AHH!”When the strange sound appeared again, the fearful screams from t terjemahan - AHH!”When the strange sound appeared again, the fearful screams from t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

AHH!”When the strange sound appeare


When the strange sound appeared again, the fearful screams from the crowd instantly became many times louder.

The shrilling shrieks and sobbing woke up those who were unconscious. At that instant, at that place, an eerie, strange, and horrifying atmosphere thoroughly occupied that place.

But just as everyone struggled with all they had, or as they screamed, Chu Feng tightly locked his gaze in the direction the strange sound came from.

Finally, in the pitch-black corner, a figure emerged into his line of sight. It was an existence with two meters of height as well as water grasses all over its body.

One could simply not see its appearance clearly. They could only make out a pair of blood-red eyes, and though in terms of external appearance, the monster that made everyone endlessly fearful was not even as terrifying as some Monstrous or Fierce Beasts, the aura it emanated paralyzed all of them. A rank five Martial Lord. The brutally powerful monster was a rank five Martial Lord.

It slowly walked, as if it quite enjoyed everyone’s screams and terrors. It only stopped after it came up to a middle-aged man, casting its deathly-cold gaze at him.


And when it cast its gaze towards the man, his surroundings immediately exuded a faint aura of light. Quickly afterwards, he gradually floated up, and drifted up to the monster.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! I have parents, a wife, and a son I need to care! My entire family relies on me! I cannot die, I cannot die! Please, grant some benevolence and have mercy!” The man was terrified as he endlessly begged.


But not only did the monster ignore him, it even made an ear-piercing howl. Then, absorption power visible by the naked eye wafted about in the air, surrounding the man.


After being wrapped around by the absorption power the man instantly made a ghost-like shriek that was also akin to a pig being slaughtered. Coincident with that, everyone’s faces contorted into fright when they saw that scene. Even Chu Feng couldn’t lightly frown, drips of cold sweat emerging onto his forehead.

They acted like so because the power was absorbing the man’s everything. From out to in, it first stripped away his skin, then took away his muscles, then refined his meridians, and only after a set of bones was all that remained for the man did the absorption power finally disappear. But, the man had already thoroughly lost any signs of life. Not even any Source Energy was left behind.

Although the refining process was extremely quick, the man, without a doubt, endured indescribable agony. He died very miserably—so miserable that even cultivators who experienced many bloody battles paled from terror. Some even fainted away from the grisly sight.


However, that was merely the beginning. Just as the man’s bones were thrown to the ground, a woman next to the man was lifted by the monster and it also started to refine her.

At the end, like the man before, she was absorbed and refined in an instant, leaving only a set of bones.


Quickly after, another person was taken away by the monster and refined. In a very short period of time, there were already dozens of people absorbed and refined, dying miserably by its hands.

“We’re done, we’re done! We are dead, we are all dead! We will all be refined alive by it!”

At that instant, many people’s minds were near collapse. They finally learnt of the monster’s cruel methods—first skinned, then their flesh was shaved away, then finally, their Source Energy was consumed. It was simply one of the most atrocious torments possible, as if it had great enmity towards humans; it intentionally made the person being refined suffer incomparable pain as it refined them.

“No, no, no! I cannot let it refine me! I cannot die just like this! Even I die, I do not want it to refine me!”

Some people’s minds even collapsed to the point that they lost all intents to fight and chose to suicide. But it was useless as they already lost their power, and they didn’t even have a chance to suicide. They could only await their slaughtering from the monster.

“Oi, that boy over there. If you don’t want to die, come here secretly. I have a way to save your life.”

But just at that moment, a mental message suddenly entered Chu Feng’s ears. Looking over, it was the Immortal Execution Archipelago’s old man with the strength of a rank three Martial Lord.

Moreover, it was not only him. Unknowingly, the wild big man and the fair-faced man also got close to the old man.

Seeing he could send him a mental message, Chu Feng also knew that despite their powers being deprived, the ability to send mental messages was still there. So, Chu Feng quickly replied, “What method do you have? There’s no harm in saying it first.”

“Boy, you should be a World Spiritist right? Just reply yes, or no. If yes, then I can save you,” asked the old man very straightforwardly.

“Yes.” Chu Feng nodded.

“Then get the hell over here. Any slower, we will die,” said the old man. Then, he turned his gaze and cast it towards a nearby black-haired old man. His age should have already passed a hundred, and he had the cultivation of the ninth level of the Heaven realm. In addition, he was wearing a World Spirit Blue Cloak.

With a glance, Chu Feng could tell that the rank three Martial Lord of the Immortal Execution Archipelago was sending a mental message to the Blue-cloak World Spiritist. Although he didn’t know what tricks he was playing, he likely had a certain method to save them, and only World Spiritists could help him.

