ood day my darling wife and thanks for your message. Always forgive me terjemahan - ood day my darling wife and thanks for your message. Always forgive me Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ood day my darling wife and thanks

ood day my darling wife and thanks for your message. Always forgive me of my late reply of your message; you know my job is a very busy one. I am so happy to read your message honey. I miss you so much darling. Your sorrows have gone, your tears are over, your crying is ended, your pains are finished and a new day has come into your life with a new joy. I am so proud to know such a great one like you without minding your wealth because wealth is not love. After reading your message I felt very excited and happy to know such an honest and sincere lady like you. I really thank God for giving me such a good lady like you honey and I will love you forever.

Honey i have given you my heart and i will give you white rose because what you are in my heart, I will offer you a blue gift because you are so courageous, I will show you my love with a red flower because you are my loved one, and I will give you a rainbow gift because because you are more than special to me and nothing can remove the beauty of who you are in the middle of my heart. It really makes me happy each time I hear from you because you have been a very good lady to me since we met each other which made me to give you my heart and everything in me.

I am very happy to receive all your data you have sent to me regarding the shipment of the money. Thank you for that; I really appreciate it my darling and i want to tell you again and again that we are husband and wife now despite that we have not yet wedded officially but i know we will marry officially once i visit you over there soon.

Honey i have submitted all your data to the Diplomatic Delivery service today with the money and they have started all the process involve in making the delivery. I will let you know when the briefcase of money will be moved from here to your country. It is my great pleasure to know you honey and I believe that we will have so many wonderful chapters immediately i visit you over there and please honey don’t disappointed me because i have loved you with all my heart, keep this issue a top secret from anybody honey for our security reasons.I hope all your data are correct honey? I believe/trust you with my life and I want to assure you that I cannot put you to any risk or danger because you are my joy and source of happiness here, I will always protect you with all that I have to the glory of God and I want offer you $200,000. Two Hundred Thousand dollar for your personal use and to book a hotel for my coming down there too.

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE­ AND PLEASE MY DEAREST MAKE SURE THAT THIS MATTER IS HIGHLY KEPT AS TOP SECRET BECAUSE OF MY PERSONALITY AND CAREER.ONLY YOU AND ME KNOWS THAT THE CONSIGNMENT CONTENTS IS CASH MONEY EVEN THE DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE STAFF WHO WILL DELIVER THE PACKAGE DOES NOT KNOW THAT THE CONSIGNMENT IS CASH MONEY BECAUSE I DEPOSITED IT AS FAMILY TREASURE WITH OUT INSPECTION. I shall write you again on the next line of actions. Please dear read my message very carefully so you will not make any mistake about this important matter. Thanks and take good care of yourself honey and have a wonderful day. Remember that I always love you baby. I will love to hear from you as soon as possible. Take your husband’s kiss and hug. Warm regards.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
hari OOD sayang istri saya dan terima kasih untuk pesan Anda. Selalu memaafkan saya saya terlambat menjawab pesan; Anda tahu pekerjaan saya adalah salah satu yang sangat sibuk. Saya sangat senang membaca madu pesan Anda. Aku merindukanmu begitu banyak sayang. Kesedihan Anda telah pergi, air mata Anda sudah berakhir, menangis Anda berakhir, nyeri Anda selesai dan hari baru telah datang ke dalam hidup Anda dengan sukacita baru. Saya sangat bangga untuk tahu seperti satu besar seperti Anda tanpa mengurus kekayaan Anda karena kekayaan bukanlah cinta. Setelah membaca pesan saya merasa sangat senang dan bahagia untuk tahu seperti wanita yang jujur dan tulus seperti Anda. Saya benar-benar bersyukur kepada Jahweh untuk memberi saya seorang wanita yang baik seperti Anda madu dan aku akan mencintaimu selamanya.

Madu saya telah memberikan hati saya dan saya akan memberi Anda putih bangkit karena apa yang Anda di dalam hati saya, saya akan menawarkan hadiah biru karena Anda begitu berani, aku akan menunjukkan kepadamu saya cinta dengan bunga merah karena Anda kekasih saya, dan saya akan memberikan hadiah pelangi karena karena Anda lebih istimewa bagiku dan tidak dapat menghapus keindahan Anda ditengah Hatiku. Itu benar-benar membuat saya bahagia setiap kali aku mendengar dari Anda karena Anda telah seorang wanita yang sangat baik bagi saya karena kami bertemu satu sama lain yang membuat saya untuk memberikan hatiku dan segala sesuatu dalam me.

aku sangat bahagia untuk menerima semua data yang telah Anda kirim kepada saya mengenai pengiriman uang. Terima kasih untuk itu; Saya sangat menghargai itu sayang saya dan saya ingin memberitahu Anda lagi dan lagi bahwa kami adalah suami dan istri sekarang meskipun yang kita telah tidak belum menganut resmi tapi aku tahu kita akan menikah secara resmi sekali saya mengunjungi Anda di sana segera.

