Neo-EvangelicalismCharacteristics and PositionsIn general, a neo-evang terjemahan - Neo-EvangelicalismCharacteristics and PositionsIn general, a neo-evang Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Neo-EvangelicalismCharacteristics a


Characteristics and Positions

In general, a neo-evangelical would be defined as one who has taken a "lower view" of Scripture, has developed a more open, inclusivistic spirit toward liberalism, and has become ecumenical in evangelism efforts. The movement was one born of compromise, nurtured on pride of intellect, growing on appeasement of evil, and doomed by the judgment of God's Word (Lightner, p. 109). In general, the neo-evangelicals "are radical -- theologically, politically, and socially" (Pickering, p. 131). One of the chief spokesmen of neo-evangelicalism would be Billy Graham; chief neo-evangelical scholars would be Edward Carnell, Carl Henry, and Bernard Ramm; major neo-evangelical organizations would be the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), The World Evangelical Fellowship, the Lausanne Committee, Campus Crusade for Christ, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship; and major neo-evangelical periodicals would be Christianity Today and Moody Monthly. Following are some of the characteristics and positions of the leading neo-evangelicals (see Overview below) (Where indicated, quotes and excerpts are taken from Biblical Separation: The Struggle for a Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering, pp. 131-138; Neoevangelicalism Today, by Robert P. Lightner, 208 pages; or from a Grace Seminary course syllabus on "Biblical Fundamentalism" by John C. Whitcomb, 1979, pp 1-2.):

Leading Characteristics of Neo-Evangelicals:

(1) Espousal of, or toleration toward, questionable views of Scripture; e.g., most neo-evangelicals, to one degree or another, have scuttled the doctrine of total, complete inerrancy of the Bible (regardless of the lip-service given to it); there is evidence of the acceptance of a conceptual theory of inspiration, but the neo-evangelical hesitates to accept the total verbal inspiration of the Bible. The issue becomes: "Is the Bible inerrant in all its pronouncements [the conservative fundamental view], or is it merely an inerrant record of some inspired truth [the neo-evangelical view]?" A "popular view of the Bible now promoted" among neo-evangelicals is that "the Bible is inerrant when it is teaching us about God and His redemptive works (that is, when instructing in important doctrinal matters [revelational]), but it may contain errors in other areas about which it speaks [non-revelational matters]" (Lightner, pp. 80-81, 84; Pickering, pp. 132-133).

(2) The sufficiency of Scripture is effectively denied as evidenced by neo-evangelical attempts to "Christianize" pagan ideas and systems founded upon unbelief (i.e., psychology/psychiatry, numerology, astrology, personality theory, etc.) In effect, the Bible is deemed NOT sufficient for all matters pertaining to life and godliness (cf. 2 Pe. 1:3,4). Emphasis has been shifted from the authority of Bible doctrine to the realm of human experience, thereby causing churches to move toward a seminar type of ministry rather than an authoritative and dogmatic preaching ministry.

(3) The neo-evangelical's weak view of the inerrancy of Scripture has inevitability led to the toleration of a wide diversity of theological viewpoints (Pickering, p. 131).

(4) Expresses a dangerous subservience to science; the desire to gain intellectual acceptability has led to a friendly attitude toward science, almost to the point of placing scholarship and science in the seat of authority. This is evidenced in a friendliness toward, or acceptance of, evolutionary theories (e.g., progressive creation and/or theistic evolution), with particularly broad concessions to organic evolutionism and uniformitarianism at the expense of a consistent and normal interpretation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. (Lightner, p. 76; Pickering, p. 132; Whitcomb, p. 1)

(5) Emphasis upon the implications of the social gospel; neo-evangelicals view the gospel as being two-pronged in nature -- individual and social, thereby neglecting New Testament priorities. As a result, rather than making the gospel applicable to the world, the gospel tends to get watered down to make it acceptable to the world. "The societal impact which [the neo-evangelical] proposes to make fosters the connotation of a 'Christianization' of society ..." which frequently speaks of a "'Christian culture,' a 'new society,' and a 'new social order,' ... [the neo-evangelical aligns] himself and his church with existing social reform movements." (Pickering, p. 134; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, pp. 67-68, 91-92)

(6) Enthusiasm over cooperative evangelism, even to the extent of aligning with groups that have been traditionally subversive of Bible truth (e.g., Roman Catholicism). (Pickering, p. 134) Billy Graham, more than any other, has epitomized this inclusivistic approach to evangelism (as opposed to the Biblical separatistic approach). Official neo-evangelical evangelism projects following this approach would be "AD 2000 Evangelism" and "Discipleship 2000," both claiming the goal of reaching all the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the year 2000.

