The prolific Shakhtar Donetsk attacker has spent the past week nailing terjemahan - The prolific Shakhtar Donetsk attacker has spent the past week nailing Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The prolific Shakhtar Donetsk attac

The prolific Shakhtar Donetsk attacker has spent the past week nailing his colours to the mast after the Reds tabled an offer of £24.5million.

“It would be an honour to wear the Liverpool shirt,” said Teixeira, who insisted his agent is “doing everything possible” to get him to Anfield.

However, the reality is that the Brazilian's hopes of being part of Jurgen Klopp's squad when the transfer window shuts at 11pm on Monday night are fading fast.

Liverpool are no closer to securing the services of Teixeira and time is starting to run out.

Talks with the Ukrainian outfit have continued since Reds chief executive Ian Ayre flew home from the initial round of negotiations held at Shakhtar’s winter training camp in Florida last week.

But for all the ongoing speculation, little progress has been made and Liverpool have yet to officially increase their bid.

The reason why is that Shakhtar remain adamant that Teixeira is going nowhere unless their asking price of 50million Euros (£38million) is met in full.

With Liverpool unwilling to pay that kind of money for an uncapped 26-year-old, the deal has reached an impasse.

It would now take a serious change of heart from either side for the deadlock to be broken.

“I don't want to keep a player against his desire,” said Shakhtar coach Mircea Lucescu this week - but added ominously: “Our president knows when it is the time for Teixeira to go.”

Billionaire businessman Rinat Akhmetov is unlikely to back down.

He has shown a willingness to sell Shakhtar's star names in recent years with the likes of Fernandinho (Manchester City) and Douglas Costa (Bayern Munich) moving on but only on his terms.

With Shakhtar's title race with Dynamo Kyiv set to resume in early March, it suits Akhmetov to keep hold of Teixeira, who is under contract until 2018, until the summer in the knowledge his list of suitors is likely to grow.

Despite his desire to get Teixeira on board, Klopp is understood to be at ease with the club's position. The manager shares the belief that shelling out £38million would be paying over the odds and represent too great a gamble.

“I am a normal, smart guy so why should I throw away money?,” Klopp said recently. “We have money but we are not in Disneyland and say ‘come on, take what you want’.”

It would take a dramatic and unlikely development for the Brazilian to get his wish between now and Monday night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The prolific Shakhtar Donetsk attacker has spent the past week nailing his colours to the mast after the Reds tabled an offer of £24.5million.“It would be an honour to wear the Liverpool shirt,” said Teixeira, who insisted his agent is “doing everything possible” to get him to Anfield.However, the reality is that the Brazilian's hopes of being part of Jurgen Klopp's squad when the transfer window shuts at 11pm on Monday night are fading fast.Liverpool are no closer to securing the services of Teixeira and time is starting to run out.Talks with the Ukrainian outfit have continued since Reds chief executive Ian Ayre flew home from the initial round of negotiations held at Shakhtar’s winter training camp in Florida last week.But for all the ongoing speculation, little progress has been made and Liverpool have yet to officially increase their bid.The reason why is that Shakhtar remain adamant that Teixeira is going nowhere unless their asking price of 50million Euros (£38million) is met in full.With Liverpool unwilling to pay that kind of money for an uncapped 26-year-old, the deal has reached an impasse.It would now take a serious change of heart from either side for the deadlock to be broken.“I don't want to keep a player against his desire,” said Shakhtar coach Mircea Lucescu this week - but added ominously: “Our president knows when it is the time for Teixeira to go.”Billionaire businessman Rinat Akhmetov is unlikely to back down.He has shown a willingness to sell Shakhtar's star names in recent years with the likes of Fernandinho (Manchester City) and Douglas Costa (Bayern Munich) moving on but only on his terms.With Shakhtar's title race with Dynamo Kyiv set to resume in early March, it suits Akhmetov to keep hold of Teixeira, who is under contract until 2018, until the summer in the knowledge his list of suitors is likely to grow.Despite his desire to get Teixeira on board, Klopp is understood to be at ease with the club's position. The manager shares the belief that shelling out £38million would be paying over the odds and represent too great a gamble.“I am a normal, smart guy so why should I throw away money?,” Klopp said recently. “We have money but we are not in Disneyland and say ‘come on, take what you want’.”It would take a dramatic and unlikely development for the Brazilian to get his wish between now and Monday night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Produktif Shakhtar Donetsk penyerang telah menghabiskan seminggu terakhir memaku warna untuk tiang setelah The Reds diajukan tawaran £ 24.5million. "Ini akan menjadi suatu kehormatan untuk mengenakan kemeja Liverpool," kata Teixeira, yang bersikeras agennya adalah "melakukan segala sesuatu yang mungkin "untuk mendapatkan dia ke Anfield. Namun, kenyataannya adalah bahwa harapan Brasil menjadi bagian dari skuad Jurgen Klopp ketika jendela transfer menutup di 11 pada Senin malam memudar cepat. Liverpool tidak lebih dekat untuk mengamankan jasa Teixeira dan waktu mulai habis. Pembicaraan dengan pakaian Ukraina terus sejak Reds kepala eksekutif Ian Ayre terbang pulang dari putaran awal negosiasi diadakan di kamp latihan musim dingin Shakhtar di Florida pekan lalu. Tetapi untuk semua spekulasi yang sedang berlangsung, sedikit kemajuan telah membuat dan Liverpool belum resmi menaikkan tawaran mereka. Alasan mengapa adalah bahwa Shakhtar tetap bersikeras bahwa Teixeira akan tempat kecuali harga yang diminta mereka 50 juta Euro (£ 38million) terpenuhi secara penuh. Dengan Liverpool tidak mau membayar uang sebanyak itu untuk sebuah membuka tutup 26 tahun, kesepakatan itu telah mencapai jalan buntu. Sekarang akan mengambil perubahan serius hati dari kedua sisi untuk kebuntuan untuk dilanggar. "Saya tidak ingin menyimpan pemain melawan keinginannya," kata Pelatih Shakhtar Mircea Lucescu minggu ini - tetapi menambahkan menakutkan: "Presiden kita tahu kapan itu adalah waktu untuk Teixeira untuk pergi." Miliarder pengusaha Rinat Akhmetov tidak mungkin untuk mundur. Dia telah menunjukkan kesediaan untuk menjual nama bintang Shakhtar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dengan orang seperti Fernandinho (Manchester City) dan Douglas Costa (Bayern Munich) pindah tetapi hanya pada istilah. Dengan perburuan gelar Shakhtar dengan Dynamo Kyiv ditetapkan untuk melanjutkan pada awal Maret, itu sesuai Akhmetov untuk tetap memegang Teixeira, yang berada di bawah kontrak hingga 2018, sampai musim panas dalam pengetahuan daftarnya pelamar kemungkinan untuk tumbuh. Meskipun keinginannya untuk mendapatkan Teixeira di papan, Klopp dipahami nyaman dengan posisi klub. Saham manajer keyakinan bahwa shelling out £ 38million akan membayar lebih dari peluang dan mewakili terlalu besar judi. "Saya, pria cerdas yang normal jadi mengapa saya harus membuang uang ?," Klopp mengatakan baru-baru. "Kami punya uang tapi kami tidak di Disneyland dan mengatakan 'ayo, mengambil apa yang Anda inginkan'." Ini akan mengambil perkembangan yang dramatis dan tidak mungkin untuk Brasil untuk mendapatkan keinginannya antara sekarang dan Senin malam.

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