Ch. 10: Cell Growth and Division10.1 Cell GrowthA. In most cases, livi terjemahan - Ch. 10: Cell Growth and Division10.1 Cell GrowthA. In most cases, livi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ch. 10: Cell Growth and Division10.

Ch. 10: Cell Growth and Division
10.1 Cell Growth
A. In most cases, living things grow by producing more cells.
 There are two main reasons why cells divide:
 The larger a cell gets, the more demands it places on its DNA
 As a cell gets larger, it has more trouble moving enough nutrients
(food) and wastes across its cell membrane
 The rates at which materials move through the cell membrane depend on
the cell’s surface area – the total area of its cell membrane
 However, the rate at which food and oxygen are used up and waste
products are formed depends on the
cell’s volume
 As a cell grows, its volume increases
faster than its surface area
 That is, as a cell becomes larger,
its ratio of surface area to volume
B. Before a cell gets too large, it divides, forming two “daughter” cells.
 Cell division is the process by which a cell divides into two new
daughter cells
10.2 Cell Division
A. A cell must copy its genetic information before cell division begins
 Each daughter cell then gets a complete copy of that information
 In most prokaryotes, the rest of cell division is a simple matter of
separating the contents of the cell into two parts
 In eukaryotes, cell division occurs in two main stages, mitosis and
 Mitosis is the division of the nucleus
 Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm
B. The cell cycle is a series of events cells go
through as they grow and divide
 During the cell cycle, a cell grows,
prepares for division, and divides to form
two daughter cells
10.1 quiz
Mr. Hoyle
Biology Lecture Notes
 Each daughter cell then begins the cycle again
 The phases of the cell cycle include interphase and cell
 Interphase is divided into three phases: G1, S, and G2
• During the G1 phase, cells increase in size and
make new proteins and organelles
• In the S phase, chromosomes (DNA) are replicated
¨ Each chromosome then consists of two sister chromatids,
attached at the centromere
• During the G2 phase, many of the organelles and molecules needed
for cell division are produced
 The M phase, or cell division included mitosis and
C. The events of mitosis are divided into four phases:
 Prophase – the chromosomes condense and become
 The centrioles separate and move to opposite sides
of the nucleus
 The chromosomes attach to spindle fibers, which
will help move them apart
 The nuclear envelope breaks down
 Metaphase – chromosomes line up across the center
of the cell
 The centromere of each chromosome attaches to
the spindle
 Anaphase – the centromeres joining the sister
chromatids split
 Sister chromatids separate and become individual
 The two sets of chromosomes move apart
 Telophase – the chromosomes move to opposite ends
of the cell and unwind
 Two new nuclear envelopes form
D. Cytokinesis usually occurs at the same time as telophase
 In animal cells, the cell membrane
pinches the cytoplasm into two
equal parts
Sister chromatids
Mr. Hoyle
Biology Lecture Notes
 In plant cells, a cell plate forms midway between
the divided nuclei. A cell wall then begins to form
in the cell plate.
 Cell cycle active art
 Mitosis video
 Cytokinesis video
 Mitosis (microscopic view)
10.3 Regulating the Cell Cycle
A. Normal cells divide and reproduce until
they come in contact with other cells
B. In a multicellular organism, cell growth and
cell division are carefully controlled.
