Love Tarot ReadingPastThis card reveals situations and events in the p terjemahan - Love Tarot ReadingPastThis card reveals situations and events in the p Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Love Tarot ReadingPastThis card rev

Love Tarot Reading
This card reveals situations and events in the past that are influencing your love and relationships

Three of Pentacles

If you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see your hard work get the recognition it deserves. While it is not guaranteed, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, if you maintain your own pace and trust in others, recognition will be yours. That outcome will be worth your determination, as it may not only provide material reward, but also lead to a sense of lasting accomplishment.

Key interpretations:

In this position, the card reveals:

The past has taught you how to better manage your emotions and contributions to your relationships. Continue developing your self-understanding to bring about the relationship you desire.

Astrological timing:


Key dates: December 31 to January 9

This gives you insight into your present situation.

Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands is a bittersweet discovery in your spread, as it suggests both struggles ahead and the capacity within you to overcome them. Your life is probably comfortable at the moment, but there are also likely signs of trouble in some of the less critical aspects of your personal or professional life. Your inner strength will be called upon to maintain the current situation, and then to move forward when progress becomes possible for you.

Key interpretations:

Impermanent Security
Inner strength
In this position, the card reveals:

There is useful advice to receive from a close friend. Outside sources can help you understand the mistakes you are making and lead you to new relationships.

Astrological timing:


Key dates: December 3 to December 12

This card reveals a possible future if you continue on your current path


Death is indicative of change in your future. This change can be in almost any aspect of your life, but it will almost certainly be permanent, significant, and absolute. Death suggests a complete severance between the past and the future, and it will likely be painful. Despite the sense of loss that may accompany it, Death fills an important and natural role in life, and leads eventually to acceptance. It is a necessary part of moving forward, and you will find the changes easiest if you embrace them, rather than fight them. Expect the end of a close friendship, a job, a marriage, or even a life, but do not focus too greatly on the negative.

Key interpretations:

New beginning
Dramatic change
In this position, the card reveals:

Make the most of loss by understanding that it is a natural part of life. Look forward to your next opportunity to love, rather than mourning your lost one.

Astrological timing:


