Everyone else is bringing homemade food,

Everyone else is bringing homemade

Everyone else is bringing homemade food," Zoe mumbled, feeling embarrassed that she still hadn't mastered the art of cooking, well at least not baking even after all these years.

After five failed cooking classes and Haley's guidance she could now sauté, grill, broil, boil, dice, and peel with the best of them, but she hadn't quite gotten the hang of baking. Even those brownies and cakes in a box gave her trouble and to date she hadn't had any of them come out like there were supposed to, that is come out of the oven edible. She either burned everything, undercooked it, or some weird combination of both. Haley was damn determined to help her and she appreciated it, especially since knowing how to bake would come in pretty handy with her household of Bradfords.

"Well, not everyone is as busy as my baby so they can all," Trevor's eyes shot down to their seven year old twins, Jonathan, a.k.a. "Johnnie", and Sebastian and their six year old twins, Mathew and Jessica, who were all looking up at their father innocently, too innocently, Zoe noted, "go suck an egg," Trevor finished, pursing his face up like he swallowed a lemon much to the children's' delight.

Zoe narrowed her eyes on the two sets of fraternal twins, and she thanked god everyday that they weren't identical because she really didn't know how she'd handle the little deviants if she couldn't even tell them apart, and wondered what they were up to now. When all four of them turned those charming Bradford smiles on her she knew it was going to be bad.

Very bad.

"What did you do?" she demanded, trying to cross her arms over her chest and look stern, but unfortunately for her it never really had much of an effect on her kids.

"Why, whatever do you mean, mommy?" Sebastian, the perfect picture of innocence, asked. Like the rest of his siblings he had her hair and eyes, but his father's devastatingly good looks and charm and wasn't afraid to use them.

"What did you kids-" Trevor started to say, no doubt noting the sweet smiles on their faces and becoming as frightened as she was, only to be interrupted when one of the cashiers, a pretty blonde in her late twenties who'd been eying Trevor like candy since they'd walked in, announced that their order was ready. After giving the children a look of warning he gave her a quick kiss and went to the counter to get the boxes of baked goods.

Johnnie gave her that same smile he gave her when his teacher, who'd been trembling and sobbing at the time, informed her that he believed the twins had been the ones to lock him in the closet with the school's pet snake, "Choppers." She hadn't bought his innocent act then and she wasn't buying it now.

"Remember what your father and I said earlier. If either one of you does anything bad then we're not going to your Uncle Jason and Aunt Haley's today," she said, knowing how much the kids adored Jason and Haley and refused to see them as anything less than their aunt and uncle. It was the same way for Jason and Haley's kids with them, but Jason and Haley's kids didn't scare the holy hell out of them with their innocent little smiles.

"But, we're being good," Jessica said, trying to give her the pouty innocent look that usually worked on her father.

"Really good," Mathew added with a hurt smile that was threatening to break out into a full grin. The boy really needed to work on his innocent act and judging by the scowl Johnnie was sending him he agreed and would probably look into the matter later.

Zoe closed her eyes for a moment. "Please don't let us end up on the ten o'clock news again," she mumbled, wishing she was back home in the large spa-like bathroom Trevor built for her as a belated wedding gift. Over the years it had become her refuge, the one place she went to relax and recuperate after dealing with the twins, both sets. She'd lost count of how many times she'd handed the children over to Trevor as soon as he stepped foot into the house and escaped to her bathroom where she usually stayed for a good three to four hours until Trevor came to get her after he'd put the kids to bed to help her relax in other ways.

"It was the eleven o'clock news," Sebastian proudly pointed out.

She opened her eyes just in time to catch all four children grinning hugely at the reminder of their fifteen minutes of fame. When they realized she was looking at them their expressions once again became innocent, even Mathew's. Hmm, he was learning quickly, she noted, not exactly sure how she should feel about that other than terrified that is.

"We didn't do anything, mommy. I don't know why you don't trust us," Johnnie said, giving her a wounded look as he gave her a little shrug. "We've been-"

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with my cell phone?" a man who'd been standing next to them not five minutes ago demanded loudly.

"There's something wrong with mine, too!" the woman who'd tried to cut in front of them earlier said, sounding pretty pissed.

