100:01:47,752 --> 00:01:52,086Sometimes I pause to ponder uponthe pecu terjemahan - 100:01:47,752 --> 00:01:52,086Sometimes I pause to ponder uponthe pecu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

100:01:47,752 --> 00:01:52,086Somet

00:01:47,752 --> 00:01:52,086
Sometimes I pause to ponder upon
the peculiar world of daughters,

00:01:52,957 --> 00:01:55,824
from homes they're born into,
reared and raised,

00:01:56,427 --> 00:02:00,022
their ties they'll uproot, to
transplant themselves elsewhere

00:02:00,698 --> 00:02:03,360
To a home she belongs, she will
estrange herself and..

00:02:03,434 --> 00:02:06,892
make a stranger's home, her own

00:02:07,472 --> 00:02:12,375
The little buds, before our eyes,
will blossom into mothers of mankind

00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:19,041
Any daughter's father, be it some
rich man in faraway lands,

00:02:19,317 --> 00:02:22,718
or some trader of fruit.. Iike
myself here in Madhupur,

00:02:23,054 --> 00:02:25,454
all face similar fate

00:02:26,591 --> 00:02:29,651
Raising so lovingly, our daughter,
so beloved..

00:02:29,727 --> 00:02:32,525
blessing her every growing
moment and then one day..

00:02:32,597 --> 00:02:33,791
..sending her away, forever

00:02:34,732 --> 00:02:35,858
All said and done..

00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:39,401
daughters will always be daughters,
like my Poonam

00:02:39,837 --> 00:02:41,395
I nicknamed her..

00:02:41,939 --> 00:02:43,463

00:02:44,408 --> 00:02:50,404
She's the only child of my late
brother. My brother and his wife died,

00:02:50,748 --> 00:02:52,477
this unique gift, they left to me

00:03:00,358 --> 00:03:02,690
Poonam grew up with
my daughter Chhoti

00:03:03,494 --> 00:03:07,362
The girls loved each other,
more like siblings

00:03:08,766 --> 00:03:12,634
But my wife Rama, she never
took kindly to Poonam,

00:03:13,471 --> 00:03:17,305
because in appearance, Poonam
is prettier than Chhoti

00:03:37,461 --> 00:03:40,328
In Rama, Poonam always
sought a mother..

00:03:40,865 --> 00:03:45,666
but the motherless child would
never find a mother's love

00:03:54,011 --> 00:03:56,002
I took Poonam under my wing

00:04:00,685 --> 00:04:02,812
Mr Accountant, let her finish
counting, put it right back!

00:04:06,557 --> 00:04:08,286
All it took..

00:04:08,359 --> 00:04:10,691
was only one loving glance
to make her laugh

00:04:10,962 --> 00:04:12,691
And my poems,

00:04:12,763 --> 00:04:14,458
she would sing along

00:04:14,632 --> 00:04:16,497
We recorded our songs on tape

00:04:24,375 --> 00:04:27,833
For the little bridegroom,
and his lovely bride..

00:04:27,912 --> 00:04:31,712
a pretty palanquin
is waiting outside

00:04:31,782 --> 00:04:35,377
A pretty palanquin,
waiting outside

00:04:35,486 --> 00:04:38,785
But my little girl's
always little to me..

00:04:38,856 --> 00:04:42,656
..never old enough to marry, you see

00:04:42,727 --> 00:04:46,493
She isn't old enough
to marry, you see

00:04:46,564 --> 00:04:50,864
She's my bride, I'm
taking her! He says

00:04:53,671 --> 00:04:57,402
She's my bride,
I'm taking her now,

00:04:57,541 --> 00:05:00,942
Dauntless bridegroom
has sworn a vow

00:05:01,012 --> 00:05:04,277
Now it's the daughter's turn to say,

00:05:04,348 --> 00:05:08,444
Daddy, why are you in a
hurry to send me away?

00:05:08,519 --> 00:05:11,613
So what did the daughter
have to say?

00:05:11,689 --> 00:05:15,819
Daddy, why are you sending me away?

