Chapter 523 Mine“Bring up your shields, prepare the encirclement and t terjemahan - Chapter 523 Mine“Bring up your shields, prepare the encirclement and t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Chapter 523 Mine“Bring up your shie

Chapter 523 Mine

“Bring up your shields, prepare the encirclement and the Death God Arrows!”

Even at a time like this, Q-Sword was going to go through with his plan. He raised his sword and stood outside of the field and looked over the group of [Hero’s Mound] knights coming closer to us. There was a grand total of 200 knights, and each one of their eyes was hidden under their helmets. All of them stared at Li Mu, Wan Er and I. In the distance, the archers and mages of [Hero’s Mound] all came over. This was destined to be a fight centered around firepower.


I gripped my sword with both hands and furrowed my brow. Wan Er and Li Mu were faced away from me. We created a triangle as we all took defensive stances. Lightly leaning against my back, Wan Er whispered to me, “Li Xiao Yao, you said before that you weren’t a pig. Now look, how is one person supposed to fight against a thousand man army? Furthermore, you’re covered in Saint Tier equipments, and you want to take the rear by yourself. Was I wrong in calling you pig?”

I couldn’t help but smile, “You’re saying that now?… Wan Er, we’re fated to die here together…”

Li Mu grinned, “You two, can you please not flirt in front of me. Otherwise, I might die of sadness…”

I grunted, “Be careful, they’re coming!”

With a “Hua Hua” a group of knights suddenly raised their shields and rammed into us. The three of us immediately split up and swung our blades, cutting right into the shields. I then set up an [Azure Dragon Crossbow] behind me, and then activated [Black Tortoise Realm] and [Soul Army]. Even if we were going to die in battle, at least we were going to drag some of them down with us. This was a battle of 5000 players vs. the three of us. With such a great difference in strength, this was definitely going to become an extremely hot topic in the forums. Besides, two great guilds were surrounding Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, and General Li Mu. This by itself was an extremely explosive piece of news.

“Archers, release!” Jian Feng Han’s voice travelled to my ears. Scattered arrows flew at us, but they had no effect on Li Mu, Wan Er and I. In addition, the stun rate was pretty low, even a 10% rate wasn’t bad.

I swung my Dragon Reservoir Sword and cut off the arrows sticking out of my Flame Prison Armor. One of the knights raised his shield and charged at me. He only had half of his health left, but it didn’t seem as though he was afraid of death. I like this kind of opponent. I flicked my wrist and let my Cold Iron Sword fly out, striking at his shield. I pushed it away and placed my Dragon Reservoir Sword right on his neck. Then, with a slash of my Cold Iron Sword, I immediately killed him. I turned away to ram the shield of another knight. I threw a fierce kick on to his shield and then swept out my sword. I dealt 4 attacks in all, killing another one.

Wan Er, Li Mu and I had pretty similar types of maneuvers, as they were all the kind that allowed us to attack while retreating. Knocking away their shield while dealing a critical attack was the most basic style. Otherwise, we would have to destroy both the shield and the knight, which was too much of a waste.


We let loose skills one after another and very soon, nearly 200 knights were killed by me. Q-Sword and Jian Feng Han stood outside of the chaos, but as each moment passed their faces turned uglier. They could not bear to have to watch this humiliation.

“Swordsmen, berserkers, charge forward!”

