“WELCOME TO DEMPSEY, my lady,” said the yellow-haired priest. “I’m Fat terjemahan - “WELCOME TO DEMPSEY, my lady,” said the yellow-haired priest. “I’m Fat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“WELCOME TO DEMPSEY, my lady,” said

“WELCOME TO DEMPSEY, my lady,” said the yellow-haired priest. “I’m Father Darius. I’ve come to escort you to dinner. Lord Myles regrets he cannot do so himself, but I’m afraid the earl’s fever has returned.”
Fiona didn’t like priests. Father Bettney from Sinclair Hall had the disposition of a badger and always made her skin crawl as if ants were upon it. But this one seemed pleasant enough, with pale freckles and an earnest manner. He smiled and offered his arm.
She had little choice but to take it. She could not spend the rest of her days lingering in this bedchamber. And truth be told, as unappealing as dining with dozens upon dozens of Campbells would be, she was getting restless. She’d spent the afternoon alone after Myles left. She thought briefly to venture out on her own, but decided against it when she heard men’s voices streaming in from the courtyard.
“Thank you, Father. Will my husband be joining us for dinner?”
“I don’t believe so. He and his mother are sitting with the earl. But I’ll keep you company. And Lady Vivienne and Lady Alyssa will join us too. You can tell us all about your life at Sinclair Hall.”
As they walked along the corridor, passing a dozen Campbell portraits, Father Darius told her bits about each ancestor. Their history was rich, and Fiona had not realized how entwined their clan was with the Stewart monarchy. At last turning a corner, they came upon a narrow staircase, leading down and ending with a door.
The priest paused. “Are you ready to meet the rest of your new kin?”
No, she was not. Though she’d met a handful of Campbells, and most had been cordial, who knew what the rest might be like? Beyond this door would be the knights she’d put at risk, and their resentful wives. Or worse than that, the widows she’d helped create. But Vivienne would be there, and though Fiona was still not certain of the woman’s motivations, at least she’d sit by her and not leave her to the wolves. And perhaps Darby would be there as well. That notion brightened her mood, for she missed her little champion.
Fiona nodded once. “Yes, Father.”
“That’s a good lass. I’m sure you’ll find a most gracious welcome. Though, keep in mind, they are worried for their laird. Tensions are running a bit high, and the mood is somber.”
He pulled open the door, and she stepped through into the most magnificent hall imaginable. It was huge, with blue-and-green banners bearing the Campbell crest hanging from every truss. At the far end of the hall hung another flag, larger than any of the others and displayed in the place of greatest honor. It was embroidered with the king’s emblem—a crowned lion and a unicorn—for Dempsey was a Stewart holding, with Cedric Campbell serving as master of the royal household.
Underneath that magnificent flag was a raised dais, where the family would sit to dine, and throughout the hall were other tables, each covered in crisp white cloth and laden with silver plates and platters of food. Musicians sat behind a screen, playing loudly enough to be heard but not so much as to be disruptive, while servants moved about, efficient in their tasks.
Fiona marveled at the scene. ’Twas so unlike the hall at home, where everything had a dingy pallor and a rustic feel. Exiled to the far north by the king as the Sinclairs had been, she’d known little in the way of creature comforts. And once her mother was gone, Hugh Sinclair’s only focus had been training his sons for revenge, not nurturing his daughters or providing a welcome hearth and home.
One could get used to being a Campbell if this was how they lived. Her mouth watered as the smell of pheasant and roasted boar wafted past, but she twitched her nose against it. ’Twas seduction of another sort. The fine dresses and the food and the big downy beds. And the kisses. All of this mingled into a potion meant to make her forget who she was. She’d eat the food, yes. And she’d enjoy it, too. But no delicious meal or velvet gown would bring her mother back. ’Twas Cedric Campbell who’d thrust her family into such dire straits, first by pitting the king against them and then by ripping her mother from this earth. She’d do well to remind herself of that.
Father Darius led her to the dais, where, as she’d suspected, Vivienne awaited with a ready smile. Darby was next to her, his unruly hair combed smooth.
“How was your afternoon, Fiona?” Vivienne asked, raising one inquisitive brow.
Judging from Vivienne’s expression, the woman assumed she’d spent some time in Myles’s arms. Fiona could not halt the heated blush.
