JAKARTA: seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on Diponegoro street at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all the passengers of the car. The police believed the car had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Diponegoro street. In addition, the police report that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been carrying more than five people. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have identified the names of the victim easily.
22. The text mainly informs … happened on Diponegoro street.
A. a vehicle accident.
B. a careless driver
C. a small Japanese car
D. a victim of an accident
E. a function of an identity card
23. What caused the collision?
A. The truck came from the opposite direction
B. The car carried more than five people
C. The truck driver didn’t use his lights
D. The truck driver didn’t see the car
E. The car tried to overtake the bus
24. “Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus…” ( Paragraph 1)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. scene
B. crash
C. speed
D. conflict
E. careless
Read the following text and answer questions 25 to 27.
Nelson Rohilahla Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. His father was Hendry Mphakanyiswa of the Tembu Tribe. Mandela himself was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand where he studied law. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party’s apartheid policies after 1948. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961.
After the banning of the ANC in 1960, Nelson Mandela argued for the setting up of a military wing within the ANC. In June 1961, the ANC executive considered his proposal on the use of violent tactics and agreed that those members who wished to involve themselves in Mandela’s campaign would not be stopped from doing so by the ANC. This led to the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe.
Mandela was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five year’s imprisonment with hard labor. In 1963, when many fellow leaders of the ANC and the Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested, Mandela was brought to stand trial with them for plotting to overthrow the government by violence. His statement from the dock received considerable international publicity. On June 12, 1964, eight of the accused, including Mandela, were sentenced to life imprisonment. From 1964 to 1982, he was incarcerated at Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town; thereafter, he was at Pollsmor Prison, nearby on the mainland.
During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela’s reputation grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. He consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain his freedom.
Nelson Mandela was released on February 11, 1990. After his release, he plunged himself wholeheartedly into his life’s work, striving to attain the goals he and others had set out almost four decades earlier.
25. Why was Mandela brought to stand trial with many fellow leaders of the ANC and the Umkhonto we Sizwe?
A. Nelson Mandela’s reputation grew steadily.
B. They were plotting to overthrow the government by violence.
C. His statement from the dock received considerable international publicity.
D. He was arrested and sentenced to five year’s imprisonment with hard labor.
E. He consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain freedom.
26. What is the main idea of third paragraph?
A. Nelson Mandela was sent to prison.
B. Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
C. Nelson Mandela formed Umkhonto we Sizwe.
D. The African National Congress executive was Mandela.
E. Nelson Mandela joined National Party’s apartheid policies.
27. How long was Mandela incarcerated at Robben Island Prison?
A. 16 years
B. 17 years
C. 18 years
D. 19 years
E. 20 years
The following text is for questions 28 to 30.
The meerkat or suricate, Suricata suricatta is a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family. Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Bostwana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa. A group of meerkat is called “mob”, “gang” or “clan”. A meerkat clan often contains about 20 meerkats, but some super-families have 50 or more members. In captivity, meerkats have an average life span of 12-14 years, and about half this in the wild.
The meerkat is a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose) weighing on average about 731 grams for females and 720 grams for females. Its long slender body and limbs give it a body length of 25 to 35 cm and an added tail length of 17 to 25 cm. It’s tail is not bushy like all other mongoose species, but is rather long and thin tapers to a black or reddish colored pointed tip. Meerkats often stand on their rear legs and gaze alertly over the southern African plains where they live. Mothers can even nurse their young while standing.
Meerkats eat insects, lizards, birds and fruit. When hunting small game, they work together and communicate with purring sounds. Meerkats are good hunters and are sometimes tamed for use as rodent-catchers.
28. According to the text, the tail of a meerkat is ….
A. called “mob”, “gang” or “clan”
B. a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose)
C. bushy like all other mongoose species
D. a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family
E. long and thin tapers to a black reddish colored pointed tip
29. The text tells us about ….
A. the way how meerkats hunt for food
B. the characteristics, habitat and life of meerkats
C. the difference between meerkats and other animals
D. the comparison between meerkats and other mammals
E. explanation of the shape, the ability and excellence of meerkats
30. From the text we know that ….
A. Meerkats are carnivores
B. Meerkats only live in South Africa
C. Meerkats can stand with their front legs
D. Meerkats may live together in a large community
E. Meerkats can be kept as pets because of tame animals
Questions 31 to 34 are based on the following text.
