„This I do not know that I have not seen the Chaotic Sea first robber, terjemahan - „This I do not know that I have not seen the Chaotic Sea first robber, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„This I do not know that I have not

„This I do not know that I have not seen the Chaotic Sea first robber, this first robber is strange, seemingly had not heard he gets rid to rob the treasure of member, comes the Chaotic Sea member, has not seen this first robber.”
Tan Lang shook the head, indicated that he also knows nothing about this Chaotic Sea first robber.
This let Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog had doubts, the person who Tan Lang did not know, frequently does not appear in everybody present person, can actually become the Chaotic Sea first robber, this also was too rather strange.
As if saw the doubts of Jiang Chen, Tan Lang continued saying: „The prestige of this first robber is other six robs other pirates with overseas to seal, it is said that first robber once arrived at Chaotic Sea, then says the brave words to work as this first robber, at that time many people were not convinced, go to challenge, the person but who challenges again has not been living coming back, has cast the prestige of Chaotic Sea first robber.”
„Really also has such matter.”
Jiang Chen stares, has had the strong interest to this Chaotic Sea first robber immediately, almost does not need to suspect that knows this is an expert, but makes Jiang Chen think what is not clear, this mystical fellow has worked as the first robber does not get rid to rob the treasure, when this first robber the fart uses.
„Brother Jiang does not need to consider thoroughly, our these time comes Chaotic Sea, basically does not need to be worried about and Chaotic Sea first robber bumps into, this person especially good independence, has almost not contacted with other pirates, since continuously, regardless of Chaotic Sea has the how chaotic important matter, this first robber has not appeared.”
Tan Lang said that hints Jiang Chen not to need to worry about this first robber.
„Said the goal of this time coming.”
Jiang Chen said with a smile, Tan Lang this time came to cut to kill the pirate, to revenge to that 13 th grand guardian, to raise the prestige of Asura Palace Hall.
„Skyhawk island, has inquired was very clear, the 13 th grand guardian died in Skyhawk island.”
Tan Lang said.
„This Skyhawk island island host is one of the Chaotic Sea Seven Robbers, Skyhawk island looks like a hawk to acquire fame because of the contour, but what is more famous is the Skyhawk island island advocates is in itself also a warhawk, cultivation of 1-Tier Beastly King peak is, the method is ruthless.”
Nearby Huo Wei explained to Jiang Chen the Skyhawk island information.
„Is cultivation of 1-Tier Beastly King peak?”
Jiang Chen eye one bright, cultivation of 1-Tier Beastly King peak is, although is also not 2-Tier Beastly King, but to own advantage is also very big, if this warhawk has the strange bloodline again, Jiang Chen can draw support from its Monster Spirit to promote Battle King directly.
„Skyhawk island distance here is not far, we are quicker rush, strive to strike to kill the Skyhawk island host before them.”
Tan Lang opens the mouth saying that in fact, before has not met Jiang Chen, his confidence to this duty is not big, making him strike to kill a 1-Tier peak Beastly King, he simply does not have the half minute assurance, must unite with other Senior Brother younger brothers is good, but currently has Jiang Chen to follow, he is confident immediately, Jiang Chen cuts to kill existence of 2-Tier Beastly King, let alone is the Skyhawk island host.
Under the leadership of Tan Lang, group fast speeds along to go in the Skyhawk island direction, then at this time, came from another direction four youth, these four people wore same attached, what Tan Lang also had Chang Qing their clothing to be exactly the same, solely from this judgment, these four people was the Asura Palace Hall disciple.
Four people of aura are tyrannical, on the face has is not having toward the arrogance, looked that is that type to be supercilious, has had keen eyesight the generation of top, naturally, can achieve the Battle King boundary in this age, they indeed have the proud capital.
Tan Lang sees four people at the same time, four people also saw Tan Lang they.
„Whom do I consider? Originally is Tan Junior Brother, what's wrong? Tan Junior Brother also turns toward strikes to kill the Skyhawk island host, competes for the positions of 13 grand guardians?”
One of them immediately mystifying saying, this person is also cultivation of 1-Tier Battle King is, but compares to the talent to come, with some Tan Lang disparities, this point Jiang Chen can look.
Nearby Jiang Chen corners of the mouth overflow one to smile pale, clearly, these must compete for this 13 grand guardian status at present Asura Palace Hall Core Disciple, no wonder will display some hostilities to Tan Lang.
