From com­menc­ing of ac­tion also 20 sec­onds, I just about to ac­cept terjemahan - From com­menc­ing of ac­tion also 20 sec­onds, I just about to ac­cept Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

From com­menc­ing of ac­tion also 2

From com­menc­ing of ac­tion also 20 sec­onds, I just about to ac­cept the trans­mis­sion to con­firm that sud­denly Lin Wan Er grabs my hand, said: „Pig, leaves anx­iously get­ting up first!”
„How?” I asked.
„Knows one­self and other side fool” Lin Wan Er to show a faint smile, said: „I just did the first­hand ma­te­r­ial, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled col­lected stunt equip­ment, more­over is the con­sump­tion angry value is not higher than 70 points small stunts, in this hero's wing com­petes can use, the armor pierc­ing tech­nique, re­duces the goal 70% de­fen­sive pow­ers , to con­tinue for 2 sec­onds, de­rives strikes , to pro­mote own 10% strik­ing power, and this strikes 100% Drain ef­fects, there­fore you must be care­ful his putting up a last-ditch strug­gle, erup­tion of one set of skill very ter­ri­fy­ing.”
„Um, I knew”
I nod, ac­cept the trans­mis­sion, body ap­pear in rapidly com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled in front, is rais­ing a han­dle ex­trav­a­gant sword, vis­its me with a smile, said: „Ram­ble, you make that many mat­ters in Tian Ling Em­pire less than one week long time no see merely, but was re­ally too idle?”
I laugh: „For­tu­nately, the big game stip­u­lated the com­pe­ti­tion can­not chat, we fired off say again!”
Counted the sec­onds fin­ished, the com­pe­ti­tion started im­me­di­ately!
With is the swords­man, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled speed­ily adds the body, raised the ex­trav­a­gant sword to clash, he to my skill re­search def­i­nitely also quite thor­ough, be­cause my sharp knife blade spa­tial spin lost three times to be walked to fall to MISS by his S, I sim­ply tied up the beastly lock not to use, was re­tain­ing CD, waited to give him to strike pleas­antly sur­prised.
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled drinks one lowly, the long sword raises, is fac­ing me is being sword air/Qi day­break the skill, sword air/Qi day­break guid­ance Cooldown is slightly long, I think that his stance some hearts are itchy, de­pend­ing on my judg­ment and speed, I at least 70% as­sur­ances can at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully, but has not shown the skill of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, is a body spin walks the po­si­tion avoid­ance on the con­trary, at­tacks from the flank sud­denly, 11 lev­els of dou­ble hit bang have ap­proached the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled shoul­der.
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled slightly as­ton­ished, has not thought that my trav­el­ing speed so will be fast, sin­gle-handed, a con­di­tion skill falls im­me­di­ately, the cold full tech­nique, re­duces the goal 50% trav­el­ing speed , to con­tinue for 3 sec­onds, my both feet con­gealed thick in­cor­rupt­ible, this is the fixed skill, is al­most un­able to de­pend upon the po­si­tion to fend, NND, this skill is very re­pug­nant.
Is well aware, these 3 sec­onds of Yanzhao un­par­al­leled are im­pos­si­ble to let off, there­fore dou­ble sword one hor­i­zon­tal, the trav­el­ing speed re­duced, the at­tack speed has not re­duced, spelled hardly!
Re­ally, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled front sur­face has killed, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance jumps, a bom­bard­ment of oc­cu­py­ing a com­mand­ing po­si­tion, or­di­nary at­tack!
