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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Untuk kasus 'tafsir', namun, penjelasan berbeda dan analog dengan satu untuk CD. Interpretasi dari fenomena memerlukan pemahaman yang lebih dalam dan penalaran keterampilan, sehingga berpikir logis (LTh) berlaku antara semua mungkin peramal, sebagai model MENIRU menegaskan (Fig. 2). Dimensi 'kolektif' dan 'partikel' dipengaruhi oleh variabel kognitif dan Selain itu ditunjukkan untuk memiliki efek pada kinerja siswa dalam pemahaman perubahan negara dan interpretasi fenomena ini. Efek ini, langsung dan tidak langsung, yang ditampilkan dalam MENIRU model dan dalam model jalan (Fig. 2 dan 3), memberikan dukungan untuk hipotesis kedua studi ini. Mereka menunjukkan bahwa 'kolektif' dan 'partikel' dimensi pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai hal ini merupakan fundamental dan substansial praanggapan untuk menafsirkan fenomena perubahan negara. Temuan serupa juga telah dilaporkan terkait kualitatif (Johnson, 1998c) dan studi-studi kuantitatif (Papageorgiou et al., 2010). Seperti yang disebutkan di bagian pendahuluan, Johnson (1998c) menyimpulkan bahwa pemahaman negara gas '' masalah mendasar '' untuk memahami perubahan negara '' dengan teori partikel memainkan peran kunci ''. Menariknya, variabel 'tafsir' juga dipengaruhi langsung oleh LTh, yang menggarisbawahi pentingnya pemahaman formal dalam proses kognitif yang terkait. Di atas, ketika pengetahuan yang lebih dalam pada perubahan fisik Serikat dikejar, menjadi akrab hanya dengan model partikulat dua keadaan fisik, pre dan post perubahan, ini tidak memadai.There is also a dire need for understanding the transition from one model to the other, where reasoning abilities are thought to be of great importance. This is consistent with the effect of logical thinking on interpretations. In the main, logical thinking appears to be the bottom line for competence in ‘interpretations’, since the former, as the path analysis shows, has a direct effect on the latter.In conclusion, it is important to state that the hypotheses are well supported by the data. In the MIMIC model R2 is 0.855, while the corresponding R2 in the reduced form equations is 0.558, that is, the 54.8% of the students’ achievement variance was explained by the latent and observed variables, while all the related model-parameters were statistically significant (Schumacker and Lomax, 2010). Thus, we maintain that the findings of the present research are of paramount importance, because they shed light on the factors hindering students’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter and the changes of states. On the other hand, the present study opens a new area of investigations for the conceptual change in this particular domain, where, the individual differences, such as logical thinking and cognitive styles, have been ignored from research hypotheses.Implications for teachingSince the understanding of the structure of matter in both its dimensions, i.e., the particulate and the collective, have an effect on the students’ understanding of the changes of state, it is indubitable that an explicit and in depth instruction of the former should precede. Moreover, when designing new science curricula or writing text books, experts should take into account this precondition and develop the material accordingly, emphasizing both the particulate and the collective dimension. Further to the implications for the content, findings related to the three cognitive variables have also implications for teaching methods.In particular, since logical thinking appears to play a dominant role in understanding of these abstract topics, teachers should foster methods that make abstract concepts more accessible through concrete-operational thought. Such methods include the use of illustrations, diagrams, software
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