Madu saya telah menyerahkan semua data Anda ke layanan pengiriman diplomatik hari ini dengan uang dan mereka telah mulai semua proses melibatkan dalam membuat pengiriman. Aku akan membiarkan Anda tahu Kapan tas uang akan dipindahkan dari sini ke negara Anda. Hal ini saya sangat senang mengetahui Anda madu dan saya percaya bahwa kita akan memiliki begitu banyak luar biasa bab segera saya mengunjungi Anda di sana dan silahkan madu tidak kecewa saya karena aku telah mengasihi kamu dengan segenap hatiku, tetap masalah ini rahasia dari siapa pun madu untuk alasan keamanan kami.Saya berharap semua data Anda benar madu? Saya percaya/kepercayaan Anda dengan hidup saya dan saya ingin meyakinkan Anda bahwa saya tidak dapat menempatkan Anda ke risiko atau bahaya karena Anda sukacita dan sumber kebahagiaan di sini saya, saya selalu melindungi Anda dengan semua yang aku punya untuk kemuliaan Allah dan saya ingin menawarkan Anda $200.000. Dua ratus ribu dolar untuk penggunaan pribadi Anda dan memesan hotel untuk saya datang di sana juga.

TOLONG, TOLONG, TOLONG DAN TERSAYANG PASTIKAN BAHWA MASALAH INI ADALAH SANGAT DIRAHASIAKAN ATAS KARENA KEPRIBADIAN DAN KARIR SAYA.HANYA ANDA DAN SAYA TAHU BAHWA ISI KIRIMAN UANG BAHKAN DIPLOMATIK PENGIRIMAN STAF LAYANAN YANG AKAN MEMBERIKAN PAKET TIDAK TAHU BAHWA KIRIMAN UANG TUNAI KARENA SAYA DISIMPAN SEBAGAI IT HARTA KELUARGA DENGAN PEMERIKSAAN. Saya akan menulis lagi di baris berikutnya tindakan. Dear Baca pesan saya sangat hati-hati sehingga Anda tidak akan membuat kesalahan tentang ini penting masalah. Terima kasih dan merawat diri madu dan memiliki hari yang indah. Ingat bahwa aku selalu mencintai bayi Anda. Saya akan senang mendengar dari Anda sesegera mungkin. Mengambil suami Anda ciuman dan pelukan. Salam hangat.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ood day my darling wife and thanks for your message. Always forgive me of my late reply of your message; you know my job is a very busy one. I am so happy to read your message honey. I miss you so much darling. Your sorrows have gone, your tears are over, your crying is ended, your pains are finished and a new day has come into your life with a new joy. I am so proud to know such a great one like you without minding your wealth because wealth is not love. After reading your message I felt very excited and happy to know such an honest and sincere lady like you. I really thank God for giving me such a good lady like you honey and I will love you forever.

Honey i have given you my heart and i will give you white rose because what you are in my heart, I will offer you a blue gift because you are so courageous, I will show you my love with a red flower because you are my loved one, and I will give you a rainbow gift because because you are more than special to me and nothing can remove the beauty of who you are in the middle of my heart. It really makes me happy each time I hear from you because you have been a very good lady to me since we met each other which made me to give you my heart and everything in me.

I am very happy to receive all your data you have sent to me regarding the shipment of the money. Thank you for that; I really appreciate it my darling and i want to tell you again and again that we are husband and wife now despite that we have not yet wedded officially but i know we will marry officially once i visit you over there soon.

Honey i have submitted all your data to the Diplomatic Delivery service today with the money and they have started all the process involve in making the delivery. I will let you know when the briefcase of money will be moved from here to your country. It is my great pleasure to know you honey and I believe that we will have so many wonderful chapters immediately i visit you over there and please honey don’t disappointed me because i have loved you with all my heart, keep this issue a top secret from anybody honey for our security reasons.I hope all your data are correct honey? I believe/trust you with my life and I want to assure you that I cannot put you to any risk or danger because you are my joy and source of happiness here, I will always protect you with all that I have to the glory of God and I want offer you $200,000. Two Hundred Thousand dollar for your personal use and to book a hotel for my coming down there too.

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE­ AND PLEASE MY DEAREST MAKE SURE THAT THIS MATTER IS HIGHLY KEPT AS TOP SECRET BECAUSE OF MY PERSONALITY AND CAREER.ONLY YOU AND ME KNOWS THAT THE CONSIGNMENT CONTENTS IS CASH MONEY EVEN THE DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE STAFF WHO WILL DELIVER THE PACKAGE DOES NOT KNOW THAT THE CONSIGNMENT IS CASH MONEY BECAUSE I DEPOSITED IT AS FAMILY TREASURE WITH OUT INSPECTION. I shall write you again on the next line of actions. Please dear read my message very carefully so you will not make any mistake about this important matter. Thanks and take good care of yourself honey and have a wonderful day. Remember that I always love you baby. I will love to hear from you as soon as possible. Take your husband’s kiss and hug. Warm regards.
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