Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #8 of 11 THE TRIED AND TRUE HOME PRODUCT terjemahan - Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #8 of 11 THE TRIED AND TRUE HOME PRODUCT Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #8 of

Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #8 of 11 THE TRIED AND TRUE HOME PRODUCTION METHOD FOR "METHAMPHETAMINE" Also known as:"CRYSTAL","METH","CRANK","SPEED" etc.......... Written and tested by: The Leftist. Have you ever heard of speed? No, not those little pills that are shaped like hearts, not black beauties, or magnum .357's, but real crystal. This is the exact drug that Hitler used on his troops in WWII to make them fight for days on end. This is the drug, that in the 60's, caused a "smack" uproar in New York's "Needle Park". Now, you can make this very same drug, in your own dangerous kitchen, safely and easily. Once you do this a few times, you will get the hang of it. I no longer have to read the directions to produce it. What to do with it once you have made it. ----------------------------------------- Take a ball about the size of a lead pellet, and wrap it in tissue, and swallow, or you can put it in capsules and use it. You can smoke it, mix it with vitamin B-12, and snort it like cocaine. You can also sell it, for about $65-70.00 a gram, and don't forget to cut it. Remember, this is pure stuff!! =============================================================================== List of chemicals and materials ------------------------------- Dilute Hydrochloric acid--> This may be purchased at the hardware store. It's sold as a brick and driveway cleaner. They call it muriatic acid. Sodium Hydroxide--> This, you probably already have. It's called "lye" at most places; it's drain cleaner. Ethyl Ether--> You'll probably have to make this. Don't worry, it's a breeze. Just go to your local K-mart or Auto parts store, and get a can of that "STARTING FLUID" it comes in a spray can. It's used for cold weather starting of gasoline engines. "VICKS" nasal inhalers-->USE ONLY VICKS!! No other kind will work that I know of. These are at any drug store or grocery, etc.. You need 12 of em, but don't buy em' by the dozen, unless its winter time, then you can just say yer from some nursing home, and you're stockin up for the patients. Otherwise buy em' 2 at a time, if possible. Get a friend to help you. The druggists at the drug store usually will know what's goin on if you buy quantity. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LIST OF EQUIPMENT ----------------- Two large eyedroppers- ten small glass bottles- one large glass or porcelain bowl- coffee filters- one small jar with a top- one Pyrex baking dish- one glass test tube. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -==*(> N O T I C E
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #8 of 11 THE TRIED AND TRUE HOME PRODUCTION METHOD FOR "METHAMPHETAMINE" Also known as:"CRYSTAL","METH","CRANK","SPEED" etc.......... Written and tested by: The Leftist. Have you ever heard of speed? No, not those little pills that are shaped like hearts, not black beauties, or magnum .357's, but real crystal. This is the exact drug that Hitler used on his troops in WWII to make them fight for days on end. This is the drug, that in the 60's, caused a "smack" uproar in New York's "Needle Park". Now, you can make this very same drug, in your own dangerous kitchen, safely and easily. Once you do this a few times, you will get the hang of it. I no longer have to read the directions to produce it. What to do with it once you have made it. ----------------------------------------- Take a ball about the size of a lead pellet, and wrap it in tissue, and swallow, or you can put it in capsules and use it. You can smoke it, mix it with vitamin B-12, and snort it like cocaine. You can also sell it, for about $65-70.00 a gram, and don't forget to cut it. Remember, this is pure stuff!! =============================================================================== List of chemicals and materials ------------------------------- Dilute Hydrochloric acid--> This may be purchased at the hardware store. It's sold as a brick and driveway cleaner. They call it muriatic acid. Sodium Hydroxide--> This, you probably already have. It's called "lye" at most places; it's drain cleaner. Ethyl Ether--> You'll probably have to make this. Don't worry, it's a breeze. Just go to your local K-mart or Auto parts store, and get a can of that "STARTING FLUID" it comes in a spray can. It's used for cold weather starting of gasoline engines. "VICKS" nasal inhalers-->USE ONLY VICKS!! No other kind will work that I know of. These are at any drug store or grocery, etc.. You need 12 of em, but don't buy em' by the dozen, unless its winter time, then you can just say yer from some nursing home, and you're stockin up for the patients. Otherwise buy em' 2 at a time, if possible. Get a friend to help you. The druggists at the drug store usually will know what's goin on if you buy quantity. