The hypnotizing motion of Lexi’s warm breath against my neck almost ha terjemahan - The hypnotizing motion of Lexi’s warm breath against my neck almost ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The hypnotizing motion of Lexi’s wa

The hypnotizing motion of Lexi’s warm breath against my neck almost had me falling back to sleep when I woke in the dawn, birds chirping outside the summerhouse walls, indicating morning had broken.
Squeezing my eyes shut to rid them of sleep, I instinctively rolled closer to Pix, and a chilly breeze cut under a gap in the thin blanket.
Turning my head behind me, I noticed the fire that had been roaring the night before had dwindled down to ash, and a light frost was creeping up the skylight’s glass, its heavy pattern almost like a kaleidoscope when the strong rays of the sun reflected off the pane.
As I followed the hazy pattern of a sunbeam, it led me straight to the contented face of Pix tucked into my side, and all I could do was stare.
She was fuckin’ gorgeous.
Her fresh face was free of makeup and her tiny arms were wrapped around my stomach, her pale skin stark against the dark tone of my tattooed abs. My arms weren’t wrapped around her in return, though. It was like even in sleep, my mind knew to respect her boundaries. Pix’s dress straps were firmly back in place, her chest no longer exposed, and my heart kind of sank when I realized she must have covered herself during the night. I hated that she thought so little of herself. That she had to be plagued with insecurities the first time we made love, the first time she ever made love. That she didn’t feel comfortable enough with me to bare her body completely.
A sudden sigh slipped from Pix’s lips, and I gripped her arms tighter with my hands, pulling her farther into my chest, just inhaling her sweet scent. I knew we couldn’t stay here all day. I had practice. Hell, so did she. The SEC Championship against the Florida Gators in Georgia was coming up soon, but I just wanted to hold her like this for a time longer, before we had to deal with the shit waiting outside that door.
But one thing was for sure: I felt changed. Different somehow… Worthy even.
Lexi’s quiet voice made me glance down, and her sleepy eyes were fixed on mine. It didn’t take a damn detective to see the fear of rejection shining thorough them.
“Mornin’, Pix,” I said, smiling, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Morning,” she replied and ran her cheek across my bare chest.
Casually running my finger down her arm, I asked, “How are you feeling?”
Lifting her head, a pink, shy blush had spread across her face. “I feel… so many things—happy, blessed, brave… even adored…”
Smiling wide, I caught her quick inhale of breath and, cupping her face, brought her lips to meet mine. When I had fully taken her mouth—possessively, obsessively—I murmured, “Good, Pix. That’s real fuckin’ good.”
Laying her head to my shoulder, she sighed. I knew it was because it was time for us to go. To leave this little stress-free void.
“You ready to get going?”
Lexi nodded and gradually sat up, stretching out her arms, her back facing me. Beneath the thin fabric of her dress, I could see her tiny silhouette, and my breathing immediately stopped, a huge rush of fear seizing the function of my muscles.
Ribs. A shit ton of Lexi’s ribs were on show, poking through her skin in an unhealthy-looking way, and her spine stuck out almost in an unrealistic protrusion.
As if feeling my worried stare, Lexi snapped her head around to face me and instantly jumped to her feet. I sat up in response, seeing her eyes grow huge with panic.
“Pix,” I whispered and dreaded the response to my next question. “You’re eating, aren’t you?” Clearing my throat, I added, “Like, you’re not starving yourself again? ’Cause you’re looking real thin. You always wear such loose clothes so I never noticed, but…”
The subtle signs of anxiety appeared on Lexi’s face: nostrils flaring as she panted in short breaths, lips twitching, and her chest rising in heavy motion.
“I’m fine,” Lexi snapped and covered herself with her arms. “I’m just stressed.”
I nodded my head cautiously and slowly stood to meet her face to face. I noticed her hands were shaking as I approached, and I reached out and took her face within my palms. She refused to look at me, eyes planted firmly toward the floor.