00:05:30,441 --> 00:05:33,308
With so much love.. a daughter
cares for her parents..

00:05:33,377 --> 00:05:35,436
..her siblings, everyone

00:05:35,980 --> 00:05:40,917
How dismal are some thoughts of men
who think daughters are burdensome

00:05:51,796 --> 00:05:53,855
Both my daughters have come of age..

00:05:54,465 --> 00:05:58,799
..and it's time to think
of Poonam's wedding

00:06:10,448 --> 00:06:15,886
Relax! You're in the
world's narrowest lane,

00:06:19,623 --> 00:06:24,822
and in the middle of the world's
slowest wedding procession. See you..

00:06:34,305 --> 00:06:37,570
The world's dullest
rocket, dull-est!

00:06:41,846 --> 00:06:43,313
Radhey - Radhey (blessed be
the name of Holy Radha)

00:06:43,647 --> 00:06:45,706
Mr Accountant, Radhey Radhey

00:06:45,783 --> 00:06:48,581
Radhey Radhey.. Oh.. is
that you, Mr Bhagat?

00:06:49,854 --> 00:06:52,049
It's been.. years!

00:06:52,323 --> 00:06:54,917
Is Mr Krishnakant at home?
- Yes, welcome

00:06:55,459 --> 00:06:59,327
Madhupur remains untouched,
it's just the way I left it,

00:06:59,396 --> 00:07:02,729
the same narrow lanes and slow
wedding processions and..

00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:05,598
pervasive fear, of shooting rockets.
- So true

00:07:05,736 --> 00:07:07,328

00:07:07,872 --> 00:07:09,339

00:07:09,406 --> 00:07:10,737
Mr Bhagat is here

00:07:11,275 --> 00:07:12,469
Mr Bhagat..!

00:07:14,445 --> 00:07:18,279
Bhagat, why did you
take the trouble..