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LIST OF EQUIPMENT ----------------- Two large eyedroppers- ten small glass bottles- one large glass or porcelain bowl- coffee filters- one small jar with a top- one Pyrex baking dish- one glass test tube. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -==*(> N O T I C E <)*==- PLEASE! DON'T SMOKE IN THE SAME ROOM WHEN YOU DO THIS. OPEN A WINDOW IN THE ROOM IF POSSIBLE. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. THIS RECIPE HAS BEEN TESTED AND THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO DO IT. DON'T TAKE SHORTCUTS, AND DON'T EVEN START TO DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE ABOUT 3 HOURS SPARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING ETHER! (DO THIS FIRST) Take one of the small bottles and spray starter fluid in it till it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Then, draw off the top layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the water layer. Repeat this until you have about 3 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the refrigerator if you can. (If you can't, don't worry about it) You'll use this in the procedure below. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE TRIED AND TRUE HOME PRODUCTION METHOD (1) Break open the inhalers, a pair of real sharp scissors does this good. Place the cottons that were inside in a jar and close the lid. (Remember you use all 12 cottons.) (2) In the bowl, combine 1- 1/3 oz. water and 2/3 oz. muriatic acid. Shred cottons in this solution, and knead for 5 minutes with hands. (ALWAYS BE SURE THERE'S CLEAN RUBBER GLOVES on your hands.) You can do it bare-handed if you've got tough skin. Squeeze all juice out of filters after you knead, and throw em away. (3) Filter the remaining liquid into the quart jar. It will be necessary to do this several times to get that awful smelling oil out. The chemicals in the inhalers have been bonded to the HCl, and the oils have been filtered off. Throw the filters away. (4) Pour enough of the solution into a small bottle to fill it 1/3 full. Save any leftover juice for the second batch. (5) Pour 1/4 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off a gas. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. (6) Fill the bottle from step (5) up the rest of the way with ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. (7) Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. (8) Remove the top layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Save the top layer, and throw the rest away. (9) Fill a bottle half-way with water, and about 10 drops of acid. Pour the top layer from step (8) into the bottle, and cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl/water mixture. (10) If there is anything left from step (3), repeat the procedure with it. (11) Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove, but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be Methamphetamine. Some notes: Police are now calling this the "New Cocaine". It is very easy to become delirious off the ether fumes, so be sure you are well ventilated, I mean it!!! Small, aspirin, or experiment bottles seem to work the best for smaller batches. The measurements are not exact, so you don't have to be either. In step 9, be sure you don't use too much water. Remember, this is the water you have to use to evaporate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Volume One, Issue Four, phile # 8 dari 11 METODE RUMAH PRODUKSI mencoba dan benar UNTUK "methamphetamine" Juga dikenal sebagai: "CRYSTAL", "Meth", "CRANK", "SPEED" dll ........ .. Ditulis dan diuji oleh: The Kiri. Apakah Anda pernah mendengar tentang kecepatan? Tidak, bukan pil kecil yang berbentuk seperti hati, keindahan tidak hitam, atau magnum 357, tapi kristal nyata. Ini adalah obat yang tepat yang Hitler digunakan pada pasukannya dalam Perang Dunia II untuk membuat mereka berjuang selama berhari-hari. Ini adalah obat, yang di 60 's, menyebabkan "memukul" kehebohan di New York "Needle Taman". Sekarang, Anda dapat membuat obat yang sama ini, di dapur berbahaya Anda sendiri, aman dan mudah. Setelah Anda melakukan ini beberapa kali, Anda akan mendapatkan menguasainya. Aku tidak lagi harus membaca petunjuk untuk memproduksinya. Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan itu setelah Anda telah berhasil. ----------------------------------------- Ambil bola seukuran memimpin pelet, dan membungkusnya dengan tisu, dan menelan, atau Anda dapat memasukkannya ke dalam kapsul dan menggunakannya. Anda bisa merokok itu, mencampurnya dengan vitamin B-12, dan mendengus seperti kokain. Anda juga dapat menjualnya, untuk sekitar $ 65-70,00 gram, dan jangan lupa untuk memotongnya. Ingat, ini adalah hal yang murni !! ================================================== ============================= Daftar bahan kimia dan bahan ---------------- --------------- Asam Encerkan klorida -> ini dapat dibeli di toko hardware. Ini dijual sebagai batu bata dan jalan bersih. Mereka menyebutnya asam muriatic. Sodium