Con­tin­ues to fer­ment the good wine, the Gin is the strong liquor th terjemahan - Con­tin­ues to fer­ment the good wine, the Gin is the strong liquor th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Con­tin­ues to fer­ment the good wi

Con­tin­ues to fer­ment the good wine, the Gin is the strong liquor that be­came fa­mous, the process of brew­ing also slightly grew each time, but my some are pa­tient, my Level has led the out­stand­ing he­roes in any case, does not need again for the em­pir­i­cal value goes all out, butch­ers some mon­sters of Songrim-ri to also prac­tice skill skilled con­ve­niently.
About after one hour, in my pack­age over­lap­ping ap­pear­ance in­nu­mer­able Gin, when I rush to 4 lev­els of wine-mak­ing tech­niques had a scare, I un­ex­pect­edly am not the per­son who first rushes to 4 lev­els of wine-mak­ing tech­niques, which lu­natic is this is com­pet­ing with me?!
Does not con­cede at heart, con­tinue, looks at 4 lev­els of good wines the for­mu­las
【Tiger-bone liquor】 LV-4 : + 50 Rage points, cools for 60 sec­onds, re­duces 25% stunts to cool Cooldown, tiger bone × 5 and malt pow­der × 25 and fer­men­ta­tion world × 1
The tiger bone, this gad­get is very good to look, kills some tiger classes mon­ster, ex­tracted the bone to be OK, the next sec­ond of my vi­sion har­bored evil in­ten­tions looked to the an­tiq­uity god tiger, this goods clamped the tail to retro­cede im­me­di­ately sev­eral steps, if it will speak def­i­nitely will say „why mas­ter your vi­sion so not good?”.
Ex­am­ines a Xi­adade chart, had des­ig­nated a re­cent map, the god caul­dron bat­tle­field, this piece of map was de­vel­oped to be very long, is [Leg­end] and [Hero’s Mound] per­son here has prac­ticed the level, but [Hero’s Mound] was just de­stroyed com­pletely the main pledge, thinks that did not have the thoughts to come to here to prac­tice the level, but the [Leg­end] per­son did not turn over to the prac­tic­ing level place of sea deep place under Fang Geque lead­er­ship in the ex­plo­ration, can­not mostly.
There­fore, when I flew sky over the god caul­dron bat­tle­field con­firmed that here four no­body, no­body has prac­ticed the level here, and mon­ster in god caul­dron bat­tle­field has also ren­o­vated, no longer was the orig­i­nal an­cient times skele­ton sol­dier and bones of the dead fights the tiger, but was a 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon „bites soul tiger”, the at­tack of this wild an­i­mal class mon­ster was very high, but for me was also only the piece of cake.
Lifts the hand to draw out the but­ter­fly to agree with, di­rect time Lian Zhao rides, when thou­sand 3 storms have struck, one time is the 4 times of in­juries of but­ter­fly, un­ex­pect­edly the in­stan­ta­neous sec­ond has killed this first 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, cre­ated al­ways in­jures has sur­passed 200 W, if this by other player were seen def­i­nitely will be­come a leg­end in forum, tem­porar­ily prob­a­bly didn't have what player to be able Lian Zhao­miao to kill 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its?
Ac­tu­ally I can the sec­ond kill, owed has mur­dered the mur­der­ing god ef­fect of god armor, at­tacked to turn time to the mon­ster, prac­ticed the level sharp weapon!
Walks to go for­ward, ex­tracts the tiger bone, bit the soul tiger to pro­duce 40 + tiger bones un­ex­pect­edly, the bone were re­ally many!
Has not been idling, brought the an­tiq­uity god tiger to kill here en­tire a half hour, even fi­nally ram­pant brought in one crowd to bite the soul tiger, what­ever they gath­ered round them­selves, but I bran­dished the but­ter­fly and town Yue Daoluan chop air/Qi, re­stored with the aid of the Drain ef­fect, did not need to take a drug com­pletely chops to turn one group of fe­ro­cious brave fight­ers, af­ter­ward started to ex­tract the tiger bone.