"Mine, too!" someone else yelled.

"Why the hells are my settings in Japanese?" someone else demanded, but Zoe wasn't looking at them. She was looking at her four children, who if physically possible were looking even more innocent.

"Let's go," Trevor said, suddenly by her side with an armful of white bakery boxes as he herded their children out of the bakery, no doubt already having put two and two together.

No one said a word as they climbed into the minivan and the boxes were placed in the back, minus the large chocolate chip cookie Trevor was nibbling on. He climbed into the driver's seat and shot the children a warning glare. "I don't know what you did in there," he held up his hand in a stopping motion when all four kids opened their mouths, no doubt to protest their innocence, "and I don't care. But whoever acts up tonight will be spending the entire night with your great Aunt Judie and will only be allowed to eat tossed salad and drink water," he threatened and Zoe had to turn her face and bite her lip to stop from laughing, especially when all the children gasped loudly, sounding horrified. To a Bradford a meal based on lettuce, veggies and water was pure hell and her kids were very much Bradfords.

"You wouldn't," Johnnie protested, but didn't sound so sure and for good reason. Trevor never made promises he didn't keep and the kids knew that.

"Try me," Trevor said evenly, making Zoe smile.

He was such a wonderful father, sweet, attentive, but firm when the kids needed it, and boy did they need it often. From the second he held the boys in his arms he'd been a very hands on father. He always did his fair share with the kids and usually more when she needed a break or had work to do. No matter how tired he was he never complained or put the kids off if they wanted to spend time with him.

"B-but she just came back from antique doll convention," Mathew pointed out desperately.

"She'll have pictures! Lots and lots of pictures!" Sebastian cried, sounding close to panic.

"And you'll be spending the entire party with her if you act up or convince any of the other kids to act up," Trevor promised. "Am I understood?"

"Yes, daddy," came the unified muttered response from the backseat.

"Good," Trevor said, wiping the cookie crumbs off on his pants before he reached over and took her hand into his. She placed her other hand over his and absently traced shapes on his hand as he caressed her palm with his thumb.