Hidroksida -> ini, Anda mungkin sudah memiliki. Ini disebut "lye" di sebagian besar tempat; itu menguras bersih. Etil Eter -> Anda mungkin harus membuat ini. Jangan khawatir, itu mudah. Hanya pergi ke K-mart atau bagian Auto toko lokal Anda, dan mendapatkan sekaleng bahwa "STARTING FLUIDA" itu datang dalam kaleng semprot. Ini digunakan untuk cuaca dingin mulai dari mesin bensin. "Vicks" inhaler hidung -> USE ONLY Vicks !! Tidak ada jenis lain akan bekerja yang saya tahu. Ini adalah di setiap toko obat atau kelontong, dll .. Anda perlu 12 dari em, tetapi tidak membeli em 'oleh lusin, kecuali waktu musim dingin, maka Anda hanya bisa mengatakan yer dari beberapa panti jompo, dan Anda stockin up untuk pasien. Jika tidak membeli em '2 pada satu waktu, jika memungkinkan. Mendapatkan teman untuk membantu Anda. Para druggists di toko obat biasanya akan tahu apa yang pergi pada jika Anda membeli kuantitas. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DAFTAR PERALATAN ----------------- Dua besar eyedroppers- sepuluh gelas kecil bottles- satu gelas atau porselen besar bowl- kopi Filter-satu botol kecil dengan top satu Pyrex kue hidangan-tabung reaksi satu gelas. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- - == * (> PEMBERITAHUAN <) * == - HARAP! JANGAN MEROKOK DI SAMA ROOM ketika Anda melakukan ini. MEMBUKA JENDELA DI KAMAR JIKA MUNGKIN. IKUTI PETUNJUK PERSIS. Resep ini telah diuji DAN INI ADALAH CARA TERBAIK UNTUK MELAKUKANNYA. TIDAK MENGAMBIL JALAN PINTAS, DAN BAHKAN TIDAK MULAI LAKUKAN INI KECUALI ANDA MEMILIKI TENTANG 3 JAM SPARE. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- MEMPERSIAPKAN ETHER! (LAKUKAN INI PERTAMA) Ambil salah satu botol kecil dan semprot cairan pemula di dalamnya sampai terlihat setengah penuh. Kemudian mengisi sisa perjalanan dengan air, topi botol dan kocok selama 5 menit. Kemudian, menggambar dari lapisan atas dengan pipet, dan membuang lapisan air. Ulangi ini sampai Anda memiliki sekitar 3 oz. eter. Pasang tutup di atasnya, dan memasukkannya ke dalam lemari es jika Anda bisa. (Jika Anda tidak bisa, jangan khawatir tentang hal itu) Anda akan menggunakan ini dalam prosedur di bawah ini. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% METODE RUMAH PRODUKSI MENCOBA DAN BENAR (1) Istirahat membuka inhaler, gunting tajam nyata berbuat baik ini. Tempatkan katun yang berada di dalam dalam botol dan tutup. (Ingat Anda menggunakan semua 12 katun.) (2) Dalam mangkuk, menggabungkan 1- 1/3 oz. air dan 2/3 oz. asam muriatic. Rusak katun dalam larutan ini, dan uleni selama 5 menit dengan tangan. (SELALU PASTIKAN ADA GLOVES KARET bersih di tangan Anda.) Anda dapat melakukannya telanjang tangan jika Anda punya kulit yang keras. Memeras semua jus dari filter setelah Anda uleni, dan membuang em pergi. (3) Saring cairan yang tersisa ke dalam tabung liter. Ini akan diperlukan untuk melakukan ini beberapa kali untuk mendapatkan berbau minyak mengerikan keluar. Bahan kimia dalam inhaler telah terikat pada HCl, dan minyak telah disaring. Membuang filter pergi. (4) Tuang cukup larutan ke dalam botol kecil untuk mengisinya 1/3 penuh. Menyimpan jus sisa untuk batch kedua. (5) Tuangkan 1/4 sendok teh kristal alkali ke dalam botol dan mengagitasi. Lakukan ini dengan hati-hati, karena campuran akan menjadi panas, dan mengeluarkan gas. Ulangi langkah ini sampai campuran tetap berawan. (6) Isi botol dari langkah (5) atas sisa perjalanan dengan eter. Cap botol, dan agitasi untuk sekitar 8 menit. Hal ini sangat penting untuk mengekspos setiap molekul dari-basa bebas untuk ether untuk selama mungkin. (7) Biarkan menetap campuran. Akan ada lapisan tengah yang sangat kental. Tekan sisi botol untuk mendapatkan lapisan ini setipis mungkin. (8) Lepaskan lapisan atas dengan pipet, berhati-hati untuk tidak mendapatkan apapun dari lapisan tengah di dalamnya. Simpan lapisan atas, dan membuang sisanya. (9) Isi botol setengah jalan dengan air, dan sekitar 10 tetes asam. Tuangkan lapisan atas dari langkah (8) ke dalam botol, dan topi itu. Kocok botol selama 2 menit. Ketika mengendap, menghilangkan lapisan atas dan membuangnya. Basa bebas kini telah terikat pada HCl campuran / air. (10) Jika ada sesuatu yang tersisa dari langkah (3), ulangi prosedur dengan itu. (11) menguap solusi dalam piring Pyrex pada panas rendah. Anda dapat melakukan ini di atas kompor, tetapi saya telah menemukan bahwa jika Anda meninggalkannya di atas pemanas air panas (seperti yang memasok air panas ke rumah Anda) selama sekitar 2-3 hari, kristal yang tersisa akan Methamphetamine . Beberapa catatan: Polisi kini menyebutnya "New Kokain". Hal ini sangat mudah untuk menjadi mengigau dari asap eter, jadi pastikan Anda memiliki ventilasi yang baik, aku sungguh-sungguh !!! Kecil, botol aspirin, atau percobaan tampaknya bekerja yang terbaik untuk batch yang lebih kecil. Pengukuran tidak tepat, sehingga Anda tidak harus baik. Pada langkah 9, pastikan Anda tidak menggunakan terlalu banyak air. Ingat, ini adalah air yang Anda harus menggunakan menguap.
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