Snow begins in the atmosphere as water condenses into a tiny droplet. As more and more water vapor condenses onto its surface, the droplets grow. Cold air then freezes this water into an ice crystal.
Each ice crystal has a unique shape that depends on the surrounding air’s temperature and water vapor content. If it is below freezing and there is a lot of water vapor in the air, the crystal grows six evenly spaced branches. More and more water vapor collects on these branches and freezes, making the ice crystal increasingly heavy. Eventually, the ice crystal falls from the sky, leaving the cloud of precipitation that it helped to form. As it falls, the crystal continues to grow by picking up more water vapor.
As it descends, the ice crystal can come into contact with warmer air that makes it melt somewhat. The melting acts like a glue, causing crystals to bond together into larger flakes, forming what many people think of as the “classic” fluffy snowflake. If the crystals melt too much and then refreeze as they get closer to Earth’s surface, the precipitation falls as sleet instead of snow.
Once on the ground, snow will remain if temperatures are cold enough to keep it from melting. Glaciers that form on mountains, for example, are made up of snow that accumulates on the ground and eventually turns to ice.
31. What is the text about?
A. How snow is formed
B. How to keep snow from melting
C. Why ice crystal has unique shape
D. The importance of snow formation
E. Why snow happens in certain places
32. From the text above, we can conclude that….
A. Ice crystal grows six evenly spaced branches
B. Glaciers forming on mountains are made up of ice
C. Snowflakes downfall in a variety of sizes and shapes
D. Snow begins in the atmosphere as water condenses into a big droplet
E. Crystal fallen ice can survive in warmer temperature without melting
33. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe the shape of a snow
B. To explain the process of snow formation
C. To show the reader how to form ice crystal
D. To tell information about characteristic of snow
E. To persuade the reader about the importance of snow
34. “As it descends, the ice crystal can come into contact….” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. falls
B. closes
C. ascends
D. releases
E. condenses
This text is for questions 35 to 38.
Sometimes parents question whether they should have their children study at a course or just by themselves. When students feels weak in a certain subject, attending a course is good for them. However, parents should not force thir children to attend many courses.
Students who attend many courses may be dependent on their course teachers. They will feel that have ’someone’ to go to when they have problems . They will just ask their teachers to help them do difficult assignments, without knowing the process of solving a task.
Besides, attending many courses will make students tired, with less time to rest. As a result, they cannot cencentrate and absorb well what they have learned, both at school or courses.
Based on the above reasons, it is clear that attending many courses is not good for students. Therefore, it is better if students attend only one or two courses a week. Morever, parents should make sure that their children benefit from the courses they attend, either by observation or questions to the children.
35. What does text mainly talk about?
A. Courses teachers
B. Benefit of courses
C. Attendi
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
JAKARTA: tujuh orang tewas dalam tabrakan antara bus, mobil dan truk di Jalan Diponegoro pukul 10:35 tadi malam. Orang mati adalah semua penumpang mobil. Polisi percaya mobil telah berusaha untuk mengejar bus ketika itu terkesan oleh sebuah truk datang dari arah yang berlawanan. Pengemudi mobil mungkin tidak menggunakan lampu Nya, sebagai sopir truk mengatakan dia tidak melihat mobil mendekat. Polisi mengatakan mobil tidak akan mencoba untuk lulus bus, karena menyalip tidak diperbolehkan di Jalan Diponegoro. Selain itu, polisi melaporkan bahwa mobil, mobil Jepang kecil, harus tidak telah membawa lebih dari lima orang. Jika penumpang telah membawa kartu identitas mereka, polisi akan telah mengidentifikasi nama korban dengan mudah. 