Even after all these years it still surprised her that he loved her. The fact that he could probably have any woman he wanted and he'd chosen her still humbled her. She would never be thin, gorgeous or sexy, but Trevor didn't seem to care. Actually, when she voiced her opinion on the matter he got really pissed and informed her that she was the sexiest woman he'd ever laid eyes on and then proceeded to prove it to her.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Orang lain adalah membawa makanan buatan sendiri,"gumam Zoe, merasa malu bahwa dia masih tidak menguasai seni memasak, baik setidaknya tidak baking bahkan setelah semua ini tahun.Setelah lima gagal kelas memasak dan bimbingan dariaida dia bisa sekarang tumis, grill, panggang, mendidih, dadu dan kupas dengan yang terbaik dari mereka, tapi dia tidak cukup mendapatkan memahamkan baking. Bahkan mereka brownies dan kue dalam kotak memberikan masalah-nya dan hingga saat ini dia tidak punya salah satu dari mereka keluar seperti ada seharusnya, yang berasal dari oven dapat dimakan. Dia baik membakar semuanya, kurang masak, atau beberapa kombinasi yang aneh dari keduanya. Haley sialan bertekad untuk membantu dia dan dia menghargai itu, terutama karena mengetahui bagaimana memanggang akan datang sangat berguna dengan keluarganya Bradfords."Yah, tidak semua orang sebagai sibuk sebagai bayi saya sehingga mereka dapat semua," Trevor mataku tembakan turun kembar mereka berusia tujuh tahun, Jonathan, alias "Johnnie", dan Sebastian dan mereka berusia enam tahun kembar, Mathew dan Jessica, yang sedang semua melihat ayah mereka polos, terlalu polos, Zoe mencatat, "go suck telur," Trevor selesai, mengerucutkan wajahnya seperti ia menelan lemon banyak untuk anak-anak ' menyenangkan.Zoe mempersempit matanya pada dua set kembar fraternal, dan dia mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Jahweh setiap hari bahwa mereka tidak identik karena dia benar-benar tidak tahu bagaimana dia akan menangani radikalisme kecil jika dia tidak bisa bahkan memberitahu mereka terpisah, dan bertanya-tanya apa yang mereka itu sampai sekarang. Ketika empat dari mereka orang-orang yang menawan Bradford tersenyum pada dirinya, dia tahu itu akan menjadi buruk.Sangat buruk."Apa yang menurut Anda lakukan?" dia menuntut, mencoba untuk menyeberang tangannya di dadanya dan tampak keras, tapi sayangnya dia itu pernah benar-benar memiliki banyak efek pada anak-anaknya."Mengapa, apa maksudmu, mommy?" Sebastian, gambar yang sempurna tak bersalah, bertanya. Seperti saudaranya ia telah rambutnya dan mata, tetapi ayahnya meluluhkan terlihat baik dan pesona dan tidak takut untuk menggunakannya."Apa yang kau anak-anak-" Trevor mulai mengatakan, tidak diragukan lagi mencatat manis senyum di wajah mereka dan menjadi takut karena dia, hanya untuk menjadi terganggu ketika salah satu kasir, pirang yang cantik di sekitar 20an yang telah eying Trevor seperti permen karena mereka telah berjalan, mengumumkan bahwa pesanan mereka sudah siap. Setelah memberi anak-anak melihat peringatan dia memberinya ciuman cepat dan pergi ke loket untuk mendapatkan kotak dipanggang.Johnnie memberinya senyum yang sama dia memberikannya ketika gurunya, yang telah gemetar dan menangis saat itu, memberitahunya bahwa ia percaya si kembar telah orang-orang untuk mengunci dirinya di lemari dengan ular peliharaan sekolah, "helikopter." Dia tidak membeli tindakannya tidak bersalah maka dan dia tidak membelinya sekarang."Ingat apa yang ayahmu dan saya katakan sebelumnya. Jika salah satu dari Anda Apakah sesuatu buruk maka kita tidak akan Anda Jason paman dan Bibi Haley's hari,"katanya, mengetahui berapa banyak anak-anak memuja Jason dan Haley dan menolak untuk melihat mereka sebagai sesuatu yang kurang dari Bibi dan paman mereka. Itu dengan cara yang sama untuk anak-anak Jason dan Haley's dengan mereka, tetapi Jason dan anak-anak dariaida tidak menakuti neraka suci dari mereka dengan senyum kecil mereka tidak bersalah."Tapi, kita sedang baik," ujar Jessica, berusaha untuk memberikan yang tidak bersalah yang pouty terlihat yang biasanya bekerja pada ayahnya."Benar-benar baik," Mathew ditambahkan dengan senyum terluka yang mengancam untuk keluar ke penuh senyum. Anak laki-laki benar-benar diperlukan untuk bekerja pada tindakannya tidak bersalah dan menilai oleh Johnnie mengirim dia cemberut ia setuju dan mungkin akan melihat ke dalam masalah kemudian.Zoe memejamkan mata sejenak. "Silakan jangan Mari kita berakhir di sepuluh berita lagi," Dia berkata, berharap ia kembali ke rumah di spa seperti kamar mandi yang besar Trevor dibangun untuknya sebagai souvenir pernikahan terlambat. Selama tahun ini telah menjadi