 For instance, when an injury such as a
cut in the skin occurs, cells at the edge of the cut divide rapidly
 When the healing process is nearly complete, the rate of cell division
slows and then returns to normal
C. Cyclins – a group of proteins – regulate the timing of the cell cycle
 Cylcins are one group of proteins involved in cell cycle regulation
 Other proteins, called regulatory proteins, regulate the cell cycle in
different ways
D. Controls on cell growth can be turned on and off by the body
 Cancer is a disorder in which some of the body’s cells lose the ability to
control growth
 Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that control the growth of most
 As a result, cancer cells divide uncontrollably
 They form masses of cells called tumors, which can damage
surrounding tissues
 Cancer cells do not stop growing when they touch other cells
 Instead, they continue to grow and divide until their supply of
nutrients is used up
 Cancer cells may break loose from tumors and spread
throughout the body Ch. 10 ppt
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Bab 10: Pertumbuhan sel dan divisi10.1 pertumbuhan selA. dalam kebanyakan kasus, makhluk tumbuh dengan memproduksi sel-sel lain.Ada dua alasan utama mengapa sel-sel membagi:Semakin besar sel mendapat, tuntutan yang lebih menempatkan pada DNA-nyaSebagai sel bertambah besar, memiliki lebih banyak kesulitan bergerak cukup gizi(makanan) dan limbah di membran sel yangTingkat di mana bahan bergerak melalui membran sel tergantung padaluas permukaan sel-total wilayah membran sel yangNamun, tingkat di mana makanan dan oksigen yang digunakan dan limbahProduk terbentuk tergantung padavolume selSebagai sel tumbuh, volume meningkatlebih cepat daripada area permukaanYaitu, sebagai sel menjadi lebih besar,dengan rasio luas permukaan, volumemenurunB. sebelum sel mendapatkan terlalu besar, itu membagi, membentuk dua sel "putri".Pembelahan sel adalah proses dimana sel membagi menjadi dua barusel-sel putri10.2 pembelahan selA. sel harus menyalin informasi genetik sebelum dimulai pembelahan selSetiap sel putri kemudian mendapat salinan lengkap informasiDalam kebanyakan prokaryotes, sisa pembelahan sel adalah masalah sederhanamemisahkan isi sel menjadi dua bagianBersel satu pembelahan sel terjadi dalam dua tahap utama, mitosis dancytokinesisMitosis adalah divisi intiCytokinesis adalah divisi sitoplasmaB. siklus sel adalah serangkaian acara sel pergimelalui ketika mereka tumbuh dan membagiSelama siklus sel, sel tumbuh,mempersiapkan untuk divisi, dan membagi ke formulirdua putri sel10.1 kuisTn. HoyleCatatan kuliah biologiSetiap sel putri kemudian mulai siklus lagiTermasuk fase siklus sel interphase dan selDivisiInterphase terbagi menjadi tiga tahap: G1, S dan G2• Selama fase G1, sel-sel yang meningkat dalam ukuran danmembuat protein baru dan Sell• Dalam tahap S, kromosom (DNA) direplikasi¨ Kromosom setiap kemudian terdiri dari dua saudara chromatids,dilampirkan pada centromere• Selama fase G2, banyak organel dan molekul yang diperlukanuntuk pembelahan sel yang diproduksiFase M, atau pembelahan sel termasuk mitosis dancytokinesisC. peristiwa mitosis dibagi menjadi empat tahap:Profase-kromosom mengembun dan menjaditerlihatCentrioles terpisah dan pindah ke sisi yang berlawananintiKromosom melekat gelendong serat, yangakan membantu memindahkan mereka terpisahAmplop nuklir rusakMetaphase-kromosom berbaris di pusatselCentromere kromosom setiap melekatporosAnaphase-centromeres yang bergabung dengan adikchromatids splitSuster chromatids memisahkan dan menjadi individukromosomDua set kromosom bergerak terpisahTelophase-kromosom pindah ke seberang berakhirsel dan bersantaiDua bentuk amplop nuklir baruD. cytokinesis biasanya terjadi pada waktu yang sama seperti telophaseDalam sel hewan, sel membranmencubit sitoplasma menjadi duaBagian yang samaCentromereSuster chromatidsTn. HoyleCatatan kuliah biologiDalam sel tanaman, piring sel membentuk tengah-tengah antarainti dibagi. Dinding sel kemudian mulai terbentukdalam sel piring.Siklus sel aktif seniMitosis videoCytokinesis videoMitosis (mikroskopis view)10.3 mengatur siklus selA. sel normal membagi dan mereproduksi sampaimereka datang dalam kontak dengan sel-sel lainB. dalam organisme multiseluler, sel pertumbuhan danpembelahan sel hati-hati dikendalikan.Misalnya, ketika cedera sepertimemotong di kulit terjadi, sel-sel di tepi dipotong membelah dengan cepatKetika proses penyembuhan hampir selesai, laju pembelahan selmemperlambat dan kemudian kembali ke normalC. Cyclins-sekelompok protein – mengatur waktu siklus selCylcins adalah salah satu kelompok protein yang terlibat dalam regulasi siklus selProtein lain, yang disebut peraturan protein, mengatur siklus selcara yang berbedaD. kontrol pada pertumbuhan sel dapat diaktifkan dan dinonaktifkan oleh tubuhKanker adalah gangguan di mana beberapa sel tubuh kehilangan kemampuan untukpengendalian pertumbuhanSel-sel kanker tidak menanggapi sinyal yang mengendalikan pertumbuhan sebagiansel-selAkibatnya, sel-sel kanker membagi tak terkendaliMereka membentuk massa sel-sel yang disebut tumor, yang dapat merusakjaringan sekitarnyaSel-sel kanker tidak berhenti tumbuh ketika mereka menyentuh sel-sel lainSebaliknya, mereka terus tumbuh dan membelah sampai mereka pasokannutrisi yang digunakanSel-sel kanker mungkin melanggar longgar dari tumor dan menyebarseluruh tubuh Ch. 10 ppt
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