“Fine,” she mumbled.
“Any revelations about...proper fabric and such?”
Fiona cast a glance at the priest, but he seemed more interested in surveying the hall. Looking back to Vivienne, she answered, “None whatsoever.”
“Ah, more’s the pity.”
Fiona took her seat, and soon Alyssa joined them, looking pale and weary.
Darius helped her to a chair. “How fares your father, child?” he asked.
“Still the same. The fever lingers, though the surgeon poured boiling oil over his injuries before applying the hot irons. He fears infection.”
The puddle of tears in the young girl’s eyes squeezed Fiona’s heart. How very much like her own sister she was, sweet and shy and fragile. Though a Campbell, Fiona knew she would never hold this girl accountable for the sins of her father.
Vivienne reached over and caressed Alyssa’s arm. “He’s strong as an ox, sweeting. He’ll be well before you know it.”
Alyssa nodded, but the tears spilled out. “Mother would not let me stay. But I’ve as much right to sit with him as anyone.”
“Of course you do. She thinks only to protect you. It isn’t good for you to see him when he’s not himself. But after dinner, we’ll go to chapel, you and I, and we’ll pray for him. Yes?” She tapped her hand against Alyssa’s.
The girl nodded again and offered a tremulous smile at her aunt. “Thank you, Vivi. I should like that very much.”
Vivienne turned to Fiona. “Of course, you are welcome to join us as well, if you’ve a mind to.”
Sit in the chapel and pray for the swift recovery of Cedric Campbell? She’d sooner kiss the devil’s backside. But she’d not say as much. These two had been kind and might prove to be the only friends she’d ever have.
“I should like to see the chapel,” Fiona said. What harm could it do after all? She had plenty to pray for. No need to point out that her prayers and theirs would clash like swords in God’s ear.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Selamat datang untuk DEMPSEY, putri," kata imam berambut kuning. "Aku adalah ayah Darius. Aku datang untuk mengantar Anda untuk makan malam. Myles Tuhan menyesal ia tidak melakukannya sendiri, tapi aku 'm takut demam earl's telah kembali."Fiona tidak seperti para imam. Ayah Bettney dari Sinclair Hall memiliki disposisi lumba-lumba dan selalu membuat kulitnya merangkak seolah-olah semut atasnya. Tapi satu ini tampak cukup, menyenangkan dengan bintik-bintik pucat dan cara yang sungguh-sungguh. Dia tersenyum dan ditawarkan lengannya.Dia memiliki sedikit pilihan tetapi untuk mengambil itu. Dia tidak bisa menghabiskan seluruh hari berlama-lama di kamar tidur ini. Dan kebenaran mengatakan, sebagai menarik seperti makan dengan lusinan setelah puluhan Campbells akan, ia semakin gelisah. Dia telah menghabiskan sore sendirian setelah meninggalkan Myles. Dia pikir sebentar untuk usaha di sendiri, tetapi memutuskan untuk tidak melakukannya ketika ia mendengar suara-suara laki-laki streaming di dari halaman."Terima kasih, ayah. Akan suami saya bergabung dengan kami untuk makan malam?""Saya tidak percaya begitu. Ia dan ibunya sedang duduk dengan earl. Tapi aku akan membuat Anda perusahaan. Dan wanita Vivienne dan Lady Alyssa akan bergabung dengan kami juga. Anda dapat memberitahu kami tentang hidup Anda di Sinclair Hall. "Saat mereka berjalan sepanjang koridor, melewati selusin Campbell potret, Darius ayah mengatakan bit nya tentang leluhur setiap. Sejarah mereka adalah kaya, dan Fiona tidak menyadari bagaimana berlingkar klan mereka adalah dengan monarki Stewart. Akhirnya berpaling sudut, mereka tiba di tangga sempit, menuju dan berakhir dengan sebuah pintu.The priest paused. “Are you ready to meet the rest of your new kin?”No, she was not. Though she’d met a handful of Campbells, and most had been cordial, who knew what the rest might be like? Beyond this door would be the knights she’d put at risk, and their resentful wives. Or worse than that, the widows she’d helped create. But Vivienne would be there, and though Fiona was still not certain of the woman’s motivations, at least she’d sit by her and not leave her to the wolves. And perhaps Darby would be there as well. That notion brightened her mood, for she missed her little champion.Fiona nodded once. “Yes, Father.”