Lexi shut her eyes tightly for a moment and then fixed her focus on me, waiting to hear what I had to say. I wanted to say a shit ton, but seeing the fear on her face that I was gonna call her out on her issues had me redirecting my thoughts.
“You can tell me anything, you know,” I said softly, soothingly.
Lexi’s eyes glittered and after a spell, she nodded lightly into my hands, but no words came from her mouth. My teeth gritted in response, but I faked letting it go.
Placing a hard kiss on her mouth, I pulled back and said, “I need to see you tonight. Every night from now on, in here. Okay?”
Rigid apprehension leaked from Lexi’s body, and looking up at me through timid eyes, said, “Yes.”
Smirking at how fuckin’ gorgeous she was, I wrapped my arms around her neck, bringing her in close. “We’ll take this slow, Pix. Just me and you.”
“I… It’s weird, Austin. I’m still trying to process all this. How we got here. Still trying to work out how to have you in my life without freakin’ out.”
“Ditto, Pix.” I pulled back and said, “It ain’t no one’s fuckin’ business but ours, you know.”
“What about our friends?”
I shrugged. “It’s not safe to tell anyone yet. Not until everything with the Heighters calms down. Until then, we just work on how to be together, ’cause I ain’t losing you now. Not after this…”
A happy giggle slipped from Lexi’s mouth, and I said, “Now we both need to get to practice, and I’m still really fuckin’ naked and need to throw on my clothes or risk getting arrested for indecent exposure. The dean would love that, narcs and nakedness!”
Snorting a loud laugh, Lexi pulled back, then lifted her hand to my cheek, her laughter teetering off. “Thank you, Austin.”
I knew that was for not pushing the eating issue. But I’d be damn well keeping an eye on her; that’s for sure. She wasn’t slipping back down that clusterfuck of a dark hole while I was around.
“You go out first. It’s still early enough that no one should see you going home. No walk of shame.”
Lexi nodded and, collecting her purse, walked out of door with one final worried glance back. As soon as the door shut, I sighed. All I could picture were her ribs. Her protruding ribs and spine.
Fuck! Was it me making her stressed? Was it all the Heighter shit taking her to the edge, causing her to lose weight?
Making sure the fire was completely out, I dressed and cleaned up the pillows and blankets off the floor in record time. As I was putting away the box of matches, I paused. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this good. I, Austin Carillo, was feeling real good.
So fuckin’ good that I’d found a girl who got me heart and soul…
But for some strange reason, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all about to go to shit.
It didn’t take me long to drop my newfound smile.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The hypnotizing motion of Lexi’s warm breath against my neck almost had me falling back to sleep when I woke in the dawn, birds chirping outside the summerhouse walls, indicating morning had broken.Squeezing my eyes shut to rid them of sleep, I instinctively rolled closer to Pix, and a chilly breeze cut under a gap in the thin blanket.Turning my head behind me, I noticed the fire that had been roaring the night before had dwindled down to ash, and a light frost was creeping up the skylight’s glass, its heavy pattern almost like a kaleidoscope when the strong rays of the sun reflected off the pane.As I followed the hazy pattern of a sunbeam, it led me straight to the contented face of Pix tucked into my side, and all I could do was stare.She was