8.1 Niacin Vitamers and Nomenclature 201whenmaize was introduced from  terjemahan - 8.1 Niacin Vitamers and Nomenclature 201whenmaize was introduced from  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

8.1 Niacin Vitamers and Nomenclatur

8.1 Niacin Vitamers and Nomenclature 201
whenmaize was introduced from the New World as a convenient high-yielding
dietary staple. By the nineteenth century, it was widespread throughout
southernEuropeandnorth Africa.The disease was unknowninsouthernAfrica
until the outbreak of rinderpest in 1897, which led to widespread death of cattle
and a major change in the dietary habits of the Bantu.
From being a meat- and milk-eating community, they became, and have
remained, largely maize eaters, and pellagra continued to be a major problem
of public health nutrition in South Africa throughout much of the twentieth
century. The other region where pellagra was a major problem at the beginning
of the twentieth century was the southern part of the United States. The
social and economic upheaval of the American CivilWar led to a poor maizebased
diet for large sections of the population, and it was not until the entry of
the United States into the secondWorldWar that increasing employment and
a rise in the general standard of living solved the dietary problem. Although
Casal had considered pellagra to be due to a dietary deficiency, investigations
at the beginning of the twentieth century started from the assumption that,
like other diseases, it was an infection. It was the pioneering studies of Goldberger
and coworkers in the United States that showed that the condition was
neither contagious nor infectious, but could be prevented or cured by dietary
After it had been established that pellagra was a nutritional deficiency disease,
the next problem was to discover the missing nutrient. Additional dietary
protein was shown to be beneficial, thus it was concluded that pellagra was
because of a protein deficiency. This view, and later that it was more specifically
from a deficiency of tryptophan, was held for some time. In 1938, Spies
and coworkers showed that nicotinic acid would cure pellagra; thereafter it
was gradually accepted that it was a niacin deficiency disease.
The role of additional dietary protein in curing pellagra was elucidated in
1947, when it was shown that the administration of tryptophan to human
beings led to an increase in the urinary excretion of N1-methyl nicotinamide,
the major urinary metabolite of niacin. It is usual to regard pellagra as a niacin
deficiency disease, and tryptophan as a substitute for niacin when the dietary
intake of the vitamin is inadequate. However, this is not strictly correct, and
pellagra should be regarded as being a deficiency of both tryptophan and
The term niacin is the generic descriptor for the two compounds that have
the biological action of the vitamin: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide (see
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
8.1 niacin Vitamers dan tata-nama 201whenmaize diperkenalkan dari dunia baru sebagai nyaman unggulmakanan pokok. Pada abad kesembilan belas, itu tersebar luassouthernEuropeandnorth penyakit Africa.The adalah unknowninsouthernAfricasampai wabah rinderpest di tahun 1897, yang menyebabkan luas kematian ternakdan perubahan besar dalam kebiasaan makanan Bantu.Dari menjadi daging dan susu-makan komunitas, mereka menjadi, dan telahtetap, pemakan sebagian besar jagung, dan pellagra terus menjadi masalah besargizi di Afrika Selatan selama banyak abad kedua puluhabad. Daerah lain yang mana pellagra adalah masalah besar di awaldari abad kedua puluh adalah bagian selatan Amerika Serikat. Themenyebabkan pergolakan sosial dan ekonomi American CivilWar maizebased miskinDiet untuk bagian besar penduduk, dan itu tidak sampai masuknyaAmerika Serikat ke secondWorldWar bahwa peningkatan pekerjaan danpeningkatan standar hidup umum memecahkan masalah Diet. MeskipunCasal telah dianggap pellagra karena kekurangan makanan, penyelidikanpada permulaan abad kedua puluh mulai dari asumsi bahwa,seperti penyakit lainnya, itu adalah infeksi. Itu adalah studi perintis Goldbergerdan rekan kerja di Amerika Serikat yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisimenular maupun menular, tetapi dapat dicegah atau disembuhkan oleh Dietberarti.Setelah itu telah didirikan bahwa pellagra adalah penyakit kekurangan gizi,Masalah berikutnya adalah untuk menemukan nutrisi hilang. Tambahan makananprotein ditunjukkan untuk menjadi menguntungkan, maka itu menyimpulkan bahwa pellagra adalahkarena kekurangan protein. Pandangan ini, dan kemudian bahwa itu lebih khususkekurangan triptofan, diadakan selama beberapa waktu. Pada tahun 1938, dan mata-matadan rekan kerja menunjukkan bahwa asam nikotinat akan menyembuhkan pellagra; kemudian itusecara bertahap diterima bahwa itu adalah penyakit kekurangan niasin.Peran tambahan Diet protein dalam menyembuhkan pellagra terungkap dalamtahun 1947, ketika itu menunjukkan bahwa administrasi triptofan ke manusiamakhluk menyebabkan peningkatan ekskresi urin nikotinamida N1-metil,metabolit kemih utama niasin. Biasanya menganggap pellagra sebagai niasinpenyakit kekurangan dan triptofan sebagai pengganti niasin ketika polaasupan vitamin tidak memadai. Namun, hal ini tidak benar-benar benar, danpellagra harus dianggap sebagai kekurangan triptofan kedua danniasin.8.1 NIACIN VITAMERS DAN TATANAMANiasin istilah adalah kata kunci generik untuk dua senyawa yang memilikitindakan biologis vitamin: asam nikotinat dan nikotinamida (Lihat
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
8.1 Niacin Vitamers and Nomenclature 201
whenmaize was introduced from the New World as a convenient high-yielding
dietary staple. By the nineteenth century, it was widespread throughout
southernEuropeandnorth Africa.The disease was unknowninsouthernAfrica
until the outbreak of rinderpest in 1897, which led to widespread death of cattle
and a major change in the dietary habits of the Bantu.
From being a meat- and milk-eating community, they became, and have
remained, largely maize eaters, and pellagra continued to be a major problem
of public health nutrition in South Africa throughout much of the twentieth
century. The other region where pellagra was a major problem at the beginning
of the twentieth century was the southern part of the United States. The
social and economic upheaval of the American CivilWar led to a poor maizebased
diet for large sections of the population, and it was not until the entry of
the United States into the secondWorldWar that increasing employment and
a rise in the general standard of living solved the dietary problem. Although
Casal had considered pellagra to be due to a dietary deficiency, investigations
at the beginning of the twentieth century started from the assumption that,
like other diseases, it was an infection. It was the pioneering studies of Goldberger
and coworkers in the United States that showed that the condition was
neither contagious nor infectious, but could be prevented or cured by dietary
After it had been established that pellagra was a nutritional deficiency disease,
the next problem was to discover the missing nutrient. Additional dietary
protein was shown to be beneficial, thus it was concluded that pellagra was
because of a protein deficiency. This view, and later that it was more specifically
from a deficiency of tryptophan, was held for some time. In 1938, Spies
and coworkers showed that nicotinic acid would cure pellagra; thereafter it
was gradually accepted that it was a niacin deficiency disease.
The role of additional dietary protein in curing pellagra was elucidated in
1947, when it was shown that the administration of tryptophan to human
beings led to an increase in the urinary excretion of N1-methyl nicotinamide,
the major urinary metabolite of niacin. It is usual to regard pellagra as a niacin
deficiency disease, and tryptophan as a substitute for niacin when the dietary
intake of the vitamin is inadequate. However, this is not strictly correct, and
pellagra should be regarded as being a deficiency of both tryptophan and
The term niacin is the generic descriptor for the two compounds that have
the biological action of the vitamin: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide (see
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