(7) Strong criticism of traditional fundamentalism, particularly criticism of its doctrinal emphasis, which is said to have caused neglect of the social application of Christianity to the world (Pickering, p. 135; Lightner, pp. 133-134); this criticism usually includes the call for preaching only a "positive message," as often expressed by the statement, "God called me to win souls, not to criticize others."

(8) The ways of the world are readily accepted by the neo-evangelical; there is a tendency toward finding justifiable reasons condoning and using that which evolves from a carnality, sensuality, secularism, and worldliness (especially in regards to music, theatrics, emotionalistic and psychological manipulations, promotionalism, and general appearance).

(9) Pleas for more political involvement and "Christian" Activism (Pickering, p. 135).

(10) Unbiblical views regarding God's role for women (Pickering, p. 135).

(11) Based upon a generally weak view of Scripture, there has been a natural shift from objective Biblical doctrine to subjective experience -- allowance for the possible validity of apostolic sign-gifts for our own day (prophecy, tongues, miracles of healing through special persons, etc.) (Whitcomb, p. 2).

(12) Shift away from dispensational premillennialism to some form of "historic premillennialism" (even postmillennialism views are becoming widespread), together with a minimizing of the importance of Biblical eschatology in general, not from doctrinal conviction, but for ecumenical opportunity (Whitcomb, p. 2; Lightner, p. 101).

(13) Emphasis upon the unity of the church in preference to its purity. "Neo-evangelicals either tone down or completely neglect ecclesiastical separation from apostasy and personal separation from the world until these are virtually denied." (Pickering, p. 135; Lightner, p. 16) (See later in report for more specific comments on this neglect of the Biblical doctrine of separation.)

Further Descriptions of Neo-Evangelicalism:

William Ashbrook -- "A movement born of compromise, nurtured on the pride of intellect, growing on the appeasement of evil, and doomed by the judgment of the Word of God."

Charles Woodbridge -- "A movement with a new mood (toleration of false teachers, ridicule of fundamentalists), with a new method ('the end justifies the means'), a new theology (questioning the canon of the Bible, its inerrant authority, and the nature of its content), and a new ethic (repudiation of personal separation for interaction with the culture). ... following the downward path of toleration of error, accommodation to error, cooperation with error, contamination by error, and capitulation to error."

Ernest Pickering -- "It lacks moral courage in the face of the great conflict with apostasy. It lacks doctrinal clarity in important areas of theology. It makes unwarranted concessions to the enemies of the cross of Christ."

Francis Stiles -- "Neo-evangelicalism is a religious philosophy. It attempts to reach and minister to man through his felt needs. It seeks to commend man for his achievements and realign his energies for good. It emphasizes unity at the expense of truth and reduces the Biblical requirements of purity and separation unto God until they are obscure. Man and his present circumstances, rather than God and His eternal precepts, are the core of its concern.

Position of Neo-Evangelicals with Regard to Separation:

[Separation from modernism, neo-orthodoxy, and all other errant philosophies and doctrines.]

(1) Willingness to remain within old-line denominations, even those that are clearly apostate, under the guise of favorably influencing them with the gospel. The neo-evangelical hopes to emphasize points of agreement with the liberal and the neo-orthodox rather than points of disagreement, in order to "recapture" denominations. (Pickering, p. 136; Lightner, p. 57)

(2) Ecclesiastical separation is considered to be merely a matter of conscience rather than a command of Scripture; the neo-evangelical ignores Rom. 16:17,18. (Lightner, pp. 94, 152-153)

(3) Maintains broad ecumenical fellowship, even to the extent of being involved in the apostate National and World Council of Churches; evangelicals are even urged "to obtain all or part of their training at liberal universities and seminaries" in order to "give evangelism more clout." The conservative is called upon to welcome the neo-orthodox as friends and brethren since "truth is welcomed wherever it is preached." This ecumenism generally involves the elevation of "love" above doctrine. (Pickering, pp. 136-137; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, p. 56)

