The North Star view con­tin­ues say­ing: „I know that your duty needs  terjemahan - The North Star view con­tin­ues say­ing: „I know that your duty needs  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The North Star view con­tin­ues say

The North Star view con­tin­ues say­ing: „I know that your duty needs to deal with var­i­ous dan­gers, there­fore you most need is this hot Ar­mour guard abil­ity, but you now could not have achieved, there­fore this time you come, I then want you to com­pre­hend the hot Ar­mour guard in this place, oth­er­wise do not want to go out of the front door of this Daoist tem­ple!”
I stare slightly: „Se­nior, were some too rather re­luc­tant?”
„Does not force.”
The North Star view cor­ners of the mouth raise, fi­nally has re­vealed cru­elest side, said: „I will at­tack you with strength of Yang Yan the un­ceas­ingly, con­geal­ing Juyang flame Ar­mour that you must keep pro­tects it­self, re­mem­ber, I will not show mercy, Yang Yan Ar­mour that you con­dense are more, one­self will be safer, can com­plete 100% de­fenses until you fi­nally, your hot Ar­mour pro­tected one­self also to prac­tice.”
I deeply in­spire, stand up, kick out of the way table­ware, for­warded sev­eral steps, bowed, said: „That had the work se­nior!”
The North Star view shows a faint smile, did not speak, even did not have in­clud­ing the move­ment, the roar­ing flame that but on him grew swiftly con­densed the flame sword blade edge to fly to­gether to me, the strength was too not strong, but speed ab­solutely first-class!
I fend rad­i­cally with­out enough time, the North Star view did not plan that makes me fend, only with enough time rapid con­denses the length in the front about 20 cen­time­ters flame rem­nant Ar­mour!
The North Star view con­trolled the strength, this time Yang Yanli at­tacked rapidly spat­ters in all di­rec­tions dis­pers­ing on my Yang Yan Ar­mour, he showed a faint smile: „Also good, my at­tack will be get­ting more and more, you must be care­ful! I also heard, a girl who our fam­ily tra­di­tion likes called Lin Wan Er, you have won from his side Lin Wan Er stiffly, had this mat­ter? My this is the old gen­tle­man, does not do a mat­ter not quite to be good, is right?”
I go, does this old fogy want to kill me?
Then, the be­hav­ior of North Star view and mas­sa­cred not dif­fer­ent, „brushed” the con­sec­u­tively three flame sword edges flew, but I also swiftly uni­fied three Yang Yan­jia to de­fend, si­mul­ta­ne­ously con­trolled Yang Yan­jia the mo­tion tra­jec­tory to pre­vent his at­tack, three struck just ended is three at­tacks, and is di­vided into an­other three an­gles, was quite cun­ning, the speed was quickly like the light­ning, is un­able to move the body to avoid.
„Bang bang”
Two Yang Yan­jia who hasty under uni­fies re­sisted two at­tacks, but the third at­tack „” has ac­tu­ally blasted out on my shoul­der, im­me­di­ately my coat and shirt shoul­der spot was crushed, was good is not strong be­cause of the strength that the North Star view mo­bi­lized, the pain did not only in­jure!
„Comes again, boy!”
In small Daoist tem­ple, is cir­cling in flight the flame me­teor, but I am built on same place, con­cen­trate Juyang flame Ar­mour to de­fend un­ceas­ingly, body „was dev­as­tated re­peat­edly”, also has ac­tu­ally un­der­stood clearly some are ex­quis­ite, con­cen­trate the Juyang flame Ar­mour speed quickly also more and more get­ting more and more ac­cu­rate, can with con­scious­ness in­tel­li­gence con­trol 3-4 Yang Yan­jia, but are get­ting more and more, even has been over 9.
But a limit of per­son where, per­haps he does not know.
Pre­sent North Star view, for my cog­ni­tion to own the per­son of limit!
Cooldown every lit­tle bit past, even I do not know how long I en­tered here.