Furthermore, the current circumstances were perilous. Chu Feng didn’t think too much, and silently shifted his body, gradually coming near the three people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago.

Simultaneously, there were a few more people who came close in a concealed manner. Without even thinking, Chu Feng knew they were all World Spiritists, and had very powerful Spirit power.

“Watch closely. I have here a treasure. It can break open this formation, but it requires channeling of strong Spirit power. Right now, we are time-pressed. Although that monster is cripplingly refining everybody one by one, judging by its strength, even if it does refine them one by one, it will have no problem cleaning us up within two hours. So, we must be quick. Don’t think too much about this; use your Spirit power and cast it into my treasure. If we don’t make the best of this time, we will all die.”

As the rank three Martial Lord spoke, he took out a little awl. The little awl seemed ordinary, but it was full of symbols. Chu Feng could tell that it was indeed a treasure, but its power could only be used after some accumulation of power. At present, no one had any power, so it seemed like Spirit power was the only thing that could be used. That was why the old man called only them there.

Speaking honestly, Chu Feng did not trust the three people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago, but seeing that those who were called to that place had already started to channel their Spirit power into the awl, it wasn’t too good for Chu Feng to just do nothing on the side. After all, regardless of it being true or false, that could really be said to be the only chance to save them at that moment.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AHH!"Ketika suara aneh muncul lagi, teriakan mengerikan dari keramaian langsung menjadi keras berkali-kali.Shrilling jeritan dan menangis membangunkan orang-orang yang tidak sadar. Saat itu, di tempat itu, suasana menakutkan, aneh dan mengerikan secara menyeluruh menduduki tempat itu.Tapi sama seperti semua orang berjuang dengan semua yang mereka, atau karena mereka berteriak, Chu Feng erat terkunci dengan tatapan ke arah suara aneh yang datang dari.Akhirnya, di sudut diselimuti, sosok muncul ke nya garis pandang. Itu keberadaan dengan dua meter tinggi serta air rumput seluruh tubuhnya.Satu hanya tidak bisa melihat penampilan jelas. Mereka hanya bisa melihat sepasang mata merah darah, dan meskipun dalam hal penampilan luar, rakasa yang membuat semua orang tanpa henti takut tidak bahkan sebagai mengerikan sebagai beberapa seperti monster atau binatang-binatang yang sengit, aura itu terpancar lumpuh mereka semua. Peringkat lima bela diri Tuhan. Rakasa brutal kuat adalah peringkat lima bela diri Tuhan.Itu perlahan-lahan berjalan, seolah-olah itu cukup menikmati semua orang jeritan dan teror. Itu hanya berhenti setelah itu muncul untuk seorang pria setengah baya, casting tatapan Relikui-dingin yang kepadanya.* hmm *Dan ketika itu dilemparkan dengan tatapan ke arah pria, lingkungannya segera memancarkan aura yang samar cahaya. Segera setelah itu, dia secara bertahap melayang, dan hanyut ke Rakasa."Jangan membunuh saya, Jangan membunuh aku! Aku punya orang tua, istri dan anak saya perlu peduli! Seluruh keluarga saya mengandalkan saya! Aku tak bisa mati, aku tak bisa mati! Tolong, berikan beberapa kebajikan dan memiliki belas kasihan!" Laki-laki adalah ketakutan karena ia tak henti-hentinya memohon kepada.* aoo ~ ~ ~ *Tetapi tidak hanya melakukan rakasa mengabaikan dia, bahkan membuat howl tindik telinga. Kemudian, daya resapan terlihat dengan mata telanjang melayang tentang di udara, orang di sekitarnya."Ahh ~ ~ ~"Setelah menjadi dibungkus di sekitar oleh kuasa penyerapan pria langsung membuat jeritan seperti hantu yang juga mirip dengan babi sedang dibantai. Serupa dengan itu, wajah semua orang mengerut menjadi ketakutan ketika mereka melihat adegan itu. Bahkan Chu Feng tidak ringan cemberut, menetes dari keringat dingin muncul ke dahinya.Mereka bertindak seperti jadi karena kekuatan menyerap orang semuanya. Dari keluar ke, itu pertama dilucuti kulitnya, kemudian menanggung ototnya, kemudian halus Meridian nya, dan hanya setelah serangkaian tulang adalah semua yang tersisa untuk pria melakukan kuasa penyerapan akhirnya menghilang. Namun, manusia sudah benar-benar kehilangan tanda-tanda kehidupan. Tidak bahkan setiap sumber energi tertinggal.Meskipun proses penyulingan sangat cepat, orang, tanpa diragukan lagi, mengalami penderitaan yang tak terlukiskan. Ia meninggal sangat merana — jadi menyedihkan bahwa bahkan pembudidaya yang mengalami banyak berdarah pertempuran paled dari teror. Beberapa bahkan pingsan dari mata mengerikan."Ahh ~ ~ ~"Namun, itu hanya awal. Sama seperti tulang-tulang manusia yang dilemparkan ke tanah, seorang wanita di sebelah pria diangkat oleh rakasa dan juga mulai untuk memperbaiki dirinya.Pada akhir, seperti laki-laki sebelumnya, dia diserap dan dimurnikan dalam sekejap, meninggalkan hanya satu set tulang."Ahh ~ ~ ~"Segera setelah itu, orang lain dibawa pergi oleh rakasa dan halus. Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat waktu, sudah ada puluhan orang diserap dan halus, yang meninggal merana dengan tangan."Kita sudah selesai, kita sudah selesai! Kita mati, kita semua mati! Kami akan semua disempurnakan hidup oleh itu!"Saat itu, pikiran banyak orang yang mendekati keruntuhan. Mereka akhirnya belajar metode kejam yang rakasa — pertama berkulit, kemudian daging mereka mencukur kaki, kemudian akhirnya, mereka sumber energi dikonsumsi. Ini adalah hanya salah satu paling mengerikan siksaan mungkin, seolah-olah itu besar permusuhan terhadap manusia; itu sengaja dibuat yang dimurnikan orang yang menderita sakit tak tertandingi sebagai itu halus mereka."Tidak, tidak, tidak! Aku tidak bisa membiarkannya memperbaiki saya! Aku tak bisa mati seperti ini! Bahkan aku mati, aku tidak ingin untuk menyempurnakan saya!"Pikiran beberapa orang bahkan runtuh ke titik bahwa mereka kehilangan semua maksud untuk melawan dan memilih bunuh diri. Tapi itu tidak berguna karena mereka sudah kehilangan kekuasaan mereka, dan mereka bahkan tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk bunuh diri. Mereka hanya bisa menunggu mereka menyembelih dari rakasa."Oi, anak itu di sana. Jika Anda tidak ingin mati, datang diam-diam di sini. Aku punya cara untuk menyelamatkan hidup Anda."But just at that moment, a mental message suddenly entered Chu Feng’s ears. Looking over, it was the Immortal Execution Archipelago’s old man with the strength of a rank three Martial Lord.Moreover, it was not only him. Unknowingly, the wild big man and the fair-faced man also got close to the old man.Seeing he could send him a mental message, Chu Feng also knew that despite their powers being deprived, the ability to send mental messages was still there. So, Chu Feng quickly replied, “What method do you have? There’s no harm in saying it first.”“Boy, you should be a World Spiritist right? Just reply yes, or no. If yes, then I can save you,” asked the old man very straightforwardly.“Yes.” Chu Feng nodded.“Then get the hell over here. Any slower, we will die,” said the old man. Then, he turned his gaze and cast it towards a nearby black-haired old man. His age should have already passed a hundred, and he had the cultivation of the ninth level of the Heaven realm. In addition, he was wearing a World Spirit Blue Cloak.With a glance, Chu Feng could tell that the rank three Martial Lord of the Immortal Execution Archipelago was sending a mental message to the Blue-cloak World Spiritist. Although he didn’t know what tricks he was playing, he likely had a certain method to save them, and only World Spiritists could help him.Furthermore, the current circumstances were perilous. Chu Feng didn’t think too much, and silently shifted his body, gradually coming near the three people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago.Simultaneously, there were a few more people who came close in a concealed manner. Without even thinking, Chu Feng knew they were all World Spiritists, and had very powerful Spirit power.“Watch closely. I have here a treasure. It can break open this formation, but it requires channeling of strong Spirit power. Right now, we are time-pressed. Although that monster is cripplingly refining everybody one by one, judging by its strength, even if it does refine them one by one, it will have no problem cleaning us up within two hours. So, we must be quick. Don’t think too much about this; use your Spirit power and cast it into my treasure. If we don’t make the best of this time, we will all die.”As the rank three Martial Lord spoke, he took out a little awl. The little awl seemed ordinary, but it was full of symbols. Chu Feng could tell that it was indeed a treasure, but its power could only be used after some accumulation of power. At present, no one had any power, so it seemed like Spirit power was the only thing that could be used. That was why the old man called only them there.Speaking honestly, Chu Feng did not trust the three people from the Immortal Execution Archipelago, but seeing that those who were called to that place had already started to channel their Spirit power into the awl, it wasn’t too good for Chu Feng to just do nothing on the side. After all, regardless of it being true or false, that could really be said to be the only chance to save them at that moment.
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