(4) Participates in ecumenical missionary efforts, clearly placing a higher priority on "opportunity" than on "purity of testimony." (The neo-evangelical also tends to justify questionable methods in missions or evangelism by pointing to successes, e.g., the popularity of the enterpri
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Neo-AlasanyaKarakteristik dan posisiSecara umum, neo-Injili akan didefinisikan sebagai orang yang telah mengambil sebuah "Lihat lebih rendah" Alkitab, telah mengembangkan semangat inclusivistic yang lebih terbuka, menuju liberalisme dan telah menjadi ekumenis dalam upaya penginjilan. Gerakan itu lahir kompromi, dipelihara di kebanggaan intelek, tumbuh di penenangan jahat, dan hancur oleh pengadilan Firman Tuhan (Lightner, ms. 109). Secara umum, neo-evangelis "radikal--secara teologis, politik, dan sosial" (Pickering, halaman 131). Salah satu kepala jurubicara neo-Alasanya akan Billy Graham; kepala peneliti neo-Injili akan Edward Carnell, Carl Henry dan Bernard Ramm; organisasi neo-Injili besar akan Asosiasi Nasional evangelis (NAE), The dunia Injili Fellowship, Komite Lausanne, kampus salib Kristus dan persekutuan InterVarsity; dan neo-Injili terkemuka akan Kekristianan hari ini dan Moody Monthly. Berikut adalah beberapa karakteristik dan posisi terkemuka neo-Injili (Lihat Tinjauan bawah) (diindikasikan, kutipan dan kutipan diambil dari pemisahan alkitabiah: perjuangan untuk sebuah gereja murni, oleh Ernest Pickering, mukasurat 131-138; Hari ini Neoevangelicalism, oleh Robert P. Lightner, 208 Halaman; atau dari seminari Grace kursus silabus pada "Alkitab fundamentalisme" oleh John C. Whitcomb, 1979, pp 1-2.):Terkemuka karakteristik Neo-evangelis:(1) espousal dari, atau toleransi terhadap, dipertanyakan pemandangan Firman Tuhan; Misalnya, kebanyakan neo-evangelis, untuk satu derajat atau lain, telah bergegas doktrin total, lengkap inerrancy Alkitab (terlepas dari bibir-layanan diberikan); ada bukti penerimaan teori konseptual inspirasi, tapi neo-Injili pun yang canggung menerima total Inspirasi verbal dari Alkitab. Masalah menjadi: "Adalah Alkitab tanpa salah dalam semua pernyataan yang [view fundamental konservatif], atau itu hanya catatan yang tanpa salah beberapa kebenaran yang diilhami [lihat neo-Injili]?" "Populer pandangan Alkitab sekarang dipromosikan" kalangan neo-evangelis adalah bahwa "Alkitab tanpa salah ketika itu sedang mengajar kita tentang Allah dan nya penebusan bekerja (yaitu ketika memerintahkan dalam hal kedoktrinan penting [revelational]), tapi itu mungkin berisi kesalahan di daerah lain yang berbicara [hal-hal non-revelational]" (Lightner, ms. 80-81, 84; Pickering, ms. 132-133). (2) kecukupan Alkitab secara efektif ditolak sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh neo-Injili upaya untuk "Kristenisasi" ide-ide pagan dan sistem yang didasarkan pada ketidakpercayaan (yaitu, psikologi psikiatri, numerologi, Astrologi, teori kepribadian, dll.) Akibatnya, Alkitab dianggap tidak memadai untuk semua hal yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan dan kesalehan (cf. 2 Pe. 1:3, 4). Penekanan telah bergeser dari otoritas pengajaran Alkitab kepada alam pengalaman manusia, sehingga menyebabkan gereja untuk bergerak ke arah seminar jenis pelayanan daripada Kementerian khotbah yang berwibawa dan dogmatis. (3) neo-Injili lemah view dari inerrancy Alkitab memiliki keniscayaan menyebabkan toleransi beragam sudut pandang teologi (Pickering, halaman 131).