~Flash Back~ (this is literally a copy of the end of chapter 699, with terjemahan - ~Flash Back~ (this is literally a copy of the end of chapter 699, with Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

~Flash Back~ (this is literally a c

~Flash Back~ (this is literally a copy of the end of chapter 699, with some added description)

Sakura was with Kakashi and Sasuke walked towards them. Kakashi had become Hokage after the forth ninja war. His head in line with the previous Hokage's."...Well... To be honest... Under any normal circumstances, you'd have been locked away. Imprisoned for life..." Kakashi lectured Sasuke about his wrong-doings. "The only reason your wishes are being entertained and all your actions up till now pardoned... Is because your aid was instrumental in dispelling the infinite tsukuyomi. Of course, even that wouldn't have gotten you off the hook by itself... This is mainly thanks to support from the hero and the central force in ending the ninja war, Naruto and myself as the Sixth Hokage... Make sure you keep that in mind... So try and keep yourself under control, yeah...? Cause it'll be my ass on the line, this time..." It felt as if Kakashi gave Sasuke another lesson about being a ninja when they were younger.

"Yeah... Gomene'sai," he said bluntly. Sakura was unusually being quiet until she broke her silence, "You're really gonna leave?... Tsunade-sama is just about to finish creating your artificial arm out of Hashirama-sama's cells," a sweat ran down her neck.

"...Right now, I need to see this ninja world for myself... I need to know what kind of state this world is in. I feel like I'm finally able to see all of the things I've overlooked and missed up till now... And if I don't seize this opportunity... I might miss my chance to see with this kind of clarity again... On top of that... There has been a few things on my mind," replied Sasuke still straight faced.

"Well... What if... I asked you... To take me with you...?" Sakura looked down and blushed slightly holding her hands, remembering what happened when she asked Sasuke to take her with him when he left the village previously. She took a glance at him.

"This is a journey of redemption for me. My sins have nothing to do with you," He gave her a cold shoulder. Nothing to do... with me...? Sakura thought as she looked down, upset but also pissed at the same time. Kakashi ended up staying quiet and peeked at Sakura. She felt a soft tap on her forehead and came back to reality.

"I'll see you when I'm back," Sasuke smiled. He actually smiled, "... And... Arigatou..." Sakura blushed again a more deeper pink. Just like when he left that one time...

Sasuke walked away from the two and walked down the line of trees and caught Naruto in the corner of his eye. "I didn't think you'd come," Sasuke stared at Naruto

Naruto mumbled a soft 'Mm' and there was an awkward silence. "You... You're still at this..." Sasuke stuttered, he actually stuttered. As my friend you fought to stop me... To the point that you lost an arm... And thanks to you, I was saved... We who use to quibble and fight over every little thing. Naruto smirked. Are now able to share the pain in each other's hearts. During my journey around the world, I thought to myself... That this feeling might not just be between us, but it might apply to more things... Bigger, greater things... But not everyone is able to do the things you can... And it probably won't go as planned either... Just look at how we turned out... And with bigger things... It'll only get harder... I think It's a lot like faith. To keep believing, trying, enduring until you finally become able. Because people entrust us to their hopes and rely on us to carry on... Perhaps this is was makes us ninjas. Naruto gave Sasuke his semi-cut headband. "I'll keep this until we can actually sort things with eachother," he grabbed it tightly.

"You better, Teme! Or I'll kick your ass!" Naruto showed his traditional smile that reminded Sasuke of their younger days.

~Flash Back ends~

"MAMA!" Sarada shouted while she was coming into the house. Sakura was just finishing the dishes. "Y-Yes Sarada dear?

