The at­tack that wears is very no doubt painful, the at­tack that but  terjemahan - The at­tack that wears is very no doubt painful, the at­tack that but  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The at­tack that wears is very no d

The at­tack that wears is very no doubt painful, the at­tack that but I be­cause of wear­ing dies, after 150% en­tire at­trib­utes pro­mote, the re­sis­tant en­hance­ment is not lit­tle, was king level BOSS can­not large scale bro­ken de­fend, but Mu Yushu, drank the re­turn­ing blood ef­fect of blood bot­tle ac­tu­ally sig­nif­i­cantly to pro­mote, oc­ca­sion­ally started one time to at­tack Drain to the spirit um­brella in­sect again, ba­si­cally will not have hung.
How­ever my heart even more is ag­i­tated, be­cause a mys­ti­cal strength is ap­proach­ing rapidly, more­over is an over­whelm­ing strength, even if this air/Qi field I have not re­al­ized on the body of Frost.
„Buzz hum­ming sound”
En­tire earth in shiv­er­ing, but I am in the un­der­ground, un­ceas­ing up­ward im­pact ex­ca­va­tion, sur­round­ing soil and rock layer after was chopped by my Jian­feng has di­vided un­ex­pect­edly starts to have the giant crack, ob­vi­ously in the storm abyss do­main started the earth­quake, but the foun­tain­head of this earth­quake is not I, but is blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows peer­less sov­er­eign!
Wears is in hot pur­suit, but I also un­ceas­ingly ex­am­ine the map, was get­ting more and more near from the sur­face, the aura of dark blue bil­lows is also get­ting more and more rich, that is a pure dark aura, mak­ing peo­ple feel to suf­fo­cate.
100 me­ters and 50 me­ters and 10 me­ters!
Is get­ting more and more near from the ground, I al­most am fu­ri­ously with my stature and pointed weapons in the fierce hit sur­face soil, here did not have the rock layer, the soil is moist, un­earths to be sim­ple, si­mul­ta­ne­ously turns around to look that wears is con­cen­trat­ing on the pur­ple thun­der to at­tack me with the long sword as be­fore, but my HP al­ready less than 20%.
At pre­sent a daz­zling ray, has emerged as the times re­quire sud­denly fi­nally, a front sur­face demon palace rides the rush to come, my with­out hes­i­ta­tion di­rect one time rides the wind to cut the bang on his body, turns round a time dou­ble hit skill to fall on an­other spirit um­brella in­sect again, di­rectly HP at­tract­ing, turned around com­pletely, the sword blade edge that wears pricked my chest!
It is painful, I look to wear the sim­ple and beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance, did not speak, lifts the hand held her to shake the hand of sword hilt, strength sud­denly to in­crease its arm counter- buckle holds in my arms, thou­sand frost wings started, rise straight from the ground, bring to wear have fired into the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, wore, even if were king level BOSS my at­tribute were too but strong at this time, the strength value was much higher, keeps her from strug­gling un­ex­pect­edly.
„Lets loose me, your this sed­i­ment!”
She was roar­ing an­grily, both arms hor­i­zon­tal, the whole body is only swal­lowed im­me­di­ately by the pur­ple thun­der, but I must grasp her to by the pur­ple thun­der be killed, the whole body trans­mit­ted the strong burn­ingly painful feel­ing, wore is demon Wu Shuangxiu, the pure pur­ple thun­der of magic at­tack hits too to be re­ally painful, was not good, this has not brought back to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den I pos­si­bly to be elec­tro­cuted her.
Also at this mo­ment, bot­tom deep place broad­casts the sound that is full of dig­ni­fiedly ac­tu­ally brooks no in­ter­ven­tion sud­denly: „Boy, lets loose her, oth­er­wise I make you life­long re­gret the storm abyss!”
Is the blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows, the dark blue bil­lows Great in fable!
