Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
81100:41:21,360 --> 00:41:22,771That's just rude.81200:41:24,160 --> 00:41:25,525You know what is your problem?81300:41:25,960 --> 00:41:28,327Here we go.I have a tendency to be hyper-focused...81400:41:28,520 --> 00:41:30,522so it's difficult to relate to people...81500:41:30,720 --> 00:41:34,281- when there's a task at hand.- Exactly. That there is your problem.81600:41:34,480 --> 00:41:37,211- "10-520: I am boring!"- Please do not make fun of me.81700:41:37,400 --> 00:41:39,846"10-45: I'm right and you're wrong."81800:41:40,040 --> 00:41:43,010- It relaxes me to do my numbers.- Obviously doesn't work...81900:41:43,200 --> 00:41:45,009that's why you don't have a ring.82000:41:45,200 --> 00:41:48,443- You do not know anything about me.- I have kissed you.82100:41:48,640 --> 00:41:50,324I have seen your underwear.82200:41:50,520 --> 00:41:52,682I know everything I need to know.82300:41:52,880 --> 00:41:56,601It's none of your business, but I happento have had a date the other night.82400:41:56,840 --> 00:41:57,966- Really?- Yes, I did.82500:41:58,200 --> 00:41:59,247How did it go?82600:41:59,440 --> 00:42:03,604Well, it went the way that things gowhen a man goes out with a woman...82700:42:03,800 --> 00:42:06,041and they have attractiontowards each other.82800:42:06,240 --> 00:42:08,607I don't know why I'd want advicefrom you, anyway.82900:42:08,800 --> 00:42:09,801Did you...?83000:42:10,040 --> 00:42:11,041(BABBLES)83100:42:11,240 --> 00:42:12,730- What?- Heh, heh.83200:42:12,960 --> 00:42:15,566(SPEAKING IN SPANISH)83300:42:15,800 --> 00:42:18,963- Does that mean what I think?- Did you play with his chicken and eggs?83400:42:19,160 --> 00:42:20,844Oh, my God. I can't.83500:42:21,040 --> 00:42:23,441Ha-ha-ha. Did you give him a pirate key?83600:42:23,680 --> 00:42:24,920What is a pirate key?83700:42:25,120 --> 00:42:27,441I don't even know what that is.That's horrifying.83800:42:27,640 --> 00:42:30,291Well, it depends on who the pirate is.83900:42:30,920 --> 00:42:32,445(CHUCKLES)84000:42:34,040 --> 00:42:35,610(BOTH CHUCKLE)84100:42:37,120 --> 00:42:39,043- It didn't work out on the date.- Mm.84200:42:40,240 --> 00:42:41,571It never does.84300:42:42,880 --> 00:42:45,406I have a tendency to attract menwho run away from me.84400:42:45,600 --> 00:42:46,647Don't really know why.84500:42:47,400 --> 00:42:49,448(COOPER GASPS THEN TIRES SCREECH)84600:42:49,640 --> 00:42:51,290- What was that?- I don't know!84700:43:03,480 --> 00:43:04,641What is that?84800:43:08,760 --> 00:43:09,886(COOPER GASPS)84900:43:10,080 --> 00:43:11,650Oh, God. It's a person.85000:43:12,600 --> 00:43:14,762- Help me get him out.-Ini adalah orang-orang yang panas.85100:43:17, 360--> 00:43:19, 362Apakah dia mati? Dia bau mati.85200:43:19, 560--> 00:43:21, 562COOPER: tidak, saya pikir dia hanya mabuk.85300:43:25, 440--> 00:43:29, 206Oh, apa, memang polisi prosedurmenyentuh semua bagian manusia?85400:43:29, 720--> 00:43:31, 210(NAPAS)85500:43:32, 040--> 00:43:33, 246Dia memiliki monitor pergelangan kaki.85600:43:33, 440--> 00:43:36, 444Itu berarti mereka dapat melacak kita.Kita akan harus memotongnya.85700:43:37, 920--> 00:43:39, 809No aku punya ide yang lebih baik.85800:43:42, 080--> 00:43:44, 765Saya akan memotong kakinya.85900:43:44, 960--> 00:43:46, 121Bagaimana adalah bahwa ide yang lebih baik?86000:43:46, 560--> 00:43:50, 167Wah, Wah, Wah!Apa sih yang kamu lakukan? Aah.86100:43:50, 360--> 00:43:53, 762-Tidak ada. Kami melakukan apa-apa.-Kami hanya akan memotong kaki Anda.86200:43:54, 240--> 00:43:55, 480-Apa?