habis, membuat Bai Wuchen ada perubahan warna wajah, tubuh tidak dapat membantu tetapi menarik.Bersama dengan dia menarik, Meng Hao antar jemput langsung pergi, kecepatan jauh ke depan.„Headmaster, Fellow Daoist, tertiary mainland to us whether to endure the catastrophe, important, this person goes alone, must have the clue, if not examine 12, the this place did not feel relieved.” Bai Wuchen immortal light to open mouth, has not paid attention to the people, the body directly soars the Meng Hao pursuit to go in a flash.Her two eyes flashes slightly, reveals the strange glow, in fact the gold robe youth also guessed mistakenly, she has not felt boundless Patriarch dark here Divine Sense, reason that in fact this time the agreement arrived at this place, its goal, for some type of goods in third mainland.This goods are very essential to her, even she can realize at this moment, intermittent fluctuation that goods that in own bag of holding, has disperse.In fact, this time, even if Headmaster does not look for her, she will also join, after all through the mouths of other people, she knew, oneself do not have participation the tour of previous deep palace, the harvest of people, is different to the beforehand several times.To her, this obtain that goods the probability to be enormous, even for this reason, she also on own initiative said that region of tertiary mainland to make the people endure the catastrophe, may after arriving at the deep palace, she suddenly discovered that Meng Hao there did not suit.Has an intuition and judgment faintly, as if the opposite party goal, is very similar to here.Then had beforehand act, when this moment pursuit, Headmaster old man two eyes dodges, he seems like is similar anything not to realize, may in fact, the manner of this Bai Wuchen immortal from beforehand desolately changes somewhat positive, although this matter some Transcendence sacrificial altars explained that but he always thought that some are not right.At this moment looking pensive, body in a flash, along with it departure, as for the gold robe youth as well as Shajiu Dong, two people looked, thought that this matter does not suit, same endures the impulsion of sacrificial altar, flew.As for other nine source Paragon, including second Paragon, they also judges in the tertiary mainland to have the strangeness, but the strongest five nine source peak passed now, perhaps they will go not to have anything to harvest again, the people looked, will directly soar the center of double mainland as if by prior agreement, the second Transcendence sacrificial altar.Thanks everybody's bill, starting today morning, ~ last night has had a nightmare awake with a start very early in the morning to be continued..
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Apa sensasi tidak peduli Anda merasa dan kesadaran, tetapi juga meminta Anda untuk tetap tegas dalam pikiran, tubuh benar dibudidayakan perilaku, Anda tidak mengganggu saya, saya tidak mengganggu Anda, jangan ingin mandiri oleh kesalahan" Meng Hao kata dingin membuka mulut.
kata-katanya, orang lain tidak memiliki apa respon, tapi pemuda jubah emas ada jantung, sebenarnya menyeringai, dia ingin meminta Meng Hao sangat banyak, awalnya ketika kembali, adalah yang di situasi yang menyedihkan, kesal sendiri atas inisiatif sendiri.
tapi abadi Bai Wuchen saat ini, terlihat dalam jubah ini pemuda emas bahwa pihak lawan harus sama untuk diri sendiri, terasa kehendak dari yang tak terbatas Patriarch gelap, membuat mereka menyerang untuk membunuh Meng Hao.
orang tua Kepala Sekolah mengerutkan kening, kapan menjelaskan, Meng Hao sini tidak menghasilkan, sengit tubuhnya keluar, Bai Wuchen menyeringai abadi maju, gelombang tangan kanan tangan, dalam meletus tubuh Budidaya segera keras, membentuk badai untuk mencegah Meng Hao.
"Boiling" Meng Hao mengambil langkah lengan besar untuk berselingkuh, segera nya sekitar hantu membuat suara tajam, mengaum habis, telah membentuk lautan potongan hantu, menyerang badai Bai Wuchen, bang mengerikan, keruntuhan, hantu ini wusss habis, membuat Bai Wuchen perubahan warna ada wajah, tubuh tidak bisa tidak menarik.
Seiring dengan menarik dia, Meng Hao jemput langsung pergi, kecepatan jauh ke arah depan.
"Kepala Sekolah, Fellow Taois, daratan tersier kepada kami apakah akan bertahan bencana, penting , orang ini berjalan sendiri, harus memiliki petunjuk, jika tidak meneliti 12, tempat ini tidak merasa lega. "Bai Wuchen abadi cahaya untuk membuka mulut, belum membayar perhatian kepada orang-orang, tubuh langsung melonjak mengejar Meng Hao ke pergi dalam sekejap.
Her dua mata berkedip sedikit, mengungkapkan cahaya aneh, sebenarnya pemuda jubah emas juga menduga keliru, dia belum merasa tak terbatas Patriarch gelap di sini Rasa Ilahi, alasan bahwa sebenarnya saat ini perjanjian tiba di tempat ini, tujuannya, untuk beberapa jenis barang di daratan ketiga.
barang ini sangat penting baginya, bahkan dia bisa menyadari pada saat ini, fluktuasi intermiten bahwa barang-barang yang di kantong sendiri holding, memiliki membubarkan.
bahkan, saat ini, bahkan jika kepala Sekolah tidak mencarinya, dia juga akan bergabung, setelah semua melalui mulut orang lain, ia tahu, dirinya tidak memiliki partisipasi tur istana yang mendalam sebelumnya, panen orang, berbeda dengan sebelumnya beberapa kali.
untuk nya, ini mendapatkan bahwa barang-barang probabilitas untuk menjadi besar, bahkan untuk alasan ini, dia juga atas inisiatif sendiri mengatakan bahwa wilayah daratan tersier untuk membuat orang bertahan bencana, mungkin setelah tiba di istana dalam, ia tiba-tiba menemukan bahwa Meng Hao ada tidak sesuai.
memiliki intuisi dan penilaian samar-samar, seakan tujuan pihak lawan, sangat mirip dengan di sini.
Kemudian telah terlebih dahulu bertindak, ketika mengejar saat ini, orang tua Kepala Sekolah dua mata dodges, ia tampak seperti sesuatu yang mirip untuk tidak menyadari, mungkin sebenarnya, cara Bai Wuchen ini abadi dari sebelumnya desolately perubahan agak positif, meskipun hal ini beberapa Transendensi altar pengorbanan menjelaskan bahwa tetapi dia selalu berpikir bahwa ada juga yang tidak benar.
pada saat ini mencari termenung, tubuh dalam sekejap, bersamaan dengan itu keberangkatan, seperti untuk pemuda jubah emas serta Shajiu Dong, dua orang tampak, berpikir bahwa hal ini tidak sesuai, sama bertahan dengan dorongan dari altar pengorbanan, terbang.
Adapun sembilan sumber Paragon, termasuk Paragon kedua, mereka juga hakim di daratan tersier memiliki keanehan, tapi puncak lima sembilan sumber terkuat berlalu sekarang, mungkin mereka akan pergi untuk tidak memiliki apa-apa untuk panen lagi, orang-orang tampak, akan langsung melambung pusat daratan ganda seolah-olah dengan sebelumnya perjanjian, kedua Transendensi korban altar.
RUU Terima kasih semua orang, mulai hari ini pagi, ~ tadi malam telah memiliki mimpi buruk terjaga dengan mulai sangat awal di pagi hari untuk dilanjutkan ..
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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