Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Dibuka pintu depan. Dominique meninggalkan dan tidak ditutup belakangnya? Panik ditangkap saya. Bagaimana jika sesuatu telah terjadi ketika saya berada di kota? Bagaimana jika rumah telah dirampok? Meskipun Mathilde dari nasihat, saya langsung mabuk.Tapi itu tidak dirampok. Itu persis seperti aku meninggalkannya, dengan hanya sedikit lebih angin bertiup melalui pintu yang terbuka. Namun... Saya tidak keluar dengan cara ini; Aku telah berjalan dari halaman belakang untuk Taman depan.Menyusuri lorong, aku mendengar air mengalir, dan aku memanggil Dominique, "Merci pour l' Idee, Dominique, mais ma copine tiba demain." Dia harus tahu sesegera mungkin bahwa saya adalah berbicara untuk. Siapa tahu jika dia akan mulai mengundang wanita di sini? Adalah bahwa apa yang dia lakukan untuk Max? Sayang Tuhan, manusia belum berubah sedikit.Ketika saya mendekati kamar tidur terdekat dari aula, saya menyadari bahwa apa yang saya dengar adalah mandi. Dan hanya di dalam pintu koper.Chloe's koper.Aku bisa berlaras di sana dan takut pernah mencintai kotoran keluar dari dirinya. Dia, bagaimanapun, telah cukup bodoh untuk meninggalkan pintu depan terbuka cukup untuk itu untuk pukulan lebar dalam angin, dan kemudian naik di kamar mandi. Aku mengepalkan rahang dan tinju saya sebagai saya membayangkan apa yang mungkin telah terjadi jika orang lain telah memutuskan untuk berjalan ke rumah bukan aku.Persetan. Aku tidak melihatnya dalam hari dan aku sudah ingin mencekik dan kemudian mencium neraka keluar dari dirinya. Aku merasa menarik senyum di mulutku. Ini adalah kita. Itu suatu pertempuran akrab cinta dan frustrasi, keinginan dan putus asa. Dia akan menekan tombol setiap aku, dan kemudian menemukan yang baru yang aku bahkan tidak tahu saya miliki, dan mendorong mereka.Menyanyi tenang terhanyut dari kamar mandi ke kamar saya mengklaim malam pertama di sini. Seperti yang saya bergeser mendekat, mengintip di sekitar pintu masuk ke tempat ia berdiri, saya disambut oleh pemandangan rambut basah panjang licin dan mengkilat turun kembali telanjang. Dan kemudian ia membungkuk sehingga bokongnya sempurna di udara karena ia mencukur kakinya, dan menyanyi untuk dirinya sendiri.Bagian dari diriku ingin memanjat, mengambil pisau cukur dari tangannya, dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan baginya, mencium setiap inci yang halus. Bagian lain dari diriku ingin naik di dan membuat baik pada janji untuk membawanya dari belakang, perlahan-lahan dan hati-hati. Tapi bagian yang lebih besar dari saya senang bermain intip. Dia masih tidak tahu aku ada di sana, dan melihat dia seperti ini — berpikir dia adalah sendirian, bernyanyi diam-diam, bahkan mungkin berpikir tentang aku? — itu seperti segelas air dingin pada hari yang terik. Aku tidak pernah akan mendapatkan lelah menonton dia dalam setting apapun. Dan telanjang, basah, dan di kamar mandi tidak terlalu jauh dari skenario atas pada daftar.Dia dibilas kakinya dan berdiri, beralih ke Bersihkan kondisioner dari rambutnya, dan saat itulah dia melihat saya. Meledak senyum di wajahnya, putingnya diperketat, dan pada saat itu saya hampir hancur pintu kaca kamar mandi untuk mendapatkan padanya.“How long have you been standing there?”I shrugged, looking down the length of her body.“Such a creeper.”“Still a creeper, you mean.” I moved a little closer, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned against the wall. “When did you get here, you sneak?”“About a half hour ago.”“I thought you just caught a plane in the States? Did you go by portkey after all?”She laughed, tilting her head back under the showerhead for one final rinse, before turning off the water. “I caught the first one I told you about. I thought it would be fun to mislead and surprise you.” Taking her long hair in both hands, she pulled it over her shoulder and squeezed the water from it, watching me with eyes that grew increasingly hungry. “I think I was hoping you’d come home to find me naked in the shower. May have been why I stepped into the shower.”“I’ll admit it’s pretty fucking convenient because I’m ready to be naked myself.”Chloe pushed open the door and came directly to me. “I wanted that pretty mouth on me as soon as I heard you were flirting with the flower girl.”I scowled. “Oh please.” And then I paused. “How did you know about that?”She smiled. “Dominique speaks very good English. Said she grew tired of your moping and sent you down there because you’re so cute when you’re annoyed. I agreed.”“She—what?”“I’m glad you didn’t decide to bring Mathilde back with you, though. That could have been awkward.”“Or it could have been awesome,” I teased, pulling her against me and wrapping a towel from the rack around her shoulders. I felt the water from her breasts soak into my clothes.She’s here. She’s here. She’s here.I bent, brushed my lips over hers. “Hey, sweetheart.”“Hey,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around me. “Have you ever been with two women at once?” she asked, leaning back and running her hands up under my shirt as I worked to dry her off. “I can’t believe I haven’t ever asked you that.”