I hug am wear­ing speed­ily up­wardly fly, from the ground about 100 me­ters place, the bird's eye view gets down, the south­ern plain of dis­cov­ery storm abyss is ac­tu­ally shiv­er­ing, next quar­ter „bang” a star­tled day bang, how many li (0.5km) long earth caved in sud­denly to­gether, is not right, is not the col­lapse, but was all soils is changed into the ji pow­der by the dark strength di­re
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The at­tack that wears is very no doubt painful, the at­tack that but I be­cause of wear­ing dies, after 150% en­tire at­trib­utes pro­mote, the re­sis­tant en­hance­ment is not lit­tle, was king level BOSS can­not large scale bro­ken de­fend, but Mu Yushu, drank the re­turn­ing blood ef­fect of blood bot­tle ac­tu­ally sig­nif­i­cantly to pro­mote, oc­ca­sion­ally started one time to at­tack Drain to the spirit um­brella in­sect again, ba­si­cally will not have hung.How­ever my heart even more is ag­i­tated, be­cause a mys­ti­cal strength is ap­proach­ing rapidly, more­over is an over­whelm­ing strength, even if this air/Qi field I have not re­al­ized on the body of Frost.„Buzz hum­ming sound”En­tire earth in shiv­er­ing, but I am in the un­der­ground, un­ceas­ing up­ward im­pact ex­ca­va­tion, sur­round­ing soil and rock layer after was chopped by my Jian­feng has di­vided un­ex­pect­edly starts to have the giant crack, ob­vi­ously in the storm abyss do­main started the earth­quake, but the foun­tain­head of this earth­quake is not I, but is blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows peer­less sov­er­eign!Wears is in hot pur­suit, but I also un­ceas­ingly ex­am­ine the map, was get­ting more and more near from the sur­face, the aura of dark blue bil­lows is also get­ting more and more rich, that is a pure dark aura, mak­ing peo­ple feel to suf­fo­cate.100 me­ters and 50 me­ters and 10 me­ters!
Is get­ting more and more near from the ground, I al­most am fu­ri­ously with my stature and pointed weapons in the fierce hit sur­face soil, here did not have the rock layer, the soil is moist, un­earths to be sim­ple, si­mul­ta­ne­ously turns around to look that wears is con­cen­trat­ing on the pur­ple thun­der to at­tack me with the long sword as be­fore, but my HP al­ready less than 20%.
At pre­sent a daz­zling ray, has emerged as the times re­quire sud­denly fi­nally, a front sur­face demon palace rides the rush to come, my with­out hes­i­ta­tion di­rect one time rides the wind to cut the bang on his body, turns round a time dou­ble hit skill to fall on an­other spirit um­brella in­sect again, di­rectly HP at­tract­ing, turned around com­pletely, the sword blade edge that wears pricked my chest!
It is painful, I look to wear the sim­ple and beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance, did not speak, lifts the hand held her to shake the hand of sword hilt, strength sud­denly to in­crease its arm counter- buckle holds in my arms, thou­sand frost wings started, rise straight from the ground, bring to wear have fired into the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den di­rec­tion, wore, even if were king level BOSS my at­tribute were too but strong at this time, the strength value was much higher, keeps her from strug­gling un­ex­pect­edly.
„Lets loose me, your this sed­i­ment!”
She was roar­ing an­grily, both arms hor­i­zon­tal, the whole body is only swal­lowed im­me­di­ately by the pur­ple thun­der, but I must grasp her to by the pur­ple thun­der be killed, the whole body trans­mit­ted the strong burn­ingly painful feel­ing, wore is demon Wu Shuangxiu, the pure pur­ple thun­der of magic at­tack hits too to be re­ally painful, was not good, this has not brought back to cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den I pos­si­bly to be elec­tro­cuted her.
Also at this mo­ment, bot­tom deep place broad­casts the sound that is full of dig­ni­fiedly ac­tu­ally brooks no in­ter­ven­tion sud­denly: „Boy, lets loose her, oth­er­wise I make you life­long re­gret the storm abyss!”
Is the blood deep pool dark blue bil­lows, the dark blue bil­lows Great in fable!
I hug am wear­ing speed­ily up­wardly fly, from the ground about 100 me­ters place, the bird's eye view gets down, the south­ern plain of dis­cov­ery storm abyss is ac­tu­ally shiv­er­ing, next quar­ter „bang” a star­tled day bang, how many li (0.5km) long earth caved in sud­denly to­gether, is not right, is not the col­lapse, but was all soils is changed into the ji pow­der by the dark strength di­re
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Serangan yang memakai sangat tidak diragukan lagi menyakitkan, serangan itu tapi aku karena memakai meninggal, setelah 150% seluruh atribut mempromosikan, peningkatan resisten tidak sedikit, adalah tingkat raja BOSS tidak bisa skala besar rusak membela, tapi Mu Yushu, minum kembali efek darah botol darah benar-benar signifikan untuk mempromosikan, sesekali mulai satu waktu untuk menyerang Tiriskan ke serangga semangat payung lagi, pada dasarnya tidak akan menutup.
