Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Pramuka 's berat bergeser dari kaki sampai telapak kaki ketika dia menunggu Lucian samping counter Boutique. Seorang pria dalam Patras blazer tiba dan cepat dilakukan kotak ke truk pengiriman yang ditujukan untuk hotel. Itu semua terlalu banyak.Lucian telah menghabiskan cukup uang dalam beberapa jam terakhir yang mungkin bisa makan di tempat penampungan tunawisma selama satu tahun. Pramuka dipahami ia kaya raya, tetapi melihatnya dalam tindakan adalah sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda. Ini adalah melampaui kaya. Ini adalah murni kekayaan.Lucian telah meminta dia memakai salah satu pakaian kasual rumah. Itu adalah sepasang skintight midnight blue jeans dan Maxi Yuni jaring laba-laba yang digantung terbuka di kerah dan berkumpul di sekitar pinggang dengan halus sedikit manik-manik ikat pinggang. Pada kedua kakinya dia memakai sangat runcing bertumit tinggi sepatu yang mustahil untuk berjalan di. Mereka mengingatkan dia lebih senjata daripada alas kaki.Pramuka harus berpaling ketika Lucian menandatangani tanda terima. Dia tidak mau melihat kelebihan seperti terbuang pada dirinya. Ia akan menjual itu semua, dia bersumpah. Menjual dan membeli makanan yang cukup untuk memberi makan semua orang di trek selama berbulan-bulan.Memikirkan trek membuatnya berpikir mutiara. Dia berharap ibunya adalah hari baik daripada dia sudah pada hari sebelumnya. Dia menemukan makanan dia meninggalkannya?Mantel parit unta berwarna hangat wol itu dibungkus atas bahunya. Lucian mengambil lengannya dan mengarah kembali ke limusin. Dengan kaki berdetak kecil seperti burung, ia berjingkat melompat sampingnya dalam sepatu konyol. Melangkah dekat dengan limusin, ia menenangkan dengan rasa paling aneh yang dia telah melupakan sesuatu.“My bag!”“It’s in the limo,” Lucian said, directing her there as well.Scout dug her sharp heels into the pavement. “My clothes!”“You just got an entirely new wardrobe, Evelyn. Let the other pieces go to Goodwill.”She was Goodwill!Yanking her elbow out of his grip, he scowled at her. “That’s my stuff, Lucian. I’m not leaving it.”Scout turned and trotted stupidly back into the boutique. Fucking asinine shoes. How was anyone supposed to get anywhere quick in these? She was just in time. Sonia, the bitch, had her Botox lip curled as she dangled Scout’s belongings, pinched between two fake nails, over the wastebasket.“Hey!” Scout snapped and click clacked over to her with as much dignity as she could manage. Yanking her stuff out of the woman’s manicured hand, she quickly felt for her money belt and let out a deep breath when she found it still wedged in the leg of her pants.“This is my stuff!”Sonia gasped, and she had to give her credit. She at least had the good sense to look frightened. Scout turned in a huff and stilled when she spotted Lucian standing by the door. Great. His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned carelessly against the wall, taking in the scene. He was laughing at her, the bastard.Scout rolled her eyes and trot-marched back to the limo. When he climbed inside the vehicle she scowled at him. He’d schooled his expression, but not very well.His eyes still creased with laughter. “Remind me not to piss you off or take your stuff, Ms. Keats. I think Sonia just wet herself.”Scout threw her shoe at him. He was lucky it was her old one and not the dagger on her foot. He caught it with a speed and precision that seemed impossible.Glancing at the offensive shoe, he raised a brow and turned his gaze on her, dark promise of retaliation showed in his onyx stare. He chuckled and put the shoe aside. “Oh, Ms. Keats, I do believe you’re going to be a handful I will enjoy handling.”A hint of the sexual predator he was hiding beneath that power suit announced itself and her body responded with a jolt of nerves. The car was too small for all the tension suddenly filling it, the tension she could barely breathe through, yet he seemed to be getting a thrill from. She looked out the window and hid her reaction with her best impression of indifference when she was anything but.
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