Silent, his heart in the stabbing pain, the armor that his body the me terjemahan - Silent, his heart in the stabbing pain, the armor that his body the me Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Silent, his heart in the stabbing p

Silent, his heart in the stabbing pain, the armor that his body the meat jelly changes, by his careful taking down, had already been placed in bag of holding.
For a long time, Meng Hao breathes deeply, has pressed the mood in heart with great difficulty.
„Waits for my me certainly to go back”
„When I go back, I will be leading you, kills the blue coffin vortex, lets Mountains and Seas Plane, sets up starry sky again”
„However I, will use all means that you who lets the dissipation, return” in the Meng Hao eye to reveal the stern countenance, for a long time reserved slowly, changed tranquilly.
He red, diverges, if carefully does not look, cannot see his pupil deep place, is hiding monster different scarlet glow.
„My soul lamp collapsed completely, but now this bronze lamp, became my life lamp.” When Meng Hao muttered, the right hand lifted, in his control fuzzy, the bronze lamp appeared gradually, disperses the meaning of plain ancient.
„However my body, under these days material treasure of boundless faction, was also transformed by this bronze lamp, became the stature of suiting this lamp.” Meng Hao looking pensive, stares at the bronze lamp.
„Lamp is the ignition, but I can feel, this bronze lamp, same needs to go out, when it extinguishes, my Cultivation, all my, can suddenly to increase”
„I can very clear premonition, that moment violent increase, my intrepid degree of Cultivation and body takes base this according to that moment, may explode one time, perhaps two times, ten times” the Meng Hao breath slightly is perhaps rapid, this is studies this bronze lamp after sensing this lamp, got a dark answer.
The silent moment, on Meng Hao forehead eight mark rune sparkles, Cultivation of his within the body thunders suddenly, strength of the moving mountains, explodes from his within the body, integrates on the bronze lamp following the right hand, tries to attempt to extinguish the fire of this bronze lamp.
The flame swings, how whatever but Meng Hao explodes completely Cultivation, this bronze lamp, throughout does not extinguish.
„Is worse badly should be my Eighth Hex this source not entire.” Meng Hao looking pensive, looks that sways the bronze lamp that actually throughout does not extinguish, he gradually received Cultivation.
„The Eighth Hex this source, I clearly have only become aware Eighth Hex the [say / way] of this source now, other seven ban is also short, but this matter is easier, has the inheritance of Shui Dongliu, I only need its fusion, after giving I some time close up, Eighth Hex this source 11 complete.”
„But this is only its one, is most important, extinguishes the strength of this lamp, but also lacks Ninth Hex”
„League of Demon Sealers nine ban, first Eighth Hex obtains from the predecessor, but this Ninth Hex needs me to create.” Meng Hao is looking at the dark night of distant place, the vision has the ray sparkle.
„, My future road was very so explicit, Eighth Hex this source accomplishment, clearly understood banned the this source, afterward nine banned to unite, extinguishes the bronze lamp, broke through the Paragon boundary with the aid of the strength of bronze lamp, trod the Enter the Dao source, since then escaped” the light in Meng Hao eye, instantaneous bright, looked from afar, was similar to blazing sun.
„I, if escapes, destruction immortal god demon, easy as pie”
„I, if escapes, resurrect mountain and sea old friend, is by no means difficult”
„I, if escapes, the parrot, the meat jelly, is reproducible, Mountains and Seas Plane from torn to pieces of collapse, the reversal time, will arrive”
„Escapes, treads the Enter the Dao source, oneself becomes the source, oneself, becomes on this day within, one of the supreme Great Dao” Meng Hao breath shortness, in his heart raises thunders dreadfully.
„Said the source, said the source, through the ages, only then that few several people, successful escaping, became Dao Source Realm”
„Reason that immortal god big 6 intrepid, before many years, above some people escape, but demon is also so.”
