“You do know that we were hinting you earlier that you should ask Tiff terjemahan - “You do know that we were hinting you earlier that you should ask Tiff Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“You do know that we were hinting y

“You do know that we were hinting you earlier that you should ask Tiffany to be your girlfriend right?”

They were now walking to the beach which was only a few meters away from their resort. Originally, Taeyeon and Tiffany were walking beside each other but Sooyoung suddenly pulled Taeyeon to walk with her at the back of the group. Tiffany didn’t think much of it and walked with Jessica instead.

“Huh? You were?”

Sooyoung fought the urge to smack the girl’s head since Tiffany was just in front of them. “Oh my God, yes! No wonder you looked so clueless. You really were!”

Taeyeon scratched the back of her neck. “I thought you really didn’t want me to share a room with her.”

“Aish! We were only telling you to ask her today!”

“Okay, okay! Chill! But how should I do it? I mean, doesn’t it have to be special?”

“Of course! Hmm... we’ll think of something. I’ll ask the others too.”



“Come on, let’s go swim!” Jessica and Yoona dragged their respective girlfriends to the water and started playing.

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany who was lying on the sand under the big umbrella, reading a novel. She rolled her eyes. “You went to the beach to read a book?”

Tiffany looked up from her book, slightly squinting her eyes due to the bright sun. “I came here to relax. This is how I relax.”

“Let’s swim, please?” Taeyeon pouted.

“You go first, I still want to read some more,” Tiffany said and continued reading the book.

“Fine,” Taeyeon muttered before taking off her shirt and shorts, leaving her with her baby blue bikini.

She walked to the shore and tested the temperature with her foot; looking like a cute kid. She smiled happily when she found that the water was warm enough for her. She was about to walk to the deeper part when someone tapped her shoulder.

She looked behind her and saw two girls looking shyly at her. “Um, yes?”

She saw one of them nudged the other one to speak. “Um, you really look cute in that.”

Her face instantly reddened; she let out a shy smile. “T-thank y-you.”

“You look lonely. Do you wanna swim with us?” said the other girl.

Before she could answer, an arm made it’s way to her waist, making her freeze on the spot. She looked at the owner and saw Tiffany glaring at the two girls Taeyeon was talking to. “Sorry, but she’s with someone.”

The two girls nodded. “O-oh. Sorry. Well, bye.” They quickly left before Tiffany could do anything to them.

Once they were out of sight, Tiffany let go of Taeyeon and went to where her friends were. Taeyeon chuckled and followed her. “You were jealous, weren’t you?”

Tiffany didn’t answer and just continued trudging towards the rest.

Taeyeon laughed and nodded. “Yeah, you were totally jealous.”


“Why aren’t you talking to Taeyeon?”

Tiffany shrugged. “I just don’t feel like it.”

Jessica cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Just this morning, you sneaked in her room to take a nap with her, and now you suddenly don’t feel like talking to her?”

“Yeah, what happened?” Yoona questioned.

Before she could answer, Taeyeon walked by and said, “She was jealous.” They saw her walk away and went to where Yuri and Sooyoung were.

Yoona and Jessica both looked back at Tiffany, waiting for a confirmation. Tiffany was glaring at Taeyeon’s back before she was nudged by Jessica. She sighed. “Fine, I was. She was flirting! How can I not get jealous of that?”

“Flirting? With who?”

“With two girls by the beach earlier.”

“Oh! I think I saw them, but it looked like they were flirting with Taeyeon, not the other way around.”

Tiffany huffed. “Whatever, it’s still the same.”

Yoona and Jessica snickered and decided to leave the jealous girl alone.


“You sure that will work?”

“Yes! I talked to the owner and he’s fine with it.”

“But... I mean, what if she says no?”

“Oh come on, Taeyeon, you just told us that she was jealous a while ago right?”

Taeyeon nodded.

“Then she’ll definitely say yes!”

