Despite the challenges, we can educate studentsdifferently. Learning scientists have taught us ninelessons relative to teaching 21st-century skills. Allof the lessons are about how students learn 21st-century skills and how pedagogy can address theirneeds. Many of the lessons — especially transfer,metacognition, teamwork, technology, and creativ-ity — are also 21st-century skills in themselves.#1. MAKE IT RELEVANT. To be effective, curriculummust be relevant to students’ lives. To make curricu-lum relevant, teachers must begin with generativetopics or topics that have an important place in thedisciplinary or interdisciplinary study at hand andthat resonate with learners and teachers (Perkins,2010).The relevance of a specifi c topic is clearer tostudents when they understand how it fi ts withinthe big picture. In his book Making Learning Whole(2010), teaching and learning expert David Perkinsuses baseball as an analogy to explain that playersmust know how hitting, catching, and running basesV94 N2 9Thinkstock/Digital VisionIf students aren’t acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, it’sbecause schools aren’t teaching them.Technology allows students totransfer skills to different contexts,refl ect on their thinking and that oftheir peers, practice addressing theirmisunderstandings, and collaboratewith peers.
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