"B-Boys are really stupid aren't they?" She sat down on the dining chair
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
~Flash Back~ (this is literally a copy of the end of chapter 699, with some added description)Sakura was with Kakashi and Sasuke walked towards them. Kakashi had become Hokage after the forth ninja war. His head in line with the previous Hokage's."...Well... To be honest... Under any normal circumstances, you'd have been locked away. Imprisoned for life..." Kakashi lectured Sasuke about his wrong-doings. "The only reason your wishes are being entertained and all your actions up till now pardoned... Is because your aid was instrumental in dispelling the infinite tsukuyomi. Of course, even that wouldn't have gotten you off the hook by itself... This is mainly thanks to support from the hero and the central force in ending the ninja war, Naruto and myself as the Sixth Hokage... Make sure you keep that in mind... So try and keep yourself under control, yeah...? Cause it'll be my ass on the line, this time..." It felt as if Kakashi gave Sasuke another lesson about being a ninja when they were younger."Yeah... Gomene'sai," he said bluntly. Sakura was unusually being quiet until she broke her silence, "You're really gonna leave?... Tsunade-sama is just about to finish creating your artificial arm out of Hashirama-sama's cells," a sweat ran down her neck."...Right now, I need to see this ninja world for myself... I need to know what kind of state this world is in. I feel like I'm finally able to see all of the things I've overlooked and missed up till now... And if I don't seize this opportunity... I might miss my chance to see with this kind of clarity again... On top of that... There has been a few things on my mind," replied Sasuke still straight faced.
"Well... What if... I asked you... To take me with you...?" Sakura looked down and blushed slightly holding her hands, remembering what happened when she asked Sasuke to take her with him when he left the village previously. She took a glance at him.

"This is a journey of redemption for me. My sins have nothing to do with you," He gave her a cold shoulder. Nothing to do... with me...? Sakura thought as she looked down, upset but also pissed at the same time. Kakashi ended up staying quiet and peeked at Sakura. She felt a soft tap on her forehead and came back to reality.

"I'll see you when I'm back," Sasuke smiled. He actually smiled, "... And... Arigatou..." Sakura blushed again a more deeper pink. Just like when he left that one time...

Sasuke walked away from the two and walked down the line of trees and caught Naruto in the corner of his eye. "I didn't think you'd come," Sasuke stared at Naruto

Naruto mumbled a soft 'Mm' and there was an awkward silence. "You... You're still at this..." Sasuke stuttered, he actually stuttered. As my friend you fought to stop me... To the point that you lost an arm... And thanks to you, I was saved... We who use to quibble and fight over every little thing. Naruto smirked. Are now able to share the pain in each other's hearts. During my journey around the world, I thought to myself... That this feeling might not just be between us, but it might apply to more things... Bigger, greater things... But not everyone is able to do the things you can... And it probably won't go as planned either... Just look at how we turned out... And with bigger things... It'll only get harder... I think It's a lot like faith. To keep believing, trying, enduring until you finally become able. Because people entrust us to their hopes and rely on us to carry on... Perhaps this is was makes us ninjas. Naruto gave Sasuke his semi-cut headband. "I'll keep this until we can actually sort things with eachother," he grabbed it tightly.

"You better, Teme! Or I'll kick your ass!" Naruto showed his traditional smile that reminded Sasuke of their younger days.

~Flash Back ends~

"MAMA!" Sarada shouted while she was coming into the house. Sakura was just finishing the dishes. "Y-Yes Sarada dear?