fuckin’ gorgeous.Her fresh face was free of makeup and her tiny arms were wrapped around my stomach, her pale skin stark against the dark tone of my tattooed abs. My arms weren’t wrapped around her in return, though. It was like even in sleep, my mind knew to respect her boundaries. Pix’s dress straps were firmly back in place, her chest no longer exposed, and my heart kind of sank when I realized she must have covered herself during the night. I hated that she thought so little of herself. That she had to be plagued with insecurities the first time we made love, the first time she ever made love. That she didn’t feel comfortable enough with me to bare her body completely.Napas tiba-tiba tergelincir dari Bibir Pix's, dan aku dicekam tangannya erat tanganku, menarik dirinya lebih jauh ke dalam dadaku, hanya menghirup aroma manis. Aku tahu kita tidak bisa tinggal di sini sepanjang hari. Aku latihan. Neraka, begitu juga dia. Kejuaraan SEC terhadap Florida Gators di Georgia adalah datang segera, tapi aku hanya ingin memeluknya seperti ini untuk waktu yang lama, sebelum kita harus berurusan dengan kotoran yang menunggu di luar pintu itu.Tapi satu hal yang pasti: saya merasa berubah. Berbeda entah bagaimana... Bahkan layak."Austin?"Lexi's suara tenang membuat saya sekilas ke bawah, dan mata mengantuk terpaku pada saya. Ini tidak mengambil seorang detektif sialan untuk melihat takut akan penolakan bersinar menyeluruh mereka."GaylandAnderson ', Pix," Aku berkata, tersenyum, dan ditekan ciuman dahinya."Pagi," Dia menjawab dan berlari pipi nya di dadaku telanjang.Santai berjalan jari saya turun lengannya, saya bertanya, "Bagaimana Anda rasakan?"Mengangkat kepalanya, blush pink, malu telah menyebar di seluruh wajahnya. "Saya merasa... begitu banyak hal — bahagia, diberkati, berani... bahkan memuja..."Tersenyum lebar, aku menangkap dia cepat menghirup napas dan, kop wajahnya, membawa bibirnya untuk bertemu dengan saya. Ketika saya telah sepenuhnya diambil mulutnya — possessively, obsesif — saya bersungut, "baik, Pix. Itu nyata fuckin ' baik."Meletakkan kepalanya ke bahu saya, Dia menghela napas. Aku tahu itu karena itu adalah waktu bagi kita untuk pergi. Untuk meninggalkan kekosongan bebas stres ini sedikit."Anda siap untuk pergi?"Lexi mengangguk dan secara bertahap duduk, mengulurkan tangannya, kembali menghadap saya. Di bawah kain tipis nya gaun, aku bisa melihat siluet nya kecil, dan pernapasan saya segera berhenti, terburu-buru besar ketakutan merebut fungsi otot-otot saya.Tulang rusuk. Kotoran ton Lexi's iga di Tampilkan, menusuk melalui kulitnya dalam cara yang tidak sehat tampak, dan tulang punggungnya mencuat hampir dalam tonjolan yang tidak realistis.Seolah-olah merasa menatap saya khawatir, Lexi bentak kepalanya di sekitar menghadapi saya dan langsung melompat kakinya. Aku duduk di respon, melihat matanya tumbuh besar dengan panik."Pix," aku berbisik dan ditakuti menanggapi pertanyaan saya berikutnya. "Anda makan, tidak Anda?" Kliring tenggorokan saya, saya menambahkan, "seperti, Anda sedang tidak kelaparan diri lagi? ' Karena Anda mencari nyata tipis. Anda selalu memakai pakaian longgar seperti jadi aku tidak pernah melihat, tapi... "Tanda-tanda halus kecemasan muncul di wajah Lexi's: hidung pembakaran seperti dia terengah-engah Singkatnya napas, bibir yang bergerak-gerak dan dadanya meningkat dalam gerakan berat."Aku baik-baik saja," Lexi bentak dan menutupi dirinya dengan tangannya. "Saya hanya stres."Aku mengangguk kepala saya hati-hati dan perlahan-lahan berdiri untuk bertemu dengannya muka dengan muka. Saya menyadari bahwa tangannya gemetar