(4) menyatakan sikap patuh yang berlebihan berbahaya untuk ilmu pengetahuan; keinginan untuk mendapatkan penerimaan intelektual telah mengakibatkan sikap yang ramah terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, hampir ke titik menempatkan beasiswa dan ilmu pengetahuan di kursi dari otoritas. Hal ini dibuktikan di keramahan menuju atau penerimaan, teori-teori evolusi (misalnya, progresif penciptaan dan atau teistik evolusi), dengan sangat luas konsesi teori evolusi organik dan uniformitarianism dengan mengorbankan penafsiran yang konsisten dan normal sebelas pasal pertama Kitab Kejadian. (Lightner, p. 76; Pickering, p. 132; Whitcomb, p. 1)(5) penekanan pada implikasi dari Injil sosial; Neo-evangelis Lihat Injil sebagai dua cabang di alam--individu dan sosial, sehingga mengabaikan prioritas perjanjian baru. Akibatnya, daripada membuat Injil berlaku kepada dunia, Injil cenderung mendapatkan disiram turun untuk membuatnya dapat diterima kepada dunia. "Dampak sosial yang [neo-Injili] mengusulkan agar menumbuhkan konotasi 'Kristenisasi' masyarakat..." yang sering berbicara tentang "'Kristen budaya,' 'masyarakat baru', dan 'tatanan sosial baru,'... [neo-Injili menyelaraskan] dirinya dan gerejaNya dengan gerakan reformasi sosial yang ada. " (Pickering, hal. 134; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, ms. 67-68, 91-92)(6) antusiasme atas koperasi penginjilan, bahkan sebatas menyelaraskan dengan kelompok-kelompok yang telah secara tradisional subversif dari kebenaran Alkitab (misalnya, Gereja Katolik). (Pickering, hal. 134) Billy Graham, lebih dari yang lain, telah dicontohkan pendekatan inclusivistic ini penginjilan (sebagai lawan pendekatan separatistic Alkitab). Proyek-proyek resmi neo-Injili penginjilan yang mengikuti pendekatan ini akan "penginjilan AD 2000" dan "Pemuridan 2000," kedua mengklaim tujuan mencapai semua yang hilang dengan Injil Yesus Kristus pada tahun 2000.(7) kuat kritik terhadap fundamentalisme tradisional, khususnya kritik terhadap penekanan doktrin, yang dikatakan telah menyebabkan pengabaian aplikasi sosial Kekristenan ke seluruh dunia (Pickering, hal 135; Lightner, ms. 133-134); kritik ini biasanya mencakup panggilan untuk memberitakan hanya "pesan yang positif," sebagai sering diungkapkan oleh pernyataan, "Tuhan, disebut saya untuk memenangkan jiwa-jiwa, untuk tidak mengkritik orang lain."(8) cara dunia mudah diterima oleh neo-Injili; ada kecenderungan menemukan alasan yang dapat dibenarkan memaafkan dan menggunakan yang berkembang dari kedagingan, sensualitas, sekularisme dan keduniawian (terutama dalam hal musik, drama, emotionalistic dan psikologis manipulasi, promotionalism, dan penampilan umum).(9) permohonan untuk lebih politis keterlibatan dan "Kristen" aktivisme (Pickering, MS 135).(10) pemandangan tidak alkitabiah mengenai peran Allah bagi perempuan (Pickering, MS 135).(11) berdasarkan pandangan umumnya lemah Alkitab, telah terjadi pergeseran alami dari ajaran Alkitab yang objektif untuk pengalaman subyektif--penyisihan validitas mungkin tanda-hadiah kerasulan kita sendiri hari (nubuatan, lidah, mujizat penyembuhan melalui orang-orang khusus, dll.) (Whitcomb, p. 2).(12) pergeseran dari dispensasional pramilenialisme untuk beberapa bentuk "bersejarah pramilenialisme" (bahkan Postmilenialisme dilihat menjadi luas), dengan meminimalkan pentingnya eskatologi Alkitab secara umum, bukan dari keyakinan doktrin, tetapi untuk ekumenis kesempatan (Whitcomb, p. 2; Lightner, hal. 101).