00:07:18,349 --> 00:07:21,477
..one call and I would've
been in Delhi

00:07:21,552 --> 00:07:26,785
When you and your wife can travel to
Delhi to place orders
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100:01:47,752 --> 00:01:52,086Sometimes I pause to ponder uponthe peculiar world of daughters,200:01:52,957 --> 00:01:55,824from homes they're born into,reared and raised,300:01:56,427 --> 00:02:00,022their ties they'll uproot, totransplant themselves elsewhere400:02:00,698 --> 00:02:03,360To a home she belongs, she willestrange herself and..500:02:03,434 --> 00:02:06,892make a stranger's home, her own600:02:07,472 --> 00:02:12,375The little buds, before our eyes,will blossom into mothers of mankind700:02:15,480 --> 00:02:19,041Any daughter's father, be it somerich man in faraway lands,800:02:19,317 --> 00:02:22,718or some trader of fruit.. Iikemyself here in Madhupur,900:02:23,054 --> 00:02:25,454all face similar fate1000:02:26,591 --> 00:02:29,651Raising so lovingly, our daughter,so beloved..1100:02:29,727 --> 00:02:32,525blessing her every growingmoment and then one day..1200:02:32,597 --> 00:02:33,791..sending her away, forever1300:02:34,732 --> 00:02:35,858All said and done..1400:02:36,000 --> 00:02:39,401daughters will always be daughters,like my Poonam1500:02:39,837 --> 00:02:41,395I nicknamed her..1600:02:41,939 --> 00:02:43,463Bitto1700:02:44,408 --> 00:02:50,404She's the only child of my latebrother. My brother and his wife died,1800:02:50,748 --> 00:02:52,477this unique gift, they left to me1900:03:00,358 --> 00:03:02,690Poonam grew up withmy daughter Chhoti2000:03:03,494 --> 00:03:07,362The girls loved each other,more like siblings2100:03:08,766 --> 00:03:12,634But my wife Rama, she nevertook kindly to Poonam,2200:03:13,471 --> 00:03:17,305because in appearance, Poonamis prettier than Chhoti2300:03:37,461 --> 00:03:40,328In Rama, Poonam alwayssought a mother..2400:03:40,865 --> 00:03:45,666but the motherless child wouldnever find a mother's love2500:03:54,011 --> 00:03:56,002I took Poonam under my wing2600:04:00,685 --> 00:04:02,812Mr Accountant, let her finishcounting, put it right back!2700:04:06,557 --> 00:04:08,286All it took..2800:04:08,359 --> 00:04:10,691was only one loving glanceto make her laugh2900:04:10,962 --> 00:04:12,691And my poems,3000:04:12,763 --> 00:04:14,458she would sing along3100:04:14,632 --> 00:04:16,497We recorded our songs on tape3200:04:24,375 --> 00:04:27,833For the little bridegroom,and his lovely bride..3300:04:27,912 --> 00:04:31,712a pretty palanquinis waiting outside3400:04:31,782 --> 00:04:35,377A pretty palanquin,waiting outside3500:04:35,486 --> 00:04:38,785But my little girl'salways little to me..3600:04:38,856 --> 00:04:42,656..never old enough to marry, you see3700:04:42,727 --> 00:04:46,493She isn't old enoughto marry, you see3800:04:46,564 --> 00:04:50,864She's my bride, I'mtaking her! He says3900:04:53,671 --> 00:04:57,402She's my bride,I'm taking her now,4000:04:57,541 --> 00:05:00,942Dauntless bridegroomhas sworn a vow4100:05:01,012 --> 00:05:04,277Now it's the daughter's turn to say,4200:05:04,348 --> 00:05:08,444Daddy, why are you in ahurry to send me away?4300:05:08,519 --> 00:05:11,613So what did the daughterhave to say?4400:05:11,689 --> 00:05:15,819Daddy, why are you sending me away?4500:05:30,441 --> 00:05:33,308With so much love.. a daughtercares for her parents..4600:05:33,377 --> 00:05:35,436..her siblings, everyone4700:05:35,980 --> 00:05:40,917How dismal are some thoughts of menwho think daughters