-Bersantai.86300:43:55, 720--> 00:43:58, 200Aku tahu apa yang saya lakukan salahdengan sepupu saya, Eugenio.86400:43:59, 160 00:44:01, 606-->Oke, ia melakukan mencurahkan darahNya sampai matidua hari kemudian...86500:44:01, 800--> 00:44:03, 802Tapi, mendengarkan, ia melakukannya pada istilah-istilah sendiri:86600:44:04, 000--> 00:44:07, 209Dengan minuman di tangannyadan sebagai orang yang merdeka.86700:44:08, 520--> 00:44:11, 763-Mari kita melakukannya.-No. Bukankah tidak ada memotong nobody's kaki.86800:44:12, 800--> 00:44:15, 724Sekarang, Anda hanya menetap dan mengatakan:86900:44:16, 240--> 00:44:18, 607Where the hell am Iand who the hell are you?87000:44:18,840 --> 00:44:22,481I am a police officer. She's a federalwitness in my protective custody.87100:44:22,720 --> 00:44:25,041I know she lookslike she can't protect nothing...87200:44:25,240 --> 00:44:27,004because she looks like My Little Pony...87300:44:27,160 --> 00:44:28,650- but it's true.- Shh.87400:44:28,840 --> 00:44:30,569Who are you? What are you doing?87500:44:30,760 --> 00:44:31,807I'm Randy.87600:44:32,160 --> 00:44:33,685And you stole my truck.87700:44:34,200 --> 00:44:35,440Oh.87800:44:36,520 --> 00:44:37,567Hold on.87900:44:39,520 --> 00:44:40,681I know who you are.88000:44:41,480 --> 00:44:42,970I saw you on TV.88100:44:43,240 --> 00:44:44,605Yeah. You all are wanted.88200:44:45,960 --> 00:44:47,962- I have to use the rock!- Hold on!88300:44:48,200 --> 00:44:50,487- That stuff they're saying on TV isn't true.- Okay.88400:44:50,680 --> 00:44:53,411- We just have to get to Dallas and sort it out.- Good.88500:44:53,600 --> 00:44:54,965- "Sort it out"?- Yes.88600:44:55,160 --> 00:44:58,243You're gonna get your job back?And I am going to get dead!88700:44:58,440 --> 00:45:00,442- You're not gonna get dead.- They're waiting for us!88800:45:00,640 --> 00:45:03,564- The U.S. government will protect you.- She wants me to go and testify!88900:45:03,800 --> 00:45:07,600- She never stops talking.- But to do that, you have to have a head!89000:45:09,160 --> 00:45:12,881She is not wrong. If we get there tooearly, we will be sitting ducks.89100:45:13,080 --> 00:45:16,562So we need a couple hours to lay low.Now, can you help us with that?89200:45:16,760 --> 00:45:19,604Yeah, I can, but you gotta stop pointingthat thing at me.89300:45:23,400 --> 00:45:24,606Thank you.89400:45:25,320 --> 00:45:26,367What?89500:45:26,560 --> 00:45:27,686The Indian casino.89600:45:28,160 --> 00:45:30,322Under tribal law,police ain't got jurisdiction.89700:45:30,520 --> 00:45:32,522You know this. I could drive you.89800:45:32,840 --> 00:45:35,047I could get you a room.I know people there.89900:45:35,280 --> 00:45:38,045- I bet you do.- She's always this judgmental.90000:45:38,240 --> 00:45:39,401He's a criminal.90100:45:39,600 --> 00:45:43,446You kidnapped me. You broke my parole.What you gonna do, just leave me out here?90200:45:43,840 --> 00:45:45,126Yeah, why not?90300:45:45,320 --> 00:45:48,563They're looking for two ladies, right?Well, this is three people.90400:45:48,800 --> 00:45:51,644So why don't you let me driveand you can get in the back.90500:45:51,840 --> 00:45:54,241Look, I can help you. Just let me.90600:45:55,920 --> 00:45:58,764- Why should I trust you?- Because I know what it feels like...
00:45:58,960 --> 00:46:01,042
when no one
wants to hear your side of the story.
00:46:02,920 --> 00:46:04,410
Plus, you know...
00:46:05,960 --> 00:46:07,371
I kind of like your smile.
00:46:07,920 --> 00:46:09,126
I'm not smiling.
00:46:09,320 --> 00:46:11,482
Well, then, I got something
to look forward to.
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