karena saya mendekati, dan aku mengulurkan tangan dan mengambil wajahnya dalam telapak tangan saya. Dia menolak untuk melihat saya, mata yang ditanam tegas terhadap lantai."Pix."Lexi menutup matanya erat sejenak dan kemudian tetap fokus pada saya, menunggu untuk mendengar apa yang harus saya katakan. Saya ingin mengatakan kotoran ton, tapi melihat ketakutan di wajahnya bahwa saya akan menelepon dia keluar di masalah-nya telah saya mengarahkan pikiran saya."Anda bisa menceritakan apa-apa, Anda tahu," Aku berkata lembut, sangat.Lexi di mata berkilauan dan setelah mantra, Dia mengangguk ringan ke dalam tanganku, tetapi tidak ada kata yang berasal dari mulutnya. Mengertakkan gigi sebagai tanggapan, tapi aku pura-pura membiarkannya pergi.Menempatkan ciuman keras di mulutnya, aku menarik kembali dan berkata, "saya perlu melihat Anda malam ini. Setiap malam dari sekarang, di sini. Oke?"Kaku ketakutan bocor dari Lexi di tubuh, dan menatap saya melalui mata pemalu, berkata, "Ya."Menyeringai bagaimana fuckin ' cantik dia adalah, aku melingkarkan tanganku di lehernya, membawa dia di tutup. "Kami akan mengambil ini lambat, Pix. Hanya aku dan kamu.""Saya... Itu aneh, Austin. Aku masih berusaha untuk memproses semua ini. Bagaimana kita sampai di sini. Masih berusaha untuk bekerja keluar bagaimana untuk memiliki Anda dalam hidupku tanpa freakin '.""Ditto, Pix." Aku menarik kembali dan berkata, "Itu tidak bisnis fuckin ' tidak ada satu tapi kita, Anda tahu.""Bagaimana dengan teman-teman kita?"Aku mengangkat bahu. "Hal ini tidak aman untuk memberitahu siapa pun belum. Tidak sampai semuanya dengan Heighters tenang. Sampai saat itu, kita hanya bekerja pada cara untuk bersama-sama, karena saya tidak kehilangan Anda sekarang. Tidak setelah ini..."Tawa bahagia menyelinap dari mulut Lexi's, dan aku berkata, "sekarang kami berdua perlu untuk mendapatkan untuk berlatih, dan aku 'm masih benar-benar fuckin ' telanjang dan perlu melemparkan pada pakaian saya atau risiko mendapatkan ditangkap karena eksposur tidak senonoh. Dekan akan cinta itu, narcs dan ketelanjangan!"Mendengus tertawa keras, Lexi ditarik kembali, kemudian mengangkat tangan untuk pipi saya, dia tawa tertatih-tatih. "Terima kasih, Austin."Aku tahu itu untuk tidak mendorong masalah makan. Tapi aku akan sialan juga menjaga mata pada dirinya; itu sudah pasti. Dia tidak tergelincir kembali turun yang clusterfuck dari lubang yang gelap, sementara aku berada di sekitar."Anda keluar pertama. Itu masih awal cukup bahwa tidak ada yang harus melihat Anda akan pulang. Tidak ada jalan malu."Lexi mengangguk dan, mengumpulkan tasnya, berjalan keluar dari pintu dengan satu kembali pandangan akhir khawatir. Segera setelah pintu tertutup, aku mendesah. Semua aku bisa membayangkan itu rusuknya. Dia menonjol tulang rusuk dan tulang belakang.Fuck! Apakah saya membuatnya stres? Itu semua kotoran Heighter membawanya ke tepi, menyebabkan ia kehilangan berat badan?Membuat yakin api adalah benar-benar keluar, aku berpakaian dan dibersihkan bantal dan selimut dari lantai dalam waktu singkat. Seperti aku menyimpan kotak pertandingan, saya berhenti. Aku tidak bisa ingat kapan terakhir kali aku merasa ini baik. Aku, Austin Carillo, merasa benar-benar bagus.Jadi fuckin ' baik bahwa saya akan menemukan seorang gadis yang membuatku hati dan jiwa...Tapi untuk beberapa alasan aneh, aku hanya tidak bisa menyingkirkan perasaan bahwa itu semua tentang untuk pergi ke sialan.Tidak butuh waktu saya lama untuk menjatuhkan senyumku barunya.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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