are burdensome4800:05:51,796 --> 00:05:53,855Both my daughters have come of age..4900:05:54,465 --> 00:05:58,799..and it's time to thinkof Poonam's wedding5000:06:10,448 --> 00:06:15,886Relax! You're in theworld's narrowest lane,5100:06:19,623 --> 00:06:24,822and in the middle of the world'sslowest wedding procession. See you..5200:06:34,305 --> 00:06:37,570The world's dullestrocket, dull-est!5300:06:41,846 --> 00:06:43,313Radhey - Radhey (blessed bethe name of Holy Radha)5400:06:43,647 --> 00:06:45,706Mr Accountant, Radhey Radhey5500:06:45,783 --> 00:06:48,581Radhey Radhey.. Oh.. isthat you, Mr Bhagat?5600:06:49,854 --> 00:06:52,049It's been.. years!5700:06:52,323 --> 00:06:54,917Is Mr Krishnakant at home?- Yes, welcome5800:06:55,459 --> 00:06:59,327Madhupur remains untouched,it's just the way I left it,5900:06:59,396 --> 00:07:02,729the same narrow lanes and slowwedding processions and..6000:07:02,800 --> 00:07:05,598pervasive fear, of shooting rockets.- So true6100:07:05,736 --> 00:07:07,328Sir..6200:07:07,872 --> 00:07:09,339Yes?6300:07:09,406 --> 00:07:10,737Mr Bhagat is here6400:07:11,275 --> 00:07:12,469Mr Bhagat..!6500:07:14,445 --> 00:07:18,279Bhagat, why did youtake the trouble..6600:07:18,349 --> 00:07:21,477..one call and I would'vebeen in Delhi6700:07:21,552 --> 00:07:26,785When you and your wife can travel toDelhi to place orders
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 01: 47.752 -> 00: 01: 52.086
Kadang-kadang saya berhenti sejenak untuk merenungkan
dunia aneh putri, 2 00: 01: 52.957 -> 00: 01: 55.824 dari rumah yang mereka dilahirkan, dibesarkan dan mengangkat, 3 00: 01: 56.427 -> 00: 02: 00.022 hubungan mereka mereka akan mencabut, untuk transplantasi sendiri di tempat lain 4 00: 02: 00.698 -> 00: 02: 03.360 untuk rumah dia berada, dia akan menjauhkan dirinya dan .. 5 00: 02: 03.434 -> 00: 02: 06.892 membuat rumah orang asing, sendiri 6 00: 02: 07.472 -> 00: 02: 12.375 The tunas kecil, di depan mata kita, akan menjelma menjadi ibu dari manusia 7 00: 02: 15.480 -> 00: 02: 19.041 ayah Apa putri, baik itu beberapa orang kaya di negeri-negeri yang jauh, 8 00: 02: 19.317 -> 00: 02: 22.718 atau pedagang buah. . Iike diriku di sini di Madhupur, 9 00: 02: 23.054 -> 00: 02: 25.454 semua menghadapi nasib yang sama 10 00: 02: 26.591 -> 00: 02: 29.651 Budidaya begitu penuh kasih, putri kami, sehingga tercinta .. 11 00: 02: 29.727 -> 00: 02: 32.525 memberkati dia setiap berkembang saat dan kemudian suatu hari .. 12 00: 02: 32.597 -> 00: 02: 33.791 ..sending pergi, selamanya 13 00:02 : 34732 -> 00: 02: 35.858 Semua dikatakan dan dilakukan .. 14 00: 02: 36.000 -> 00: 02: 39.401 perempuan akan selalu perempuan, seperti saya Poonam 15 00: 02: 39.837 -> 00: 02: 41.395 saya menjulukinya .. 16 00: 02: 41.939 -> 00: 02: 43.463 Bitto 17 00: 02: 44.408 -> 00: 02: 50.404 Dia satu-satunya anak saya terlambat saudara. Adikku dan istrinya meninggal, 18 00: 02: 50.748 -> 00: 02: 52.477 hadiah yang unik ini, mereka meninggalkan saya 19 00: 03: 00.358 -> 00: 03: 02.690 Poonam dibesarkan dengan putri saya Chhoti 20 00: 03: 03.494 -> 00: 03: 07.362 -anak mencintai satu sama lain, lebih seperti saudara kandung 21 00: 03: 08.766 -> 00: 03: 12.634 Tapi istri saya Rama, dia tidak pernah mengambil hati untuk Poonam, 22 00: 03: 13.471 -> 00: 03: 17.305 karena dalam penampilan, Poonam lebih cantik daripada Chhoti 23 00: 03: 37.461 -> 00: 03: 40.328 di Rama, Poonam selalu dicari seorang ibu .. 