I am on fire hor­i­zon­tally Yao Son of Heaven, „clang” a stan­dard parry comes, in Yanzhao un­par­al­leled falls to the ground, he trig­gered A level Lian Zhao not to have the dou­ble click un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, was mad the glow to sway me to lose has re­sisted the stance, 3 dou­ble hit of non- dou­ble click fell on the breast­plate in­stan­ta­neously, spat­tered in all di­rec­tions Mars
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
From com­menc­ing of ac­tion also 20 sec­onds, I just about to ac­cept the trans­mis­sion to con­firm that sud­denly Lin Wan Er grabs my hand, said: „Pig, leaves anx­iously get­ting up first!”„How?” I asked.„Knows one­self and other side fool” Lin Wan Er to show a faint smile, said: „I just did the first­hand ma­te­r­ial, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled col­lected stunt equip­ment, more­over is the con­sump­tion angry value is not higher than 70 points small stunts, in this hero's wing com­petes can use, the armor pierc­ing tech­nique, re­duces the goal 70% de­fen­sive pow­ers , to con­tinue for 2 sec­onds, de­rives strikes , to pro­mote own 10% strik­ing power, and this strikes 100% Drain ef­fects, there­fore you must be care­ful his putting up a last-ditch strug­gle, erup­tion of one set of skill very ter­ri­fy­ing.”„Um, I knew”I nod, ac­cept the trans­mis­sion, body ap­pear in rapidly com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled in front, is rais­ing a han­dle ex­trav­a­gant sword, vis­its me with a smile, said: „Ram­ble, you make that many mat­ters in Tian Ling Em­pire less than one week long time no see merely, but was re­ally too idle?”I laugh: „For­tu­nately, the big game stip­u­lated the com­pe­ti­tion can­not chat, we fired off say again!”„Good!”Counted the sec­onds fin­ished, the com­pe­ti­tion started im­me­di­ately!With is the swords­man, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled speed­ily adds the body, raised the ex­trav­a­gant sword to clash, he to my skill re­search def­i­nitely also quite thor­ough, be­cause my sharp knife blade spa­tial spin lost three times to be walked to fall to MISS by his S, I sim­ply tied up the beastly lock not to use, was re­tain­ing CD, waited to give him to strike pleas­antly sur­prised.„Came!”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled drinks one lowly, the long sword raises, is fac­ing me is being sword air/Qi day­break the skill, sword air/Qi day­break guid­ance Cooldown is slightly long, I think that his stance some hearts are itchy, de­pend­ing on my judg­ment and speed, I at least 70% as­sur­ances can at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully, but has not shown the skill of trun­ca­tion rip­ple, is a body spin walks the po­si­tion avoid­ance on the con­trary, at­tacks from the flank sud­denly, 11 lev­els of dou­ble hit bang have ap­proached the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled shoul­der.„Um?”Yanzhao un­par­al­leled slightly as­ton­ished, has not thought that my trav­el­ing speed so will be fast, sin­gle-handed, a con­di­tion skill falls im­me­di­ately, the cold full tech­nique, re­duces the goal 50% trav­el­ing speed , to con­tinue for 3 sec­onds, my both feet con­gealed thick in­cor­rupt­ible, this is the fixed skill, is al­most un­able to de­pend upon the po­si­tion to fend, NND, this skill is very re­pug­nant.Is well aware, these 3 sec­onds of Yanzhao un­par­al­leled are im­pos­si­ble to let off, there­fore dou­ble sword one hor­i­zon­tal, the trav­el­ing speed re­duced, the at­tack speed has not re­duced, spelled hardly!Re­ally, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled front sur­face has killed, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance jumps, a bom­bard­ment of oc­cu­py­ing a com­mand­ing po­si­tion, or­di­nary at­tack!I am on fire hor­i­zon­tally Yao Son of Heaven, „clang” a stan­dard parry comes, in Yanzhao un­par­al­leled falls to the ground, he trig­gered A level Lian Zhao not to have the dou­ble click un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, was mad the glow to sway me to lose has re­sisted the stance, 3 dou­ble hit of non- dou­ble click fell on the breast­plate in­stan­ta­neously, spat­tered in all di­rec­tions Mars
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dari mulai aksi juga 20 detik, saya hanya akan menerima transmisi mengkonfirmasi bahwa tiba-tiba Lin Wan Er meraih tanganku, mengatakan: "Babi, daun cemas bangun pertama!"
"Bagaimana" saya bertanya.?
