My arm shakes, great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance kills on Tang Xiong, b terjemahan - My arm shakes, great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance kills on Tang Xiong, b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

My arm shakes, great an­tiq­uity lo

My arm shakes, great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance kills on Tang Xiong, but has not pur­sued com­pletely near, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Luo Lin al­ready both hands held up the sword, calls out one, on the face reap­pears is fight­ing in­tent fiercely, a nu­mer­ous sword chopped into Tang Xiong shoul­der di­rectly, the cor­ners of the mouth raised: „Now, fi­nally can feel at ease dead?”
In Tang Xiong hand the sword blade edge is in­ca­pable of hang­ing down, „clang” falls to the ground to van­ish, puts out a hand to grip the des­per­ate sword blade edge, the cor­ners of the mouth reap­pears the strange happy ex­pres­sion: „Luo Lin, you came fi­nally!”
Luo Lin is star­tled slightly, ac­tu­ally vexed and ashamed, the skill turns, the sword blade edge pierced a Dadong in the necks of op­po­site party, turns round an at­trac­tive ma­neu­ver to kick, „”, Tang Xiong head such had been kicked by a Luo Lin foot, the body drops down de­jected, crash-bang blew out place equip­ment and gold coin.
„Chirp chirp”
Iron armor and war horse of that mil­i­tary might neighed, lost the mas­ter, op­pres­sion of the peo­ple un­ceas­ing tram­pling city Shi Zhuan, trod one huge scar­let law un­ex­pect­edly, the body has seeped to the place bot­tom grad­u­ally.
Frost raises is cut­ting Hua Jian, is hang­ing and ver­ti­cal, vis­its me with a smile: „Wants?”
„What wants?” I in con­ster­na­tion.
The Frost vi­sion falls to Tang xiong sad­dle horse, said with a smile: „This sad­dle horse!”
My vi­sion de­cid­edly: „Wants!”
Sud­denly, Frost dives, five fin­gers: „Ice pole!”
The in­cor­rupt­ible im­pact wreaked havoc to come, to freeze to fire into the pur­ga­tory po­ten­tial sur­face warhorse, she opened the hand to hold the tail of warhorse, stiffly towed to en­train out­ward, that warhorse un­ceas­ingly long hiss­ing, raised the hind leg to kick Frost, ac­tu­ally does not think that Frost bran­dished the arm, „” one pat­ted the horse's hoof, mak­ing this bas­tard tem­pera­ment not have, but the warhorse rapid re­verse stature, the fore­head con­densed a han­dle to fight the blade edge, loudly hit in the Frost front!
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, Frost draws back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, the cor­ners of the mouth over­flow blood, ac­tu­ally as be­fore stub­bornly holds the reins of warhorse, refers to mumps four to flee, wreaks havoc un­ceas­ingly on the body of warhorse, has con­tin­ued fully for nearly 10 sec­onds, fi­nally made this sad­dle horse from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory lose the tem­pera­ment, tame low­er­ing the head stood in stands side Frost, but Frost waved, this warhorse dis­ap­peared, en­ters one to seal in the stone for lith­o­graph­ing.
Frost turns around, will seal the stone for lith­o­graph­ing to hold in the con­trol, vis­its me, tilts the head smiles: „What also waits for?”
I put out a hand to touch, the stature trem­bles slightly, the Frost some­what weak in­spi­ra­tion gen­tly, is on the rise to have a look at me, the sound is very small: „A bit faster strengthen, a bit faster”
I nod, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu, Song Han et al. also ran over, Yue Qing Qian pro­tects the spoils of war, Lin Wan Er says with a smile: „Ob­tained the sad­dle horse?”
I: „Um, yes”
„Has a look at the at­tribute? Free elder brother!” Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao.