“O-okay, but how will I get her here? She
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“You do know that we were hinting you earlier that you should ask Tiffany to be your girlfriend right?” They were now walking to the beach which was only a few meters away from their resort. Originally, Taeyeon and Tiffany were walking beside each other but Sooyoung suddenly pulled Taeyeon to walk with her at the back of the group. Tiffany didn’t think much of it and walked with Jessica instead. “Huh? You were?” Sooyoung fought the urge to smack the girl’s head since Tiffany was just in front of them. “Oh my God, yes! No wonder you looked so clueless. You really were!” Taeyeon scratched the back of her neck. “I thought you really didn’t want me to share a room with her.” “Aish! We were only telling you to ask her today!” “Okay, okay! Chill! But how should I do it? I mean, doesn’t it have to be special?” “Of course! Hmm... we’ll think of something. I’ll ask the others too.” “Okay.” --- “Come on, let’s go swim!” Jessica and Yoona dragged their respective girlfriends to the water and started playing. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany who was lying on the sand under the big umbrella, reading a novel. She rolled her eyes. “You went to the beach to read a book?” Tiffany looked up from her book, slightly squinting her eyes due to the bright sun. “I came here to relax. This is how I relax.” “Let’s swim, please?” Taeyeon pouted. “You go first, I still want to read some more,” Tiffany said and continued reading the book. “Fine,” Taeyeon muttered before taking off her shirt and shorts, leaving her with her baby blue bikini. She walked to the shore and tested the temperature with her foot; looking like a cute kid. She smiled happily when she found that the water was warm enough for her. She was about to walk to the deeper part when someone tapped her shoulder. She looked behind her and saw two girls looking shyly at her. “Um, yes?” She saw one of them nudged the other one to speak. “Um, you really look cute in that.” Her face instantly reddened; she let out a shy smile. “T-thank y-you.” “You look lonely. Do you wanna swim with us?” said the other girl. Before she could answer, an arm made it’s way to her waist, making her freeze on the spot. She looked at the owner and saw Tiffany glaring at the two girls Taeyeon was talking to. “Sorry, but she’s with someone.” The two girls nodded. “O-oh. Sorry. Well, bye.” They quickly left before Tiffany could do anything to them. Once they were out of sight, Tiffany let go of Taeyeon and went to where her friends were. Taeyeon chuckled and followed her. “You were jealous, weren’t you?” Tiffany didn’t answer and just continued trudging towards the rest. Taeyeon laughed and nodded. “Yeah, you were totally jealous.” --- “Why aren’t you talking to Taeyeon?” Tiffany shrugged. “I just don’t feel like it.” Jessica cocked an eyebrow. “Really? Just this morning, you sneaked in her room to take a nap with her, and now you suddenly don’t feel like talking to her?” “Yeah, what happened?” Yoona questioned. Before she could answer, Taeyeon walked by and said, “She was jealous.” They saw her walk away and went to where Yuri and Sooyoung were. Yoona and Jessica both looked back at Tiffany, waiting for a confirmation. Tiffany was glaring at Taeyeon’s back before she was nudged by Jessica. She sighed. “Fine, I was. She was flirting! How can I not get jealous of that?” “Flirting? With who?” “With two girls by the beach earlier.” “Oh! I think I saw them, but it looked like they were flirting with Taeyeon, not the other way around.” Tiffany huffed. “Whatever, it’s still the same.” Yoona and Jessica snickered and decided to leave the jealous girl alone. --- “You sure that will work?” “Yes! I talked to the owner and he’s fine with it.” “But... I mean, what if she says no?” “Oh come on, Taeyeon, you just told us that she was jealous a while ago right?” Taeyeon nodded. “Then she’ll definitely say yes!” “O-okay, but how will I get her here? She