24 00:03 : 40865 -> 00: 03: 45.666 tapi anak yatim akan tidak pernah menemukan cinta seorang ibu 25 00: 03: 54.011 -> 00: 03: 56.002 aku mengambil Poonam bawah sayap saya 26 00: 04: 00.685 -> 00 : 04: 02.812 Mr Akuntan, biarkan selesai dia menghitung, meletakkannya segera kembali! 27 00: 04: 06.557 -> 00: 04: 08.286 Semua butuh .. 28 00: 04: 08.359 -> 00: 04: 10.691 hanya satu pandangan penuh kasih untuk membuatnya tertawa 29 00: 04: 10.962 -> 00: 04: 12.691 Dan puisi saya, 30 00: 04: 12.763 -> 00: 04: 14.458 dia akan bernyanyi bersama 31 0:04: 14.632 -> 00: 04: 16.497 kami merekam lagu-lagu kami pada pita 32 00: 04: 24.375 -> 00: 04: 27.833 Untuk mempelai laki-laki kecil, dan pengantin indah .. 33 00: 04: 27.912 -> 00 : 04: 31.712 tandu cukup menunggu di luar 34 00: 04: 31.782 -> 00: 04: 35.377 A cukup tandu, menunggu di luar 35 00: 04: 35.486 -> 00: 04: 38.785 Tapi gadis kecil ini selalu sedikit saya .. 36 00: 04: 38.856 -> 00: 04: 42.656 ..never cukup umur untuk menikah, Anda melihat 37 00: 04: 42.727 -> 00: 04: 46.493 Dia belum cukup umur untuk menikah , Anda melihat 38 00: 04: 46.564 -> 00: 04: 50.864 Dia pengantinku, aku membawanya! Dia mengatakan 39 00: 04: 53.671 -> 00: 04: 57.402 Dia pengantinku, aku akan membawanya sekarang, 40 00: 04: 57.541 -> 00: 05: 00.942 mempelai Dauntless telah bersumpah sumpah 41 00: 05: 01.012 -> 00: 05: 04.277 Sekarang giliran putri untuk mengatakan, 42 00: 05: 04.348 -> 00: 05: 08.444 Daddy, kenapa Anda dalam ? terburu-buru untuk mengirim saya pergi 43 00:05 : 08519 -> 00: 05: 11.613 Jadi apa putri harus mengatakan? 44 00: 05: 11.689 -> 00: 05: 15.819 Daddy, kenapa kau mengirim aku pergi? 45 00: 05: 30.441 - > 00: 05: 33.308 Dengan begitu banyak cinta .. putri peduli untuk orang tuanya .. 46 00: 05: 33.377 -> 00: 05: 35.436 saudara ..her, semua orang 47 00: 05: 35.980 -> 00 : 05: 40.917 Bagaimana suram adalah beberapa pemikiran dari orang yang berpikir anak perempuan yang memberatkan 48 00: 05: 51.796 -> 00: 05: 53.855 Kedua anakku telah datang dari umur .. 49 00: 05: 54.465 -> 00: 05: 58.799 ..dan saatnya untuk berpikir tentang pernikahan Poonam ini 50 00: 06: 10.448 -> 00: 06: 15.886 Relax! Anda berada di jalur sempit dunia, 51 00: 06: 19.623 -> 00: 06: 24.822 dan di tengah-tengah dunia prosesi pernikahan paling lambat. Melihat Anda .. 52 00: 06: 34.305 -> 00: 06: 37.570 membosankan di dunia ! Roket, kusam-est 53 00: 06: 41.846 -> 00: 06: 43.313 Radhey - Radhey (terpujilah nama Radha Kudus) 54 00: 06: 43.647 -> 00: 06: 45.706 Mr Akuntan, Radhey Radhey 55 00: 06: 45.783 -> 00: 06: 48.581 Radhey Radhey .. Oh .. adalah bahwa Anda, Mr Bhagat? 56 00: 06: 49.854 -> 00: 06: 52.049 sudah .. tahun! 57 00: 06: 52.323 -> 00: 06: 54.917 Apakah Mr Krishnakant di rumah? - Ya, menyambut 58 00: 06: 55.459 -> 00: 06: 59.327 Madhupur tetap tak tersentuh, itu hanya cara saya meninggalkannya, 59 00: 06: 59.396 -> 00: 07: 02.729 jalur yang sama sempit dan lambat prosesi pernikahan dan .. 60 0:07: 02.800 -> 00: 07: 05.598 takut meresap, menembak roket. - Jadi benar 61 00: 07: 05.736 -> 00: 07: 07.328 Sir .. 62 00: 07: 07.872 -> 00: 07: 09.339 Ya? 63 00: 07: 09.406 -> 00: 07: 10.737 Mr Bhagat sini 64 00: 07: 11.275 -> 00: 07: 12,469 Mr Bhagat ..! 65 00: 07: 14.445 -> 00: 07: 18.279 Bhagat, mengapa Anda mengambil kesulitan .. 66 00: 07: 18.349 -> 00: 07: 21.477 ..one panggilan dan aku akan berada di Delhi 67 00: 07: 21.552 -> 00: 07: 26.785 Ketika Anda dan istri Anda dapat melakukan perjalanan ke Delhi untuk menempatkan pesanan

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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