Cognitive styles can be differentiated from other constructs with whic terjemahan - Cognitive styles can be differentiated from other constructs with whic Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Cognitive styles can be differentia

Cognitive styles can be differentiated from other constructs with which they are frequently by the specificity with which cognitive styles may be applied. In the case of learning styles and so-called ‘educational cognitive styles,’ applicability of information about learners is presumed to be of equal utility regardless of learning task. In such schemes, an individual may be diagnosed as being, for example, a ‘visual learner,’ an ‘auditory learner,‘ or a ‘horizontal learner.’ The ‘horizontal learner,' for example, is said to learn best when lying down (rather than sitting or standing, presumably), and the superiority of the prone position for learning is assumed regardless of the skill or topic being learned. Another chacharacteristic learning style constructs is that they are frequently measured by self-report of preference rather than measured by tasks that differentiate abilities. Some efforts at learning-styles measurement appear to be relatively robust, even if they are measures of preference. However, the difficulty in substantiating the validity of the styles, as well as the apparent free-wheeling generation and application of these styles to any and all situations, leads us to recommend viewing learning styles with extreme caution. While information about an individual's learning styles may be helpful to that individual in regulating his own learning within a learning situation, typically this information is not difficult prescriptive to aid instructional designers in making design decisions. More powerful self-regulatory approaches relate to goals, self-efficacy, and learning strategy use have been studied, which he will discuss further in Chapter 13, Strategies for Cognitive Strategy Instruction.
Locus of control is a personality variable associated with an individual's perception of the source of major life influences and is frequently associated with "style" variables. The primary measure used for locus of control is the Rotterdam I/E Scale, a paper-and-pencil instrument that yields a score reflecting the extent to which an individual reflects "internal" or "external" locus of control. An individual with a predominantly internal locus of control would attribute the major influences on life to factors within the person-perseverance, effort, one's own actions, and so forth. An individual with a relatively external locus of control, on the other hand, attributes major influences to come from outside one's self-luck, what the other person does, the boss, and so forth. Of all the "styles" discussed here, locus of control presents the greatest amount of change (in the "change versus stable" classification). Individuals can experience major changes in their locus of control depending upon life circumstances or contexts, and they can experience small changes from morning to evening.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kognitif gaya dapat dibedakan dari konstruksi lainnya yang mereka yang sering oleh specificity yang gaya kognitif dapat diterapkan. Dalam kasus belajar gaya dan apa yang disebut 'pendidikan kognitif gaya', penerapan informasi tentang para peserta didik diduga menjadi utilitas yang sama tanpa belajar tugas. Berpartisipasi dalam skema tersebut, seorang individu dapat didiagnosis sebagai menjadi, misalnya, 'pelajar visual,' 'pelajar pendengaran,' atau 'learner horisontal.' 'Pelajar horisontal,' misalnya, dikatakan untuk belajar terbaik ketika berbaring (bukan duduk atau berdiri, mungkin), dan keunggulan posisi rentan untuk belajar dianggap terlepas dari keterampilan atau topik yang sedang belajar. Chacharacteristic lain belajar gaya konstruksi adalah bahwa mereka sering diukur oleh Self-laporan preferensi daripada diukur oleh tugas yang membedakan kemampuan. Beberapa upaya di gaya belajar pengukuran tampaknya cukup kuat, bahkan jika mereka adalah ukuran preferensi. Namun, difficulty dalam menguatkan validitas gaya, serta jelas gratis-mendorong generasi dan aplikasi gaya ini untuk setiap dan semua situasi, membawa kita untuk merekomendasikan melihat gaya belajar dengan sangat hati-hati. Sementara informasi tentang seorang individu yang belajar gaya mungkin akan membantu untuk individu dalam mengatur sendiri belajar dalam situasi belajar, biasanya informasi ini tidak terlalu sulit preskriptif untuk membantu desainer instruksional desain keputusan. Lebih kuat Regulatory pendekatan berkaitan dengan tujuan, kemanjuran diri, dan belajar menggunakan strategi telah dipelajari, yang ia akan membahas lebih lanjut dalam Bab 13, strategi untuk kognitif strategi instruksi.Locus of control is a personality variable associated with an individual's perception of the source of major life influences and is frequently associated with "style" variables. The primary measure used for locus of control is the Rotterdam I/E Scale, a paper-and-pencil instrument that yields a score reflecting the extent to which an individual reflects "internal" or "external" locus of control. An individual with a predominantly internal locus of control would attribute the major influences on life to factors within the person-perseverance, effort, one's own actions, and so forth. An individual with a relatively external locus of control, on the other hand, attributes major influences to come from outside one's self-luck, what the other person does, the boss, and so forth. Of all the "styles" discussed here, locus of control presents the greatest amount of change (in the "change versus stable" classification). Individuals can experience major changes in their locus of control depending upon life circumstances or contexts, and they can experience small changes from morning to evening.
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