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"Yaaaah, Im Yoona! Sekarang Anda bahkan hanya perawatantentang Yuri? Anda tidak mengatakan 'melihat Anda' Anda lainunnies? Wow ~ "saya menggoda Yoona bahkan lebih. MenyalahkanDia mengatakan untuk hanya 'Lihat nanti' untuk Yuri! Yoona kemudian hanya berlari untuk melihatnya. Jessica dan aku meledak ke tertawa lagi. OMO! Inidua! Mereka adalah seperti bodoh cinta! "Yah! Tidak menggoda Yoona begitu banyak, ChoiSooyoung, Jung Jessica. " Yuri berkata dengan gelisahekspresi. "Bagaimana jika ia menghindari saya karena diamembenci diejek karena saya?" Yuri mengerutkan kening. "Yuri-ah, Anda sedang terlalu dramatis.Jelas Yoona suka Anda begitu banyak! Dia tidak akanmampu menjadi marah pada Anda." Aku berkata sementara membiarkantertawa. "Yup! Saya setuju dengan jadi! " Jessica mengatakan. "Yul,datang ke sini setelah Anda mengubah pakaian Anda. Kami inginberbicara dengan Anda." Aku menyeringai. Aku tahu persis apa jenis 'berbicara'bahwa Jessica dimaksudkan. Yah, itu akan lebih seperti an... interogasi. Jessica dan aku terus menonton filmsambil menunggu Yuri turun. Ketika Yuri akhirnyadatang, kita hanya membiarkan dia untuk duduk dan menonton film dengankami. "Yuri... Yoona tidur?" Saya berharap diatidur. "Uh-uh... Dia begitu lelah karena fotomenembak hari." Yuri menjawab. Hebat! Pantai adalah jelas! "Yul, bagaimana akan dengan Yoona? Anda yang dua tampaknyauntuk mendapatkan begitu dekat sekarang..." Aku berkata sementara masih memiliki sayamata di layar TV. "UMM... Well, ya, kita lakukan baik..."Yuri berkata gugup. Aissh, dia adalah selalu gugupwhen it came to Yoona. “Good? Good like what?” Jessica asked.“Have you made any progress?” Yuri scratched the back of her neck. “Well… We hug each other more… And… Oh,we are texting each other regularly.” “That’s all?” I raised my brows. “Yah…Yoona has kissed your forehead before but youcan’t even make any braver move?” “It’s not that easy, Soo… Yoona kissed myforehead because she knew that I was frightenedwhen we were on the roller coaster. That kiss meansnothing to her, Soo…” Yuri lowered her head. “Oh Gosh, Kwon Yuri! Yah, Sica-ah, can youknock this girl’s head, please? I think she’s gettingmore and more stupid.” I said frustratingly. Jessica then smacked Yuri’s head. “Yah! Why did you smack my head?” Yurirubbed her head while pouting. “Because you are stupid!” Jessica statedclearly. Yuri pouted even more, shifting her gaze to themovie again. I was focusing my attention back to the movieagain. I then got my eyes widened a little bit whenMaria Elena—Penelope Cruz’s character—kissedCristina—Scarlett Johansson’s—on the lips. Lookingthis kissing scene, I suddenly remembered aboutYoona and Yuri. I quickly glanced at Yuri. I was curioushow Yuri would react to this scene. Would she imagine about Yoona? I smirked as I laid my eyes on Yuri. Yuri was watching the kissing scene with eyeswidened and mouth half-opened. She then blushedand seemed to flutter out of nowhere whilewandering her eyes to the ceiling. I nudged Jessica’s shoulder and tilted myhead to Yuri’s direction. As I thought before, Jessicaunderstood what I meant. We giggled at the sight of fluttered Yuri. Jessica suddenly cleared her throat, purposelymaking some noises. After that, Yuri snapped out andturned her attention to Jessica. “Yuri-ah… Are you...?” I asked with amischievous tone while narrowing my eyes,indicating that I was suspicious of something. Well,actually I already knew what in the world was goingon in Yuri’s mind but I wanted to tease her. Yuri gulped. “Y—yeah?” “Are you imagining about Yoona?” I smirked. “You’re fantasizing her, huh?” Jessicaasked with an evil smirk. Yuri shook her head vigorously. “Ani… Ani…Ani…” She then looked down to her toes. She playedwith her fingers but I knew she was blushing madlybecause of Jessica’s and my blunt questions—morelike accusation. “Really…..? We don’t believe you.” I triedmy best not to grin any wider because my mouthstarted to feel hurt. Ugh, too much grinning! “Yah, Yul! Have you kissed her? Have youkissed Yoona? Like on the lips?” Jessica asked. “Umm… I—I haven’t…” Yuri said hesitantly.