Half an hour later, almost every pancake on my plate has been devoured terjemahan - Half an hour later, almost every pancake on my plate has been devoured Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Half an hour later, almost every pa

Half an hour later, almost every pancake on my plate has been devoured. I lean back against the chair. “Oh my god, I’m so full.”
Mason nods. “I told you,” he says. “Sometimes the places you find off the beaten path are the best in the world. You find some real duds here and there, but there’s just something about finding a place like this that’s part of the adventure. See, the secret is that these mom and pop diners use a lot of homemade recipes and tricks. Stuff passed down for generations or developed by the cook after years of working the same menu. You don’t get that at chain restaurants where half the food is frozen and exactly the same as everywhere else.”
I look down at my plate and am honestly tempted to lick the rest of the syrup off of it.
“Did you folks enjoy your meal?” the waitress asks. She comes up and grabs all the plates at once. No tray. She just keeps stacking them on one arm like a pyramid of dishes.
“It was so good,” I say. ‘Those were the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life.”
She actually smiles at me.
“Those are my secret recipe,” she says. “I’m really glad you liked ’em.”
I look at Mason and he gives me an ‘I-told-you-so’ look.
“Are you Dottie?” I ask.
She smiles. “Oh hell no,” she says. “Dottie’s been dead goin’ on five years now. Mean old bat. But I bought the place from her greedy son when he inherited it. I’ve worked here since I turned sixteen and this kid from St. Louis we’ve never seen comes in here in his suit and tie, telling us he’s going to close the place down if he can’t find a buyer.”
She shakes her head.
“I didn’t think we’d be able to come up with the money at first, but I really think he was just glad to get the place off his hands. Sold it to me and Buddy there real cheap,” she says. She points toward the counter and one of the men sitting there with his back to us raises his hand in greeting, not even bothering to turn around. “My name’s Delores.”
“Well, it was really great, Delores, thank you,” I say.
“You two just passing through?” she asks, still balancing all those plates and silverware like it was nothing.
Mason leans forward. “We were actually hoping to find a place along the beach where we could camp out,” he says. “Is the Gulf State Campgrounds around here?”
“Oh yeah, that’s just a few miles on down the road,” she says. “Might not be lots of room there this time of year, though. Lots of folks make reservations and come stay for a while. You might have better luck at the smaller one right here in town. It’s privately owned and usually has more of a community atmosphere to it. You guys in tents? Or you got an RV?”
“A tent,” Mason says.
She looks at me, and I get the distinct feeling she’s doubting my ability to sleep in a tent. “I wouldn’t have guessed that,” she says. “But I think you might want to try Little Lake campsite. The state one is real commercial outfit. Lots of RV’s and noise and such. Our little one here is real close to the beach and is a lot quieter. More off the beaten path, so to speak.”
“Do they have showers?” I ask.
She laughs. “Oh yeah,” she says. “They got all the modern conveniences a girl like you could need.”
She’s messing with me, and to be honest, it kind of scares the crap out of me. I’m tempted to tell Mason we should try our luck at the bigger site, but I can tell from the smile on his face that he’s already sold on this other one.
“Sounds perfect,” Mason tells her. “And if we stay, I’m sure we’ll be back for more of your amazing food.”
The woman smiles from ear to ear and I swear to God I see an actual blush creep across her cheeks.
I sneak a look over at Mason. I always knew he was a charmer, but this is a side to him I’ve never seen. He’s more humble and a lot less flashy. The Mason I have always known has always been more aggressively flirtatious. He’s usually the center of attention. Loud and pushy.
But this Mason is a real gentleman.
And I like it.
Before the waitress walks away, she pulls the check out of her apron and lays it face-down on the table. Mason turns it over, then throws a ten dollar bill down on the table.
“Ten dollars?” I grab the check and turn it over. Dang, no wonder this place is practically run into the ground. “All that food was only seven bucks? You’ve got to be kidding me. She didn’t even charge us for our drinks.”
“This place is a real find, huh? What did I tell you?” he says. “Let’s go check out the beach, then we’ll head down to the campground to see if there are any spots left for the night.”
“How long will we stay?” I ask as we get up and head out the door.
Mason turns to wave at Delores and Buddy before he leads us back out into the sunshine.