(13) menekankan kesatuan gereja dalam preferensi kemurniannya. "Neo-evangelis nada bawah atau sepenuhnya mengabaikan gerejawi pemisahan dari kemurtadan dan Pribadi pemisahan dari dunia sampai hampir ini ditolak." (Pickering, hal 135; Lightner, ms. 16) (lihat selanjutnya dalam laporan untuk lebih spesifik komentar ini mengabaikan doktrin alkitabiah pemisahan.)Deskripsi lebih lanjut Neo-Alasanya:William Ashbrook--"gerakan lahir kompromi, dipelihara di kebanggaan intelek, tumbuh pada itu, penenteraman jahat, dan hancur oleh penghakiman terhadap Firman Allah."Charles Woodbridge--"Gerakan dengan suasana hati baru (toleransi dari guru-guru palsu, ejekan fundamentalis), dengan metode baru ('akhir membenarkan sarana'), suatu teologi yang baru (mempertanyakan kanun Alkitab, otoritas tanpa salah dan sifat dari isinya), dan etika yang baru (penyangkalan pribadi pemisahan untuk interaksi dengan budaya). ... mengikuti jalan menurun toleransi kesalahan, akomodasi untuk kesalahan, kerjasama dengan kesalahan, kontaminasi oleh kesalahan, dan dalam industri kesalahan."Ernest Pickering--"ini kurang keberanian moral dalam menghadapi konflik besar dengan kemurtadan. Ini kurang doktrinal kejelasan dalam bidang teologi. Itu membuat tidak beralasan konsesi musuh salib Kristus."Francis Stiles--"Neo-Alasanya adalah filsafat agama. Itu berusaha untuk mencapai dan melayani manusia melalui kebutuhannya merasa. Ini berusaha untuk memuji manusia untuk prestasi dan menyetel kembali tenaganya untuk kebaikan. Itu menekankan kesatuan dengan mengorbankan kebenaran dan mengurangi tuntutan-tuntutan Alkitab kemurnian dan dipisahkan untuk Tuhan sampai mereka jelas. Laki-laki dan keadaan di zamannya, daripada Allah dan ajaran itu kekal, adalah inti dari perhatian.Posisi Neo-evangelis berkaitan dengan pemisahan: [Pemisahan dari modernisme, Neo-ortodoksi, dan semua filsafat bandel lainnya dan doktrin-doktrin.](1) kesediaan untuk tetap dalam denominasi baris tua, bahkan orang-orang yang jelas murtad, di bawah kedok positif mempengaruhi mereka dengan Injil. Neo-Injili berharap untuk menekankan titik kesepakatan dengan liberal dan neo-Ortodoks bukan hal yang berbeda, untuk "merebut kembali" denominasi. (Pickering, p. 136; Lightner, p. 57)(2) kependetaan pemisahan dianggap hanya masalah hati nurani, bukan perintah Alkitab; neo-Injili mengabaikan Roma 16:17, 18. (Lightner, ms. 94, 152-153)(3) memelihara persekutuan ekumenis yang luas, bahkan untuk tingkat yang terlibat dalam Nasional murtad dan World Council of Churches; evangelis bahkan mendesak "untuk memperoleh semua atau bagian dari pelatihan mereka di Universitas liberal dan seminari" untuk "memberikan penginjilan pengaruh lain." Konservatif dipanggil untuk menyambut neo-Ortodoks sebagai teman dan saudara-saudara karena "kebenaran adalah menyambut di mana pun itu diberitakan." Ekumenisme ini umumnya melibatkan ketinggian "cinta" di atas doktrin. (Pickering, ms. 136-137; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, hal 56)(4) berpartisipasi dalam upaya misionaris ekumenis, jelas menempatkan prioritas tinggi pada "peluang" daripada pada "kemurnian kesaksian." (Neo-Injili juga cenderung untuk membenarkan dipertanyakan metode dalam misi atau penginjilan dengan menunjuk keberhasilan, misalnya, popularitas enterpri
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Characteristics and Positions