Jian Feng Han raised his blade and charged forward. His desire to kill me was just too urgent. As he sprinted forward, he said, “Sis, use [Magma Lance]+[Magma Abyss] to help support me!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Chapter 523 Mine“Bring up your shields, prepare the encirclement and the Death God Arrows!”Even at a time like this, Q-Sword was going to go through with his plan. He raised his sword and stood outside of the field and looked over the group of [Hero’s Mound] knights coming closer to us. There was a grand total of 200 knights, and each one of their eyes was hidden under their helmets. All of them stared at Li Mu, Wan Er and I. In the distance, the archers and mages of [Hero’s Mound] all came over. This was destined to be a fight centered around firepower. ……I gripped my sword with both hands and furrowed my brow. Wan Er and Li Mu were faced away from me. We created a triangle as we all took defensive stances. Lightly leaning against my back, Wan Er whispered to me, “Li Xiao Yao, you said before that you weren’t a pig. Now look, how is one person supposed to fight against a thousand man army? Furthermore, you’re covered in Saint Tier equipments, and you want to take the rear by yourself. Was I wrong in calling you pig?”I couldn’t help but smile, “You’re saying that now?… Wan Er, we’re fated to die here together…”Li Mu grinned, “You two, can you please not flirt in front of me. Otherwise, I might die of sadness…”I grunted, “Be careful, they’re coming!”With a “Hua Hua” a group of knights suddenly raised their shields and rammed into us. The three of us immediately split up and swung our blades, cutting right into the shields. I then set up an [Azure Dragon Crossbow] behind me, and then activated [Black Tortoise Realm] and [Soul Army]. Even if we were going to die in battle, at least we were going to drag some of them down with us. This was a battle of 5000 players vs. the three of us. With such a great difference in strength, this was definitely going to become an extremely hot topic in the forums. Besides, two great guilds were surrounding Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, and General Li Mu. This by itself was an extremely explosive piece of news.“Archers, release!” Jian Feng Han’s voice travelled to my ears. Scattered arrows flew at us, but they had no effect on Li Mu, Wan Er and I. In addition, the stun rate was pretty low, even a 10% rate wasn’t bad.I swung my Dragon Reservoir Sword and cut off the arrows sticking out of my Flame Prison Armor. One of the knights raised his shield and charged at me. He only had half of his health left, but it didn’t seem as though he was afraid of death. I like this kind of opponent. I flicked my wrist and let my Cold Iron Sword fly out, striking at his shield. I pushed it away and placed my Dragon Reservoir Sword right on his neck. Then, with a slash of my Cold Iron Sword, I immediately killed him. I turned away to ram the shield of another knight. I threw a fierce kick on to his shield and then swept out my sword. I dealt 4 attacks in all, killing another one.Wan Er, Li Mu and I had pretty similar types of maneuvers, as they were all the kind that allowed us to attack while retreating. Knocking away their shield while dealing a critical attack was the most basic style. Otherwise, we would have to destroy both the shield and the knight, which was too much of a waste. ……We let loose skills one after another and very soon, nearly 200 knights were killed by me. Q-Sword and Jian Feng Han stood outside of the chaos, but as each moment passed their faces turned uglier. They could not bear to have to watch this humiliation.“Swordsmen, berserkers, charge forward!”Jian Feng Han raised his blade and charged forward. His desire to kill me was just too urgent. As he sprinted forward, he said, “Sis, use [Magma Lance]+[Magma Abyss] to help support me!