„My Meng Hao not necessarily not”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Diam, hatinya sakit menusuk, baju besi yang tubuhnya jeli daging berubah, dengan mengambil hati-hati Nya turun, sudah telah ditempatkan dalam tas memegang.Untuk waktu yang lama, Meng Hao bernafas secara mendalam, telah ditekan suasana hati dengan kesulitan besar."Menunggu untuk saya saya pasti untuk kembali""Ketika aku kembali, saya akan membawa Anda, membunuh vortex peti mati biru, memungkinkan pegunungan dan laut pesawat, set up langit berbintang lagi""Namun saya, akan menggunakan segala cara yang Anda yang memungkinkan disipasi, kembali" di mata Meng Hao untuk mengungkapkan wajah keras, untuk waktu yang lama perlahan-lahan, reserved berubah tenang.Dia merah, ada, jika hati-hati tidak terlihat, tidak bisa melihat tempatnya dalam murid, menyembunyikan rakasa cahaya merah yang berbeda."Lampu jiwa saya runtuh sepenuhnya, tetapi sekarang ini lampu perunggu, menjadi lampu hidup saya." Ketika Meng Hao bergumam, tangan kanan diangkat, dalam mengendalikan fuzzy, lampu perunggu muncul secara bertahap, menyebarkan makna polos kuno."Namun tubuh saya, di bawah ini hari materi harta dari faksi yang tak terbatas, juga berubah oleh lampu perunggu ini, menjadi barulah setelan lampu ini." Meng Hao melihat termenung, menatap lampu perunggu."Lampu yang pengapian, tapi aku bisa merasakan, lampu perunggu ini, kebutuhan yang sama untuk pergi out, ketika itu memadamkan, budidaya saya, semua saya, bisa tiba-tiba untuk meningkatkan""Saya bisa sangat jelas firasat, bahwa kekerasan saat kenaikan, gelar pemberani budidaya dan mengambil tubuh mendasarkan ini menurut saat itu, mungkin meledak satu kali, mungkin dua kali, sepuluh kali" nafas Meng Hao sedikit mungkin cepat, ini adalah studi lampu perunggu ini setelah penginderaan lampu ini, mendapat jawaban yang gelap.Saat diam pada Meng Hao dahi delapan mark rune berkilau, budidaya nya dalam tubuh guruh tiba-tiba, kekuatan pegunungan bergerak, meledak dari Nya dalam tubuh, mengintegrasikan pada lampu perunggu mengikuti tangan kanan, mencoba untuk mencoba memadamkan api lampu perunggu ini.Api ayunan, bagaimana apa pun tetapi Meng Hao meledak sepenuhnya budidaya, lampu ini perunggu, sepanjang tidak memadamkan."Lebih buruk buruk harus Hex kedelapan saya tidak seluruh sumber ini." Meng Hao melihat termenung, terlihat bahwa bergoyang lampu perunggu yang sebenarnya seluruh tidak memadamkan, ia secara bertahap menerima budidaya."Kedelapan Hex sumber ini, saya jelas hanya menjadi sadar kedelapan Hex [mengatakan / cara] sumber ini sekarang, ban tujuh lainnya juga pendek, tapi hal ini lebih mudah, memiliki warisan Shui Dongliu, saya hanya perlu perpaduan, setelah memberikan saya beberapa waktu dekat up, kedelapan Hex sumber ini 11 lengkap.""Tapi ini hanya dengan satu, paling penting, memadamkan kekuatan lampu ini, tetapi juga tidak memiliki kesembilan Hex"„League of Demon Sealers nine ban, first Eighth Hex obtains from the predecessor, but this Ninth Hex needs me to create.” Meng Hao is looking at the dark night of distant place, the vision has the ray sparkle.„, My future road was very so explicit, Eighth Hex this source accomplishment, clearly understood banned the this source, afterward nine banned to unite, extinguishes the bronze lamp, broke through the Paragon boundary with the aid of the strength of bronze lamp, trod the Enter the Dao source, since then escaped” the light in Meng Hao eye, instantaneous bright, looked from afar, was similar to blazing sun.„I, if escapes, destruction immortal god demon, easy as pie”„I, if escapes, resurrect mountain and sea old friend, is by no means difficult”„I, if escapes, the parrot, the meat jelly, is reproducible, Mountains and Seas Plane from torn to pieces of collapse, the reversal time, will arrive”„Escapes, treads the Enter the Dao source, oneself becomes the source, oneself, becomes on this day within, one of the supreme Great Dao” Meng Hao breath shortness, in his heart raises thunders dreadfully.„Said the source, said the source, through the ages, only then that few several people, successful escaping, became Dao Source Realm”„Reason that immortal god big 6 intrepid, before many years, above some people escape, but demon is also so.”„My Meng Hao not necessarily not”
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