22. teks terutama menginformasikan... terjadi di Jalan Diponegoro. A. kecelakaan kendaraan.B. sopir cerobohC. Jepang mobil kecilD. korban kecelakaanE. fungsi kartu identitas23. apa yang menyebabkan tabrakan?A. truk datang dari arah yang berlawananB. mobil membawa lebih dari lima orangC. sopir truk tidak menggunakan lampu NyaD. sopir truk tidak melihat mobilE. mobil mencoba untuk mengejar bus24. "tujuh orang tewas dalam tabrakan antara bus..." (Ayat 1)Kata yang digarisbawahi terdekat dalam arti...A. adeganB. kecelakaanC. kecepatanD. konflikE. cerobohMembaca teks dan jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut 25-27.Nelson Rohilahla Mandela dilahirkan di Transkei, Afrika Selatan pada tanggal 18 Juli 1918. Ayahnya Hendry Mphakanyiswa dari suku Tembu. Mandela dirinya dididik di kampus Universitas Fort Hare dan Universitas Witwatersrand di mana ia belajar hukum. Ia bergabung dengan Kongres Nasional Afrika pada tahun 1944 dan terlibat dalam perlawanan terhadap kebijakan apartheid Nasional Partai yang berkuasa setelah 1948. Dia pergi diadili untuk kejahatan penghianatan tahun 1956-1961 dan dibebaskan pada tahun 1961.Setelah pelarangan ANC pada tahun 1960, Nelson Mandela berpendapat untuk mendirikan sebuah sayap militer dalam ANC. Pada bulan Juni tahun 1961, eksekutif ANC dianggap proposal menggunakan taktik kekerasan dan disepakati bahwa para anggota yang ingin melibatkan diri dalam kampanye Mandela akan tidak bisa berhenti melakukannya oleh ANC. Hal ini menyebabkan pembentukan Umkhonto kami Sizwe. Mandela ditangkap di 1962 dan dijatuhi hukuman penjara lima tahun dengan paksa. Pada tahun 1963, ketika banyak sesama pemimpin ANC dan Umkhonto kami Sizwe ditahan, Mandela dibawa ke berdiri percobaan dengan mereka untuk merencanakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintah oleh kekerasan. Pernyataan dari Dermaga menerima publisitas internasional yang cukup besar. Pada tanggal 12 Juni 1964, delapan dari terdakwa, termasuk Mandela, dihukum penjara seumur hidup. 1964-1982, ia dipenjarakan di penjara Pulau Robben, dari Cape Town; Setelah itu, ia berada di penjara Pollsmor, dekat di daratan. Selama bertahun-tahun di penjara, Nelson Mandela reputasi tumbuh mantap. Ia diterima secara luas sebagai pemimpin hitam yang paling signifikan di Afrika Selatan dan menjadi simbol kuat resistensi apartheid anti-gerakan mengumpulkan kekuatan. Ia secara konsisten menolak untuk berkompromi kedudukan politiknya untuk mendapatkan kebebasan.Nelson Mandela dirilis pada 11 Februari 1990. Setelah dibebaskan, ia terjun dirinya dengan sepenuh hati ke karya hidupnya, berjuang untuk mencapai tujuan yang dia dan orang lain telah ditetapkan hampir empat dekade sebelumnya. 25. Mengapa Mandela dibawa ke berdiri percobaan dengan banyak sesama pemimpin ANC dan Umkhonto kami Sizwe?A. Nelson Mandela reputasi tumbuh mantap.B. mereka telah merencanakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan oleh kekerasan.C. pernyataan dari Dermaga menerima publisitas internasional yang cukup besar.D. ia ditangkap dan dihukum penjara lima tahun dengan paksa.E. ia secara konsisten menolak untuk berkompromi kedudukan politiknya untuk mendapatkan kebebasan.26. apa itu ide utama dari ayat ketiga?A. Nelson Mandela dikirim ke penjara. B. Nelson Mandela dibebaskan dari penjara.C. Nelson Mandela dibentuk Umkhonto kami Sizwe.D. The African National Congress Eksekutif adalah Mandela. E. Nelson Mandela bergabung dengan Partai Nasional kebijakan apartheid.27. berapa lama Mandela dipenjarakan di penjara Pulau Robben?A. 16 tahunB. 17 tahunC. 18 tahunD. 19 tahunE. 20 tahunTeks berikut ini untuk pertanyaan 28-30.The meerkat or suricate, Suricata suricatta is a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family. Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Bostwana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa. A group of meerkat is called “mob”, “gang” or “clan”. A meerkat clan often contains about 20 meerkats, but some super-families have 50 or more members. In captivity, meerkats have an average life span of 12-14 years, and about half this in the wild.The meerkat is a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose) weighing on average about 731 grams for females and 720 grams for females. Its long slender body and limbs give it a body length of 25 to 35 cm and an added tail length of 17 to 25 cm. It’s tail is not bushy like all other mongoose species, but is rather long and thin tapers to a black or reddish colored pointed tip. Meerkats often stand on their rear legs and gaze alertly over the southern African plains where they live. Mothers can even nurse their young while standing. Meerkats eat insects, lizards, birds and fruit. When hunting small game, they work