“That’s a good lass. I’m sure you’ll find a most gracious welcome. Though, keep in mind, they are worried for their laird. Tensions are running a bit high, and the mood is somber.”He pulled open the door, and she stepped through into the most magnificent hall imaginable. It was huge, with blue-and-green banners bearing the Campbell crest hanging from every truss. At the far end of the hall hung another flag, larger than any of the others and displayed in the place of greatest honor. It was embroidered with the king’s emblem—a crowned lion and a unicorn—for Dempsey was a Stewart holding, with Cedric Campbell serving as master of the royal household.Underneath that magnificent flag was a raised dais, where the family would sit to dine, and throughout the hall were other tables, each covered in crisp white cloth and laden with silver plates and platters of food. Musicians sat behind a screen, playing loudly enough to be heard but not so much as to be disruptive, while servants moved about, efficient in their tasks.Fiona marveled at the scene. ’Twas so unlike the hall at home, where everything had a dingy pallor and a rustic feel. Exiled to the far north by the king as the Sinclairs had been, she’d known little in the way of creature comforts. And once her mother was gone, Hugh Sinclair’s only focus had been training his sons for revenge, not nurturing his daughters or providing a welcome hearth and home.One could get used to being a Campbell if this was how they lived. Her mouth watered as the smell of pheasant and roasted boar wafted past, but she twitched her nose against it. ’Twas seduction of another sort. The fine dresses and the food and the big downy beds. And the kisses. All of this mingled into a potion meant to make her forget who she was. She’d eat the food, yes. And she’d enjoy it, too. But no delicious meal or velvet gown would bring her mother back. ’Twas Cedric Campbell who’d thrust her family into such dire straits, first by pitting the king against them and then by ripping her mother from this earth. She’d do well to remind herself of that.Father Darius led her to the dais, where, as she’d suspected, Vivienne awaited with a ready smile. Darby was next to her, his unruly hair combed smooth.“How was your afternoon, Fiona?” Vivienne asked, raising one inquisitive brow.Judging from Vivienne’s expression, the woman assumed she’d spent some time in Myles’s arms. Fiona could not halt the heated blush.“Fine,” she mumbled.“Any revelations about...proper fabric and such?”Fiona cast a glance at the priest, but he seemed more interested in surveying the hall. Looking back to Vivienne, she answered, “None whatsoever.”“Ah, more’s the pity.”Fiona took her seat, and soon Alyssa joined them, looking pale and weary.Darius helped her to a chair. “How fares your father, child?” he asked.“Still the same. The fever lingers, though the surgeon poured boiling oil over his injuries before applying the hot irons. He fears infection.”The puddle of tears in the young girl’s eyes squeezed Fiona’s heart. How very much like her own sister she was, sweet and shy and fragile. Though a Campbell, Fiona knew she would never hold this girl accountable for the sins of her father.Vivienne reached over and caressed Alyssa’s arm. “He’s strong as an ox, sweeting. He’ll be well before you know it.”Alyssa nodded, but the tears spilled out. “Mother would not let me stay. But I’ve as much right to sit with him as anyone.”“Of course you do. She thinks only to protect you. It isn’t good for you to see him when he’s not himself. But after dinner, we’ll go to chapel, you and I, and we’ll pray for him. Yes?” She tapped her hand against Alyssa’s.The girl nodded again and offered a tremulous smile at her aunt. “Thank you, Vivi. I should like that very much.”Vivienne turned to Fiona. “Of course, you are welcome to join us as well, if you’ve a mind to.”Sit in the chapel and pray for the swift recovery of Cedric Campbell? She’d sooner kiss the devil’s backside. But she’d not say as much. These two had been kind and might prove to be the only friends she’d ever have.“I should like to see the chapel,” Fiona said. What harm could it do after all? She had plenty to pray for. No need to point out that her prayers and theirs would clash like swords in God’s ear.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"SELAMAT DATANG DEMPSEY, Putri," kata imam berambut kuning. "Aku Bapa Darius. Aku datang untuk menemani Anda makan malam. Tuhan Myles menyesal dia tidak bisa melakukannya sendiri, tapi aku takut demam earl telah kembali.