In general, a neo-evangelical would be defined as one who has taken a "lower view" of Scripture, has developed a more open, inclusivistic spirit toward liberalism, and has become ecumenical in evangelism efforts. The movement was one born of compromise, nurtured on pride of intellect, growing on appeasement of evil, and doomed by the judgment of God's Word (Lightner, p. 109). In general, the neo-evangelicals "are radical -- theologically, politically, and socially" (Pickering, p. 131). One of the chief spokesmen of neo-evangelicalism would be Billy Graham; chief neo-evangelical scholars would be Edward Carnell, Carl Henry, and Bernard Ramm; major neo-evangelical organizations would be the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), The World Evangelical Fellowship, the Lausanne Committee, Campus Crusade for Christ, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship; and major neo-evangelical periodicals would be Christianity Today and Moody Monthly. Following are some of the characteristics and positions of the leading neo-evangelicals (see Overview below) (Where indicated, quotes and excerpts are taken from Biblical Separation: The Struggle for a Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering, pp. 131-138; Neoevangelicalism Today, by Robert P. Lightner, 208 pages; or from a Grace Seminary course syllabus on "Biblical Fundamentalism" by John C. Whitcomb, 1979, pp 1-2.):

Leading Characteristics of Neo-Evangelicals:

(1) Espousal of, or toleration toward, questionable views of Scripture; e.g., most neo-evangelicals, to one degree or another, have scuttled the doctrine of total, complete inerrancy of the Bible (regardless of the lip-service given to it); there is evidence of the acceptance of a conceptual theory of inspiration, but the neo-evangelical hesitates to accept the total verbal inspiration of the Bible. The issue becomes: "Is the Bible inerrant in all its pronouncements [the conservative fundamental view], or is it merely an inerrant record of some inspired truth [the neo-evangelical view]?" A "popular view of the Bible now promoted" among neo-evangelicals is that "the Bible is inerrant when it is teaching us about God and His redemptive works (that is, when instructing in important doctrinal matters [revelational]), but it may contain errors in other areas about which it speaks [non-revelational matters]" (Lightner, pp. 80-81, 84; Pickering, pp. 132-133).

(2) The sufficiency of Scripture is effectively denied as evidenced by neo-evangelical attempts to "Christianize" pagan ideas and systems founded upon unbelief (i.e., psychology/psychiatry, numerology, astrology, personality theory, etc.) In effect, the Bible is deemed NOT sufficient for all matters pertaining to life and godliness (cf. 2 Pe. 1:3,4). Emphasis has been shifted from the authority of Bible doctrine to the realm of human experience, thereby causing churches to move toward a seminar type of ministry rather than an authoritative and dogmatic preaching ministry.

(3) The neo-evangelical's weak view of the inerrancy of Scripture has inevitability led to the toleration of a wide diversity of theological viewpoints (Pickering, p. 131).

(4) Expresses a dangerous subservience to science; the desire to gain intellectual acceptability has led to a friendly attitude toward science, almost to the point of placing scholarship and science in the seat of authority. This is evidenced in a friendliness toward, or acceptance of, evolutionary theories (e.g., progressive creation and/or theistic evolution), with particularly broad concessions to organic evolutionism and uniformitarianism at the expense of a consistent and normal interpretation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. (Lightner, p. 76; Pickering, p. 132; Whitcomb, p. 1)

(5) Emphasis upon the implications of the social gospel; neo-evangelicals view the gospel as being two-pronged in nature -- individual and social, thereby neglecting New Testament priorities. As a result, rather than making the gospel applicable to the world, the gospel tends to get watered down to make it acceptable to the world. "The societal impact which [the neo-evangelical] proposes to make fosters the connotation of a 'Christianization' of society ..." which frequently speaks of a "'Christian culture,' a 'new society,' and a 'new social order,' ... [the neo-evangelical aligns] himself and his church with existing social reform movements." (Pickering, p. 134; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, pp. 67-68, 91-92)

(6) Enthusiasm over cooperative evangelism, even to the extent of aligning with groups that have been traditionally subversive of Bible truth (e.g., Roman Catholicism). (Pickering, p. 134) Billy Graham, more than any other, has epitomized this inclusivistic approach to evangelism (as opposed to the Biblical separatistic approach). Official neo-evangelical evangelism projects following this approach would be "AD 2000 Evangelism" and "Discipleship 2000," both claiming the goal of reaching all the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the year 2000.

