A brand is a living and breathing entity. Great brands leave a lasting terjemahan - A brand is a living and breathing entity. Great brands leave a lasting Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A brand is a living and breathing e

A brand is a living and breathing entity. Great brands leave a lasting impression in our hearts and become lifelong companions. In order to remain meaningful, a brand must reflect the changing desires of its customers and the times in which they live in, constantly evolving.

Likewise, the brand for Korea tourism has to effectively express Korea’s many attractions for Korea to be remembered by tourists throughout the world in a unique and significant way.

World renown individuals such as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, figure skater Kim Yuna, and K-pop star Psy have raised the status of Korea on the global stage, while representative Korean companies such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motors, and Kia Motors, have improved their global competitiveness.

Known as little more than a typical tourist site up until just eight years ago, Korea is now recognized by tourists all over the world as a “leader of popular culture” and a “trendy and innovative” travel destination.

We have developed a new brand for Korea tourism to better express Korea to enthusiasts around the world and use this momentum to usher in a new era of Korea tourism with the vision of reaching 20 million visitors.

Upon analysis of the characteristics of the Korean people, its culture, history, environment, products and services, as well as the direction of its national policy, customer needs and trends, and the status of competing countries, four core values have been identified: Diverse, Vibrant, Creative, and Intriguing.

Korea. Full of diverse and harmonious pleasures

Korea. Where endless energy and vitality abound

Korea. Constantly creating new values

Korea. A country that attracts and ignites the interest of the world

Creative stimulus that enhances one’s senses and provides perspective
"I want to see the latest trends."
"I want to indulge in history and tradition."
"I want to experience advanced culture."
And their imaginations come to life in Korea.
A world in which the latest trends, advanced culture, and vibrant history coexist,
and the creative perspective on the world that lies within.
Here, they will experience a refreshing astonishment that will heighten their senses and enhance the way they see things.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A brand is a living and breathing entity. Great brands leave a lasting impression in our hearts and become lifelong companions. In order to remain meaningful, a brand must reflect the changing desires of its customers and the times in which they live in, constantly evolving.Likewise, the brand for Korea tourism has to effectively express Korea’s many attractions for Korea to be remembered by tourists throughout the world in a unique and significant way.World renown individuals such as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, figure skater Kim Yuna, and K-pop star Psy have raised the status of Korea on the global stage, while representative Korean companies such as Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motors, and Kia Motors, have improved their global competitiveness. Known as little more than a typical tourist site up until just eight years ago, Korea is now recognized by tourists all over the world as a “leader of popular culture” and a “trendy and innovative” travel destination.We have developed a new brand for Korea tourism to better express Korea to enthusiasts around the world and use this momentum to usher in a new era of Korea tourism with the vision of reaching 20 million visitors.Upon analysis of the characteristics of the Korean people, its culture, history, environment, products and services, as well as the direction of its national policy, customer needs and trends, and the status of competing countries, four core values have been identified: Diverse, Vibrant, Creative, and Intriguing.
Korea. Full of diverse and harmonious pleasures

Korea. Where endless energy and vitality abound

Korea. Constantly creating new values

Korea. A country that attracts and ignites the interest of the world

Creative stimulus that enhances one’s senses and provides perspective
"I want to see the latest trends."
"I want to indulge in history and tradition."
"I want to experience advanced culture."
And their imaginations come to life in Korea.
A world in which the latest trends, advanced culture, and vibrant history coexist,
and the creative perspective on the world that lies within.
Here, they will experience a refreshing astonishment that will heighten their senses and enhance the way they see things.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Brand adalah hidup dan bernapas entitas. Merek besar meninggalkan kesan abadi dalam hati kita dan menjadi sahabat seumur hidup. Agar tetap bermakna, merek harus mencerminkan keinginan konsumen yang dinamis dan waktu di mana mereka tinggal, terus berkembang. Demikian juga, merek pariwisata Korea harus efektif mengungkapkan banyak atraksi Korea untuk Korea yang akan diingat oleh wisatawan sepanjang dunia dengan cara yang unik dan signifikan. Dunia terkenal individu seperti Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon, angka skater Kim Yuna, dan bintang K-pop Psy telah meningkatkan status Korea di panggung global, sementara perwakilan perusahaan Korea seperti Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Motors, dan Kia Motors, telah meningkatkan daya saing global mereka. Dikenal sebagai sedikit lebih dari sebuah situs wisata khas sampai delapan tahun yang lalu, Korea kini diakui oleh wisatawan seluruh dunia sebagai "pemimpin budaya populer "dan" tujuan perjalanan trendi dan inovatif ". Kami telah mengembangkan merek baru untuk pariwisata Korea untuk lebih mengekspresikan Korea untuk penggemar di seluruh dunia dan menggunakan momentum ini untuk mengantar era baru pariwisata Korea dengan visi mencapai 20 juta pengunjung. Setelah analisis karakteristik orang-orang Korea, yang budaya, sejarah, lingkungan, produk dan jasa, serta arah kebijakan nasional, kebutuhan pelanggan dan tren, dan status negara-negara pesaing, empat nilai inti telah diidentifikasi. Beragam, Vibrant, Kreatif, dan Menarik Beragam Korea. Penuh beragam dan harmonis kesenangan Vibrant Korea. Dimana energi dan vitalitas tak berujung berlimpah Kreatif Korea. Terus-menerus menciptakan nilai-nilai baru Menarik Korea. Sebuah negara yang menarik dan menyatu kepentingan dunia Kreatif Motivasi stimulus kreatif yang meningkatkan indera seseorang dan memberikan perspektif "Saya ingin melihat tren terbaru." "Saya ingin menikmati sejarah dan tradisi." "Aku ingin mengalami budaya maju . " Dan imajinasi mereka datang untuk hidup di Korea. Sebuah dunia di mana tren terbaru, budaya maju, dan hidup berdampingan sejarah hidup, dan perspektif kreatif di dunia yang terletak di dalam. Di sini, mereka akan mengalami heran menyegarkan yang akan meningkatkan mereka indera dan meningkatkan cara mereka melihat hal-hal.

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