“I missed you.”“I missed you, too. Answer my question.”I shivered. “Yes.”Her hands were cold and her nails felt sharp when she scratched down my torso. “More than two at a time?”Shaking my head, I bent to run my nose along her jaw. She smelled like home, like my Chloe: her own mild citrus scent and the soft natural smell of her skin. “Weren’t you saying something about wanting my mouth on you?”“Specifically between my legs,” she instructed.“I assumed.” I bent, scooped her up, and carried her to the bed.When I put her down on the edge, she sat up, leaning back on her hands behind her, pulling her feet up on the edge of the bed . . . and spread her legs. She looked up at me, and whispered, “Take your clothes off.”Holy Christ this woman was going to kill me with views like that. I kicked my shoes across the room, yanked off my socks, and reached behind me to pull my shirt over my head. Giving her a few seconds to reacquaint herself with my bare chest, I scratched my stomach and gave her a smile. “See something you like?”“Are we giving shows?” Her hand slipped over her thigh and between her legs. “I can do that.”“Are you fucking kidding me,” I breathed, fumbling with my belt buckle and pulling the buttons of my jeans free in a single movement. I nearly fell over trying to get them off.Her hand moved away, and then she reached both arms out for me. “On top,” she said quietly, apparently not wanting my mouth after all. “Over me, I want to feel your weight.”It was perfect, like this, without pretense. We both wanted to make love before we did anything else: looking around, eating, catching up.Her skin was cool, and mine still felt flushed from the sun, my uphill walk back to the villa, and the thrill of seeing her here so unexpectedly. The contrast was astounding. Beneath me she was nothing but smooth skin and tiny, quiet sounds. Her nails dug into my back, her teeth slid over my chin, my neck, my shoulder.“I want you inside,” she whispered into a kiss.“Not yet.”Although she let out a little growl of frustration, for a while she let me simply kiss her. I loved the way her lips felt on my tongue, the way her tongue felt against my lips. I was acutely aware of every point of contact between us: her breasts against my chest, her hands on my back, the tendons of her thighs pressing into my sides. When she wrapped her legs around mine, her calves felt like a band of heat around me. I reached down and wrapped my hand around the back of her knee, pulling it higher to my hip until I felt my cock slide against her slick skin.Beneath me, she arched and rocked, getting as much friction as she could without me pushing inside. Kisses would start tentative, maybe playful, and then grow into deep, ravenous, arching hunger before returning to slow and tasting. She let me press her arms over her head, let me suck and bite her nipples almost to the point of pain. She asked me what I wanted, what felt good, and whether I wanted her body or her mouth first. Her first instinct when we were naked was always to pleasure me.This woman amazed me. I’d lost perspective on who she used to be outside of our relationship. With me, she could be anything. Brave and afraid weren’t opposite. She could be sharp and tender, devious and innocent. I wanted to be her everything in the same way.“I love the way we kiss,” she whispered, the words coming out pressed against my lips.“What do you mean?” I knew what she meant. I knew exactly what she meant; I simply wanted to hear her talk about how fucking perfect it all felt.
“I just love that we kiss the same, that you always seem to know exactly how I want it.”
“I want to be married,” I blurted. “I want you to marry me.”
And so my entire carefully constructed speech was thrown out the window. My grandmother’s antique ring was in a box in the dresser—nowhere near me—and my plan to kneel and do everything right just evaporated.
In the circle of my arms, Chloe grew very still. “What did you just say?”
I had completely botched the plan, but it was too late to turn back now.
“I know we have only been together for a little over a year,” I explained, quickly. “Maybe it’s too soon? I understand if it’s too soon. It’s just that how you feel about the way we kiss? I feel that way about everything we do together. I love it. I love to be inside you, I love working with you, I love watching you work, I love fighting with you, and I love just sitting on the couch and laughing with you. I’m lost when I’m not with you, Chloe. I can’t think of anything, or anyone, who is more important to me, every second. And so for me, that means we’re already sort of married in my head. I guess I wanted to make it official somehow. Maybe I sound like an idiot?” I looked over at her, feeling my heart try to jackhammer its way up my throat. “I never expected to feel this way about someone.”
She stared at me, eyes wide and lips parted as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. I stood and ran over to the dresser, pulling the box from the drawer and carrying it over to her.
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