(7) Strong criticism of traditional fundamentalism, particularly criticism of its doctrinal emphasis, which is said to have caused neglect of the social application of Christianity to the world (Pickering, p. 135; Lightner, pp. 133-134); this criticism usually includes the call for preaching only a "positive message," as often expressed by the statement, "God called me to win souls, not to criticize others."

(8) The ways of the world are readily accepted by the neo-evangelical; there is a tendency toward finding justifiable reasons condoning and using that which evolves from a carnality, sensuality, secularism, and worldliness (especially in regards to music, theatrics, emotionalistic and psychological manipulations, promotionalism, and general appearance).

(9) Pleas for more political involvement and "Christian" Activism (Pickering, p. 135).

(10) Unbiblical views regarding God's role for women (Pickering, p. 135).

(11) Based upon a generally weak view of Scripture, there has been a natural shift from objective Biblical doctrine to subjective experience -- allowance for the possible validity of apostolic sign-gifts for our own day (prophecy, tongues, miracles of healing through special persons, etc.) (Whitcomb, p. 2).

(12) Shift away from dispensational premillennialism to some form of "historic premillennialism" (even postmillennialism views are becoming widespread), together with a minimizing of the importance of Biblical eschatology in general, not from doctrinal conviction, but for ecumenical opportunity (Whitcomb, p. 2; Lightner, p. 101).

(13) Emphasis upon the unity of the church in preference to its purity. "Neo-evangelicals either tone down or completely neglect ecclesiastical separation from apostasy and personal separation from the world until these are virtually denied." (Pickering, p. 135; Lightner, p. 16) (See later in report for more specific comments on this neglect of the Biblical doctrine of separation.)

Further Descriptions of Neo-Evangelicalism:

William Ashbrook -- "A movement born of compromise, nurtured on the pride of intellect, growing on the appeasement of evil, and doomed by the judgment of the Word of God."

Charles Woodbridge -- "A movement with a new mood (toleration of false teachers, ridicule of fundamentalists), with a new method ('the end justifies the means'), a new theology (questioning the canon of the Bible, its inerrant authority, and the nature of its content), and a new ethic (repudiation of personal separation for interaction with the culture). ... following the downward path of toleration of error, accommodation to error, cooperation with error, contamination by error, and capitulation to error."

Ernest Pickering -- "It lacks moral courage in the face of the great conflict with apostasy. It lacks doctrinal clarity in important areas of theology. It makes unwarranted concessions to the enemies of the cross of Christ."

Francis Stiles -- "Neo-evangelicalism is a religious philosophy. It attempts to reach and minister to man through his felt needs. It seeks to commend man for his achievements and realign his energies for good. It emphasizes unity at the expense of truth and reduces the Biblical requirements of purity and separation unto God until they are obscure. Man and his present circumstances, rather than God and His eternal precepts, are the core of its concern.

Position of Neo-Evangelicals with Regard to Separation:

[Separation from modernism, neo-orthodoxy, and all other errant philosophies and doctrines.]

(1) Willingness to remain within old-line denominations, even those that are clearly apostate, under the guise of favorably influencing them with the gospel. The neo-evangelical hopes to emphasize points of agreement with the liberal and the neo-orthodox rather than points of disagreement, in order to "recapture" denominations. (Pickering, p. 136; Lightner, p. 57)

(2) Ecclesiastical separation is considered to be merely a matter of conscience rather than a command of Scripture; the neo-evangelical ignores Rom. 16:17,18. (Lightner, pp. 94, 152-153)

(3) Maintains broad ecumenical fellowship, even to the extent of being involved in the apostate National and World Council of Churches; evangelicals are even urged "to obtain all or part of their training at liberal universities and seminaries" in order to "give evangelism more clout." The conservative is called upon to welcome the neo-orthodox as friends and brethren since "truth is welcomed wherever it is preached." This ecumenism generally involves the elevation of "love" above doctrine. (Pickering, pp. 136-137; Whitcomb, p. 1; Lightner, p. 56)

(4) Participates in ecumenical missionary efforts, clearly placing a higher priority on "opportunity" than on "purity of testimony." (The neo-evangelical also tends to justify questionable methods in missions or evangelism by pointing to successes, e.g., the popularity of the enterpri
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