Key dates:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Love Tarot ReadingPastThis card reveals situations and events in the past that are influencing your love and relationshipsThree of PentaclesIf you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see your hard work get the recognition it deserves. While it is not guaranteed, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, if you maintain your own pace and trust in others, recognition will be yours. That outcome will be worth your determination, as it may not only provide material reward, but also lead to a sense of lasting accomplishment.Key interpretations:ExcellenceMasterySatisfactionSuccessTeamworkIn this position, the card reveals:The past has taught you how to better manage your emotions and contributions to your relationships. Continue developing your self-understanding to bring about the relationship you desire.Astrological timing:CapricornKey dates: December 31 to January 9PresentThis gives you insight into your present situation.Nine of WandsThe Nine of Wands is a bittersweet discovery in your spread, as it suggests both struggles ahead and the capacity within you to overcome them. Your life is probably comfortable at the moment, but there are also likely signs of trouble in some of the less critical aspects of your personal or professional life. Your inner strength will be called upon to maintain the current situation, and then to move forward when progress becomes possible for you.Key interpretations:AfraidCautiousDefensiveImpermanent SecurityInner strengthIn this position, the card reveals:There is useful advice to receive from a close friend. Outside sources can help you understand the mistakes you are making and lead you to new relationships.Astrological timing:SagittariusKey dates: December 3 to December 12FutureThis card reveals a possible future if you continue on your current pathDeathDeath is indicative of change in your future. This change can be in almost any aspect of your life, but it will almost certainly be permanent, significant, and absolute. Death suggests a complete severance between the past and the future, and it will likely be painful. Despite the sense of loss that may accompany it, Death fills an important and natural role in life, and leads eventually to acceptance. It is a necessary part of moving forward, and you will find the changes easiest if you embrace them, rather than fight them. Expect the end of a close friendship, a job, a marriage, or even a life, but do not focus too greatly on the negative.Key interpretations:EndNew beginningLossDramatic changeDestructionIn this position, the card reveals:Make the most of loss by understanding that it is a natural part of life. Look forward to your next opportunity to love, rather than mourning your lost one.Astrological timing:ScorpioKey dates:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Cinta Tarot Reading
kartu ini mengungkapkan situasi dan peristiwa di masa lalu yang mempengaruhi cinta Anda dan hubungan Tiga dari Pentacles Jika Anda dapat mempertahankan tujuan yang jelas dalam beberapa bulan mendatang, Anda adalah posisi yang baik untuk melihat kerja keras Anda mendapatkan pengakuan yang layak. Meskipun tidak dijamin, dan mungkin pajak keterampilan interpersonal Anda, jika Anda mempertahankan kecepatan Anda sendiri dan kepercayaan pada orang lain, pengakuan akan menjadi milikmu. Hasil yang akan bernilai tekad Anda, karena mungkin tidak hanya memberikan materi reward, tetapi juga menyebabkan rasa prestasi abadi. Interpretasi Key: Excellence Mastery Kepuasan Sukses Teamwork Dalam posisi ini, kartu mengungkapkan: masa lalu telah mengajarkan Anda bagaimana lebih baik mengelola emosi Anda dan kontribusi untuk hubungan Anda. Terus mengembangkan pemahaman diri Anda untuk membawa tentang hubungan yang Anda inginkan. Timing Astrological: Capricorn tanggal Key: 31 Desember sampai 9 Januari Hadir ini memberikan wawasan tentang situasi Anda saat ini. Sembilan dari Wands Sembilan dari Wands adalah penemuan pahit di spread Anda , karena menunjukkan kedua perjuangan ke depan dan kapasitas dalam diri Anda untuk mengatasinya. Kehidupan Anda mungkin nyaman pada saat ini, tetapi ada juga tanda-tanda kemungkinan masalah di beberapa aspek yang kurang penting kehidupan pribadi atau profesional. Kekuatan batin Anda akan dipanggil untuk mempertahankan situasi saat ini, dan kemudian bergerak maju ketika kemajuan menjadi mungkin bagi Anda. Interpretasi Key: Takut -hati Defensive tidak kekal Keamanan batin kekuatan Dalam posisi ini, kartu mengungkapkan: Ada saran yang berguna untuk menerima dari teman dekat. Sumber-sumber luar dapat membantu Anda memahami kesalahan yang Anda buat dan membawa Anda ke hubungan baru. Timing Astrological: Sagitarius Key tanggal: 3 Desember - 12 Desember Future Kartu ini mengungkapkan masa depan yang mungkin jika Anda melanjutkan saat jalan Anda Death Kematian merupakan indikasi perubahan di masa depan Anda. Perubahan ini dapat di hampir setiap aspek kehidupan Anda, tetapi hampir pasti akan menjadi permanen, signifikan, dan mutlak. Kematian menunjukkan pesangon lengkap antara masa lalu dan masa depan, dan kemungkinan akan menyakitkan. Meskipun rasa kehilangan yang mungkin menyertainya, Death mengisi peran penting dan alami dalam hidup, dan pada akhirnya mengarah penerimaan. Ini adalah bagian penting dari bergerak maju, dan Anda akan menemukan perubahan yang paling mudah jika Anda merangkul mereka, bukan melawan mereka. Mengharapkan akhir persahabatan dekat, pekerjaan, pernikahan, atau bahkan hidup, tapi jangan terlalu fokus sangat pada negatif. Interpretasi Key: End New dimulai Rugi Drama perubahan Destruction Dalam posisi ini, kartu mengungkapkan: Manfaatkan kerugian dengan pemahaman bahwa itu adalah bagian alami dari kehidupan. Menantikan kesempatan berikutnya untuk mencintai, daripada meratapi satu Anda hilang. Waktu Astrological: Scorpio Key tanggal:

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