After near one hour, sta­tic sit­ting in one pile bites in the corpse of soul tiger to start to con­tinue to brew al­co­hol, the tiger-bone liquor ap­pears at pre­sent, this process is quite long, was the fer­ment­ing has only spent for nearly one hour, after the 2-hour-long, my wine-mak­ing tech­nique pro­moted fi­nally suc­cess­fully, and this time I be­came the first wine-mak­ing tech­nique ris
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Con­tin­ues to fer­ment the good wine, the Gin is the strong liquor that be­came fa­mous, the process of brew­ing also slightly grew each time, but my some are pa­tient, my Level has led the out­stand­ing he­roes in any case, does not need again for the em­pir­i­cal value goes all out, butch­ers some mon­sters of Songrim-ri to also prac­tice skill skilled con­ve­niently.About after one hour, in my pack­age over­lap­ping ap­pear­ance in­nu­mer­able Gin, when I rush to 4 lev­els of wine-mak­ing tech­niques had a scare, I un­ex­pect­edly am not the per­son who first rushes to 4 lev­els of wine-mak­ing tech­niques, which lu­natic is this is com­pet­ing with me?!Does not con­cede at heart, con­tinue, looks at 4 lev­els of good wines the for­mu­las【Tiger-bone liquor】 LV-4 : + 50 Rage points, cools for 60 sec­onds, re­duces 25% stunts to cool Cooldown, tiger bone × 5 and malt pow­der × 25 and fer­men­ta­tion world × 1The tiger bone, this gad­get is very good to look, kills some tiger classes mon­ster, ex­tracted the bone to be OK, the next sec­ond of my vi­sion har­bored evil in­ten­tions looked to the an­tiq­uity god tiger, this goods clamped the tail to retro­cede im­me­di­ately sev­eral steps, if it will speak def­i­nitely will say „why mas­ter your vi­sion so not good?”.Ex­am­ines a Xi­adade chart, had des­ig­nated a re­cent map, the god caul­dron bat­tle­field, this piece of map was de­vel­oped to be very long, is [Leg­end] and [Hero’s Mound] per­son here has prac­ticed the level, but [Hero’s Mound] was just de­stroyed com­pletely the main pledge, thinks that did not have the thoughts to come to here to prac­tice the level, but the [Leg­end] per­son did not turn over to the prac­tic­ing level place of sea deep place under Fang Geque lead­er­ship in the ex­plo­ration, can­not mostly.There­fore, when I flew sky over the god caul­dron bat­tle­field con­firmed that here four no­body, no­body has prac­ticed the level here, and mon­ster in god caul­dron bat­tle­field has also ren­o­vated, no longer was the orig­i­nal an­cient times skele­ton sol­dier and bones of the dead fights the tiger, but was a 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon „bites soul tiger”, the at­tack of this wild an­i­mal class mon­ster was very high, but for me was also only the piece of cake.Lifts the hand to draw out the but­ter­fly to agree with, di­rect time Lian Zhao rides, when thou­sand 3 storms have struck, one time is the 4 times of in­juries of but­ter­fly, un­ex­pect­edly the in­stan­ta­neous sec­ond has killed this first 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, cre­ated al­ways in­jures has sur­passed 200 W, if this by other player were seen def­i­nitely will be­come a leg­end in forum, tem­porar­ily prob­a­bly didn't have what player to be able Lian Zhao­miao to kill 6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its?Ac­tu­ally I can the sec­ond kill, owed has mur­dered the mur­der­ing god ef­fect of god armor, at­tacked to turn time to the mon­ster, prac­ticed the level sharp weapon!Walks to go for­ward, ex­tracts the tiger bone, bit the soul tiger to pro­duce 40 + tiger bones un­ex­pect­edly, the bone were re­ally many!Has not been idling, brought the an­tiq­uity god tiger to kill here en­tire a half hour, even fi­nally ram­pant brought in one crowd to bite the soul tiger, what­ever they gath­ered round them­selves, but I bran­dished the but­ter­fly and town Yue Daoluan chop air/Qi, re­stored with the aid of the Drain ef­fect, did not need to take a drug com­pletely chops to turn one group of fe­ro­cious brave fight­ers, af­ter­ward started to ex­tract the tiger bone.After near one hour, sta­tic sit­ting in one pile bites in the corpse of soul tiger to start to con­tinue to brew al­co­hol, the tiger-bone liquor ap­pears at pre­sent, this process is quite long, was the fer­ment­ing has only spent for nearly one hour, after the 2-hour-long, my wine-mak­ing tech­nique pro­moted fi­nally suc­cess­fully, and this time I be­came the first wine-mak­ing tech­nique ris
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Terus fermentasi anggur yang baik, Gin adalah minuman keras yang kuat yang menjadi terkenal, proses pembuatan bir juga sedikit tumbuh setiap kali, tapi saya beberapa pasien, Tingkat saya telah memimpin pahlawan yang luar biasa dalam hal apapun, tidak perlu lagi untuk nilai empiris pergi semua keluar, tukang daging beberapa monster dari Songrim-ri juga berlatih keterampilan terampil nyaman.