"Tahu diri sendiri dan lainnya sisi bodoh "Lin Wan Er menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan:" saya hanya melakukan bahan langsung, Yanzhao tertandingi dikumpulkan peralatan stunt, apalagi adalah nilai marah konsumsi tidak lebih tinggi dari 70 poin stunts kecil, di bersaing sayap ini pahlawan bisa menggunakan , teknik armor piercing, mengurangi tujuan 70% kekuatan pertahanan, untuk terus selama 2 detik, berasal pemogokan, untuk mempromosikan 10% kekuatan mencolok sendiri, dan ini menyerang 100 efek% Drain, karena itu Anda harus berhati-hati nya memasang terakhir ditentukan perjuangan parit, letusan satu set keterampilan yang sangat menakutkan. "
" Um, aku tahu "
aku mengangguk, menerima transmisi, tubuh muncul dalam cepat dibandingkan dengan musisi yang memainkan alat perkusi, Yanzhao tak tertandingi di depan, adalah meningkatkan pedang boros pegangan , mengunjungi saya dengan senyum, mengatakan: "mengoceh, Anda membuat banyak hal di Tian Ling Empire waktu kurang dari satu minggu lama tidak melihat hanya, tapi benar-benar terlalu menganggur?"
aku tertawa: "Untungnya, pertandingan besar ditetapkan kompetisi tidak bisa chatting, kita menembakkan berkata lagi! "
" Baik! "
Dihitung detik selesai, kompetisi dimulai segera!
dengan adalah pendekar pedang, Yanzhao tak tertandingi cepat menambah tubuh, mengangkat pedang boros berbenturan, ia penelitian keterampilan saya pasti juga cukup menyeluruh, karena pisau pisau berputar spasial yang tajam kalah tiga kali untuk berjalan turun ke LEWATKAN oleh S, aku hanya diikat jijik mengunci tidak menggunakan, itu mempertahankan CD, menunggu untuk memberikan dia untuk menyerang terkejut.
"Datang "
Yanzhao minuman tertandingi orang kecil, pedang panjang menimbulkan, menghadapi saya sedang pedang udara / Qi fajar keterampilan, pedang udara / Qi bimbingan fajar Cooldown sedikit lama, saya pikir bahwa sikap beberapa hati yang gatal, tergantung pada saya penghakiman dan kecepatan, saya setidaknya 70% jaminan dapat menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil, namun belum menunjukkan keterampilan pemotongan riak, adalah spin tubuh berjalan menghindari posisi sebaliknya, serangan dari sayap tiba-tiba, 11 tingkat hit ledakan ganda telah mendekati Yanzhao bahu yang tak tertandingi.
Yanzhao tak tertandingi sedikit heran, belum berpikir bahwa kecepatan perjalanan saya jadi akan cepat, satu tangan, keterampilan kondisi jatuh segera, teknik penuh dingin, mengurangi tujuan 50% kecepatan perjalanan , untuk terus selama 3 detik, saya kedua kaki beku tebal yang tidak fana, ini adalah keterampilan yang tetap, hampir tidak dapat bergantung pada posisi untuk menangkis, NND, keterampilan ini sangat menjijikkan.
Apakah menyadari, ini 3 detik dari Yanzhao tak tertandingi yang mustahil untuk melepaskan, karena dua pedang horizontal, kecepatan perjalanan berkurang, kecepatan serangan belum berkurang, dieja tidak!
Benar-benar, Yanzhao tak tertandingi permukaan depan telah membunuh, penampilan pribadi melompat, pemboman menduduki posisi memerintah, biasa serangan!
saya terbakar horizontal Yao Putra Langit, "dentang" menangkis standar datang, di Yanzhao jatuh tak tertandingi ke tanah, ia memicu tingkat Lian Zhao tidak memiliki klik ganda tiba-tiba langsung, gila cahaya untuk bergoyang saya kehilangan telah menolak sikap, 3 hit ganda klik non ganda jatuh di dada seketika, terpercik ke segala arah Mars
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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