Namun hati saya bahkan lebih gelisah, karena kekuatan mistis mendekati cepat, apalagi merupakan kekuatan luar biasa, bahkan jika pesawat ini / bidang Qi saya tidak menyadari pada tubuh Frost.
"Buzz bersenandung suara"
Seluruh bumi di menggigil, tapi saya di bawah tanah, tak henti-hentinya atas dampak penggalian, tanah dan lapisan batuan sekitarnya setelah cincang oleh Jianfeng saya telah dibagi tiba-tiba mulai memiliki celah raksasa, jelas dalam badai jurang domain mulai gempa, tetapi sumber dari gempa ini tidak saya, tapi darah dalam kolam ombak biru tua taranya berdaulat!
Wears adalah dalam mengejar panas, tapi saya juga tak henti-hentinya memeriksa peta, itu semakin dekat dari permukaan, aura pemecah biru tua juga semakin kaya, yang merupakan aura gelap murni, membuat orang merasa tercekik.
100 meter dan 50 meter dan 10 meter!
Apakah semakin dekat dari tanah, aku hampir am marah dengan perawakan saya dan senjata tajam di permukaan tanah hit sengit, di sini tidak memiliki lapisan batuan, tanah lembab, menggali untuk menjadi sederhana, secara bersamaan berbalik untuk melihat bahwa memakai berkonsentrasi pada guntur ungu untuk menyerang saya dengan pedang panjang seperti sebelumnya, tapi saya HP sudah kurang dari 20%.
saat sinar menyilaukan, telah muncul sebagai kali memerlukan tiba-tiba akhirnya, setan permukaan istana depan naik terburu-buru untuk datang, saya tanpa ragu-ragu langsung satu kali naik angin untuk memotong bang di tubuhnya, berbalik keterampilan waktu dua hit jatuh pada lain serangga semangat payung lagi, langsung HP menarik, berbalik benar, tepi pedang pisau yang memakai menusuk dadaku!
ini menyakitkan, saya melihat untuk memakai tampilan sederhana dan indah, tidak berbicara, mengangkat tangan memeluknya untuk berjabat tangan pedang gagang, kekuatan tiba-tiba meningkatkan lengan gesper kontra yang memegang di lengan saya, seribu sayap es mulai, naik langsung dari tanah, membawa memakai telah ditembakkan ke tanah yang tidak digarap dingin ke arah den Dragon, mengenakan, bahkan jika itu tingkat raja BOSS atribut saya yang terlalu tapi kuat saat ini, nilai kekuatan jauh lebih tinggi, membuat dia dari berjuang tak terduga.
"Mari kita kehilangan saya, sedimen ini Anda!"
Dia mengaum dengan marah, kedua lengan horisontal, seluruh tubuh hanya ditelan langsung oleh guntur ungu, tapi aku harus memahami dia dengan guntur ungu dibunuh, seluruh tubuh ditransmisikan perasaan burningly menyakitkan yang kuat, memakai adalah setan Wu Shuangxiu, gemuruh ungu murni serangan sihir hit juga untuk menjadi benar-benar menyakitkan, tidak baik, ini tidak membawa kembali dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den aku bisa menjadi listrik nya.
Juga pada saat ini, bawah tempat dalam siaran suara yang penuh brooks dignifiedly sebenarnya tidak ada intervensi tiba-tiba: "Boy, mari longgar nya, kalau tidak saya membuat Anda seumur hidup menyesal badai Abyss! "
Apakah darah dalam kolam ombak biru gelap, ombak biru tua besar dalam dongeng!
aku memeluk saya memakai terbang cepat ke atas, dari tanah tempat sekitar 100 meter, pandangan mata burung akan turun, dataran selatan penemuan badai jurang sebenarnya menggigil, kuartal berikutnya "bang" hari terkejut Bang, berapa banyak li (0.5km) bumi lama runtuh tiba-tiba bersama-sama, tidak benar, tidak keruntuhan, tetapi semua tanah diubah menjadi bubuk ji dengan gelap kekuatan mengerikan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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