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Kau tahu bahwa kami mengisyaratkan sebelumnya bahwa Anda harus meminta Tiffany untuk menjadi pacar Anda benar?" Mereka sekarang berjalan ke pantai yang hanya beberapa meter dari resort mereka. Awalnya, Taeyeon dan Tiffany yang berjalan di samping satu sama lain tetapi Sooyoung tiba-tiba menarik Taeyeon berjalan dengan dia di belakang kelompok. Tiffany tidak berpikir banyak dan berjalan dengan Jessica sebagai gantinya. "Hah? Kau? "Sooyoung berjuang dorongan untuk memukul kepala gadis itu sejak Tiffany hanya di depan mereka. "Oh Tuhan, ya! Tidak heran Anda tampak begitu mengerti. Anda benar-benar! "Taeyeon menggaruk bagian belakang lehernya. "Saya pikir Anda benar-benar tidak ingin saya untuk berbagi kamar dengannya." "Aish! Kami hanya memberitahu Anda untuk bertanya padanya hari ini! "" Oke, oke! Bersantai! Tapi bagaimana aku harus melakukannya? Maksudku, apakah itu tidak harus menjadi istimewa? "" Tentu saja! Hmm ... kita akan memikirkan sesuatu. Saya akan meminta orang lain juga. "" Oke. "---" Ayo, mari kita pergi berenang! "Jessica dan Yoona menyeret pacar masing-masing untuk air dan mulai bermain. Taeyeon menatap Tiffany yang sedang berbaring di atas pasir di bawah payung besar, membaca novel. Dia memutar matanya. "Anda pergi ke pantai untuk membaca buku?" Tiffany mendongak dari bukunya, sedikit menyipitkan matanya karena matahari cerah. "Saya datang ke sini untuk bersantai. Ini adalah bagaimana saya rileks. "" Mari kita berenang, please? "Taeyeon cemberut." Kau pergi dulu, saya masih ingin membaca lagi, "kata Tiffany dan terus membaca buku." Baik, "Taeyeon bergumam sebelum lepas landas bajunya . dan celana pendek, meninggalkan dia dengan dia bikini biru bayi Dia berjalan ke pantai dan diuji suhu dengan kakinya; tampak seperti anak yang lucu. Dia tersenyum gembira ketika ia menemukan bahwa air cukup hangat untuknya. Dia hendak berjalan ke bagian yang lebih dalam ketika seseorang menepuk bahunya. Dia melihat di belakangnya dan melihat dua gadis mencari malu-malu padanya. "Um, ya?" Dia melihat salah satu dari mereka menyenggol yang lain untuk berbicara. "Um, Anda benar-benar terlihat manis dalam hal itu." Wajahnya langsung memerah; dia mengeluarkan senyum malu-malu. "T-terima y-Anda." "Kau tampak kesepian. Apakah Anda ingin berenang dengan kami? "Kata gadis lainnya. Sebelum dia bisa menjawab, lengan membuat jalan ke pinggang, membuat beku nya di tempat. Dia menatap pemilik dan melihat Tiffany memelototi kedua gadis Taeyeon sedang berbicara dengan. "Maaf, tapi dia dengan seseorang." Kedua gadis itu mengangguk. "O-oh. Maaf. Nah, bye. "Mereka cepat-cepat meninggalkan sebelum Tiffany bisa melakukan apapun untuk mereka. Setelah mereka keluar dari pandangan, Tiffany melepaskan Taeyeon dan pergi ke tempat teman-temannya. Taeyeon tertawa dan mengikutinya. "Kau cemburu, bukan?" Tiffany tidak menjawab dan hanya terus berjalan dengan susah payah menuju sisa. Taeyeon tertawa dan mengangguk. "Ya, Anda benar-benar cemburu." --- "Kenapa tidak Anda berbicara dengan Taeyeon?" Tiffany mengangkat bahu. "Aku hanya tidak merasa seperti itu." Jessica mengangkat alisnya. "Benar-benar? Hanya pagi ini, Anda menyelinap di kamarnya untuk tidur siang dengan dia, dan sekarang Anda tiba-tiba tidak merasa seperti berbicara dengannya? "" Ya, apa yang terjadi? "Yoona dipertanyakan. Sebelum dia bisa menjawab, Taeyeon berjalan lewat dan berkata , "Dia cemburu." Mereka melihatnya berjalan pergi dan pergi ke tempat Yuri dan Sooyoung yang. Yoona dan Jessica baik kembali menatap Tiffany, menunggu konfirmasi. Tiffany melotot kembali Taeyeon sebelum ia menyikut oleh Jessica. Dia menghela napas. "Baik, aku. Dia menggoda! Bagaimana saya bisa tidak cemburu itu? "" Flirting? Dengan siapa? "" Dengan dua gadis di tepi pantai tadi. "" Oh! Saya pikir saya melihat mereka, tapi itu tampak seperti mereka menggoda dengan Taeyeon, bukan sebaliknya. "Tiffany mendengus. "Apa pun, itu masih sama." Yoona dan Jessica mencibir dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkan gadis iri saja. --- "Kau yakin yang akan bekerja?" "Ya! Saya berbicara dengan pemilik dan dia baik-baik saja dengan itu. "" Tapi ... Maksudku, bagaimana jika dia mengatakan tidak? "" Oh, ayolah, Taeyeon, Anda hanya mengatakan kepada kami bahwa dia cemburu waktu yang lalu kan? "Taeyeon mengangguk . "Kemudian dia pasti akan mengatakan ya!" "O-oke, tapi bagaimana saya akan mendapatkan dia di sini? Dia

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