Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Data SourceData were obtained from the Canadian CommunityHealth Survey: Mental Health and Well-being, Cycle 1.2(CCHS 1.2; Statistics Canada, 2003), a nationally representativesample of individuals residing in privatedwellings in the 10 provinces. Conducted in 2002, thesample excluded households on Indian reserves, full-timemembers of the Canadian armed forces, and households inselected remote regions. Residents of the three territoriesand residents of institutions were also not represented inthe sample. The sampling design was a multistage stratifiedcluster design in which the dwelling was the final sampling unit. One respondent was randomly selectedfrom within each selected dwelling with an oversamplingof adolescents and young adults (aged 15–24) and seniors(aged 65+). Approximately 98% of the population aged 15or older in the 10 provinces were represented in the sampleof 36,984 individuals. The CCHS is considered representativeat both national and provincial levels.The theme of the survey was mental health and wellbeing.As such, the mental health content was developedthrough extensive consultation that encompassed representativesfrom the World Health Organization (WHO); academic,federal, and provincial departments; and consumergroups and professional associations (see Note 1). The primarytool used to establish the content was the WorldMental Health Composite Diagnostic Interview Schedule(WMH-CIDI; World Health Organization, 1990) that wasdeveloped to be administered by lay interviewers in a surveyenvironment. Evidence collected in the WMH-CIDIfield trials and later clinical calibration studies showed thatthe disorders considered by the WMH-CIDI measured,with acceptable reliability and validity, the results thatwould have been obtained during a clinical interview by apsychiatric professional (see Gravel & Beland, 2005).
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