“I guess…” “You guess?” What did she mean by‘guess’? “Well… I—I kissed her when I visited her inthe hospital…” Yuri said in a fast way. Oh Gosh, thiswas why Jessica and I loved to tease Yuri about herand Yoona! It was so entertaining. I meant, Yurididn’t have the courage to confess her feeling toYoona. On the other side, I believed that Yoona also loved Yuri but I thought Yoona tried to not believe thather feeling for Yuri was love. Sometimes, Jessica and Ireally wanted to smack those two fools’ head. “That doesn’t count, you pabo!” Jessicaexclaimed with a bored face. “Oh…” Yuri frowned. “Don’t be sad, Yul. Just kiss her again! Butmake sure that she is conscious.” I muttered. “Yah! Are you insane? She’ll kill me if I justkiss her.” Yuri said. She was still frowning. But sheseemed to open more to me and Jessica now. “Yoona won’t kill you. She likes you toomuch, Yul!” Suddenly, an idea—an epic idea—popped up inmy mind. I let out a wide kind of evil grin. “Hey, Yul!” I called Yuri. She shifted her gaze to me again. “What?” Yuri seemed to notice my evil grin so sheasked, “What is in your evil mind, Choi Sooyoung?Spill it out.” “Do you want me to help you to kiss Yoonaagain—consciously?” I moved my brows up anddown in excitement. Yuri seemed to be taken aback a little. She thenscoffed. “Yah, Choi Sooyoung! What are you gonna do?You’re gonna push Yoona from the back so she’dcrush on my body then we would fall to the floor?” Jessica laughed upon hearing Yuri’s sarcasticguessing. I scoffed back. “That was so last decade, Kwon Yuri.” “Then what are you going to do, Soo?”Jessica sounded so excited to know my plan. “Don’t worry, Sica-ah. I’ll let you knowbecause this plan will not work without you.” Iwinked at my roommate beside me. Jessica gave me two thumbs up. “Kwon Yuri, just be prepared, okay?” Yuri gulped hard. *** Yoona's POV Today was Saturday. I was happy because I didn’thave any schedule today so I could use my free timefor something else—something fun. I already couldimagine how this Saturday night would be here in thisdorm. Yup, this night was Soshi bonding time! I cheered happily inside. Yesterday I got a message from Taeyeon unniethat we had to be home before 6 P.M. this Saturdaybecause we would spend our night together since allof us didn’t have any schedule. Taeyeon unnie saidthat we needed this bonding time since everymember got so busy with their own schedules. So, to make sure that our Soshi bond stayed strong, Taeyeonunnie decided to have a bonding time tonight. I was so excited! Yay!!! It had been a long time since we had our lastbonding night, so I had been longed for this time tocome. Now I was already in the living room togetherwith the other Soshi. Like usual, we were trolling oneach other. I thought this dorm might fall down if all ofus had our bonding time like every night. I chuckled at my own statement. But that wastrue, wasn’t it? I meant, look at us! Taeyeon unnie was busy looking and capturing
photos of her co-members butt, making some of us
crept out because of her antics byuntae-ness. Then there was Jessica unnie who was busy talking,
bickering, and whispering with Sooyoung unnie with
too much—seriously too much—excitement. I even
questioned myself, what were they talking about?
Next was Sunny unnie who ran around the room
chasing Tiffany unnie to kiss her. Well, I sometimes wondered why Sunny unnie had such a weird fetish
such as kissing her co-members. I then had an evil idea in my mind. I looked
around the room, trying to find someone to be my
partner-in-crime. Then I found a figure of Yuri unnie
who was watching a Mickey Mouse show on Disney
Channel. I wanted to ask Yuri unnie to help me with
my evil idea slash prank but I didn’t know if she would help me or not. I meant, we were talking about
Kwon Yuri and her Mickey Mouse here! Who didn’t
know that Yuri unnie loved a mouse which only wore
red pants named Mickey Mouse? But I decided to give it a try. “Yuwreee unnie~” I hugged Yuri unnie from
behind. “Y—Yoong?” Yuri unnie seemed to be
blushing after she had realized that I was the one who
was back-hugging her. I chuckled. “Unnie, do you want to be my partner?” I
asked Yuri unnie while resting my chin on her
shoulder. *cough* *cough* *cough* I heard Yuri unnie coughed after she had heard
my question. “Unnie, are you okay?” I came to sit beside
Yuri unnie while I was caressing her back, trying to
reduce her cough. Yuri unnie then looked at me. She said, “Wh—
what did you just say? Pa—partner?” I didn’t know why but Yuri unnie seemed
nervous but a hint of excitement could be seen in her
eyes. I nodded. “Uh-uh. Be my partner-in-crime, Yuri
unnie~” I used my aegyo, hoping that it would make
Yuri unnie to help me with my pr
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