My hand holds the sad­dle horse to seal stone for lith­o­graph­ing, puts out a hand to stroke, this Tang Xiong sad­dle horse warhorse at­tribute ap­pears be­fore every­body
【Fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse】( Im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS level sad­dle horse)
Level: 100
Strength: + 210
Phys­i­cal strength: + 208
Agile: + 205
Spirit tech­nique: + 200
Strik­ing power pro­mo­tion: + 75%
De­fen­sive power pro­mo­tion: + 100%
Trav­el­ing speed pro­mo­tion: + 245%
Life value upper limit pro­mo­tion: + 7000
Sad­dle horse tough­ness: + 50%
Sad­dle horse phys­i­cal strength: 200 points
Phys­i­cal strength restora­tion: 0.5 point / dif­fer­ence
Needs Level
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
My arm shakes, great an­tiq­uity long-dis­tance kills on Tang Xiong, but has not pur­sued com­pletely near, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Luo Lin al­ready both hands held up the sword, calls out one, on the face reap­pears is fight­ing in­tent fiercely, a nu­mer­ous sword chopped into Tang Xiong shoul­der di­rectly, the cor­ners of the mouth raised: „Now, fi­nally can feel at ease dead?”In Tang Xiong hand the sword blade edge is in­ca­pable of hang­ing down, „clang” falls to the ground to van­ish, puts out a hand to grip the des­per­ate sword blade edge, the cor­ners of the mouth reap­pears the strange happy ex­pres­sion: „Luo Lin, you came fi­nally!”Luo Lin is star­tled slightly, ac­tu­ally vexed and ashamed, the skill turns, the sword blade edge pierced a Dadong in the necks of op­po­site party, turns round an at­trac­tive ma­neu­ver to kick, „”, Tang Xiong head such had been kicked by a Luo Lin foot, the body drops down de­jected, crash-bang blew out place equip­ment and gold coin.„Chirp chirp”Iron armor and war horse of that mil­i­tary might neighed, lost the mas­ter, op­pres­sion of the peo­ple un­ceas­ing tram­pling city Shi Zhuan, trod one huge scar­let law un­ex­pect­edly, the body has seeped to the place bot­tom grad­u­ally.„Um?”Frost raises is cut­ting Hua Jian, is hang­ing and ver­ti­cal, vis­its me with a smile: „Wants?”„What wants?” I in con­ster­na­tion.The Frost vi­sion falls to Tang xiong sad­dle horse, said with a smile: „This sad­dle horse!”My vi­sion de­cid­edly: „Wants!”„Good!”Sud­denly, Frost dives, five fin­gers: „Ice pole!”„Bang!”The in­cor­rupt­ible im­pact wreaked havoc to come, to freeze to fire into the pur­ga­tory po­ten­tial sur­face warhorse, she opened the hand to hold the tail of warhorse, stiffly towed to en­train out­ward, that warhorse un­ceas­ingly long hiss­ing, raised the hind leg to kick Frost, ac­tu­ally does not think that Frost bran­dished the arm, „” one pat­ted the horse's hoof, mak­ing this bas­tard tem­pera­ment not have, but the warhorse rapid re­verse stature, the fore­head con­densed a han­dle to fight the blade edge, loudly hit in the Frost front!„Bang”Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, Frost draws back sev­eral steps con­tin­u­ally, the cor­ners of the mouth over­flow blood, ac­tu­ally as be­fore stub­bornly holds the reins of warhorse, refers to mumps four to flee, wreaks havoc un­ceas­ingly on the body of warhorse, has con­tin­ued fully for nearly 10 sec­onds, fi­nally made this sad­dle horse from dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory lose the tem­pera­ment, tame low­er­ing the head stood in stands side Frost, but Frost waved, this warhorse dis­ap­peared, en­ters one to seal in the stone for lith­o­graph­ing.Frost turns around, will seal the stone for lith­o­graph­ing to hold in the con­trol, vis­its me, tilts the head smiles: „What also waits for?”I put out a hand to touch, the stature trem­bles slightly, the Frost some­what weak in­spi­ra­tion gen­tly, is on the rise to have a look at me, the sound is very small: „A bit faster strengthen, a bit faster”I nod, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Li Mu, Song Han et al. also ran over, Yue Qing Qian pro­tects the spoils of war, Lin Wan Er says with a smile: „Ob­tained the sad­dle horse?”I: „Um, yes”„Has a look at the at­tribute? Free elder brother!” Wang Jian Xi­ao­dao.My hand holds the sad­dle horse to seal stone for lith­o­graph­ing, puts out a hand to stroke, this Tang Xiong sad­dle horse warhorse at­tribute ap­pears be­fore every­body【Fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse】( Im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS level sad­dle horse)Level: 100Strength: + 210Phys­i­cal strength: + 208Agile: + 205Spirit tech­nique: + 200Strik­ing power pro­mo­tion: + 75%De­fen­sive power pro­mo­tion: + 100%Trav­el­ing speed pro­mo­tion: + 245%Life value upper limit pro­mo­tion: + 7000Sad­dle horse tough­ness: + 50%Sad­dle horse phys­i­cal strength: 200 pointsPhys­i­cal strength restora­tion: 0.5 point / dif­fer­enceNeeds Level
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lenganku getar, besar kuno jarak jauh membunuh pada Tang Xiong, namun belum dikejar sepenuhnya dekat, benar-benar menemukan bahwa Luo Lin sudah kedua tangan mengangkat pedang, memanggil satu, di wajah muncul kembali berjuang niat keras, sebuah banyak pedang cincang ke Tang Xiong bahu langsung, sudut-sudut mulut dibangkitkan: "? Sekarang, akhirnya bisa merasa nyaman mati"
dalam Tang Xiong tangan tepi pedang pisau tidak mampu menggantung ke bawah, "dentang" jatuh ke tanah menghilang, menempatkan tangan untuk pegangan putus asa tepi pedang pisau, sudut mulut muncul kembali aneh bahagia ekspresi: "Luo Lin, kau datang akhirnya!"