„Bang bang bang”
Con­tin­ual many flame me­teor bom­bard­ments in my sur­round­ings, but does not have one to me to cre­ate in­jures slightly, al­though I at this mo­ment am in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, the whole body cloth­ing soon turned into piles of frag­ments, but lin­gered in flame rem­nant Ar­mour of my body week at this mo­ment was dense and nu­mer­ous, and each rem­nant Ar­mour with my thought con­nec­tion, was
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The North Star view con­tin­ues say­ing: „I know that your duty needs to deal with var­i­ous dan­gers, there­fore you most need is this hot Ar­mour guard abil­ity, but you now could not have achieved, there­fore this time you come, I then want you to com­pre­hend the hot Ar­mour guard in this place, oth­er­wise do not want to go out of the front door of this Daoist tem­ple!”I stare slightly: „Se­nior, were some too rather re­luc­tant?”„Does not force.”The North Star view cor­ners of the mouth raise, fi­nally has re­vealed cru­elest side, said: „I will at­tack you with strength of Yang Yan the un­ceas­ingly, con­geal­ing Juyang flame Ar­mour that you must keep pro­tects it­self, re­mem­ber, I will not show mercy, Yang Yan Ar­mour that you con­dense are more, one­self will be safer, can com­plete 100% de­fenses until you fi­nally, your hot Ar­mour pro­tected one­self also to prac­tice.”I deeply in­spire, stand up, kick out of the way table­ware, for­warded sev­eral steps, bowed, said: „That had the work se­nior!”The North Star view shows a faint smile, did not speak, even did not have in­clud­ing the move­ment, the roar­ing flame that but on him grew swiftly con­densed the flame sword blade edge to fly to­gether to me, the strength was too not strong, but speed ab­solutely first-class!I fend rad­i­cally with­out enough time, the North Star view did not plan that makes me fend, only with enough time rapid con­denses the length in the front about 20 cen­time­ters flame rem­nant Ar­mour!„Bang!”The North Star view con­trolled the strength, this time Yang Yanli at­tacked rapidly spat­ters in all di­rec­tions dis­pers­ing on my Yang Yan Ar­mour, he showed a faint smile: „Also good, my at­tack will be get­ting more and more, you must be care­ful! I also heard, a girl who our fam­ily tra­di­tion likes called Lin Wan Er, you have won from his side Lin Wan Er stiffly, had this mat­ter? My this is the old gen­tle­man, does not do a mat­ter not quite to be good, is right?”I go, does this old fogy want to kill me?Then, the be­hav­ior of North Star view and mas­sa­cred not dif­fer­ent, „brushed” the con­sec­u­tively three flame sword edges flew, but I also swiftly uni­fied three Yang Yan­jia to de­fend, si­mul­ta­ne­ously con­trolled Yang Yan­jia the mo­tion tra­jec­tory to pre­vent his at­tack, three struck just ended is three at­tacks, and is di­vided into an­other three an­gles, was quite cun­ning, the speed was quickly like the light­ning, is un­able to move the body to avoid.„Bang bang”Two Yang Yan­jia who hasty under uni­fies re­sisted two at­tacks, but the third at­tack „” has ac­tu­ally blasted out on my shoul­der, im­me­di­ately my coat and shirt shoul­der spot was crushed, was good is not strong be­cause of the strength that the North Star view mo­bi­lized, the pain did not only in­jure!„Comes again, boy!”
In small Daoist tem­ple, is cir­cling in flight the flame me­teor, but I am built on same place, con­cen­trate Juyang flame Ar­mour to de­fend un­ceas­ingly, body „was dev­as­tated re­peat­edly”, also has ac­tu­ally un­der­stood clearly some are ex­quis­ite, con­cen­trate the Juyang flame Ar­mour speed quickly also more and more get­ting more and more ac­cu­rate, can with con­scious­ness in­tel­li­gence con­trol 3-4 Yang Yan­jia, but are get­ting more and more, even has been over 9.
But a limit of per­son where, per­haps he does not know.
Pre­sent North Star view, for my cog­ni­tion to own the per­son of limit!
Cooldown every lit­tle bit past, even I do not know how long I en­tered here.
„Bang bang bang”
Con­tin­ual many flame me­teor bom­bard­ments in my sur­round­ings, but does not have one to me to cre­ate in­jures slightly, al­though I at this mo­ment am in an ex­tremely dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, the whole body cloth­ing soon turned into piles of frag­ments, but lin­gered in flame rem­nant Ar­mour of my body week at this mo­ment was dense and nu­mer­ous, and each rem­nant Ar­mour with my thought con­nec­tion, was
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The North Star lihat terus mengatakan: "Saya tahu bahwa tugas Anda perlu berurusan dengan berbagai bahaya, karena itu Anda paling perlu adalah kemampuan penjaga Armour panas ini, tapi sekarang Anda tidak bisa dicapai, karena itu kali ini Anda datang, saya kemudian ingin Anda memahami penjaga Armour panas di tempat ini, jika tidak ingin pergi keluar dari pintu depan candi Taois ini "!
aku menatap sedikit:" Senior, beberapa terlalu agak enggan "?
