Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Naruto, apa yang Anda lakukan? " Neji disebut keluar, keluar rumah utama Estate.Naruto melompat dan menutup mulutnya. Dia memandang Neji. "Aku di sini untuk mengambil Hinata, kami akan keluar pada tanggal malam.""Aku tahu bahwa, Hinata-sama mengatakan. Saya ingin tahu mengapa kau berdiri di sini, dengan mulut terbuka.""Oh, aku adalah terganggu. It's Christmas, tetapi Anda memiliki dekorasi Natal tidak. Ada pohon, ada perada dan lampu tidak. Kenapa?"Neji tampak suram untuk sejenak. "Itu bukanlah tempat saya untuk mengatakan, Anda harus meminta Hinata-sama."Naruto mengangguk dan mengikuti Neji kembali ke rumah utama. Melepas sandalnya di pintu depan, ia masuk utama rumah Hyuga 's... tempat ia belum pernah sebelumnya. Dia sekali lagi melihat kurangnya dekorasi tetapi memutuskan untuk tidak membawa itu."Ooh, itu adalah anak Uzamaki di sini untuk mengambil Hinata." Hanabi berkata, memasuki ruangan dengan ayahnya...Hinata's ayah. "Aku akan pergi dan mendapatkan Hinata."Dia meninggalkan Kamar, sekarang hanya Naruto, Hiashi dan Neji hadir. "Baik malam Hyuga-san, aku suka rumah Anda." Naruto mengatakan untuk memecah keheningan.Hiashi mengangguk terima kasih. "Saya berharap Hinata rumah di selambat-lambatnya 1 am.""H-hai sir."Ada keheningan yang lain."Selamat atas menjadi chunin Naruto." Neji kata."Arigato Neji. Bahwa pelatihan Anda memberi saya pada refleks benar-benar melakukan membantu."Hanya kemudian, Hanabi maupun Hinata memasuki ruangan, dan Naruto tersenyum. Hinata memakai gaun putih yang sederhana, yang diakhiri dengan jaket merah."Hi Hinata…you look great." He said with a genuine smile.Hinata blushed pink but returned the smile. "A-arigato Naruto-kun."Hinata walked over to Naruto and then looked at her father."I'll be back later Otou-san."With that, she and Naruto left. As Naruto was slipping his shoes back on, Hiashi appeared in the doorway."Yes Otou-san?""Have a good time." He said curtly.Hinata moved back over to her father. "Arigato Otou-san." And she gave him a hug.Walking down one of the main streets in Konoha, Naruto and Hinata were marvelling the transformation in the town. There were Christmas decorations everywhere, there was a scent of cookies wafting through the air, and the town seemed as if it was painted white with the layer of snow scattered on all rooftops."Isn't it beautiful Naruto-kun? I love Christmas time, everyone's so happy.""It is very nice…like the picture on a Christmas card. Thank-you for the card, it was great!""Th-thank-you for yours, it looked just like the town looks.""I'm glad they were able to sweep the street. I didn't really want to trudge through the snow all night.""Don't you like snow?""I do, just not walking through it soaking my shoes and pants. Plus it makes stealth on missions very difficult."Hinata giggled. "I know what you mean. On my last mission, the battle with the enemy turned more into a snowball fight."Naruto laughed and then smiled, noticing something that he had wanted to show Hinata. Taking her hand, he instructed her to close her eyes."And no peeking using Byakugan." He joked.He led her to an area void of everything except snow on the ground, and a huge Christmas tree, covered in decorations. He placed his hands on her waist, positioning her into the best way to stand and failed to notice the blush that crossed her cheeks. He did however, notice the spark of electricity that coursed through his body from holding her that way, standing behind her with his hands on her waist, holding her close. Not removing his hands from her waist, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear."Open your eyes."Shivering in delight at being so close to him, she opened her eyes, and then gasped at the beauty of the tree."It's beautiful! Look at the lights, and the sparkling ornaments." She said excitedly, absorbing the beauty of the large tree.So awestruck by the magnificent tree, she didn't even notice as she leaned back to get a better look, that she leaned right into Naruto's chest. Her head was resting on his shoulder as she looked up at the bright star sitting on the top of the tree. Pointing at it, she gushed happily."Look Naruto-kun, the star's silver! It's perfect…I love this tree, I love Christmas."The two stood just looking at the tree for a few minutes. Naruto was standing behind Hinata, holding her close with his arms now around her waist. Hinata, still leaning back on Naruto's shoulder to look at the tree, now had her arms resting on top of Naruto's. Neither noticed a flash that went off from inside the tree."Arigato Naruto-kun, for bringing me here." Hinata whispered, turning her head to look at Naruto.Naruto looked at her with a small smile and Hinata blushed deeply as she finally realised their position and proximity. Noticing her reaction, Naruto removed his arms from her waist, turned her around to face him, and took one of her hands."I'm glad you like it. But I'm afraid we're going to have to leave, or we'll eventually freeze. Come on, let's go and have dinner."5 minutes later they arrived at Ichiraku Ramen, where upon Ayame greeted them and took their orders. While waiting for their food, Naruto and Hinata shared a complimentary Christmas cracker. Naruto won, and he kept the hat, giving the little toy to Hinata, which was a little Santa figurine.Admiring her little figurine, Hinata giggled happily, and Naruto smiled."You really love Christmas time, don't you?" He said."H-hai, it reminds me of some of my happiest memories.""Then why were there no decorations at your house?"Hinata smiled sadly at Naruto. "When I was young, Christmas was always organised by my Okaa-san. She was great with preparations, and I was always allowed to help decorate the tree…I even put the star on top." She stopped and smiled at the memory, and Naruto grinned at her obvious happiness. "But, when my Okaa-san died after giving birth to Hanabi, my father didn't allow the family to celebrate Christmas that year, or the following year…or any year following that. Christmas had always been my Mother's specialty, and when she died…so did Christmas."Naruto reached over and held one of her hands, intertwining their fingers as he saw a tear escape her eye. She smiled at him."But I still love Christmas, it makes me feel closer to my Okaa-san.""I'm sure she watches down on you, especially during Christmas.""Arigato Naruto-kun."Before anymore could be said, their food arrived and they began eating, discussing everything from Christmas to the old days at the Academy.
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