Luo Lin terkejut sedikit, sebenarnya jengkel dan malu, keterampilan berubah, tepi pedang pisau menusuk Dadong di leher pihak lawan, berbalik manuver yang menarik untuk menendang, "", kepala Tang Xiong seperti telah ditendang oleh kaki Luo Lin, tubuh turun ke bawah sedih, kecelakaan-bang meniup peralatan tempat dan koin emas .
"Chirp kicauan"
Iron baju besi dan kuda perang bahwa militer mungkin meringkik, kehilangan master, penindasan rakyat tak henti-hentinya menginjak kota Shi Zhuan, menginjak satu hukum merah besar tiba-tiba, tubuh telah merembes ke bagian bawah tempat secara bertahap.
"Um? "
Frost menimbulkan adalah pemotongan Hua Jian, menggantung dan vertikal, mengunjungi saya dengan senyum:"? mau "
." Apa yang ingin "saya dalam ketakutan
The Frost visi jatuh ke Tang xiong pelana kuda, berkata sambil tersenyum:" pelana ini kuda "!
visi saya jelas:"! Mau "
" Bagus! "
tiba-tiba, Frost penyelaman, lima jari:" Ice tiang! "
" Bang "!
dampak fana mendatangkan malapetaka datang, untuk membekukan api ke dalam api penyucian potensi kuda perang permukaan , ia membuka tangan untuk memegang ekor kuda perang, kaku ditarik untuk memerangkap luar, bahwa kuda perang mendesis tak henti-hentinya lama, mengangkat kaki belakang untuk menendang Frost, sebenarnya tidak berpikir bahwa Frost mengacungkan lengan, "" satu menepuk kuku kuda, membuat temperamen bajingan ini tidak memiliki, tapi kuda perang yang cepat bertubuh sebaliknya, dahi kental pegangan untuk melawan tepi pisau, keras memukul di depan Frost!
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah, Frost menarik kembali beberapa langkah terus, sudut-sudut dari darah mulut meluap, sebenarnya seperti sebelumnya keras kepala memegang tampuk kuda perang, mengacu pada gondok empat melarikan diri, membuat kekacauan tanpa henti pada tubuh kuda perang, terus penuh selama hampir 10 detik, akhirnya membuat pelana ini kuda dari wilayah iblis yang berbeda kehilangan temperamen, menjinakkan menurunkan kepala berdiri di tribun sisi Frost, tapi Frost melambai, kuda perang ini menghilang, memasuki satu untuk menyegel batu untuk Litografi.
Frost berbalik, akan menutup batu untuk Litografi untuk terus dalam kontrol, mengunjungi saya, memiringkan kepala tersenyum: "Apa juga menunggu"
saya mengeluarkan tangan untuk menyentuh, perawakannya gemetar sedikit, Frost agak lemah inspirasi lembut, terus meningkat untuk memiliki menatapku, suara sangat kecil: " sedikit lebih cepat memperkuat, sedikit lebih cepat "
aku mengangguk, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan Li Mu, Lagu Han et al. juga berlari, Yue Qing Qian melindungi rampasan perang, Lin Wan Er sambil tersenyum: "Meraih kuda pelana?"
I: "Um, ya"
"Memiliki melihat atribut? Gratis kakak! "Wang Jian Xiaodao.
Tanganku memegang kuda pelana untuk menutup batu untuk Litografi, menempatkan tangan untuk stroke, Tang Xiong atribut kuda perang pelana kuda ini muncul sebelum semua orang
【Terbang sabit lapis baja kuda perang】 (Immortal terus menerus langkah hujan BOSS tingkat pelana kuda)
level: 100
kekuatan: + 210
kekuatan fisik: + 208
+ 205: Agile
teknik Spirit: + 200
promosi daya Menyerang: + 75%
Defensive promosi daya: + 100%
promosi kecepatan Traveling: + 245%
nilai Kehidupan atas promosi batas: + 7000
Saddle ketangguhan kuda: + 50%
Saddle kuda kekuatan fisik: 200 poin
restorasi kekuatan fisik: 0,5 point / perbedaan
Kebutuhan Tingkat
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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