" Apakah tidak memaksa. "
The North Star tampilan sudut kenaikan mulut, akhirnya mengungkapkan sisi paling kejam, mengatakan: "saya akan menyerang Anda dengan kekuatan yang Yan tanpa henti, congealing Juyang api Armour bahwa Anda harus tetap melindungi dirinya sendiri, ingat, saya tidak akan menunjukkan belas kasihan, yang Yan Armour yang Anda menyingkat lebih, diri sendiri akan lebih aman, dapat menyelesaikan 100% pertahanan sampai akhirnya, Armour panas Anda dilindungi diri juga untuk berlatih. "
saya sangat menginspirasi, berdiri, menendang keluar dari jalan pecah, diteruskan beberapa langkah, membungkuk, kata : "itu punya pekerjaan seniornya!"
The North Star lihat menunjukkan senyum samar, tidak berbicara, bahkan tidak memiliki termasuk gerakan, api menderu itu tapi dia tumbuh dengan cepat kental tepi api pedang pisau terbang bersama-sama dengan saya , kekuatan itu terlalu tidak kuat, tapi mempercepat benar-benar kelas!
aku menangkis radikal tanpa cukup waktu, pandangan North Star tidak berencana yang membuat saya menangkis, hanya dengan waktu yang cukup cepat mengembun panjang di depan sekitar 20 sentimeter api sisa ! Armour
"! Bang"
The North Star lihat dikendalikan kekuatan, kali ini yang Yanli menyerang dengan cepat spatters segala arah penyebaran pada saya yang Yan Armour, ia menunjukkan senyum tipis: "Juga baik, serangan saya akan mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih, Anda harus berhati-hati! Saya juga mendengar, seorang gadis yang suka tradisi keluarga kami disebut Lin Wan Er, Anda telah memenangkan dari sisinya Lin Wan Er kaku, memiliki hal ini? Saya ini pria tua, tidak melakukan suatu hal tidak cukup untuk menjadi baik, benar? "
Aku pergi, tidak kolot ini ingin membunuhku?
Kemudian, perilaku North Star pandangan dan membantai tidak berbeda," disikat " yang berturut-turut tiga tepi pedang api terbang, tapi saya juga cepat terpadu tiga yang Yanjia untuk membela, dikontrol secara bersamaan yang Yanjia lintasan gerak untuk mencegah serangan, tiga melanda saja berakhir tiga serangan, dan dibagi menjadi tiga sudut lain, cukup licik , kecepatan itu dengan cepat seperti kilat, tidak dapat menggerakkan tubuh untuk menghindari.
"Bang Bang"
dua yang Yanjia yang tergesa-gesa di bawah unifies menolak dua serangan, namun serangan ketiga "" sebenarnya telah meledak keluar di bahu saya, segera saya mantel dan kemeja bahu tempat hancur, baik tidak kuat karena kekuatan bahwa pandangan North Star dimobilisasi, rasa sakit tidak hanya melukai!
"Datang lagi, Nak!"
dalam kuil Taois kecil, yang berputar-putar dalam penerbangan api meteor, tapi saya dibangun di tempat yang sama, berkonsentrasi Juyang api Armour untuk membela tanpa henti, tubuh "hancur berulang kali", juga benar-benar telah memahami dengan jelas beberapa indah, berkonsentrasi Juyang kecepatan api Armour cepat juga semakin banyak mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih akurat, bisa dengan kontrol intelijen kesadaran 3-4 yang Yanjia, tapi mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih, bahkan telah lebih dari 9.
tapi batas orang mana, mungkin dia tidak tahu.
Sekarang lihat North Star, untuk kognisi saya untuk memiliki orang dari batas !
cooldown setiap bit terakhir sedikit, bahkan saya tidak tahu berapa lama saya masuk sini.
"Bang bang bang"
Continual banyak pemboman api meteor di lingkungan saya, tetapi tidak memiliki satu untuk saya untuk membuat melukai sedikit, meskipun saya pada saat pagi ini dalam situasi yang sangat sulit, pakaian seluruh tubuh segera berubah menjadi tumpukan fragmen, tapi berlama-lama di api sisa Armour minggu tubuh saya saat ini adalah padat dan banyak, dan masing-masing Armour sisa dengan koneksi pikiran saya, adalah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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