"Fiona tidak suka imam. Ayah Bettney dari Sinclair Balai memiliki disposisi musang dan selalu membuat merinding seakan semut atasnya. Tapi yang satu ini tampaknya cukup menyenangkan, dengan bintik-bintik pucat dan secara sungguh-sungguh. Dia tersenyum dan menawarkan lengannya.
Dia punya banyak pilihan selain untuk mengambil. Dia tidak bisa menghabiskan sisa hari-harinya di kamar tidur berlama-lama ini. Dan kebenaran diberitahu, sebagai menarik seperti makan dengan puluhan atas puluhan Campbells akan, dia mulai gelisah. Dia menghabiskan sore sendirian setelah Myles kiri. Dia berpikir sebentar untuk menjelajah sendiri, tetapi memutuskan untuk tidak ketika ia mendengar suara pria mengalir dari halaman.
"Terima kasih, Bapa. Akan suami saya akan bergabung dengan kami untuk makan malam?
"" Saya tidak percaya begitu. Dia dan ibunya sedang duduk dengan earl. Tapi aku akan menemani Anda. Dan Lady Vivienne dan Lady Alyssa akan bergabung dengan kami juga. Anda dapat memberitahu kami semua tentang hidup Anda di Sinclair Hall.
"Saat mereka berjalan di sepanjang koridor, melewati selusin potret Campbell, Bapa Darius mengatakan bit nya tentang masing-masing leluhur. Sejarah mereka kaya, dan Fiona tidak menyadari betapa terjalin klan mereka dengan Stewart monarki. Akhirnya memutar sudut, mereka tiba di sebuah tangga sempit, yang menuju dan berakhir dengan sebuah pintu.
Imam berhenti. "Apakah Anda siap untuk memenuhi sisa kerabat Anda yang baru?"
Tidak, dia tidak. Meskipun dia telah bertemu beberapa Campbells, dan sebagian besar telah ramah, yang tahu apa yang sisanya mungkin seperti? Di luar pintu ini akan menjadi ksatria dia ditempatkan pada risiko, dan istri-istri marah mereka. Atau lebih buruk dari itu, para janda dia membantu menciptakan. Tapi Vivienne akan berada di sana, dan meskipun Fiona masih tidak yakin motivasi wanita, setidaknya ia duduk dan tidak meninggalkan dia untuk serigala. Dan mungkin Darby akan berada di sana juga. Gagasan itu cerah suasana hatinya, karena ia merindukan juara kecilnya.
Fiona mengangguk sekali. "Ya, Bapa."
"Itu lass baik. Saya yakin Anda akan menemukan sambutan paling ramah. Meskipun, perlu diingat, mereka khawatir untuk laird mereka. Ketegangan menjalankan agak tinggi, dan suasana hati yang muram. "Dia membuka pintu, dan ia melangkah melalui ke ruang paling megah dibayangkan.
Itu besar, dengan spanduk biru-hijau bertuliskan puncak Campbell tergantung dari setiap truss. Di ujung lorong menggantung bendera lain, lebih besar daripada yang lain dan ditampilkan di tempat kehormatan terbesar. Itu disulam dengan lambang-singa dinobatkan raja dan unicorn-untuk Dempsey adalah holding Stewart, dengan Cedric Campbell menjabat sebagai master dari keluarga kerajaan.
Di bawah bendera megah adalah mimbar mengangkat, di mana keluarga akan duduk untuk makan, dan seluruh lorong meja lainnya, masing-masing ditutupi kain putih renyah dan sarat dengan piring perak dan piring-piring makanan. Musisi duduk di belakang layar, bermain cukup keras untuk didengar tetapi tidak begitu banyak untuk menjadi mengganggu, sementara pegawai pindah sekitar, efisien dalam tugas-tugas mereka.
Fiona mengagumi TKP. 'Sungguh sehingga tidak seperti aula di rumah, di mana semuanya memiliki pucat suram dan nuansa pedesaan. Diasingkan ke utara jauh oleh raja sebagai Sinclair telah, dia sudah tahu sedikit di jalan dari kenyamanan. Dan sekali ibunya pergi, hanya fokus Hugh Sinclair telah berlatih anak-anaknya untuk membalas dendam, tidak memelihara anak-anaknya atau menyediakan perapian menyambut dan rumah.
