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MEMPELAJARI EFEK LOYALITAS MEREK PADA LAYANAN PELANGGAN DI KERMAN ASIA INSURANCE COMPANY DISKUSI DAN KESIMPULAN Dalam penelitian dengan Kim Hyun (2010) di industri, dampak dari berbagai faktor, termasuk harga, setelah penjualan Layanan, promosi dan penjualan channel pada pelanggan dikandung kualitas dan dampak akhir pada loyalitas merek dipelajari. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang bersangkutan memiliki dampak positif pada kualitas dan kualitas juga memiliki dampak yang cocok pada merek. Dalam penelitian ini, tiga aspek termasuk citra perusahaan, karyawan kepercayaan (kepercayaan pelanggan perilaku karyawan) dan perusahaan kepercayaan dianggap Selain aspek citra merek tradisional dan dampaknya terhadap Layanan dikandung kualitas dan akhirnya pada loyalitas pelanggan di Asia perusahaan asuransi yang diselidiki. As mentioned before, two company’s brand and brand image aspects are achieved through external marketing processes and customer’s trust to employee’s behavior and customer’s trust to managerial policies and operations are achieved via interactional marketing activities. Finally, through field studies and data analysis, it was concluded that brand image and company’s image have a well and direct impact on service conceived quality of Asia Insurance Company and H1 and H2 were supported while employee’s trust and company’s trust have no significant relationship to service conceived quality. Therefore, H3 and H4 are refused. Put it differently, one can conclude that in Asia Insurance Company, external marketing activities impact on service conceived quality while interactional marketing activities have no special impact. In the meantime, it is clearly obvious that service conceived quality also impacts positively and directly on the Insurance Company customers’ loyalty but its impact is trivial. So, H5 is supported. Past researches show that there is a direct relationship between trust and loyalty in B2B and B2C (Erdem and Swait, 2004). Studies by Brodie et al (2008) in an airline indicated the positive impact by brand image, company’s image and employee’s trust on service conceived quality. It means that there is homogeneity on the confirmation of H1 and H2 among the findings of researches at Asia Insurance Company and concerned airline. However, in researches on airline, H3 namely the positive impact of employee’s trust on service conceived quality is supported while it is refused in Insurance Company. In the meantime, a research by Brodie et al (2009) shows that the impact of service conceived quality on customer’s loyalty is indirect and as a mediator factor, customer’s conceived value highly impacts on customer’s loyalty. In another study by Sirdeshmukh et al (2002), the positive impact of the first hree factors (brand image, company’s image and employee’s trust) on service quality are confirmed while company’s trust on service conceived quality is negative. Finally, one can say that by increasingly application of service activities in companies and institutes, the need to devise branding strategy for proper services on loyalty – customer’s value process is well understood and tangible. These views are compatible to the insights of contemporary authors like Woodruff (1997), Srivastava et al (1999), Rust et al (2004) and all people who have emphasized on customer’s value and loyalty as the key resource of competitive advantage. However, in other studies such a study by Gounaris et al (2003) in Athenian banks, the impacts of other aspects except than service brand quadruple aspects on service conceived quality are examined. These factors include face-to-face communication, staff relations and market-orientation. The results show that except than face-to-face communication, other factors have important and determining impacts on service conceived quality of Athenian banks (Gounaris et al, 2003). Overall, one can conclude that service conceived quality and customer’s loyalty are not only impacted by customer’s conception of brand and there are paramount factors that can impact on them. Anyhow, the impacts of brand aspects on services are fully observable and non-negligible and it is now highly discussable in service organizations particularly competitive arenas as a vital factor.
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