“As long as we want.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Half an hour later, almost every pancake on my plate has been devoured. I lean back against the chair. “Oh my god, I’m so full.”Mason nods. “I told you,” he says. “Sometimes the places you find off the beaten path are the best in the world. You find some real duds here and there, but there’s just something about finding a place like this that’s part of the adventure. See, the secret is that these mom and pop diners use a lot of homemade recipes and tricks. Stuff passed down for generations or developed by the cook after years of working the same menu. You don’t get that at chain restaurants where half the food is frozen and exactly the same as everywhere else.”I look down at my plate and am honestly tempted to lick the rest of the syrup off of it.“Did you folks enjoy your meal?” the waitress asks. She comes up and grabs all the plates at once. No tray. She just keeps stacking them on one arm like a pyramid of dishes.“It was so good,” I say. ‘Those were the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life.”She actually smiles at me.“Those are my secret recipe,” she says. “I’m really glad you liked ’em.”I look at Mason and he gives me an ‘I-told-you-so’ look.“Are you Dottie?” I ask.Dia tersenyum. "Oh neraka tidak," katanya. "Dottie sudah mati pergi pada lima tahun sekarang. Berarti lama kelelawar. Tapi saya membeli tempat dari anaknya serakah ketika ia mewarisi itu. Saya telah bekerja di sini sejak aku berbalik enam belas tahun dan anak ini dari St. Louis kita belum pernah menyaksikan datang di sini di nya jas dan dasi, mengatakan kepada kita bahwa ia akan menutup tempat jika ia tidak dapat menemukan pembeli."Ia menggeleng."Saya tidak berpikir kita akan mampu datang dengan uang yang pada awalnya, tapi saya pikir dia adalah hanya senang untuk mendapatkan tempat dari tangannya. Menjualnya kepada saya dan teman tidak murah,"katanya. Dia menunjuk ke arah counter dan salah satu dari orang-orang yang duduk di sana dengan kembali kepada kami mengangkat tangannya dalam salam, tidak bahkan mengganggu untuk berbalik. "Nama saya Delores.""Yah, itu benar-benar hebat, Delores, terima kasih," kataku."Kalian berdua hanya melewati melalui?" Dia bertanya, masih menyeimbangkan semua piring mereka dan perak seperti itu ada.Mason bersandar ke depan. "Kami benar-benar berharap untuk menemukan tempat sepanjang pantai dimana kami bisa berkemah keluar," katanya. "Itu Teluk negara perkemahan di sekitar sini?""Oh ya, itu adalah hanya terletak beberapa mil di jalan," katanya. "Tidak mungkin banyak ruang yang ada saat ini tahun, meskipun. Banyak orang membuat reservasi dan datang menginap untuk sementara. Anda mungkin memiliki lebih beruntung di yang lebih kecil di sini di kota. Ini adalah milik pribadi dan biasanya memiliki lebih dari suasana komunitas untuk itu. Kalian di tenda-tenda? Atau kau RV?""Tenda," kata Mason.Dia menatapku, dan aku merasa berbeda dia adalah meragukan kemampuan saya tidur di tenda. "Aku tidak akan menduga bahwa," katanya. "Tapi saya pikir Anda mungkin ingin mencoba perkemahan danau kecil. Negara satu adalah pakaian nyata komersial. Banyak RV dan kebisingan dan semacamnya. Kami sedikit satu di sini nyata dekat dengan pantai dan jauh lebih tenang. Lebih off jalan, sehingga untuk berbicara.""Apakah mereka memiliki kamar mandi?" Saya bertanya.Dia tertawa. "Oh ya," katanya. "Mereka mendapat semua kenyamanan modern seorang gadis seperti Anda bisa perlu."Dia adalah bermain-main dengan saya, dan harus jujur, itu agak takut omong kosong dari saya. Aku tergoda untuk memberitahu Mason kita harus mencoba keberuntungan kami di situs yang lebih besar, tapi saya dapat memberitahu dari senyum di wajahnya yang ia sudah dijual pada satu ini."Terdengar sempurna," Mason berkata kepadanya. "Dan jika kita tetap, saya yakin kami akan kembali untuk lebih dari makanan Anda luar biasa."Wanita itu tersenyum dari telinga telinga dan aku bersumpah kepada Tuhan saya melihat blush aktual yang merayap di pipinya.Aku menyelinap pandangan atas di Mason. Aku selalu tahu dia adalah seorang pawang, tapi ini adalah sisi kepadanya aku belum pernah melihat. Dia lebih rendah hati dan jauh lebih mencolok. Mason saya selalu tahu selalu lebih agresif genit. Dia biasanya adalah pusat perhatian. Keras dan memaksa.Tapi ini Mason pria sejati.Dan aku menyukainya.Sebelum pelayan berjalan pergi, dia mengeluarkan cek Apron nya dan meletakkan itu wajah-down di atas meja. Mason ternyata lebih, kemudian melemparkan sepuluh dolar turun di atas meja."Sepuluh dolar?" Saya ambil cek dan mengubahnya. Dang, tidak heran tempat ini praktis lari ke tanah. "Semua makanan yang adalah hanya tujuh dolar? Kau pasti bercanda saya. Dia tidak bahkan biaya kami untuk minuman kami.""Tempat ini adalah nyata menemukan, ya? Apa Apakah saya memberitahu Anda?"katanya. "Mari kita pergi memeriksa pantai, kemudian kita akan menuju ke perkemahan untuk melihat apakah ada setiap tempat tersisa untuk malam.""Berapa lama akan kami tinggal?" Saya bertanya saat kita bangun dan kepala keluar pintu.Mason ternyata gelombang Delores dan Buddy sebelum ia membawa kita kembali ke sinar matahari."Selama kami ingin."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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