Satu bisa digunakan untuk menjadi Campbell jika ini adalah bagaimana mereka hidup. Mulutnya disiram seperti bau burung dan babi panggang tercium terakhir, tapi dia mengejang hidungnya menentangnya. 'Sungguh rayuan dari jenis lain. Gaun halus dan makanan dan tempat tidur berbulu halus besar. Dan ciuman. Semua ini bercampur menjadi ramuan dimaksudkan untuk membuat dia lupa siapa dia. Dia akan makan makanan, ya. Dan dia menikmatinya, juga. Tapi tidak ada lezat makan atau beludru gaun akan membawa ibunya kembali. 'Sungguh Cedric Campbell yang telah dorong keluarganya ke kesulitan seperti, pertama dengan mengadu raja terhadap mereka dan kemudian dengan merobek ibunya dari bumi ini. Dia akan melakukannya dengan baik untuk mengingatkan dirinya sendiri itu.
Ayah Darius membawanya ke podium, di mana, karena dia sudah menduga, Vivienne ditunggu dengan senyum siap. Darby adalah sampingnya, rambut acak-acakan disisir halus.
"Bagaimana Anda sore, Fiona?" Tanya Vivienne, mengangkat satu alis ingin tahu.
Menilai dari ekspresi Vivienne itu, wanita itu diasumsikan dia menghabiskan beberapa waktu di tangan Myles. Fiona tidak bisa menghentikan blush dipanaskan.
"Baik," gumamnya.
"Setiap wahyu tentang ... kain yang tepat dan seperti itu?"
Fiona melemparkan pandangan pada imam, tapi ia tampak lebih tertarik pada survei aula. Melihat kembali ke Vivienne, ia menjawab, "Tidak ada apapun."
"Ah, lebih sayang itu."
Fiona mengambil tempat duduknya, dan segera Alyssa bergabung dengan mereka, tampak pucat dan lelah.
Darius membantunya untuk kursi. "Bagaimana tarif ayahmu, anak?" Tanyanya.
"Masih sama. Demam tetap hidup, meskipun ahli bedah menuangkan minyak mendidih lebih luka-lukanya sebelum menerapkan besi panas. Ia takut infeksi.
"The genangan air mata di mata gadis itu meremas hati Fiona. Bagaimana sangat banyak seperti adiknya sendiri dia, manis dan pemalu dan rapuh. Meskipun Campbell, Fiona tahu ia tidak akan menahan gadis ini bertanggung jawab atas dosa ayahnya.
Vivienne mengulurkan tangan dan membelai lengan Alyssa. "Dia kuat sebagai sapi, Sweeting. Dia akan baik sebelum Anda tahu itu.
"Alyssa mengangguk, tapi air mata tumpah keluar. "Ibu tidak akan membiarkan saya tinggal. Tapi aku sebanyak yang tepat untuk duduk dengan dia sebagai orang.
"" Tentu saja Anda lakukan. Dia hanya berpikir untuk melindungi Anda. Hal ini tidak baik bagi Anda untuk melihat dia ketika dia tidak sendiri. Tapi setelah makan malam, kita akan pergi ke chapel, Anda dan saya, dan kami akan berdoa baginya. Ya? "Dia menepuk tangannya melawan Alyssa.
Gadis itu mengangguk lagi dan menawarkan senyum gemetar di bibinya. "Terima kasih, Vivi. Saya harus seperti itu sangat banyak.
"Vivienne berpaling ke Fiona. "Tentu saja, Anda dipersilahkan untuk bergabung dengan kami juga, jika Anda punya pikiran untuk."
Duduk di kapel dan berdoa untuk pemulihan cepat dari Cedric Campbell? Dia cepat mencium bagian belakang iblis. Tapi dia tidak akan mengatakan sebanyak. Kedua telah baik dan mungkin terbukti menjadi satu-satunya teman yang pernah ia miliki.
"Saya ingin melihat kapel," kata Fiona. Apa ruginya setelah semua? Dia punya banyak berdoa untuk. Tidak perlu menunjukkan bahwa doanya dan mereka akan berbenturan seperti pedang di telinga Allah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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