Tentang setelah satu jam, dalam paket tumpang tindih penampilan Gin tak terhitung saya, ketika saya terburu-buru untuk 4 tingkat teknik pembuatan anggur memiliki ketakutan, saya tiba-tiba bukan orang yang pertama kali bergegas ke 4 tingkat teknik pembuatan anggur, yang gila adalah ini bersaing dengan saya ?!
tidak kebobolan di hati, terus, terlihat di 4 tingkat anggur yang baik rumus
【Tiger-tulang minuman keras】 LV -4: + 50 Kemarahan poin, mendingin selama 60 detik, mengurangi 25% stunts untuk mendinginkan Cooldown, tulang harimau × 5 dan malt powder × 25 dan dunia fermentasi × 1
tulang harimau, gadget ini sangat baik untuk melihat, membunuh beberapa harimau kelas rakasa, diekstraksi tulang menjadi OK, kedua berikutnya visi saya memendam niat jahat tampak harimau kuno dewa, barang ini dijepit ekor untuk retrocede segera beberapa langkah, jika akan berbicara pasti akan mengatakan "mengapa menguasai visi Anda sehingga tidak baik? ".
Memeriksa grafik Xiadade, telah ditunjuk peta baru-baru ini, dewa kuali medan perang, ini bagian dari peta dikembangkan menjadi sangat panjang, adalah [Legenda] dan [Hero Mound] orang di sini telah dipraktekkan tingkat, tapi [ pahlawan Mound] hanya hancur sepenuhnya janji utama, berpikir yang tidak memiliki pikiran untuk datang ke sini untuk berlatih tingkat, tetapi [Legenda] orang tidak berpaling ke tempat tingkat berlatih laut tempat jauh di bawah kepemimpinan Fang Geque dalam eksplorasi, tidak bisa sebagian besar.
Karena itu, ketika saya terbang langit di atas medan perang dewa kuali menegaskan bahwa di sini empat tak seorang pun, tak seorang pun telah berlatih tingkat di sini, dan rakasa pada tuhan kuali medan perang juga telah direnovasi, tidak lagi adalah asli zaman kuno prajurit kerangka dan tulang orang mati perkelahian harimau, tetapi adalah 6 tingkat setan yang berbeda "gigitan jiwa harimau", serangan kelas hewan rakasa liar ini sangat tinggi, tapi bagi saya juga hanya sepotong kue.
Lift tangan untuk menarik keluar kupu-kupu setuju dengan, waktu langsung Lian Zhao naik, ketika ribu 3 badai telah melanda, satu waktu adalah 4 kali dari cedera kupu-kupu, tiba-tiba kedua seketika menewaskan ini pertama 6 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, dibuat selalu melukai telah melampaui 200 W, jika ini dengan pemain lain terlihat pasti akan menjadi legenda di forum, sementara mungkin tidak memiliki apa pemain untuk dapat Lian Zhaomiao membunuh 6 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda?
Sebenarnya saya bisa membunuh kedua, berutang telah membunuh efek dewa membunuh dewa armor, menyerang untuk mengubah waktu untuk rakasa, berlatih senjata tajam tingkat!
Walks untuk maju, ekstrak tulang harimau, sedikit jiwa harimau untuk menghasilkan 40 + tulang harimau tiba-tiba, tulang yang benar-benar banyak!
belum pernah idling, membawa kuno dewa harimau membunuh sini seluruh setengah jam, bahkan akhirnya merajalela membawa satu orang untuk menggigit harimau jiwa, apa pun yang mereka berkumpul di sekeliling diri mereka sendiri, tapi aku mengacungkan kupu-kupu dan kota Yue Daoluan memotong udara / Qi, dipulihkan dengan bantuan efek Drain, tidak perlu mengambil obat-benar chops untuk mengubah satu kelompok pejuang pemberani ganas, setelah itu mulai mengambil tulang harimau.
Setelah dekat satu jam, statis duduk di salah satu gigitan tumpukan di mayat harimau jiwa untuk memulai untuk terus menyeduh alkohol, minuman keras harimau-tulang muncul saat ini, proses ini cukup lama, itu fermentasi telah hanya menghabiskan selama hampir satu jam, setelah 2 jam panjang, anggur-saya pembuatan teknik dipromosikan akhirnya berhasil, dan kali ini saya menjadi yang pertama pembuatan anggur teknik ris
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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