„Naturally, the positions of 13 grand guardians, are competed.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„This I do not know that I have not seen the Chaotic Sea first robber, this first robber is strange, seemingly had not heard he gets rid to rob the treasure of member, comes the Chaotic Sea member, has not seen this first robber.”Tan Lang shook the head, indicated that he also knows nothing about this Chaotic Sea first robber.This let Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog had doubts, the person who Tan Lang did not know, frequently does not appear in everybody present person, can actually become the Chaotic Sea first robber, this also was too rather strange.As if saw the doubts of Jiang Chen, Tan Lang continued saying: „The prestige of this first robber is other six robs other pirates with overseas to seal, it is said that first robber once arrived at Chaotic Sea, then says the brave words to work as this first robber, at that time many people were not convinced, go to challenge, the person but who challenges again has not been living coming back, has cast the prestige of Chaotic Sea first robber.”„Really also has such matter.”Jiang Chen stares, has had the strong interest to this Chaotic Sea first robber immediately, almost does not need to suspect that knows this is an expert, but makes Jiang Chen think what is not clear, this mystical fellow has worked as the first robber does not get rid to rob the treasure, when this first robber the fart uses."Saudara Jiang tidak perlu mempertimbangkan secara menyeluruh, kami ini waktu datang laut Chaotic, pada dasarnya tidak perlu khawatir tentang dan kacau laut pertama perampok benjolan ke, orang ini terutama baik kemerdekaan, telah hampir tidak menghubungi dengan bajak laut, karena terus-menerus, tanpa Chaotic laut memiliki masalah penting bagaimana kacau, penyamun pertama ini tidak muncul."Tan Lang mengatakan bahwa petunjuk Jiang Chen tidak perlu khawatir tentang penyamun pertama ini."Mengatakan tujuan dari kali ini datang."Jiang Chen berkata dengan senyum, Tan Lang kali ini datang untuk memotong untuk membunuh bajak laut, untuk membalas dendam ke bahwa 13 th grand wali, untuk meningkatkan prestise Asura Palace Hall."Pulau pesawat, telah bertanya sangat jelas, 13 th grand guardian meninggal di Pulau pesawat."Tan Lang mengatakan."Host pulau pulau pesawat ini adalah salah satu perampok Tujuh laut kacau, Pulau pesawat tampak seperti elang untuk memperoleh ketenaran karena kontur, tapi apa yang lebih terkenal adalah pesawat pulau pulau advokat itu sendiri juga warhawk, budidaya raja jijik 1-Tier peak adalah, metode kejam."Dekat Huo Wei menjelaskan kepada Jiang Chen pesawat pulau informasi."Adalah budidaya raja jijik 1-Tier puncak?"Jiang Chen mata budidaya cerah, salah satu raja jijik 1-Tier puncak adalah, walaupun juga tidak 2-Tier jijik raja, tetapi untuk memiliki keuntungan juga sangat besar, jika warhawk ini memiliki garis yang aneh lagi, Jiang Chen dapat menarik dukungan dari semangatnya rakasa untuk mempromosikan pertempuran raja secara langsung."Pulau pesawat jarak di sini adalah tidak jauh, kami terburu-buru lebih cepat, berusaha untuk menyerang untuk membunuh Angkatan pulau pesawat sebelum mereka."Tan Lang membuka mulut mengatakan bahwa pada kenyataannya, sebelum belum memenuhi Jiang Chen, keyakinan-nya untuk tugas ini tidak besar, membuat dia membunuh 1-Tier puncak jijik raja, dia hanya tidak memiliki jaminan setengah menit, harus bersatu dengan Senior saudara lain adik baik, tetapi saat ini memiliki Jiang Chen untuk mengikuti, dia yakin segera , Jiang Chen pemotongan untuk membunuh keberadaan 2-Tier jijik raja, apalagi adalah tuan rumah pulau pesawat.Di bawah kepemimpinan Tan Lang, kecepatan cepat kelompok bersama untuk pergi ke arah pesawat pulau, maka saat ini, datang dari arah lain empat pemuda, empat orang memakai sama terpasang, apa Tan Lang juga punya Chang Qing pakaian mereka harus persis sama, semata-mata dari pengadilan ini, empat orang murid Asura Palace Hall.Empat orang dari aura tirani, pada wajah memiliki tidak memiliki terhadap arogansi, tampak yang jenis yang menjadi congkak, memiliki penglihatan yang tajam generasi atas, tentu saja, dapat mencapai batas pertempuran raja di zaman ini, mereka memang memiliki modal bangga.Tan Lang melihat empat orang pada saat yang sama, empat orang juga melihat Tan Lang mereka."Siapa Apakah saya menganggap? Awalnya adalah Tan saudara Junior, apa salah? Tan Junior saudara juga berubah menuju pemogokan untuk membunuh Angkatan pulau pesawat, bersaing untuk posisi 13 grand wali?"One of them immediately mystifying saying, this person is also cultivation of 1-Tier Battle King is, but compares to the talent to come, with some Tan Lang disparities, this point Jiang Chen can look.Nearby Jiang Chen corners of the mouth overflow one to smile pale, clearly, these must compete for this 13 grand guardian status at present Asura Palace Hall Core Disciple, no wonder will display some hostilities to Tan Lang.„Naturally, the positions of 13 grand guardians, are competed.”
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