perlindungan nya, satu tempat dia pergi untuk beristirahat dan memulihkan diri setelah berurusan dengan si kembar, kedua set. Ia telah kehilangan hitungan berapa kali dia sudah menyerahkan anak-anak ke Trevor sebaik saja dia melangkah kaki ke dalam rumah dan melarikan diri ke kamar mandi nya dimana ia biasanya tinggal yang baik tiga sampai empat jam sampai Trevor datang untuk mendapatkan dia setelah ia akan menempatkan anak-anak tidur untuk menolongnya bersantai dengan cara lain."Itu adalah berita jam sebelas," Sebastian bangga menunjuk keluar.Dia membuka matanya tepat pada waktunya untuk menangkap semua empat anak menyeringai sangat di pengingat dari mereka lima belas menit ketenaran. Ketika mereka menyadari dia melihat mereka ekspresi mereka sekali lagi menjadi tidak bersalah, bahkan Mathew's. Hmm, ia belajar dengan cepat, ia mencatat, tidak benar-benar yakin bagaimana dia harus merasa tentang hal itu selain ketakutan itu."Kami tidak melakukan apa-apa, mommy. Aku tidak tahu mengapa Anda tidak percaya kita,"Johnnie berkata, memberikan pandangan yang terluka seperti dia memberikannya mengangkat bahu sedikit. "Kami sudah-""Hei, apa sih salah dengan ponsel saya?" seorang yang sudah berdiri di samping mereka bukan lima menit yang lalu menuntut keras."Ada sesuatu yang salah dengan saya, terlalu!" wanita yang telah mencoba untuk memotong di depan mereka sebelumnya berkata, terdengar cukup marah."Saya, terlalu!" seseorang berteriak."Mengapa neraka adalah pengaturan saya dalam bahasa Jepang?" orang lain menuntut, tetapi Zoe tidak melihat mereka. Dia memandang keempat anaknya, yang jika secara fisik mungkin sedang bahkan lebih yang tidak bersalah."Mari kita pergi," Trevor berkata, tiba-tiba sisinya dengan setumpuk dari kotak roti putih ketika ia menggiring anak-anak mereka dari toko roti, tidak diragukan lagi sudah memiliki menempatkan dua dan dua bersama-sama.Tidak ada yang mengatakan apa-apa karena mereka naik ke mobil dan kotak ditempatkan di belakang, minus besar chocolate chip cookie Trevor menggigit pada. Ia naik ke dalam kursi pengemudi dan menembak anak silau peringatan. "Saya tidak tahu apa yang Anda lakukan di sana," ia mengangkat tangannya dalam gerakan berhenti ketika semua empat anak membuka mulut mereka, tidak diragukan lagi untuk memprotes mereka tidak bersalah, dan saya tidak peduli. Tapi siapa pun yang bertindak atas malam ini akan menghabiskan sepanjang malam dengan Anda bibi besar Judie dan akan hanya diperbolehkan untuk makan melemparkan salad dan minum air,"ia mengancam dan Zoe harus mengubah wajahnya dan menggigit bibir untuk menghentikan dari tertawa, terutama ketika semua anak-anak terkesiap keras, terdengar ngeri. Bradford makanan berdasarkan selada, sayuran, dan air adalah murni neraka dan anak-anaknya yang Bradfords sangat banyak."Anda tidak akan," Johnnie memprotes, tapi tidak suara begitu yakin dan untuk alasan yang baik. Trevor tidak pernah membuat janji-janji yang tidak menepati dan anak-anak tahu bahwa."Coba saya," Trevor mengatakan secara merata, membuat Zoe tersenyum.Dia adalah seorang ayah yang indah, manis, perhatian, tapi perusahaan ketika anak-anak membutuhkannya, dan anak laki-laki apakah mereka membutuhkan itu sering. Dari kedua ia memegang anak-anak dalam pelukannya ia telah tangan Bapa. Dia selalu melakukan adil dengan anak-anak dan biasanya lebih ketika dia butuh istirahat atau memiliki pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. Tidak peduli seberapa lelah ia adalah ia tak pernah mengeluh atau menunda anak-anak jika mereka ingin menghabiskan waktu bersamanya."B-but she just came back from antique doll convention," Mathew pointed out desperately."She'll have pictures! Lots and lots of pictures!" Sebastian cried, sounding close to panic."And you'll be spending the entire party with her if you act up or convince any of the other kids to act up," Trevor promised. "Am I understood?""Yes, daddy," came the unified muttered response from the backseat."Good," Trevor said, wiping the cookie crumbs off on his pants before he reached over and took her hand into his. She placed her other hand over his and absently traced shapes on his hand as he caressed her palm with his thumb.Even after all these years it still surprised her that he loved her. The fact that he could probably have any woman he wanted and he'd chosen her still humbled her. She would never be thin, gorgeous or sexy, but Trevor didn't seem to care. Actually, when she voiced her opinion on the matter he got really pissed and informed her that she was the sexiest woman he'd ever laid eyes on and then proceeded to prove it to her.Repeatedly.
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