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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
„It is not ghost woman's blood, is not the immortal ancient that old man's blood, is it possible that ... Is it possible that this is ... This is how possible, he did not die, he died, all blood dissipated in the world, to preserve how!!”„Damn, no wonder before the mirror, like that reacted, this thinks that some people, may in fact, be only on the one hand, on the one hand , because of this blood!!” The parrot voice is incisive, resembles to bring unable to believe and with amazement.The Meng Hao blowout blood, the body shivers, even if the eternal boundary, even if has prepared many medicinal pills ahead of time, but he is unable to withstand as before, even his body, in the naked eye obvious appearance crack, this crack are getting more and more, resembles him to be split up.Blood incarnadine body of Meng Hao, but his, is as before rigid, both hands shiver toward that blood group, presses maliciously.„Builds up!!”As the Meng Hao sound spreads, this group of blood, reduction slowly, is similar to is built up, but along with reduction, among golden silk thread, are getting more and more, if as if to finally, it became a drop ... Golden blood!Meng Hao shivers, the body crack are getting more and more, he can feel the fire of his life to be dim, all these, in the pressure and aura because at present this Paragon blood, merely is a drop of blood, moreover with the Meng Hao showdown, does not make Meng Hao probably collapse, once has the hostility showdown, perhaps ... A drop of blood, sufficiently extinguishes kills Meng Hao.Bahkan, ini tidak hanya Meng Hao, bahkan jika dunia kuno, bahkan memiliki kemungkinan sangat, bahkan jika bidang Dao, dengan ini setetes darah... Pemotongan untuk membunuh langsung!Gemuruh suara, desakan Meng Hao, menyebabkan tubuhnya sangat sementara ini runtuh tanpa henti, kelompok darah ini, dengan cepat dibangun, semakin kecil, cepat, berubah menjadi ukuran kepalan tangan bayi.Meng Hao seluruh tubuh dibagi, tangan kedua Guntur, ditutupi dengan darah, hampir terlihat tidak membentuk, tetapi di matanya kedua, benar-benar seperti sebelumnya kaku."Membangun!!" Deru rendah serak Meng Hao, menyerupai deru kehidupan akhirnya suara, dalam contoh yang menyajikan suara ini, golongan darah, kontrak ini tiba-tiba, langsung menjadi ukuran kuku!Tapi warna, benar-benar menyeluruh, menjadi warna emas!Paragon aura yang tertinggi, dari penurunan ini darah, meletus mengesankan!Yaitu... Benar, Paragon darah!!Lengkap, sekarang usia langka, Paragon darah!Bahkan dapat mengatakan bahwa ini mungkin adalah... Seharusnya tidak ada, hanya, Paragon darah burung beo dari orang-orang yang mengatakan bahwa!Di flash ini, jeli daging disebut keluar menyedihkan, kakaktua membawa tidak bisa percaya deru, tetapi Meng Hao di sini, dalam tubuh bahwa dalam dia akan segera runtuh, benar-benar dalam satu ini berkedip-kedip, tersebar tiba-tiba... Hal ini tidak berlatih aura, itu adalah... Liga aura setan Sealers!Dalam sekejap, ini tetes darah yang muncul aura, gemetar tiba-tiba!!It seems to be the sympathetic chord, as if branch!„This ...” Of Meng Hao mind bang, he has remembered Jiu Po and Shen Shi had said to himself words, Hai Meng Paragon has created Ninth Sea God World and Highest Sword Sect, immortal ancient Paragon has created Immortal Ancient Daoist Rite Temple, but the heads of that three big Paragon, strongest Jiu Feng Paragon, he ... Has created anything, nobody knows.„He ... Created ... League of Demon Sealers!” If the Meng Hao mind has Heavenly lightning billowingly -The brothers and sisters, 12 : 00 pm, I prepare pleasantly surprised to you, you prepare to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket, what kind, approximately does not make!!( To be continued ...)Whose Paragon blood the seventh volume of immortal ancient bridge-buildings shed nine mountain Chapter 1055!!:...
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