together and communicate with purring sounds. Meerkats are good hunters and are sometimes tamed for use as rodent-catchers.28. According to the text, the tail of a meerkat is ….A. called “mob”, “gang” or “clan”B. a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose)C. bushy like all other mongoose species D. a small mammal belonging to the mongoose familyE. long and thin tapers to a black reddish colored pointed tip 29. The text tells us about ….A. the way how meerkats hunt for foodB. the characteristics, habitat and life of meerkatsC. the difference between meerkats and other animalsD. the comparison between meerkats and other mammalsE. explanation of the shape, the ability and excellence of meerkats 30. From the text we know that ….A. Meerkats are carnivoresB. Meerkats only live in South AfricaC. Meerkats can stand with their front legsD. Meerkats may live together in a large communityE. Meerkats can be kept as pets because of tame animalsQuestions 31 to 34 are based on the following text.Snow begins in the atmosphere as water condenses into a tiny droplet. As more and more water vapor condenses onto its surface, the droplets grow. Cold air then freezes this water into an ice crystal.Each ice crystal has a unique shape that depends on the surrounding air’s temperature and water vapor content. If it is below freezing and there is a lot of water vapor in the air, the crystal grows six evenly spaced branches. More and more water vapor collects on these branches and freezes, making the ice crystal increasingly heavy. Eventually, the ice crystal falls from the sky, leaving the cloud of precipitation that it helped to form. As it falls, the crystal continues to grow by picking up more water vapor. As it descends, the ice crystal can come into contact with warmer air that makes it melt somewhat. The melting acts like a glue, causing crystals to bond together into larger flakes, forming what many people think of as the “classic” fluffy snowflake. If the crystals melt too much and then refreeze as they get closer to Earth’s surface, the precipitation falls as sleet instead of snow.Once on the ground, snow will remain if temperatures are cold enough to keep it from melting. Glaciers that form on mountains, for example, are made up of snow that accumulates on the ground and eventually turns to ice.31. What is the text about?A. How snow is formedB. How to keep snow from meltingC. Why ice crystal has unique shapeD. The importance of snow formationE. Why snow happens in certain places32. From the text above, we can conclude that….A. Ice crystal grows six evenly spaced branchesB. Glaciers forming on mountains are made up of iceC. Snowflakes downfall in a variety of sizes and shapesD. Snow begins in the atmosphere as water condenses into a big dropletE. Crystal fallen ice can survive in warmer temperature without melting33. What is the purpose of the text above?A. To describe the shape of a snowB. To explain the process of snow formationC. To show the reader how to form ice crystalD. To tell information about characteristic of snowE. To persuade the reader about the importance of snow34. “As it descends, the ice crystal can come into contact….” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….A. fallsB. closesC. ascendsD. releasesE. condensesThis text is for questions 35 to 38.Sometimes parents question whether they should have their children study at a course or just by themselves. When students feels weak in a certain subject, attending a course is good for them. However, parents should not force thir children to attend many courses. Students who attend many courses may be dependent on their course teachers. They will feel that have ’someone’ to go to when they have problems . They will just ask their teachers to help them do difficult assignments, without knowing the process of solving a task. Besides, attending many courses will make students tired, with less time to rest. As a result, they cannot cencentrate and absorb well what they have learned, both at school or courses. Based on the above reasons, it is clear that attending many courses is not good for students. Therefore, it is better if students attend only one or two courses a week. Morever, parents should make sure that their children benefit from the courses they attend, either by observation or questions to the children.35. What does text mainly talk about?A. Courses teachersB. Benefit of coursesC. Attendi
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