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bab 523 Tambang "Bawa up perisai Anda, mempersiapkan pengepungan dan Kematian Tuhan Arrows!" Bahkan pada saat seperti ini, Q-Sword akan pergi melalui dengan rencananya. Dia mengangkat pedangnya dan berdiri di luar lapangan dan melihat ke kelompok [Hero Mound] ksatria datang lebih dekat kepada kita. Ada grand total 200 ksatria, dan masing-masing dari mata mereka tersembunyi di bawah helm mereka. Semua dari mereka menatap Li Mu, Wan Er dan I. Di kejauhan, para pemanah dan penyihir dari [Hero Mound] semua datang. Ini ditakdirkan untuk menjadi pertarungan berpusat di sekitar senjata. ...... Aku mencengkeram pedang dengan kedua tangan dan mengerutkan keningku. Wan Er dan Li Mu dihadapkan dariku. Kami menciptakan sebuah segitiga seperti yang kita semua mengambil sikap defensif. Ringan bersandar punggung saya, Wan Er berbisik padaku, "Li Xiao Yao, Anda katakan sebelumnya bahwa Anda tidak babi. Sekarang lihat, bagaimana satu orang seharusnya untuk melawan tentara ribu pria? Selain itu, Anda tertutup di Saint peralatan Tier, dan Anda ingin mengambil belakang sendiri. Apakah aku salah dalam memanggil Anda babi? " Aku tidak bisa menahan senyum," Anda mengatakan bahwa sekarang? ... Wan Er, kita ditakdirkan untuk mati di sini bersama-sama ... " Li Mu menyeringai," Kalian berdua, bisa tolong tidak menggoda di depan saya. Jika tidak, aku akan mati kesedihan ... " Aku mendengus," Hati-hati, mereka datang! " Dengan" Hua Hua "sekelompok ksatria tiba-tiba mengangkat perisai mereka dan menabrak ke kami. Kami bertiga segera berpisah dan mengayunkan pisau kami, memotong tepat ke perisai. Saya kemudian mendirikan sebuah [Azure Naga Crossbow] belakangku, dan kemudian diaktifkan [Black Kura-kura Realm] dan [Army Jiwa]. Bahkan jika kita akan mati dalam pertempuran, setidaknya kami akan menyeret beberapa dari mereka bersama kami. Ini adalah pertempuran 5000 pemain vs bertiga. Dengan perbedaan besar dalam kekuatan, ini pasti akan menjadi topik yang sangat panas di forum. Selain itu, dua serikat besar mengepung Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Cang Tong, dan General Li Mu. Ini dengan sendirinya adalah bagian yang sangat eksplosif berita. "Pemanah, rilis!" Suara Jian Feng Han melakukan perjalanan ke telinga saya. Panah tersebar terbang pada kami, tetapi mereka tidak berpengaruh pada Li Mu, Wan Er dan I. Selain itu, tingkat setrum cukup rendah, bahkan tingkat 10% tidak buruk. Aku mengayunkan saya Naga Reservoir Pedang dan memotong panah yang mencuat dari saya api Penjara Armor. Salah satu ksatria mengangkat perisai dan dibebankan pada saya. Ia hanya memiliki setengah dari kiri kesehatannya, tapi itu tidak tampak seolah-olah ia takut mati. Saya suka jenis lawan. Aku menjentikkan pergelangan tangan saya dan membiarkan saya Cold Iron Sword terbang keluar, mencolok di perisai. Aku mendorongnya pergi dan ditempatkan saya Naga Reservoir Pedang tepat di lehernya. Kemudian, dengan sebuah garis miring dari saya Cold Iron Sword, saya langsung membunuhnya. Aku berbalik untuk ram perisai ksatria lain. Aku melemparkan tendangan keras ke perisai dan kemudian menyapu keluar pedangku. Aku berurusan 4 serangan dalam semua, membunuh satu sama lain. Wan Er, Li Mu dan aku punya jenis cukup mirip manuver, karena mereka semua jenis yang memungkinkan kita untuk menyerang sementara mundur. Mengetuk pergi perisai mereka saat berhadapan serangan kritis adalah gaya yang paling dasar. Jika tidak, kita harus menghancurkan baik perisai dan ksatria, yang terlalu banyak pemborosan. ...... Kita membiarkan keterampilan longgar satu demi satu dan segera, hampir 200 ksatria tewas oleh saya. Q-Pedang dan Jian Feng Han berdiri di luar kekacauan, tetapi karena setiap saat melewati wajah mereka berubah jelek. Mereka tidak tahan harus menonton penghinaan ini. "Swordsmen, berserkers, biaya ke depan!" Jian Feng Han mengangkat pedangnya dan dibebankan ke depan. Keinginannya untuk membunuh saya terlalu mendesak. Saat ia berlari ke depan, katanya, "Sis, gunakan [Magma Lance] + [Magma Abyss] untuk membantu mendukung saya!"

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