"B-Boys are really stupid aren't they?" She sat down on the dining chair
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
~ Flash Back ~ (ini secara harfiah salinan akhir bab 699, dengan beberapa keterangan tambahan) Sakura adalah dengan Kakashi dan Sasuke berjalan ke arah mereka. Kakashi menjadi Hokage setelah perang sebagainya Ninja. Kepalanya sejalan dengan Hokage sebelumnya. "... Yah ... Jujur ... Dalam setiap keadaan normal, Anda akan telah terkunci. Dipenjara seumur hidup ..." Kakashi kuliah Sasuke tentang salah-nya tindakan. "Satu-satunya alasan keinginan Anda sedang dihibur dan semua tindakan Anda sampai sekarang diampuni ... Apakah karena bantuan Anda berperan penting dalam menghalau Tsukuyomi tak terbatas. Tentu saja, bahkan yang tidak akan mendapatkan Anda dari hook dengan sendirinya .. . Hal ini terutama berkat dukungan dari pahlawan dan kekuatan sentral dalam mengakhiri perang Ninja, Naruto dan saya sendiri sebagai Hokage Keenam ... Pastikan Anda ingat-ingat ... Jadi mencoba dan menjaga diri di bawah kontrol, ya. ..? Penyebab itu akan pantatku di telepon, kali ini ... "Rasanya seolah-olah Kakashi memberi Sasuke pelajaran lain tentang menjadi seorang ninja ketika mereka masih muda." Ya ... Gomene'sai, "katanya blak-blakan. Sakura biasa menjadi tenang sampai ia memecahkan keheningan nya, "Kau benar-benar akan pergi? ... Tsunade-sama baru akan selesai membuat lengan buatan Anda keluar dari sel Hashirama-sama," keringat mengalir di lehernya. " ... Sekarang, saya perlu melihat dunia ninja ini untuk diriku sendiri ... Aku perlu tahu apa jenis negara dunia ini. Aku merasa seperti aku akhirnya bisa melihat semua hal yang saya diabaikan dan terjawab sampai sekarang ... Dan jika saya tidak memanfaatkan kesempatan ini ... aku mungkin akan kehilangan kesempatan saya untuk melihat dengan jenis kejelasan lagi ... Di atas itu ... Ada beberapa hal pada saya pikiran, "jawab Sasuke masih lurus dihadapi." Yah ... Bagaimana jika ... saya meminta Anda ... Untuk membawa saya dengan Anda ...? " Sakura menunduk dan tersipu sedikit memegang tangannya, mengingat apa yang terjadi ketika ia meminta Sasuke untuk mengambil dengan dia ketika ia meninggalkan desa sebelumnya. Dia mengambil melirik padanya. "Ini adalah perjalanan penebusan bagi saya. Dosa-dosa saya tidak ada hubungannya dengan Anda," Dia memberinya bahu dingin. Tidak ada hubungannya dengan saya ... ...? Sakura pikir ia melihat ke bawah, kesal tetapi juga marah pada waktu yang sama. Kakashi akhirnya tinggal tenang dan mengintip di Sakura. Dia merasa keran lembut di dahinya dan kembali ke kenyataan. "Aku akan melihat Anda ketika aku kembali," Sasuke tersenyum. Dia benar-benar tersenyum, "... Dan ... Arigatou ..." Sakura tersipu lagi merah muda lebih dalam. Sama seperti ketika ia meninggalkan satu waktu ... Sasuke berjalan menjauh dari dua dan berjalan menyusuri garis pohon dan menangkap Naruto di sudut matanya. "Saya tidak berpikir Anda akan datang," Sasuke menatap Naruto Naruto menggumamkan 'Mm' lembut dan ada keheningan canggung. "Kau ... Kau masih di ..." Sasuke tergagap, dia benar-benar tergagap. Seperti teman saya Anda berjuang untuk menghentikan saya ... Untuk titik bahwa Anda kehilangan lengan ... Dan terima kasih kepada Anda, saya diselamatkan ... Kami yang digunakan untuk berdalih dan memperebutkan setiap hal kecil. Naruto menyeringai. Kini dapat berbagi rasa sakit di hati masing-masing. Selama perjalanan saya di seluruh dunia, saya berpikir sendiri ... Perasaan ini tidak hanya mungkin di antara kita, tapi mungkin berlaku untuk banyak hal ... Bigger, hal yang lebih besar ... Tapi tidak semua orang mampu melakukan hal-hal Anda bisa ... Dan mungkin tidak akan berjalan seperti yang direncanakan baik ... Lihat saja bagaimana kita ternyata ... Dan dengan hal-hal yang lebih besar ... Ini hanya akan mendapatkan lebih keras ... Saya pikir Ini banyak seperti iman. Untuk tetap percaya, berusaha, bertahan sampai akhirnya menjadi mampu. Karena orang-orang mempercayakan kita untuk harapan mereka dan mengandalkan kami untuk melakukan ... Mungkin ini adalah membuat kita ninja. Naruto memberikan Sasuke nya semi-cut headband. "Aku akan terus ini sampai kita benar-benar bisa menyelesaikan masalah dengan eachother," ia meraih erat-erat. "Anda lebih baik, Teme! Atau aku akan menendang pantat Anda!" Naruto menunjukkan senyum tradisional nya yang mengingatkan Sasuke dari hari-hari mereka yang lebih muda. ~ Flash Back berakhir ~ "MAMA!" Sarada teriak saat dia datang ke rumah. Sakura baru saja menyelesaikan piring. "Y-Ya Sarada Sayang?" B-Boys benar-benar bodoh bukan? "Dia duduk di kursi makan

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